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Chemtrail photos: ATS report

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posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 12:10 PM
It certainly makes graphically clear just how much even normal contrails alone are darkening our skys (regardless of whether they are Chemtrail or no...)

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
It certainly makes graphically clear just how much even normal contrails alone are darkening our skys (regardless of whether they are Chemtrail or no...)

well said my friend of the smartest things that has been said in this last weeks discussions on chemtrails.


posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by HowardRoark
The relative humidity and temperature of the ambient atmosphere at 30,000 feet up has nothing to do with the temperature and humidity at ground level.

At 50 degrees bellow zero (F), contrails will form, no matter how hot it is on the ground.

I'm not disputing that, but we can generally only make an educated guess regarding the alititude of the aircraft in question.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 03:13 PM

Originally posted by Astygia

Originally posted by HowardRoark
The relative humidity and temperature of the ambient atmosphere at 30,000 feet up has nothing to do with the temperature and humidity at ground level.

At 50 degrees bellow zero (F), contrails will form, no matter how hot it is on the ground.

I'm not disputing that, but we can generally only make an educated guess regarding the alititude of the aircraft in question.

Try it out, 15 day free trial.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 03:33 PM
Interesting tool, thanks for the link.

I played with it a little, but I'm not sure how this helps us identify altitude by visual contrail appearance.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 11:19 PM
First, dark blue sky makes an excellent point. That is, that the individuals that would be responsible for spraying "chemicals" over our heads would also be breathing in those chemicals, eating food, or drinking water that the chemicals would rain down on. This is something I haven't been able to reconcile thus far, but I have some theories...but first --

Lazarus hit the nail on the head. Whether these trails are condensation, or chemical aerosols, they are spreading across the sky and blocking out the sun. For any trail originating from an aircraft to spread out and block out the sun, the FAA might want to consider some sort of "trail dampener"? …so we on the ground can see the sun every once in a while.

Selfless has offered photos that show rainbow colored trails spreading out and completely covering the sky in a sort of muddy haze, which completely blocked out blue sky, the sun, everything...
This is one of the things that prompts people pursuing this to assert the terms "chemicals" and "harmful", because it just doesn't look right, and this sort of spreading out and completely blocking the sun has not occurred in the history of commercial aircraft (I was waiting for someone to point out the simple truths here and Lazarus did it). If it had, there would have been an angry response. Who wants aircraft spreading clouds across the sky, horizon to horizon, blocking out the sun? This easily observable fact is another reason the layperson is stunned when someone calls this effect condensation.

But back to the first question posed by dark blue sky, you are absolutely right, and this is an obvious question. If anyone reading this can answer it I'd be grateful. My own thoughts are speculative. I will offer what I've heard/read in a minute.

I wanted to say that there are those who believe these trails are harmful, and are in fact meant to harm. When the anti-chemtrailers stand up and say how ridiculous the whole idea is - I understand. I can see a chemtrail propaganda poster with some ambiguous, menacing military figure wearing a gas mask while jets spew poison clouds onto a dying public below. A little scary, and more than a little sensational. It's hard to buy into that stuff. However, I will share what I know of people that believe this is harmful, from the extremists to the more tame, rationalists.

I would say the extreme side believes these are chemicals that serve one of two purposes. One of them is to introduce biologically altering/damaging chemicals to an unsuspecting public. These chemicals would be purported to do a number of things. One is to lower, diminish, or destroy our immune system. One notices how there is an increase in severe flu strains of late and can't help but make some connection. In fact, I know that major U.S. and world health organizations are planning for a debilitating, and possibly deadly, adapting and unprecedented flu virus to appear this winter, or next.

I am personally aware that in major corporations, including Exxon, that they are going through - at the prompting of these major health organizations - an entire national health emergency preparedness program that stretches from the bottom to the top of the company. They are taking measures, prompted by this organization, to prepare for an emergency that could wipe out 50% of their work force. Executives are preparing for something that they've been told could mean quarantining them, and their family, and that they need to be prepared to operate from home for a prolonged (possibly months) period of time. This is a reality, even if these chemicals over our heads are harmless. And these companies are taking it so seriously that they are restructuring their security and access protocols.

Others believe that these chemicals are introducing Morgellons type diseases, or chemicals that affect our DNA, or are damaging our ability to reproduce. We are certainly sicker today as a culture (and a planet) than we've ever been. It seems sicknesses have increased and are the order of the day instead of decreased. How have things actually gotten not only worse, but dire? We’ve come along way, one would assume, with our treatments of diseases, and with the production of organic foods, health conscious diets, preventative measures, etc…anyone can add to this list. But things seem to have gotten worse, especially lately.

