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Pagan and Earth Based Religions

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posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 08:39 AM
Now, before we start this we should all know that I am not a practitioner of any particular pagan religion. I am, as I have stated in previous threads, a spiritual person who enjoys studying religions but who is not religous.

With that said I would like to say that, in my humble opinion, that, out of the religions I have studied, the pagan and earth based ones seem to make the most sense to me.

Forget the god(s)/goddess(es) that they worship, that is not the important thing. It is how and why they worship them. It is the love for the earth and the, from what I have seen, overwhelming acceptance of others beliefs, social status and sexual orientation.

The point of this thread is to open the floor up to discussion on this topic. Agree? Disagree? Let me know about it and lets talk about it.

I await your reply.

posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 12:43 PM
Acceptance! That is THE key!

What is love? Truly?


posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 01:45 PM
Well, any belief that is ignorant of a supreme God and an earth entity,is in my opinion, lacking in full spiritual truth. Most pagans,despite what "experts" have told us, are not idol worshippers. I have even been so bold as to state that there are no "pagans" existent in the sense that most people would identify them.

Now, even the bible declares that "destroyers of the earth are enemies of God," which is ironic sense most christians are very anti-environmentalism...

"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever...and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they shall be judged, and that thou...shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth."

(Revelation 11:15,18)

Yet, the anti-environmetalism of most Christian congreagations are overwhelming. Why? I think it is because they do not have any sense of the earth being an entity. I think most Christians,Jews, and Muslims just view this earth as a chunk of rock floating through space and time. That,at least to me, is somewhat disrespectful to the God that created it.


posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by spines
It is the love for the earth and the, from what I have seen, overwhelming acceptance of others beliefs, social status and sexual orientation.

The do indeed say that, and it may be the goal, but from my experiences many people interpret that as "You must accept my[/] beliefs, social status and sexual orientation" and have little tolerance for others.

posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 04:43 PM
I think people often misunderstand Earth-Based religions. I am a fallower of an Earth-based religion or spirituallity. Like Christians, I believe in one God that is the creator of all things. I believe in the guiding principles, what most refer to as the Ten Commandments.

Here's the key difference:

Christians are taught to look to Scriptures AKA the Bible to find God.

I on the other hand learned to seek God in nature. I learned that God will reveil himself through the elements and the cycles of nature, because he is a part of Every living thing. God (the Creator) is a Part of his creation.

Same GOD, Same Values, Same Principles! We just have a different Path to get there.


[edit on 14-11-2006 by Ghost01]

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 04:25 AM
If we think of God's spirit as the 'fertilizer' (yes-sperm!)
and we think of Mother Earth as the womb (remember God breathed into the being He had fashioned out of dust which is the finest particulate form of the rock which is our sustainer) Then undeniably we then can apply one Father and one Mother to the 5th commandment:

Honor your Father and Mother so that your days shall be long upon the land which your Elohim is giving you. Three strikes and you might have to give an answer for some of this….

Have we honored our mother? NO. We rape her in various ways on a daily basis-the one that I am reminded of every day (living in the SW Permian Basin) is the endless drilling for oil and natural gas. ENDLESS. It is to the point lately that they just mark of a grid (in certain places) and pop a hole in every intersection-the odds are good enough that I guess it is more economical than hiring the geologists and surveyors like they used to...

Not to mention the crap and refuse we constantly and thoughtlessly dump into her life giving waters with impunity-just to have our easy plastics and other unnatural substutites for things we can make in a more natural way (which, is, IMO, everything! computers don't count-they should never be thrown away- the can be used forever when reconditioned and reformed-I personally have never met a PC that was really truly 'broken'-unless it had been turned out when wet).

Old tires can be used for the basis of unique and energy efficient adobe homes-along with many other 'non-perishables' that we keep manufacturing and throwing away at an alarming rate....

And yet christianity calls reverence for Mother Earth 'idolatry' or 'satanism' or 'paganism.'
BUT, as S of T above said-the promise at the end of Revelation is to destroy them that destroy the earth!

(that was) STRIKE #1

And also 'pantheism' is considered some sort of heretical forbidden thought or belief, yet we have also written (from the very first):

For what nation is there so great, who hath God so nigh unto them, as the LORD our God is in all things that we call upon him for? ~Deuteronomy 4:7

and later, after Christ's visitiation:

(Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) ~Ephesians 4:9-10

I checked the original lingos on both of these-the second one, where it says 'fill all things'-well, 'fill' means to 'inbue' or 'diffuse' (like a tea bag does in hot water) 'to furnish' 'to cram,' and 'to make replete.'

