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The new Illuminati

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posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 02:26 AM
As you are all aware, the Illuminati are suppose to be the global elite in charge of the world and they decide on what happens and what does not happen.

Link to Wiki Definition

But I can't help thinking that this is a smokescreen? I know if you look back in history you will find that they was a very secretive society. But nowadays they are widely known and are popping up in books and films all over the place.

Do you believe that maybe they are using a new name? Or do you believe they are still using this name? Or do you believe they don't exist?

Opinions please

posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 02:35 AM
I think that you see what they want you to see. If you think that you are informed by watching television and reading books, you are seriously mistaken. You say a phrase that I have had embedded in my mind since I was ten;
" The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled, was convincing the World he didn't exist."
Think about that statement.....Do you think you would know who they are or it is, if they already convinced the world before you, that they dont exist?


[edit on 20-10-2006 by Cside702]

posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 08:43 PM
I think that the term and name "illuminati" is outdated and it's continued use in the context of the elite world controlling secret society is more then alittle silly, while i wouldnt doubt that such an organization could and likely does exist.. i seriously doubt that they would call themselves the illuminati, if they even call themselves anything.. and i would think that they would also find the term illuminati, as used to refer to them. to be rather humorous. i doubt that such a group could call themselves anything but friends and comrades. It is we, the theorists that give such a group it's name.. and for some reason we are still stuck on a name that should have died over a century ago

posted on Oct, 20 2006 @ 09:33 PM
i usually refer to them as 'the cabal' or the 'old boys club'. a little less assuming & tbh i think the term 'illuminati' gives them more credit than they're due. mostly just rich, megalomaniac schmucks operating in pure self-interest with some nasty personal habits on the side.

posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 06:26 PM
I agree Illuminati is a cool word. But I like the cabal or elite better. Illuminati is a little dated. I do believe they exist. They meet every year at a meeting called Bilderberger.

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 09:55 AM
What's in a name really? If I took away your first and last name, you would still be you right? I do not believe everything attributed to the Illuminati, I do believe they existed at one time, maybe still, but I high doubt they would still use such a widely recognized nomen.

The conference isn't called Bilderberger, the group is called the Bilderberg group and yes I agree, if one was to start looking for "Illuminati" members there might be one or two out of the 130 there.

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 11:02 AM
I believe they still are around and in full force. I think with these people though it's considered an honor to be that name. It's been around for a very long time. If you talk to to anyone who is consp. buff the word Illuminati brings many things to mind. The imagination runs wild if I may. What's in a name really? And can mean many things to many different people. Bush for instance or Rockefeller is another. A name can bring to mind many things. Or for instance you Baphomet79. I guess it just depends on the person maybe. You know?

posted on Nov, 11 2006 @ 02:05 PM
You would have to be ignorant to think nothing happens. Scale and depth is question. Forgive the apples and oranges comparision, take for instance how many people are caught for regular crimes now you think everyone has clean motives in the world?

Compare people that have and people that want. People with money have it and are not so flashy. Now take someone that wants it and shows it to a level of crudeness. Anyone with a face is faceless type of thing.

A great comparison of this is seeing people that pop up on this board no signiture,avatar or debate to sell, no identity being built they may post with a few hints of knowing certain things but never to make the mistake of saying too much in means of hoping to relate to the few out there that are involved in lesser ways. the invisibles. This can be said with many secret sects,jobs,doings etc including the topic on hand.

posted on Nov, 12 2006 @ 11:17 PM
I think it is funny how the word "Illuminatie" can at once mean kind benevolent ascended spiritual masters who seek to aid humanity, but at the same time can mean evil powerful men who seek to rule humanity*

Is it possible that the real truth about the Illuminatie is so fantastic that they themselves know the public cannot accept nor understand it: so they themselves leak the truth, finance publication of the books exposing them--and even feed ideas to cynical authors who think that they are actually creating the story to make a quick buck* Could they in essence, be hiding the truth with the truth?

Or maybe they are the cosmic "White Lodge" who seeks to guide mankind through its own infancy into a new stage of evolution?

Possibly they are a mass hysteria, creations of the human mind which seeks to assign an order to chaos, as in "things can't be that bad!! Their must be some evil force which I am powerless to stop screwing up the world"

Probably they are just rich old men clinging desperately to their archaic ways while the worls changes around them

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 05:04 PM
Or maybe they are the cosmic "White Lodge" who seeks to guide mankind through its own infancy into a new stage of evolution?

Whatever it is I for one am not for it.

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by Spores From Space
Or maybe they are the cosmic "White Lodge" who seeks to guide mankind through its own infancy into a new stage of evolution?

Probably they are just rich old men clinging desperately to their archaic ways while the worls changes around them

There sure is a lot of clinging in this world, but it probably is not by the Elder Brothers of the White Lodge.