The noted mysterious deaths of top microbiologists is of real concern, but I hadn’t made a connection to chemtrails specifically until I took a peek at this theory. If that doesn’t mess your pants I don’t know what will.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 11:23 PM
Others believe this spraying is working as an exotic weapon in conjunction the HAARP antennas, and that these craft are seeding barium and aluminum into the atmosphere to act as conductive material. They are saying that by electrifying our atmosphere, the owners of this program can not only manipulate weather, but also immensely expand the scope and power (multiply the punch) of an EMP weapon explosion that could instantly disable electronics over a vast area (we could be talking an explosion at approx. several miles above the Earth that causes a blackout covering an entire state or more worth of electronics. All fried.). That would cause an unprecedented communications and electronics blackout and bring about a state of emergency.

Speculation about the HAARP antennas is ongoing. Some also believe they could be used to create electromagnetic pulses, or may be part of a large scale scalar weapons grid that could act as one of the most powerful weapons ever known to man, and can be used for equally concerning electromagnetic control of human subjects on a grand scale. First, there are weapons, microwave, electromagnetic, that are said to have been in development for decades. Tom Bearden brief bio has been studying and releasing information regarding Tesla technology, scalar weapons and other exotic weapons. He paints a dire picture of the development of these weapons, explaining that they have the ability to destroy every human being on the planet. He also says that smaller variations of these weapons have been used from military black helicopters and can kill instantly, or using electromagnetic scalar waves control the thoughts, actions and moods (e.g., inducing great fear, or anger) of one or more individuals from a distance.

If you want to go WAY out, Bearden asserts that the Russians, in particular, have been working on these sort of weapons for decades. He also asserts that along with the goal of creating and using scalar weaponry, and using the same technology to control and manipulate on a small scale (i.e., against citizens, or leaders of opposing countries) that the race is on to be able to use this technology to manipulate and control the minds and thoughts of entire countries. Countries who would be under the control of one leader as sort of an “ant” colony as Bearden puts it. More on these scalar weapons.

Others believe, and have actually seen and deduced that these trails attract the moisture from the atmosphere, creating powerful storms and clouds where there were none. Further, the concerning byproduct, or after effect is that the area becomes extremely arid and induces a sort of drought. One of the list of offensive, large scale military tactics is to cut off supply lines for food and weapons and starve the enemy, which creating a drought could obviously facilitate, and without the use of overt force.

Another theory is that spreading these chemicals/metals into the atmosphere allowing for some sort of hologram, or to be able to produce some sort of realistic appearing optical effect. It was suggested in my readings that our military could make an image of Allah or some deity appear over a tribe in Afghanistan or some other third world country. I don’t remember if this was a real suggestion, but I wouldn’t be surprised. Our Air Force Chief wants to use microwave weapons on U.S. citizens, so would you be surprised? Think fake ufo invasion?

I’ve also read that these metals are being seeded to protect the planet from increasing sunlight due to depletion of the ozone layer. Considering the silence, I would say the reason is NOT for the benefit of mankind. I can’t help but think the HAARP antennas could be connected here, but there’s so much going on, bizarre stuff, that’s coming to light, it’s hard just sifting through it all.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 11:24 PM
It’s also been suggested that these chemicals/metals are being manipulated with the use of the HAARP antennas and possibly cell phone towers to simply manipulate our emotions via electromagnetic waves, etc., causing a sound, or EM disturbance, either focused or not, that negatively affects our minds and bodies. Either damaging the balance that nurtures our immune system, or creating a disturbance in mental activity; i.e., inducing depression, sleepiness, apathy, etc.
Too many things to consider. Here’s some HAARP stuff.

So, back to my first point. Why is it that these individuals are experimenting over our heads when they would stand to suffer as well? One possible answer, if this is a biological threat/immune system depletion is that these individuals have taken an inoculation, or have an antivirus. Another thought is that they are not exposed to the prolonged, high levels of this fallout, because they reside someone else. Someone has suggested that China has not seen chemtrails, and that these individuals may reside there. It’s also been suggested that, and I know of several examples, entire cities have been constructed underground, and these populations are waiting until some event or events come to pass and it is safe for them to return. I know that many post offices, airports, military bases, and government centers have installations underground that would absolutely blow your mind.