SO, biblically speaking, Pantheism is TRUE according to GOD (and Paul

Besides that, physics alone tells us that if God was the energy (the mind) that first said 'let there be light' and later on said 'let there be fishes and birds and plants and trees and things that eat and poop' then the energy which became matter did not change as energy, just as form-so God didn't change from God-He just took on all forms necessary to create a world to enjoy and make some little 'gods' to live within...TO ME, it is only common and logical sense that God's spirit is imbued in every single atom and quark and whatever else there is as far as particulate matter and of course the spirit that we recognize as spirit could very well be that which is in wave form....anyway-what is the best way for God to be EVERYWHERE and ONCE?
Being everywhere at once!

Not just in you but in the chair you sit on (and sometimes even fart on!) and the glass you drink out of and the carpet upon which you walk and the grass you mow....etc.


Last but not least-the idea that God is picky and only loves those of His children which decide to follow one of their own little clubs that they've declared approved by Him (which He just laughs at) is actually CONTRADICTED right in the good old Holy Bible, as well!

Look here:

Micah 4:1-5

What does that say in verse 5? ALL people will walk EVERY ONE in the name of their own god! Their own god???!? And it will be by God's own plan and will be protected by Him! IOW-no one better tell someone else that they have the 'wrong' god and then spew out some self-ordained police wanna be condemnation.

God says everyone gets
1) a vine
2) a fig tree and
3) a life free of fear and of threats and
4) the right to walk under their own god (whomever that may be).

Besides that-no wars about anything-just farming and harvest and feasts and shin-digs and barn-raisings and all that old fashioned stuff like on little house on the prairie or grizzly adams (that's my choice-being an animal lover)...

Micah 4:6-13

It does appear that God has a certain form and organization of leadership already lined out ( and likely the elected are already determined as well) but I have little doubt that the reasons behind the forms of guidance/leadership/organization and also those He elects in to 'office' have been in intensive training for countless lifetimes according to His plan-just vessels He's fashioned to do His will-which is to protect the people's total freedom of 'religion' as well as guarantee a free and peaceful life where no one is really rich or too poor-but all are happy (because they feel truly useful and are genuinely prosperous according to their labors) and are able to put family first and politics in the trash can! (and religion, too, in the form we know-that's politics, too, in case you didn't know)


I think that the 'heaven' we are waiting for is going to be a lot like what the 'so-called' Pagan religions honor and (probably-I don't know but correct me if I'm wrong)
see as their version of maybe paradise or utopia or the next age or whatever (I'm SO ignorant as far as words and jargon -forgive me)

I think that christianity is going to be feeling like a 'jilted' bride when they find out there has been a goddess married to their God all along-and that it ain't thousands and thousands of people, both male and female....(why would God marry a bunch of people-that makes no sense at all! Is he a bisexual Mormon or into swinging? :shk:
forgive me that – just a attempt to shock sense into some heads!)

But the good news is this is that all the men will know what it is like to be gods and their women will be their beautiful goddesses...

and not only will they feel that way inside-they will treat one another accordingly-in front of their children and in private-and so that will fix a whole lot of ills right there (as long as the god isn't Cronus, that is

Abraham and Sarah
Isaac and Rebekkah
Jacob and Rachel
Joseph and Asenath
Moses and Zipporah
David and Bathsheba
Solomon and Ramses girl
Isaiah and his Prophetess
Zechariah and Elizabeth
Yehoshua and His Miriam (prostitute OR noblewoman-her fidelity SHINES)
Aquila and Prisca
Neb and his wife! (the gardens, remember)

All these are excellent models for us as gods and godesses in training!

Even Hagai and Gomer: think about the idea of Israel as the 'whore' who was chastised greatly with terrible humiliations in front of all-and she bore her disciplines and didn't protest or try to flee-and then when God said 'I'm going to woo her back and restore her position, beauty, and adornments’ she humbly allowed Him to remove her reproach and became worthy of the clean white linen and the status of pure and chosen bride….the wife of His youth He kept!

