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(SMSHC) Really Different

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posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 07:18 PM
Im writing in this bcause my mom tol me to kep a diry. But I want to cal this a jurnal bcause dirys are for girls and my sister keps a diry. I red it and it just talks about boys an how she is so popalar bcause of her blond hair. I hav brown hair that has to many curls to brush. It wasnt even my moms idea for me to hav a jurnal it was the therpist at skool who thinks I may hav trubles from my dad leving but I dont car about him.

A kid at skool named Lester Shults always punchs me. He says Im a blender hed bcause my hair looks lik it was in a blender.

Jurnals are stopid. My mom is always did you rite in yur jurnal. She acts lik it maks me feel beter but it maks me stopid. Im not god at skool things lik riting or math wich is why Im so stopid. Im just rely difrent.

My sister is always burshing her hair. She was toking on the fon all day after sundy skool. I snuk to her rom and herd her say that she gave Gary Jons a hanjob behind the shop at her skool.

rite rite rite rite rite rite rite jurnal jurnal

My mom only cars about my jurnal riting when she is on the fone or gets a visit from her frend Mr. Rork. Mom says Mr. Rork helps out arond her since dad left.

My lunch got stole today by Lester Shults and his frend Url. Nobody even cars wen a kid gets bet up.

Mr. Rork is fixing the sink in moms room. Mom sed he nos a lot about pluming.

Lester Shults and his frend Url cot me in the bathrom and put my hed in the toylet. Lucky for me or I wood drown, Mr. Hensy came in an brok things up. Mr. Hensy is the jantor who wears gray coverals an mops evrything. It was funy bcause Mr. Hensy sent Url back to class but he grabed Lester hard and had his arms behin his back. Mr. Hensy sed go ahed son wale him one. I was skared but Mr. Hensy relly wanted me to do it so I punchd Lester rite in the nose. Mr. Hensy sed grat job giv him another one and I waled Lester so hard in the eye that Mr. Hensy had to hold him up on his feet. I hit Lester threteen times until my nuckles hurt an Mr. Hensy sed for me to go back to class and he wood clen evrything up about are secret.

My sister told on me that I had big scabs on my nuckles. When she was at jimnastics I went in her rom and rubed my nuckles all over her dols and they wer covered in blod. When she got back I herd her scream all the way in the back yard. Her crys mad me feel happyest Iv felt.

I brot my jurnal to sundy skool in my slacks. Mom wont notis bcause she is busy in luv with Mr. Rork. Mr. Rork has a famly at sundy skool to but he wood rather lok at my mom. My sister is waching me rite but she wont tell or shel never go to jimnastics agin.

I got a cal to go to the prinsipal ofice in the morning. Ms. Mors is the prinsipal but dosnt lik kids one bit. She loked at my nuckles and sed good lord. She sed Mr. Hensy told her what hapend and that Mr. Hensy sed he saw me geting ataked and helped but I punchd the walls so many times when those boys were ataking me that my nuckles cood be runed. She asked me if what Mr. Hensy sed was tru. I started to cry bcause I new I was gon to tel a big li an then I sed yes Ms. Mors they put my hed in a toylet. Ms. Mors sed that Url was suspend from skool but no on cood find Lester Shults.

My techer saw that I am frends with the jantor Mr. Hensy. She sed I cood be his speshal helper. Mr. Hensy has curly hair and told me how peple wer so bad to him all his lif. He told me we cood be god pals. Now I spend my lunch with Mr. Hensy an no on can even get my lunch or bet me up.

Lester Shults has his pichur up at the grosry stor. My sister sed she hops to see my pichur in the grosry stor one day. She dos not luk at me wen she toks any mor and she toks very lo. She nos I wil hurt her dols bad and not even car.

I bit Mr. Rork today and hit him in his private area. My mom cood not belev wat I did. Then I cald her a word that Mr. Hensy tot me to cal her. I cald her a hore.

Mr. Hensy says sundy skool wont help me get wat I want. I asked him how to get wat I want and he sed god helps kids that help themselves. Then he poynted to my nuckles and asked if Lester Shults had bothered me lately.