Dulles International Airport alone has between seven and fifteen levels underground, and each level is huge. And each one with security so tight you need an escort to go to the bathroom, and no one is allowed to ask questions. In some facilities, there are movie theatres, restaurants, and one has no doubt, living quarters. I’ve read that some installations are employed with 8k-10k people. That was for one particular location, and numbers will obviously vary. We can’t get close enough to these installations to find out, and anyone else who has cannot talk about it. Why?

I can’t think of another way that these individuals could escape these effects unless they had an antidote, or those wielding these weapons are hiding out and safe from any danger. Included with this theory is the reality that there is more than one group at work here, and they are very likely opposed. I’ve picked up here and there through my readings that not only are there opposing parties using this technology, and racing to bring it to its fullest realization, but one or the other, or both, are operating as secret governments, with their own military and civilian/employee infrastructure. And within these groups there are evil-wishers and good-wishers, actually creating factions within these groups; a moral struggle behind the scenes. If you think about the mind control weapons being tested on subjects (and Bearden includes some of this stuff on his site), you can’t help but think of these random, violent attacks that occur in our society - out of nowhere. Is it possible these were victims or test subjects?

Part of the problem is separating out what could be true with information could be inserted as a misdirection; misinformation. I’m sure there are examples of individuals either having been tampered with mentally, or through calculated deliberateness, engaged in the mixing or obscuring of information with the intent of confusing the recipient and throwing them off of the track. I think one has to be vigilant against this. And I am not a disinformant. I’m actually trying to sift through everything and put together a logical, sensible (although apparently terrifying and heretofore unbelievable) picture.

If you are researching these subjects, and I have fallen into this myself, you have to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. You have to be sensitive, aware and thoughtful enough to take the right information away from whatever it is you are looking at. And you have to be wary when you are debating these things, because you can be drawn off track/topic, and are soon lost. You can waste time debating, and actually become confused, or become fed up with nowhere to turn. It takes patience, diligence, intuition and trust in what you are doing.

The reason I said that is I wanted to preface what I’m about to link to. I don’t like NASA. I’m sure there are nice people that work there, but the organization who purports to be at the forefront of space exploration and off-planet discovery takes a mocking view of individuals who believe that there are beings and craft not of this planet who have and are visiting this planet. You can view hours of NASA footage on Google Video, or Youtube and see how forthright this organization is with the citizenry it purports to serve.

posted on Oct, 12 2006 @ 11:29 PM
When Alan Hale…I’m sorry, Wayne Hale (easily confused) came on television after the amazing Atlantis shuttle encounters (see videos at Youtube or Google) and laughed at implications that the debris was anything but trash I felt that was an affront to common sense, and a slap in the face from NASA (I’m still working on a mini-documentary of that little trip I hope to show the world).

So, NASA and disinformation. This organization is patently deceptive and laughs off evidence to the contrary like some gangster at his own criminal trial. It got my shorts into a gooseneck, and that’s why I can’t let that footage slip away. NASA has posted on its site a diminutive little piece on what it calls the Global Aerosol Climatology Project (GACP), which it says it established in 1998 as part of the NASA Radiation Sciences Program and the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX). Except NASA, probably scrambling to surreptitiously throw up a blurb on some fake scientific study didn’t spell “Climatology” correctly, instead writing, “Cliatology” (the first half of the sentence is speculative, but titillating). Unless that’s a new word and I just didn’t know about it.

Under this first page of the GACP (pron. Gak-pee), NASA states as part of the Gak-pee mission, “Besides pursuing their individual research objectives [underlining is mine] the members of the Science Team have participated in selecting candidate algorithms to be applied to the full period of satellite measurements in order to estimate parameters of significance to the aerosol climatology.” Holy sh*t! That is hard core! Really though, what the hell did they just say? I have a feeling this is either a bunch of cr*p posted to cause further confusion over the spraying operation we are witnessing, or they are actually involved in it, and are forced to admit to some degree it exists. But they are admitting, albeit quietly, to something that is worldwide, but despite the sheer immensity of this unprecedented, worldwide project, are keeping an almost airtight seal on it. They are acting very contradictory, and this just adds to my consternation and confusion.

Read the vague and misleading information on “aerosol climatology” and then skip over to the low budget site, really low budget, for GEWEX, and read about GEWEX Radiation Panel. That’s an exciting name. And what do they study? I have no f**king idea. Read on.

