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Does Iran Hate America?......Well Duh

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posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 09:14 PM
Take a look at these video's of Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

In this Video he states that those who want good relations with the Iranian people should bow and surrender to it’s might.

In this video he states that speaking to Iran in a language of threats is a bitter mistake.

In this video he promises a “slap of eternal and historic proportions” in response to any transgressions against Iran.

I don't think they like us to much do you?

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 09:18 PM
Wow, that's a gross oversimplification BJ. He doesn't like america much yes, that's plainly obvious, but what do the people think? The youth? Go and do some research, you'll be surprised at the answer. Iran is a tinter box just waiting for a match. When the flame is struck that government will fall.

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 09:28 PM
Yes there is youth in Iran that wants to be sympathetic toward the US but that is not where the power is. The power of Iran falls in to the hands of the Ayatollahs. It is these religous fanatics who want to wipe America off the face of the map.

Also, the same thing was said about Iraq and the dissention against their government but you know what trouble we ran into there.

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 09:36 PM

posted by BlackJackal

Take a look at these video's of Iran’s President Ahmadinejad . . I don't think they like us too much do you? [Edited by Don W]

I know 2 Iranian people well. I know about 5 others not so well, but by first name. We do not talk aobut Iran-Ameican relations, in part because I'm embarassed. They do not want to disucss it in part because the US Government may or may not be eavesdropping on us. Besides, I know how they feel and they know how I feel. I first met them when the Shah was in power. I offered to sign the INS forms as a sponsor for one of the younger Iranians to immigrate to the US. He did and has become a citizen. The others all have Green cards. Permanent residency status.

Political support for the ruling elite is shown differently in the Middle East than here, but it is not much different than what we see on tv put on by the 527s and others. Rabble rousing propaganda is the correct name for both.

To take this kind of demonstration in Iran any more seriously than you’d take a soccer game crowd seriously is to let yourself be manipulated by American people who really do have an agenda. I see the Iranians as a counter-veiling force to a US government gone awry. Bouncing from one crisis to another, rudderless.

Not to worry. Iran is winning the struggle for the “hearts and minds” of Middle Easterners, despite Iran being Shia in a majority Sunni land. Hmm? Why is that? Are Iranian leaders smarter than American leaders? We have lost 2,705 men and women KIA in Iraq. How many has Iran lost? And they are winning and we are losing. Hmm?

Where are the 3 IDF soldiers? Has Israel’s PM Ohmert given up on that issue which he claimed prompted the reckless rampage in south Lebanon? Hmm?

[edit on 9/28/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 09:45 PM
Who, I wonder, did the translations?

Speaches like these are particularly vunerable to mis-translations. Middle easter languages are rather ticky to translate. Much of what is being displayed on the bottom of those screens could be translated differently and still be correct while not being so... uh... bloodthirsty.

Also, even with that translation, I did NOT see any statment saying that they want to "whip the US off the face of the map". I saw them stating that if other nations futz with them, they are going to cause trouble.

Wouldn't ANY of us say the same thing?

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 09:51 PM
Just once I would like someone other than myself to say... Dude, nobody hates american people. They hate the decision makers that force santions on their economy, causing a large portion of iranian college graduations with no jobs. They hate the fact that the leaders of the world are not in favor of their civilians, which would like nothing more than to live in peace and let people be. But when backs pushed against the wall and the leaders have made the situation so ugly, they will back their homeland for sure.


posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 09:58 PM
Did some quick digging on my above question...

These videos you are presenting are from MEMRI (as note by both the links and the stamps on the videos).

As it turns out, MEMRI is a Washington based organisation who's controlling interest is Israeli intelligence! Many sources call it nothing more than a propaganda factory that churns out fearmongering and spin-doctored hatered.

Vincent Cannistraro, a former counterintelligence official with the CIA, said that MEMRI "are selective and act as propagandists for their political point of view, which is the extreme-right of Likud. They simply don't present the whole picture." Cannistraro claims he was asked to join MEMRI, but he refused "because I saw this was capped by Israeli intelligence and because it was too political."


I need another source before I can believe any of what's depicted in these questionable videos.

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by BitRaiser

Vincent Cannistraro, a former counterintelligence official with the CIA, said that MEMRI "are selective and act as propagandists for their political point of view, which is the extreme-right of Likud. They simply don't present the whole picture." Cannistraro claims he was asked to join MEMRI, but he refused "because I saw this was capped by Israeli intelligence and because it was too political."


I agree with you. I was not aware of the extreme political slanting of this organization. I would be interested to know if anyone can get a second translation of these videos by someone who can speak Arabic because I would like to know what they are really saying.

Thanks for the info.

posted on Sep, 28 2006 @ 10:36 PM
Yer welcome.

Consider this a friendly reminder to always check the credibility of your information sources.

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 07:44 AM

posted by BitRaiser

Did some quick digging on my above question...Those videos are from MEMRI (as note by both the links and the stamps on the videos). As it turns out, MEMRI is a Washington based organization who's controlling interest is Israeli intelligence! Many sources call it nothing more than a propaganda factory that churns out fearmongering and spin-doctored hatred. I need another source before I can believe any of what's depicted in these questionable videos.

Thank you much, B/R. The internet is a marvel but it is loaded with what I call crapola. Discriminating discretion and regular research must be the by-words if you are to get your news from the www.

posted on Sep, 29 2006 @ 08:14 AM
In this video, it shows how Iran will defeat the United States and back up their trash talking


posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 05:09 PM

posted by DickBinBush

In this video, it shows how Iran will defeat the United States and back up their trash talking

Well, I did not see the video. Obviously, Iran cannot invade the US. They could - but will not - invade southern Iraq. They already are doing what that want to do to us. I heard yesterday on CBS the US spending in Iraq is now at the rate of $2 billion a week. Breaking the $100 billion a year mark. What do you think Iran is spending on this Project Kill Satan? I’d bet they can keep jerking us around for $50 million a week, 1/40th what we spend. 2.5%. Who is the smarter, Ahmadinejad or Bush43?

If the Dems can win one of the chambers November 7, Bush43 is going to have one hellish trip to January 20, 2009. He’ll wish he never heard the word L E G A C Y.

[edit on 9/30/2006 by donwhite]

posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 06:39 PM
Considering the history between Iran and the US it's really not surprising they don't like you very much. I can't blame them at all as they have never been the aggressor in this, it has always been the western world going after them, not the other way around.

posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 07:27 PM
I wonder why some people think that young Iranians are "pro US". Surely they don't like ayatollahs, but it doesn't mean they don't want nukes or that they don't want to destroy the Israel. I saw some poll where 80% of Iranians (including the youth) stated they are would like Iran to become nuclear power.

posted on Sep, 30 2006 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by donwhite
Well, I did not see the video.

That's the point..

It was a joke..


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