From: Teachings of the White Lodge

...Now from the point of view of sexual transmutation, I want to tell you that the sexual hormones (active in the blood, charged with electricity and magnetism) produce mitosis in the adult human organism: new splitting of cells, formation of new tissues, etc. This is how you can achieve - from a biological standpoint - a complete regeneration or rejuvenation of the human organism.

What is the difference, for example, between the young “new waves” and the antiquated and retardant old people?

One: a young man’s third testicular layer produces large amounts of sexual hormones, lots of zoosperms. All these zoosperms, transformed into hormones, go to the brain and renew it. That is why young people have a revolutionary way of thinking and open up to what is new, etc. On the other hand, the poor old men who have already wasted the Sacred Sperm, who have deteriorated through sexual abuse, are really ruined: the third testicular layer now produces very few zoosperms. Quite often it takes them days and months to have enough zoosperms to achieve a simple erection. And of course, when they manage to achieve an erection, they immediately seek the coitus and eliminate these zoosperms. They spend days, a month, or more, accumulating new zoosperms; once they have them, they immediately waste them (for the passionate satisfaction of a moment), and that is how they spend their lives, till they die.

Since they do not have what produces great amounts of zoosperms, the third testicular layer gradually becomes totally atrophied. It produces its cells or hormones, but due to its atrophy these cannot pass on to another stage. Then there may even appear certain inflammations and swellings between the second and the third layers and, worst of all, this logically comes to affect the prostate. Those poor, degenerated old men always have their prostates operated on because of their abuses. This is clear and I want you to understand it specifically and definitely...


[edit on 13-11-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Nov, 13 2006 @ 09:19 PM
No matter what they say or how they spin their beliefs, you can judge them by their deeds. And I can't think of many good deeds attributed to the so-called 'illuminati'. The order from chaos mentality doesn't cut it with me.

posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by Tamahu

Originally posted by Spores From Space
Or maybe they are the cosmic "White Lodge" who seeks to guide mankind through its own infancy into a new stage of evolution?

Probably they are just rich old men clinging desperately to their archaic ways while the worls changes around them

There sure is a lot of clinging in this world, but it probably is not by the Elder Brothers of the White Lodge.

From: Teachings of the White Lodge

...Now from the point of view of sexual transmutation, I want to tell you that the sexual hormones (active in the blood, charged with electricity and magnetism) produce mitosis in the adult human organism: new splitting of cells, formation of new tissues, etc. This is how you can achieve - from a biological standpoint - a complete regeneration or rejuvenation of the human organism.

What is the difference, for example, between the young “new waves” and the antiquated and retardant old people?

One: a young man’s third testicular layer produces large amounts of sexual hormones, lots of zoosperms. All these zoosperms, transformed into hormones, go to the brain and renew it. That is why young people have a revolutionary way of thinking and open up to what is new, etc. On the other hand, the poor old men who have already wasted the Sacred Sperm, who have deteriorated through sexual abuse, are really ruined: the third testicular layer now produces very few zoosperms. Quite often it takes them days and months to have enough zoosperms to achieve a simple erection. And of course, when they manage to achieve an erection, they immediately seek the coitus and eliminate these zoosperms. They spend days, a month, or more, accumulating new zoosperms; once they have them, they immediately waste them (for the passionate satisfaction of a moment), and that is how they spend their lives, till they die.

Since they do not have what produces great amounts of zoosperms, the third testicular layer gradually becomes totally atrophied. It produces its cells or hormones, but due to its atrophy these cannot pass on to another stage. Then there may even appear certain inflammations and swellings between the second and the third layers and, worst of all, this logically comes to affect the prostate. Those poor, degenerated old men always have their prostates operated on because of their abuses. This is clear and I want you to understand it specifically and definitely...


[edit on 13-11-2006 by Tamahu]

Thanks for quoting my post, it is flattering

I was actually differentiating between the White Lodge Illuminatie and the hypothetical "Old Boy" political Illuminatie as being two seperate groups with two seperate motives, the one benign, the other harmful*

Of course all we know for sure is that the higher orders of esoteric traditions call themselves Illuminatie, and that their was once several historical illuminaties, from the Spanish Alumbdraduhs mystics to Adam Weishaupts Bavarian Perfectibilists, and both of these groups seemed to be "the good guys" In fact it was fanatical right wingers of the time (sound famalliar?) like the colonial Reverend Morse who spread the anti-Illuminatie propoganda

posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 09:22 PM

Originally posted by Spores From Space
Thanks for quoting my post, it is flattering

I was actually differentiating between the White Lodge Illuminatie and the hypothetical "Old Boy" political Illuminatie as being two seperate groups with two seperate motives, the one benign, the other harmful*


I was obviously not paying attention.

Anyhow, we could say that there are Illuminati of the White Lodge(authentic Gnostics, Mahatmas, Lamas, etc.) and Illuminati of the Black Lodge(Black Magicians, political Zionists, Dugpas, etc.)