NASA is admitting on its site to an aerosol program, but are discreet about it, and very, very obscure in their description of it. Are they sneaking this program into public view? At the same time, NASA’s actually indoctrinating children by inviting them to play a “count the contrail” game – this is downright creepy! NASA, oddly, is NOT admitting any responsibility for the contrails they admit to actually creating on their own website? All NASA is saying is, “Look up to the sky kids, and see how many contrails you can count.” They even explain to the kids the natural phenomena known as contrails (condensation), and do not mention an aerosol campaign. You want to know what I think? I think NASA, after having mislead the U.S. Congress in the past regarding its funding woes, and more recently with its continuing financial problems, has possibly signed on with unscrupulous projects in order to get government funding (or maybe private?).

Did anyone get a heads up that NASA would be conducting a worldwide aerosol spraying operation? Where is the money coming from? You can read this article, or this article to get a brief picture of what is going on at NASA. They’re broke. So, how could they fund their existing space program, and then add onto that a worldwide program involving thousands of pilots, planes, fuel, materials, and all associated costs, and STILL keep total secrecy around this project (or want it secret) and not announce anything about it? If NASA is concerned about budgeting, it might behoove them to bring attention to the good works they’re doing, instead of sweeping all of it under the carpet.

Here is a post from an individual who is following science funding in the U.S. and says she has spoken with some committee members with regard to funding for NASA and other science organizations. She sees a change in philosophy at NASA, and further the funding hammer falling on science budgets. Read! Read! Read!

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 01:02 AM

Notice how the trails are all heading into the same general point suggesting that this has been done in a formation and is not natural phenomina or a hole series of high altitude plains flying around. This area is not a flight path for many commercial flights.

Jets often fly the exact same route, making it look like they're in formation.
Anyway nice post.

I myself do not beleive in Chemtrails, but I do agree that we need to implement something to get rid of human made clouds.

[edit on 13-10-2006 by PisTonZOR]

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by OnTheDeck
NASA has posted on its site a diminutive little piece on what it calls the Global Aerosol Climatology Project (GACP), which it says it established in 1998 as part of the NASA Radiation Sciences Program and the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX).

Under this first page of the GACP (pron. Gak-pee), NASA states as part of the Gak-pee mission, “Besides pursuing their individual research objectives [underlining is mine] the members of the Science Team have participated in selecting candidate algorithms to be applied to the full period of satellite measurements in order to estimate parameters of significance to the aerosol climatology.” Holy sh*t! That is hard core! Really though, what the hell did they just say? I have a feeling this is either a bunch of cr*p posted to cause further confusion over the spraying operation we are witnessing, or they are actually involved in it, and are forced to admit to some degree it exists. But they are admitting, albeit quietly, to something that is worldwide, but despite the sheer immensity of this unprecedented, worldwide project, are keeping an almost airtight seal on it. They are acting very contradictory, and this just adds to my consternation and confusion.

I think you need to do a bit more research.

What on earth has studying the effect of aerosols on climate change got to do with creating chemtrails?

Do you know what aerosols are and why we are so interested in studying them? Try this:

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 07:26 AM
I make a tenuous connection only, and invite the reader to do their own research. How are you so intimately aware of operations within this program? I read the link you sent me to, and that states in a broad sense that they are doing research on the ground, through conventional aircraft, and through satellites of "aerosols".

I'm only offering a possible source here. I'm not stating it as fact. I still find it odd that no one, including NASA, has noticed a great source of "aerosol" detecting medium in the spraying operation that we have concluded IS going on. The fact that NASA (through their indoctrinate the kiddies program) has evinced that they are looking at the sky. They apparently cannot see ufos in our upper atmosphere, despite all of their scientific technology, and cannot, apparently, see the value in sampling the most recent phenomena of aircraft trails spreading out and covering the entire sky. Very discriminating these scientists are...

They claim that they are also studying aerosols for their "radiative" properties; i.e., what these manmade aerosols reflect back into space. Wow, these people really should talk to those folks spraying the streams in our atmosphere. They could really work together. Aerosols, or manmade pullutants, ARE chemtrails, so even if they're not creating them, they could at least take a look at them. But NASA, a portrait of pioneering, scientific excellence, cannot see ufos that I can see with a video camera, and cannot see streams of rainbow colored "aerosols" that I can see with the naked eye. I can't help but think NASA is involved, in either the operation, or the coverup. Come on!