It was a very speshul day today. Mr. Hensy shod me a hiden storj room and asked if I wanted to lok at sumthing that wood mak me fel as strong as Iv ever felt. I sed shur and he puld a big bag onto the flor. He opend it and Lester Shults was in ther.

Gary Jons visited my sister. I think hes loking for mor hanjobs. He has blond hair like her and he coms it all the tim. He cald me a litl prik wen my mom left the rom. It mad me exsited wen he sed that. It mad my hart bet fast lik wen I was waling on Lester Shults.

A big kid on the playgrond said that Mr. Hensy touches me on my privats. That was a li. I wated a while then snuk up on that kid to shov him in front of the swings. He got need in the hed so hard that the hospitol had to come pick him up from skool. Mr. Hensy was hapy wat I did. He says we lok over ech other like anjels.

hel fuk dam as bich hel hel hel hel hel go to hel hel hel hel hel

Mr. Hensy and I hav plans to giv peple wat is coming to them. Mr. Hensy sed its biblikl.


posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 07:19 PM

Im writing this in my sisters room. Mr. Hensy is in the closit. I can her him brething. The best part is Gary Jons is coming over tonite and my mom is at Mr. Rorks. It is so funy bcause Mr. Hensy tid my sister up and is shaving her hed. Her crys are so funy. Mr. Hensy gave her a miror and said curly hair dont sond to bad now dos it. I cant even belev her crys. Wat a nit me and Mr. Hensy ar having. Gary Jons is tid up in front of my sister and they are acting so nuts. Gary went in his pants.

It is Wednesday morning now and my mother, like the dirty whore she is, just got home from Mr. Rourke’s house. I am really tired right now because Mr. Hennessy and I stayed up all night teaching my sister and her pretty-boy friend Gary Jones a thing or two about the consequences of pride and hatefulness. Mr. Hennessy is writing in my journal for me because I can barely keep my eyes open, but I want to get everything down on paper while it is still fresh in my mind. There are lessons that were learned here tonight that I never want to forget.
The plan was for my mother to come home and for Mr. Hennessy to bind her so that I would have the opportunity to explain to her how much it hurt me that she had given up on her marriage so easily. What a delight then to see Mr. Rourke come in through the front door with her. Mr. Rourke was a large man, but Mr. Hennessy has always said: “Size only matters if they see you coming.” Mr. Rourke and my mother paid close attention while I said everything I had to say. After every point I made, Mr. Hennessy let them have it, because people just don’t really pay attention unless there’s a little pain involved.
Mr. Hennessy has a special place for my mother, my sister, Mr. Rourke, and Gary Jones. No one will ever have to endure their thoughtless acts again.
It is summer vacation now, and Mr. Hennessy and I are thinking of visiting my dad in Portland. We have two whole months to travel together before we need to be back at school. I start sixth grade next year and I have a hunch that things are going to be really different.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 10:06 PM

Surprisingly easy to read, considering the writing.

A whole lotta murder and mayhem through the jaded eyes of a child.

You handled the sexual content in a reasonable way, and managed to portray the other characters nicely.

What is disturbing is the sudden change during the final 'TUSDAY' to the startling content of Mr. Hennessy's entry on the final WEDNESDAY

Quite the psycological thriller, Essedarius. Those two are going to have quite an escapade ahead of them.

posted on Sep, 13 2006 @ 11:24 PM
Excellent, it grabbed me right from the start, the last entry was spot on with the change in literacy. Cool.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 10:34 AM
Yes, this is sufficiently extra-creepy!! Another excellent entry from you.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 06:27 PM
This was an excellent story, and it reminds me of "Flowers for Algernon" a bit. Although this may not fit the facts of the story perfectly, I am nevertheless tempted to imagine if maybe, just maybe, Mr. Hensy doesn't actually exist, but is instead a manifestation of the narrator's personality(or personalities).

Just an idea.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 06:39 PM

That was just plain creepy. Good job!

posted on Oct, 17 2006 @ 02:41 AM
Good stuff! I always enjoy your writing, Ess, and this one was really something special.
I think I will be thinking of this kid for some time to come. Thanks for the chills.

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