[edit on 14-11-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Nov, 14 2006 @ 11:49 PM
Yes, I could agree with the division of White and Black Lodges, qualifying that sometimes they do tend to overlap each other,, ex: Blavantski supposedly received the Secret Doctrine frm the White Lodge, yet her interpretation of the doctrine led to Theosophy, which influenced the Golden Dawn, which led to the Thule Society, which led to Nazism* I wonder if the "Masters" saw that one coming?

Another question mark is Mr Crowley* Black or White Lodge affiliate? He called himself a "black magician" yet his teachings have brought joy to many*

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 01:33 AM
In about ten years of casual study, I have yet to see one single piece of evidence that there is any such 'illuminati' group. Sure, the worlds power brokers meet regularly, a conference first held at the Bilderberg hotel, from which they were dubbed Bilderbergers. What is surprising about leaders brainstorming together on issues of global import? If they didn't I would be surprised.
But a secret, mystical, esoteric, arcane society preserved through the ages in total secrecy? Speculation and conjecture is the bulk of what I see on that issue.
Illuminati? Either the consummate secret society, so secretive they have never slipped up and left a shred of proof that they exist, or hot air.
So far, I tend towards the latter.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 07:21 AM
I can't say anything with a certainty, but my guess is that the original Illuminati broke up as members fell away and started their own secret societies. Each of those offshoots that survived probably share a lot of characteristics and ideals with the original Illuminati, and possibly think THEY control the world. There's probably still an organization that calls themselves Illuminati, actually there's probably multiple ones. I don't think the original Illuminati would still exist today as it did back when it was "more prominent". If it does then maybe they have more control than I think they do.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Spores From Space
Yes, I could agree with the division of White and Black Lodges, qualifying that sometimes they do tend to overlap each other,, ex:

Depends on what we mean by "overlapping"...

The Terrestrial Man and the Celestial Man

The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven. - St. Paul, from 1 Corinthians 15:47

In order to understand the true identity of Samael Aun Weor, it is necessary to understand something about the identity of all people: we, as terrestrial people, are the children of our own, individual inner Divinity. We are the "first man," of the earth, and we have within us the "second man," who, at this point, we do not know; that is why we suffer, because we do not have a direct connection with our own true, inner nature.

The goal of "religion" (Latin: Religare, to unite) is to re-unite these two parts. This is what is meant by the "Self-realization of the Being." The Terrestrial Man "realizes" his inner nature, the Heavenly Man.

And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption. - 1 Corinthians 15:49-50

For us to accomplish this goal, we must remove all corruption from within, for God, the Celestial Man within us, cannot mix with our corrupted psyche.

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. - Matthew 5:48

About the Soul

...the Soul and the aggregates are incompatible. They are like oil and water, they cannot mix.


Study: 4,392 Priests Accused of Sex Abuse

To learn more about some of the issues discussed in the this thread, read the Sphere of Venus in the World of Klipoth on:

Bear in mind that anyone who has ego is part of the Black Lodge; therefore all of humanity (save very few) make up the "body" of the Black Lodge. The ego (pride, fear, anger) is opposed to Divinity, and therefore belong to the inferior world (the Infernos).

This is why it is so urgent to learn how to work on oneself in a very accurate and efficient manner, and in a way that provides unmistakable results.

Best regards.

Blavantski supposedly received the Secret Doctrine frm the White Lodge, yet her interpretation of the doctrine led to Theosophy, which influenced the Golden Dawn, which led to the Thule Society, which led to Nazism* I wonder if the "Masters" saw that one coming?

Another question mark is Mr Crowley* Black or White Lodge affiliate? He called himself a "black magician" yet his teachings have brought joy to many*

A. Crowley and A. Hitler are both examples of Initiates of the White Lodge who fell off the Path of the Razor's Edge(thus becoming Black Magicians), and who committed horrible crimes.

All of this in regard to H.P. Blavatsky, A. Hitler, the Nazis, Zionism, White and Black Lodges, A. Crowley, Jesuits, Illuminati, Drukpas, etc. is answered quite thoroughly in the following four threads(Cinosamitna provided some great info):

ATS Google Search

And the following thread:


posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
No matter what they say or how they spin their beliefs, you can judge them by their deeds. And I can't think of many good deeds attributed to the so-called 'illuminati'. The order from chaos mentality doesn't cut it with me.

What exactly is a an "order from chaos mentality"? Also, Ordo ab Chao is a Masonic motto, not an Illuminist one.

posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Originally posted by Shar_Chi
No matter what they say or how they spin their beliefs, you can judge them by their deeds. And I can't think of many good deeds attributed to the so-called 'illuminati'. The order from chaos mentality doesn't cut it with me.

What exactly is a an "order from chaos mentality"? Also, Ordo ab Chao is a Masonic motto, not an Illuminist one.

I didn't realise that was actually a masonic motto, lol. I'm specifically talking about people who follow the mantra 'If you wanna make an omelette, you gotta break a few eggs'. That's the selfish mindset that is used to justify atrocities such as 911. You could argue that it's really 'Ordo ab Chao ab Ordo'

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