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Was the 10-11-06 New York plane crash a bomb? Footage doesn't show a plane.

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posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 03:21 PM
Was the 10-11-06 New York plane crash a bomb?

The footage doesn't show a plane in the air.
Watch this link:

A whole 10 seconds of no plane in the air before the crash!
Witnesses heard a BOOM, but did not "see" a plane!

9-11-01 (conspiracy)
10-11-06 (conspiracy)

posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 03:27 PM
They found the planes engine and other parts of the plane. I don't think it was a bomb. Would the two people who were on the plane be flying on a bomb?

posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 03:33 PM

Henry Neimark, a witness on the ground who is a pilot, said the plane was flying erratically before the crash, and it appeared the pilot lost control.

"I saw an airplane banking very, very steeply," he said. "I said to myself, 'That's very odd for a light plane like that.'"

People did see a plane.

posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by enjoies05

Henry Neimark, a witness on the ground who is a pilot, said the plane was flying erratically before the crash, and it appeared the pilot lost control.

"I saw an airplane banking very, very steeply," he said. "I said to myself, 'That's very odd for a light plane like that.'"

People did see a plane.

Your link doesn't work? Your claim is that there was a "pilot" that witnessed the "plane" from the ground. Even if it is true, it sounds like a coverup since the witness was a "pilot". A "pilot", come on now, the witness might as well been George Bush.

posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by enjoies05
They found the planes engine and other parts of the plane. I don't think it was a bomb. Would the two people who were on the plane be flying on a bomb?

Of course, if the government set up this plane crash just like they did with 9-11, then they would most certainly place airplane parts next to the bomb inside the building!

posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 04:11 PM
The video angle doesn't cover in front of the building nor any plane that could have come from the right so I'm not certain there was no plane that impacted.

Mind you we got stories about all those witnesses to the pentagon crash and I've yet to hear one name of an actual person.

posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 04:20 PM
You people know that there are such things as accidents, right? It's like the accident when the pilot got lost and flew a B-26 into the Empire State Building. ACCIDENT.

posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by CaptainIraq
You people know that there are such things as accidents, right? It's like the accident when the pilot got lost and flew a B-26 into the Empire State Building. ACCIDENT.

Of course, there are accidents, but this incident smelled like a conspiracy from the get go. I am unfooled by the lack of video evidence of the so called "plane" in the air and can see a conspiracy like a shark smells blood through water.

posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 05:03 PM
my favorite part of this is the blooming passport - I mean, come on! Was this staged to show us all just how indestructable a passport really is so we can forget about the atta passport from 9-11???

lmao - stupid blooming people covering a cover up with an improbable act....sheesh!

posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by realanswers
Of course, there are accidents, but this incident smelled like a conspiracy from the get go. I am unfooled by the lack of video evidence of the so called "plane" in the air and can see a conspiracy like a shark smells blood through water.

Then. pray tell, just what is the conspiracy? What is being covered up or commited?

Originally posted by D4rk Kn1ght
my favorite part of this is the blooming passport - I mean, come on! Was this staged to show us all just how indestructable a passport really is so we can forget about the atta passport from 9-11???

lmao - stupid blooming people covering a cover up with an improbable act....sheesh!

Um, wrong thread.


posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 05:15 PM
i'm a belgian who just posted a thread and got banned from ATS because i asked a some quostianss about what the begian gov gonna do about the whole thingy i thought up here in europe we ha righth to talk what we want to talk about .... ? Pitty pps like me got arrested because we talk about ur fking president...!!! i find -it anoiying that ur FBI or CIA thingy haz the right 2 get me arrested because i dont like ur gov !!! don't they call that racimsm?????

posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by Spartannic
i'm a belgian who just posted a thread and got banned from ATS

Banned? Obviously not.

Beyond that, why are you posting your rant in a thread entitiled Was the 10-11-06 New York plane crash a bomb? Footage doesn't show a plane.?


posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 05:53 PM
A bomb?

Seems like a serious lack of destruction for a bomb.
I would expect at the least, part of the building face to be blown away for several stories above and below the impact zone.

Methinks you're grasping at straws....

posted on Oct, 21 2006 @ 06:10 PM
Why would the Yankee pitcher and the other person who was in the plane die if it was a bomb in the building?

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by enjoies05
Why would the Yankee pitcher and the other person who was in the plane die if it was a bomb in the building?

WHO SAYS THEY ARE EVEN DEAD. It was quicky announced that they were dead, but where is the evidence of them even being in a plane at the time, more or less being in the "plane". My questions are: Where were these people last seen before the crash? Did anybody read or here about that somewhere?