Besides, again, I am just offering whatever evidence I can, and do not purport that everything I submit is factual. I leave that to the reader. Come on, I also said that scalar weaponry is being developed that could mind conttrol an entire country and turn them into an ant colony. The reader really has to make up his own mind. None of this, I repeat, none of this is beyond the realm of possibility. And to link to a page to a university's aerosol studies in Australia means NASA isn't involved or colluding here is worthy, but doesn't prove NASA is not involved.

In fact, let's take a look at Australia. NASA has their own instruments set up in a hotbed of activity down there. Weather experiments? They got 'em. Here's a link showing plentiful "aerosol" activity if NASA can find it. I know it's like finding a needle in a haystack sometimes, but they have the equipment. I know they can do it!

Another site with great documentation over Sydney, mate (and a lot more). More chemtrails in Australia. People in Oz are ticked off about a drought. I don't know. NASA doesn't seem able to find their a** with both hands and a flashlight.

Let's take it up to Moneterey, CA, where in a post entitled, "Weather Plane at Monterey Airport" an individual takes note of a government plane, what he considers a weather monitoring plane, at the airport. I didn't have time to continue too far, but gotta use your common sense folks...Is it connected? Is the Skipper from Gilligan's island involved? You decide!

Keep at it...

[edit on 13-10-2006 by OnTheDeck]

[edit on 13-10-2006 by OnTheDeck]

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 07:47 AM
Chemtrails? In Australia?

I lived in Melbourne for over 14 years and I've seen no such thing.
I even live under a major flight path and I've seen no such thing.

They are often painted as our national Qantas Airline�planes.

THIS proves my point made earlier in the 17 page chemtrail thread. Commerical planes ARE putting out so called 'Chemtrails' yet noone who works at YMML, YSSY or various other airports has noticed extra equipment on there aircraft. None of the 65000 people at Boeing have noticed, none of the 55000 people at Airbus have noticed either.

[edit on 13-10-2006 by PisTonZOR]

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 07:51 AM
So, OnTheDeck, are you saying that Chemtrails are not produced by aircradt after all? But instead they come from cars and factories and volcanos ......

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 07:54 AM
Damn Snoopy

Doesnt look like an atmospheric radar sheath to me.....Im kidding. Thats exactly what it looks like. Some kind of radar reflector in the atmosphere....question is what kind of radiation or frequencies are being pumped through it

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by magnito_student
Damn Snoopy

Doesnt look like an atmospheric radar sheath to me.....Im kidding. Thats exactly what it looks like. Some kind of radar reflector in the atmosphere....question is what kind of radiation or frequencies are being pumped through it

Looked more like cloud to me, with a few aircraft contrails in places. But then i do look at these sort of sat images every day .....

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 09:34 AM
First, PisTon. Whoever is running this program is not hitching up bulky canisters and tanks to the outside of aircraft with ejector cannons for a reason. This is self-evident. I can't go further on that. I have a post with a link in one of these threads that links to an airline mechanic's findings of unusual tubing and piping where it shouldn't be inside one of these aircraft, and was threatened when he found it. Just read.

Essan, what the Australian university that was linked refers to as aeorosols are pollutants from agricultural and mechanical operations. I'm not sure how repeating this equates to me saying planes don't dump chemtrails.

What I said was that it looked like NASA was running an aerosol program (i.e., spraying particulates into the atmosphere). Not to confuse the two. I may be off from the description of aerosols given on the NASA GEWEK page I linked to, but I was merely stating the possibility. I admit I don't know. I'm just putting seemingly relevant information I find out there.

I do believe, in asnwer to Essan, that planes are dumping chemicals (not simply condensation) into our atmosphere. I also point again to a link Howard gave recently to chemtrailcentral, where a study was made of "unidentified" craft and commercial aircraft. The graph that site provided showed that despite the fact that these unidentified craft and commercial aircraft were in the air at the same time, ONLY THE UNIDENTIFIED CRAFT WERE LEAVING PERSISTENT TRAILS. That and many other observations are more than coincidence. They're showing a pattern and revealing a larger picture...people just need to look...

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 09:51 AM
Earthtone says:

“Ok, I'm not sure what the consensus on ATS is about chemtrails…”

I think most people here realize that “chem-trails” is a hoax.

“have been living in northern Arizona since July and have whitnessed military activity very regularly.”

How do you define “military activity”? Are you saying that the aircraft which you see at thirty thousand feet are military aircraft? How can you tell the difference between, say, a KC-10 and an MD-11 or a KC-135 and an Airbus A340 six miles up?

“It is speculated that in this part of Arizona (around Sedona where I am staying) there are covert military facilities underground.”

