posted on Jan, 22 2005 @ 11:00 AM
Hi, I just joined today, 1/22/05. I have had my suspicions about the truth behind 9/11 since about 5 minutes after the second plane hit the World
Trade Center. Lets see.... Who had a personal motive?
Is it possible that Bush was already planning on attacking Iraq before he ever took office in 2001? If so, he needed to get the American people
pretty fired up mad at the Arabs. You know that he doesn't seem to have much of a problem ordering executions. He got his start as Governor of
Texas. He never stayed one execution.
So, what could be more perfect. Bush, family & inner circle orchestrate "mastermind" in their words this supposed terrorist attack on the Twin
Towers, killing some 2500 or more innocent people, which probably didn't really bother him much. That sets off a chain of events, all parts of a
plan to make the Bush Family Dynasty even more rich and powerful, etc...
So of course, it is immediately leaked to the media that the "hijackers" were of Middle Eastern descent. Most people believe the media. Especially
grieving people, who want to grasp at any straw that makes some sort of sense.
Bush is conveniently in Texas, reading to young school children at the time of the attacks. He had probably rehearsed this moment for a long time.
So, now he swiftly responds, gets things somewhat under control, reasures the nation that we will take care of those terrorists, it will never happen
again, etc..etc... Of course, he has had a personal vendetta against Saddaam Hussein for quite some time, as has the rest of his family.
So, now that he looks like a hero to most of the sheep in this country, has them all believing that the terrorists were Middle Eastern, causing
America to become indignant, and want to "get" those who have taken the lives of their loved ones.
So, it wasn't to far of a leap to convince them that Iraq had WMD, the country who was dictated by Saddam Hussein, who he could then have taken out
by the U.S. military. Then, pretty much as the plan must have gone, once Saddaam was out of power, and the contract hits he put out on his sons was
carried out, he would be free to own Iraq, one of the largest oil producing nations. He didn't do so well in the Texas oil business, but,
this.....he could kill a lot of birds with one stone.
What he probably didn't take into consideration though, was the number of "insurgents" who were attacking Americans and Iraqis who cooperate with
the U.S. Although, if anyone were to look up the word "insurgent", it means basically a person or persons who rebelled against the countries
government and laws. Well, doesn't that make the real insurgents the United States? The ones who invaded another country, who never was a threat to
the United States, just because Bush wanted the power, the oil, the revenge and the recognition.
At this point, due to his doings in his first term, all or nearly all of the conditions necessary to set FEMA in motion, with one stroke of his pen
are in place. There is civil unrest; there is trouble over the continued U.S. occupation in a foreign country; the domestic economy is vey poor, and
there are supposed terrorist attacks.
Just when will FEMA take over? When it does, there is no stopping it. We, as citizens will have no rights, no power, no control over our own lives.
What will become of us then?