I don't see a plane here in the air a whole 10 seconds of "available video" before the explosion:

I don't see a standard airplane explosion. This video here shows that the small plane explosion is only about as big as the small plane, but the 10-11-06 explosion
is about 10 times as big!:

Read this article explaining that the plane had to be DROPPING fast at the time because it has said that: "It was last seen on radar about a quarter-mile north of the building, in the middle of the turn, at 500 feet."

I can run a quarter-mile in about 2 minutes so if the footage shows an unseen "plane" going so slow that you don't see it for 10 SECONDS around the building before the explosion, then how on Earth can it DIVE a quarter-mile distance while going that SLOW?!?

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by realanswers

Originally posted by enjoies05
Why would the Yankee pitcher and the other person who was in the plane die if it was a bomb in the building?

WHO SAYS THEY ARE EVEN DEAD. It was quicky announced that they were dead, but where is the evidence of them even being in a plane at the time, more or less being in the "plane". My questions are: Where were these people last seen before the crash? Did anybody read or here about that somewhere?

I don't see a plane here in the air a whole 10 seconds of "available video" before the explosion:

I don't see a standard airplane explosion. This video here shows that the small plane explosion is only about as big as the small plane, but the 10-11-06 explosion
is about 10 times as big!:

Read this article explaining that the plane had to be DROPPING fast at the time because it has said that: "It was last seen on radar about a quarter-mile north of the building, in the middle of the turn, at 500 feet."

I can run a quarter-mile in about 2 minutes so if the footage shows an unseen "plane" going so slow that you don't see it for 10 SECONDS around the building before the explosion, then how on Earth can it DIVE a quarter-mile distance while going that SLOW?!?

Doesn't anybody have something to say about this?

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 06:23 PM
Working with cameras every day, there is a good chance that the angles involved ment that no plane would be visable, or from that distance even show up on recording.

On the other hand, is there any requirement for a pilot to actually carry a passport when flying an aircraft? I would have thought that a passport would only really be required for leaving the country?

i think (please correct me if im wrong) that in the UK, only a pilots license and photographic id for the airfields are required?

posted on Oct, 22 2006 @ 06:29 PM
There is no point saying anything to you. You have some crazy explaination for everything. You're right. Ok? Happy?

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by realanswers

Originally posted by enjoies05
Why would the Yankee pitcher and the other person who was in the plane die if it was a bomb in the building?

WHO SAYS THEY ARE EVEN DEAD. It was quicky announced that they were dead, but where is the evidence of them even being in a plane at the time, more or less being in the "plane". My questions are: Where were these people last seen before the crash? Did anybody read or here about that somewhere?

I don't see a plane here in the air a whole 10 seconds of "available video" before the explosion:

I don't see a standard airplane explosion. This video here shows that the small plane explosion is only about as big as the small plane, but the 10-11-06 explosion
is about 10 times as big!:

Read this article explaining that the plane had to be DROPPING fast at the time because it has said that: "It was last seen on radar about a quarter-mile north of the building, in the middle of the turn, at 500 feet."

I can run a quarter-mile in about 2 minutes so if the footage shows an unseen "plane" going so slow that you don't see it for 10 SECONDS around the building before the explosion, then how on Earth can it DIVE a quarter-mile distance while going that SLOW?!?

This is the longest footage(10 seconds) before the 10-11-06 New York City building explosion:

Though, I believe that this is long enough time to proove that it wasn't a diving or falling plane, I still must ask:
Does anybody know where on Earth on the Internet I can review the original footage before the limited 10 seconds before the crash as that weblink has revealed?

By the way, the so called "plane" was supposed to be a SINGLE ENGINED plane. That means that if the engine fails, it will go straight down, not direct itself horizontally with NO CONTROL into the MIDDLE of a SIDE of a building!

posted on Oct, 23 2006 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by realanswers

By the way, the so called "plane" was supposed to be a SINGLE ENGINED plane. That means that if the engine fails, it will go straight down, not direct itself horizontally with NO CONTROL into the MIDDLE of a SIDE of a building!

Not true. There are small engine aircraft almost on a daily basis that successfully land with NO engine power - it's called glide. Granted, it's an immediate situation of "glide to land now or crash" - but it does happen --- a lot! An airline jet is also capable, and has happened not just rarely, of landing successfully with NO engine power whatsoever.

Even helocopters can land - no fatalites - with complete power loss:


EDIT = Added Examples

[edit on 23/10/06 by Misfit]

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