Speculated by whom? I have lived in Arizona for 28 years and have probably hiked just about every square foot of red rock country, and I haven’t seen anything like that at all (BTW: ). There are no military formation areas anywhere near Oak Creek Canyon, unless you count the National Guard Armory in Flagstaff.

“… however at least from my experiences here, I have seen this place is a hotbed of military activity.”

Could you share some examples of the Sedona area being a “hotbed of military activity”?

“Most mornings, and sometimes in the evening, there are clearly formations of chemtrails being pumped out over a large area.”

No. Most mornings and sometimes in the evenings you are seeing persistent contrails from aircraft on regular flights which just happen to pass over the area intersected by I-17 and I-40. Since it is now fall and the weather is getting cooler (especially in the mornings and evenings) the aircraft engine exhaust, which flash-freezes to ice crystals at altitudes of around ten thousand meters, will persist (as long as the ambient temperature at that altitude is below minus forty degrees and the relative humidity is near or greater than 100%). The ambient temperature and humidity are the only things that differentiate between persistent engine contrails and one which dissipate within a minute or so.

“I have been told by people that this occurs between here (sedona) and Pheonix.”

It occurs every place where the air temperature and humidity fits those parameters.

”Can anyone explain how contrails could be an explantion for this?”

Yes. See above. You will also find detailed information about the “chem-trail” hoax if you do a search on this forum.

” … that two explanations that have been spread around from official sources have been that these trails are either experiments to test anti-global warming technology, or chemicals sprayed into the air to improve military communications cababilities.”

Actually, neither of those two assertions come from any “official” sources. They both come from conspiracy sites and have been denied by the military, civilian aircraft operators, air traffic controllers, and aerospace professionals.

”Both sound like bull# to me, but hey i dont know! Apparently there was an article in Las Vegas newspaper claiming this....disinformation?”

You’re absolutely right. It is nothing but bull# and disinformation.

”However, the chemtrail subliminals have now become much more pervasive and are being displayed on the news and even on the evening game shows. Last night and every night the ABC evening news shows blatant chemtrails on a blue background directly behind the anchor people."

First, if you can see them, they’re not “subliminals”. Second, the reason you see them in the pictures of the sky behind the newscasters is that they really are there, because, as the weather becomes cooler, the ice crystals persist for longer periods of time and persistent contrails are more prevalent.

Here’s a suggestion. All of the questions that most people have about “chem-trails” have pretty much been addressed, and you can find a great series of discussions of them on this forum here:

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 10:11 AM
See this LINK on an official report on contrails after 9/11 when for three days the skys were clear of any aircraft for the first time in many many years . Very serious information.

posted on Oct, 13 2006 @ 10:14 AM
It's a little after 11:00am EST in Dulles, VA. I work near Dulles Intl Airport. The temperature right now is 48 degrees F. It's freaking chilly.

My question is - how cold is it this very second at 30k feet? Is it warmer or colder. I ask because I am seeing clear blue skies, and only short, quickly dissipating trails right now behind certain aircraft. I feel like this is completely normal. Nothing is spreading out and blocking out the sun. In fact, most of the trails I am seeing right now are evaporating quickly. But it's got to be cold up there. I'm seeing blue sky, and this is actually abnormal (it's strange to think blue sky has become the exception).

My second observation is that the planes usually leaving the long, persistent trails fly in a distinctly different flight path. I know because I am a sky watcher. I have observed these things here. But today, I haven't seen these other planes on that flight path. And I am not seeing persistent trails. I am making a connection here, but I can't prove that to people who haven't observed this from where I am as I have....

Also, I've been seeing more persistent and frequent chemtrail streams during the sweltering hot summer days than now, and I can't account for that. Almost every day this summer I've seen these things, yet today, and yesterday, these commercial craft have not been leaving the same trails. And it's been cold. These facts are purveying information that can be used to establish a hypothesis. My initial response to this is that the condensation claims are acting contrary to what I'm actually observing. This poses one of a string of contradictions and unusual behavior patterns...

I just read Off_the_Street's post. I guess chemtrails (or manmade, manufactured chemical/metal particulate spraying programs) don't exist. Thanks for clearing that up. I guess that me and hundreds or thousands of individuals around the world were mistaken. Our confusion about aircraft condensation ligering, and spreading out across the sky and blocking out the sun was misplaced. This happens all the time. I guess I can go home now. Thanks and goodnight...(not)...

[edit on 13-10-2006 by OnTheDeck]

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