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Dispelling Mcdonalds Myths?

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posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 04:50 AM
link is a site set up by McDonalds Australia to get rid of some common myths, like there is only eyeballs and assrings in its meat and soft serves are made of pig fat.

There's nothing I could find that was wrong, but then again I didn't look all too hard.

Just wondering, can anyone point out any mistakes? If you're on dialup, it is a bit graphics heavy, so don't bother.

It is interesting nonetheless, though.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 04:59 AM
Holy cow! I went to that website and it was so heavy with animations and such that it my computer went insane! It took me 5 hours to reload my hard drive. Crikey! Btw, I always order the filet-o-fish it's so ymmy in my tummy.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 05:25 AM
I wonder if this information goes for the american McD's too. Just about any fast food chain over here has its rumors circulating about it.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 05:47 AM
I can't remember the last time I went into a McDonalds, but I have a sneaking suspicion that I might have wandered into one about two years ago, around Christmas, after getting my heart broken and then getting utterly hammered in a pub as a result.
I hate the damn place as I hate the taste of their hamburgers. They just taste vile, the cheese is just as nasty and the sauces they use are revolting. Their orange juice is cheap and nasty too.
The last time I had a hamburger was in a small diner off an interstate in the Idaho panhandle about five weeks ago. It was freshly made and was delicious!

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 05:59 AM
I remember a few years ago A Current Affair or Today Tonight one of the two did a story on a primary school here in Australia which showed an experiment on a Mc D`s cheese burger.

They bought one and put it on a shelf for six months and opened it and because of all the preservatives looked as if it had been brought the day before.

It would be interesting to see which would last longer the burger or the wrapping

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by gps777
It would be interesting to see which would last longer the burger or the wrapping

Good point. Another issue would be what tastes better - the burger or the wrapping?

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 09:12 AM
I read an interesting book about Mickey D's about 20 years ago.

One of the big things they did - and I'm sure are still doing - is researching how they can make the product cheaper.
Aerated bread, thinner meat patties etc.

Today's McD' burger couldn't hold a candle to the original McD' burger.

Sometimes Sweetie wants to hit the drive-through and get a soft drink and a fry as a snack when we're out and about.

For a while there, I'd order a burger and the taste was ok, nothing spectacular, but every time I ate one I was sorry I did.
Didn't make me sick, but I think my body was telling my mind that there was nothing particularly nutritious about the burger.
Strangely un-satisfying as it were.

The fries are tasty though.

I'll go along with Darkmind and say some of the very best burgers to be found in the US are cooked up by small diners.

In and Out are pretty good as well and we've always gotten a good burger from them.

Interesting part about hitting the small diners for lunch, most times the price is about the same or just a touch more than McD's.

Mickey D's is all about speed and $$ and not the food....

(Edited for spelling.)

[edit on 21-9-2006 by Desert Dawg]

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 11:22 AM
Do they dispell the myth that its horribly unhealthy food that shouldn't be eaten on anything approaching a regular basis?

Oh, wait, thats not a myth.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 02:45 PM
It is kinda funny that McDonald's would think that it's even possible to convince people that their food is healthy.

Anyone with a brain knows that these fast food places are bad for you. I don't care what they say about the ingredients, or what "salads" they put on the menu... the food from these places will make you fat, clog your arteries, and kill you.

I don't know what their burgers are made of. I've heard that they use some sort of non-beef filler. What that non-beef substance is, I don't know, but it's not healthy either.

I have also heard absolutely vile things about the oil the french fries are made in, and many other disturbing items. I would not set foot in one, and if I was starving I'd sooner eat grubs and drink rainwater.

Think of it this way... people survived for 9 months on that... whereas the guy who ate only McDonald's for a year almost died.

Something to ponder.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 05:50 PM
A little off subject, but Eric Schlosser wrote a book on the subject called 'Fast Food Nation'. It not only concerns McDonalds, but a lot of other chains as well. Its an extremely good read.

posted on Sep, 21 2006 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by Djarums
I don't know what their burgers are made of. I've heard that they use some sort of non-beef filler. What that non-beef substance is, I don't know, but it's not healthy either.

