I just read an article about Richard Sheirer, the "man behind the mayor", behind Rudolph Giuliani, from the October 15th 2001 issue of N.Y.
"Sheirer could easily step out from Giuliani's shadow -- he's briefed President Bush, Tony Blair, and Henry Kissinger, among others -- but he plans
to retire when the mayor leaves office."
This is a must-read for all 911 researchers in my opinion:
Richard Sheirer was the Director of New York's and FEMA's Office of Emergency Manegement (OEM). He followed Jerome Hauer (Kroll Inc., Security
Management of the WTC, hired Terrorism expert John O' Neill who died in the twin towers) in this position. Sheirer was responisble for the
construction of the emergency bunker on the 23th floor of WTC building 7 that collapsed later on 9-11 in an obvious contolled demolition.
- What was the reason Sheirer had to brief Bush, Blair and Kissinger?
- Was it even before 9-11 (!!!) or between 9-11-01 and 10-15-01
- Was it a briefing about the preparation of New York and the WTC for the 9-11 attacks or was it a post-911 briefing about the progress of the debris
removal from ground-zero?
"There's even a risk that when Giuliani and Sheirer go, the OEM could go with them. Since the agency was created by a Giuliani executive order, it
will be up to the next mayor to keep it alive..."
- Why remove the Office of Emergency Manegement after the biggest terror attack in world history?
- Was OEM only a cover for the preparation and execution of the 9-11 attacks. Is this why they wanna get rid of it after the mission was
All key people of the OEM joined the law firm of Rudolph Giuliani after 9-11. (Richard Sheirer, Bernhard Kerik, Thomas Van Essen...) ! Together with
the Assistant director in charge of the N.Y. FBI office in WTC building 7, Pasquale D'Amato. After 9-11 D'Amato was appointed Inspector in Charge of
the FBI's investigation of those attacks !
WAKE UP people!!!
PS: It's no pure coincidence that the attacks took place on 9-11-01. It was the Day of the Mayoral Primaries in New York of the Republican and
Democratic parties. If the attacks happened just 2-3 days later it would have been much harder (most probably impossible!) to justify an extension of
Rudolph Giuliani's term in office to manage the removal of all evidence from the crime scene / ground zero ! It was the last opportunity to execute
the attacks for many years (and War in Iraq / Afghanistan) because liberal candidate for N.Y. mayor Mark Green (not Giuliani friend Bloomberg) was
the supposed winner of the Primary vote!
[edit on 14-10-2006 by ephrin]