WHY did John WONDER in ADMIRATION at the whore of Babylon? Because she was condemned (her actions but not her soul) yet still loved and stayed loyal to her husband’s authority over her…she took her chastening in silence – and was pardoned. Why did she deserve to drink the blood of marytrys and saints? Remember the blood of Christ is included in that so therefore that elixir is a blessed on that gives life and knowledge and wisdom and fullness – this is not the cup of wrath – Yehoshua drank this already!
Because SHE loved ALL with all her being – for free – not for gain but loss of both her reputation and her status as God’s queen – she loved all the creatures God created – both corporeal and non-corporeal….she made sure that even the really confused were not lost or left out– if they ‘fornicated’ with God’s wife they were still connected to God. And she loved them so much she didn’t want them to be condemned. She took their sin and inevitable punishment, upon herself! She deceived them all only in letting them think there was were ways around God! He will not lose a one of us – and neither will she! They are our parents!

This is mentioned, also, in the verses in Micah which I linked to. Look at chapter 8. The ‘tower’ is the tower of Babel! It is the first dominion and it is the one to which all will be restored! Look at verse 12! God has a plan beyond our understanding! God brought all men together under all these things most want to condemn! He used to whore to spread His love far and wide to all men – all religions! All those she loved in her illicit affairs upon the high places, etc – that will all be collected under just one treasury roof!

Many whores served God!

I think the biggest problems orthodoxy churchianity has with ‘paganism’ is that it is a heterosexual balanced partnership, esteeming both sexes as two parts of ONE whole – and to honor Gaia is a direct threat upon the ‘divine’ fraternity of this age! Gaia is not a mother or a doomed whore! She is the womb of God’s fertility! Without earth where would the seed root and grow and prosper? Without a womb where would spirit be able to sew it’s seeds? No mom – no children!

That’s the way I see it, anwyay. So far God hasn’t done anything but encourage my thoughts – and shown me my mother Gaia, too - I see them BOTH!

[edit on 11/15/2006 by queenannie38]

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 09:44 AM
I don't understand what you are itching to hear/read. Pagan is pagan. Worship the Creator, not the creation. Respect the creation yes! The biggest problem with 'most' religions today, is they are ALL rooted somewhere in paganism. Why do you think the Scripture says "Come out of her MY people?

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 11:01 AM
perhaps this can be summed up in these two thoughts.

First. There is one Mountain but many ways to the top of the Mountain.
We do not all stand at the same place around the base of the Mountain ( the Circle). Each individual
stands in their own place and makes their own journey to the top of the Mountain. This does not however
preclude us from traveling seperate but parallel paths, nor does it preclude us from assisting others on their journey.
This journey is not a straight lineal accent, if we like it or not it crosses and intersects with others. It is IMO
what we learn from and carry away from these intersections that make up " The Treasure on The Mountain". It is
not the Destination that matters, It is The Journey.

The second. The second is something I was taught long ago, We do not Worship the grass,trees and nature.
We Do Give thanks to for for all things.
We give thanks to the Sun and Rain. For without the Sun and Rain the Grass would not grow.
We give thanks to the Grass. For without the Grass The Buffalo would not come.
We give thanks to the Buffalo. For without the Buffalo we would have no homes, clothing,tools or food.
Without these things we would no longer exist.

No matter what Creator you believe in I'm sure you believe at the least that creator provides at least these
basics. If you are clothed , fed and secure what else is there ?

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by HarpStrings
Why do you think the Scripture says "Come out of her MY people?

First of all, which scripture are you talking about? The Koran, the Bible, the Book of the Dead? You're going to have to be specific. If you mean the Bible that's not really what this discussion is about since it's not an Earth based religion.(Unless you wish to argue that it is)

I think you're quoting Revelation 18:4 (deny obscurity), but still taking it out of context. Are we supposed to leave the earth and set up a colony on the moon? That verse doesn't really apply to this discussion.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by dbates

Originally posted by HarpStrings
Why do you think the Scripture says "Come out of her MY people?

First of all, which scripture are you talking about? The Koran, the Bible, the Book of the Dead? You're going to have to be specific. If you mean the Bible that's not really what this discussion is about since it's not an Earth based religion.(Unless you wish to argue that it is)

You're right.Christianity is certainly not an earth based religion. I think that can be proven by its extreme anti-environmentalism.But as I have said,Christians will be held accountable for this.

"And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever...and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they shall be judged, and that thou...shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth."

(Revelation 11:15,18)

[edit on 15-11-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

[edit on 15-11-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

[edit on 15-11-2006 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 04:00 PM
Well, I have to admit that I was wrong. Not all Christian denominations are anti-environmentalist. I did find this site here:

Christian environmentalist

Now some may ask, what does environmentalism have to do with earth-based religions? Well...a lot.

Earth-based religions traditionally respect both the supreme God and the earth as an entity. In other words, earth based religions are respectful of not only God but of God's creation. Nothing bad can come from God. Can it?

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