The running theory I have heard most is that the filler is meal-worms, but this has never been substatiated. I would think that if it were true, someone somewhere would know about it and blow the whistle, but who knows where the filler comes from or what it looks like. It could be something like this and ground up and dried and people processing the patties would be none the wiser if the said it was just some gluten like filler. I am sure hot dogs are similar. It makes me cringe to think about it.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 10:32 AM

I don't know what their burgers are made of. I've heard that they use some sort of non-beef filler. What that non-beef substance is, I don't know, but it's not healthy either.

I beleive, amoung other things, is corn/flour.

I have also heard absolutely vile things about the oil the french fries are made in, and many other disturbing items.

They use vegetable oil. They used to use a vegetable oil with a beef flavoured additive, but that ticked off hindus.

Think of it this way... people survived for 9 months on that... whereas the guy who ate only McDonald's for a year almost died.

Remember when there were those lawsuits against mcdonalds and the like, brought by kids that had grown obese and were experiencing serious health problems, because they ate too much fast food? That might've been a turning point. If the cases had succeeded and the public said "well, yeah, its a good point, that food is horrible, but the commercials imply that people that eat their food are happier and fitter than the average joe", then things might've been different. But, I think, because the public had a very negative reaction against the suits, saying its a person's own fault, and that clearly the food isn't health food, etc, they realized that they could get away with it. Because, in the lead up to that, we started seeing more 'health' items, like yogurt, fruit, salads (drenched in fat and sprinkled with bacon of course) appear. But once peopel balked at the cases, they started making things like:

A breakfast sandwich that has more calories than you're supposed to have in an entire day.
4 hamburger patties, with cheese on top of each one, then topped with bacon, as a single sandwhich
Eggs, bacon, cheese, wrapped in pancakes baked with extra maple syrup.

Now, again, its obvious that if you eat this, you're going to have problems. BUt, at the same time, these are items that are so excessive, I can't help but think that they've only put them forward because the public basically said 'feed us any kind of crap you want, go nutz, its never going to bit you in the butt'.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 11:00 AM
One good thing about McDonalds is that they are the only fast-food company (in the UK at least) to use a separate fryer for veggie products as opposed to meat products.

It's not the food I can't stand, just the targeting of the product at children.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 11:05 AM
It,s the stuff they find in them that nauseates scabby band aids and fingernails..

You pay students/school leavers minimum wage and see how much effeort they would put into hygene for your restaurant..same for Kenyukys and BurgerKrud

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by Djarums
I don't know what their burgers are made of. I've heard that they use some sort of non-beef filler. What that non-beef substance is, I don't know, but it's not healthy either.

Soylent Green;

Gotta do something with all the homeless in the USA.

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by ben91069

Originally posted by Djarums
I don't know what their burgers are made of. I've heard that they use some sort of non-beef filler. What that non-beef substance is, I don't know, but it's not healthy either.

The running theory I have heard most is that the filler is meal-worms, but this has never been substatiated. I would think that if it were true, someone somewhere would know about it and blow the whistle, but who knows where the filler comes from or what it looks like. It could be something like this and ground up and dried and people processing the patties would be none the wiser if the said it was just some gluten like filler. I am sure hot dogs are similar. It makes me cringe to think about it.

if the filler were meal worms it would be healthier than what they were filling lol

posted on Oct, 3 2006 @ 09:28 AM
i useto work at maccas when i was 14, it's about the money not about the quality, they even try cutting staff hours the bastards.All they care is about their $3.95 chesseburgers and surpirisingly at olympic park in Sydney i was told that last week on the footy final they made $4000 an hour that day, heh tight asses.

They've tryed to improve the very low reputation they had implementing salads and deli rolls but all i see is more unhealthy food added to the others.


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