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John Lear's Moon Pictures on ATS

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posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 05:02 AM
Yeah. In Goclenius, the northeastern corner has a bunch of extra white marks in the crater base than in the other images of it. One even looks like a clover/flower?? Notice in the other clearer image of the same crater up the page a few posts that just to the upper left of that "smudge", there appears to be a structure of some kind.

Just my very limited observation though. Maybe I'm seeing things again. I seem to be doin that a lot lately.


posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 05:34 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
I found another version of the same picture....

Notice anything different?

(This time my answer is on-topic
That is easy, this second picture was altered in many places by someone who was not worried about the alteration being spotted.

The easiest way to see it is with a little animation.

(you have to click the image above to see the animation)

In this animation the second image is slightly blurred when compared with the first because I had to resize it.

Where did you found that picture?

Wikipedia has a better version of this picture.

Edit 2:
In Wikipedia the link to the original image does not work, but if we change the letters to uppercase it works.
Their link should have been this one.

[edit on 10/2/2007 by ArMaP]

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 06:57 AM
ArMap, how did you do it? Interesting animation!

OK, has this image (below) been posted before? There are a number of whitish structures/stones/formations down there which do seem intriguing. Anyone has any idea what these could be? These have been marked in yellow squares.


posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 08:12 AM
In the opening lower portion of Goclenius you will notice 2 identical branch looking veins on the surface. What are the odds of this happening. The removal of a parallel line running diagonally could be a road, canal or pipeline. Magelhaens A- contains a white Geometric structure similar to the symbol Pi on its side. Some Clouds have been removed of course. How many times have we heard from the peanut gallery that there is no atmosphere or water on the Moon especially oxygen to breath. Rik Riley

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 08:54 AM
From this day foward I am going to submitt to an inner circle of individuals what I call Project Moon Beam, my brain child idea. This will take the participation of many thousands of dedicated people to accomplish this task. The project being the Earth's Moon. This project will be headed up by an inner circle of responsible human beings. John I will communicate to you more about this enormous project, first since this is your thread and because of your great knowledge of the Earth's Moon. Rik Riley

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 10:11 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh
OK, has this image (below) been posted before? There are a number of whitish structures/stones/formations down there which do seem intriguing. Anyone has any idea what these could be? These have been marked in yellow squares.

Lot of NASA pictures have these spots. Don't know if it is on the negative or if its is a problem when developping the picture.
See this as example. (eg. between Quetelet and Perrine)

[edit on 10-2-2007 by looofo]

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by rikriley
In the opening lower portion of Goclenius you will notice 2 identical branch looking veins on the surface. What are the odds of this happening. The removal of a parallel line running diagonally could be a road, canal or pipeline. Magelhaens A- contains a white Geometric structure similar to the symbol Pi on its side. Some Clouds have been removed of course. How many times have we heard from the peanut gallery that there is no atmosphere or water on the Moon especially oxygen to breath. Rik Riley

Well, when we have two different versions of an image we have three possibilities.
1- The first image is the real image and the second image was altered.
2- The first image is the altered image and the real image is the second.
3- Both images are alterations of the original, unkown, image.

Lets wait for Zorgon to see if he can say where did he find the second image.

posted on Feb, 10 2007 @ 03:10 PM
this cloudiness is not sun glare.

this smoke/steam/cloudiness is not sun glare. in fact, if you look closely, it's blanketing/obscuring other structures in a few places.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by undo
this cloudiness is not sun glare.

this smoke/steam/cloudiness is not sun glare. in fact, if you look closely, it's blanketing/obscuring other structures in a few places.

Hey undo,

I'm still not seeing the clouds that you seem to see. However, I did notice something of interest in that picture. If you look just to the lower right of center of the first pic, you'll see a + shape there. That could be a lot of things, ranging anywhere from an object on the surface reflecting light to a camera artifact, as the ones on the moon can attest to. I just find it odd, if this is indeed a camera artifact, that none of the other satellite photos taken of the Lunar surface have similar marks.

Has anyone else seen that before?


Edit 1:


[edit on 11-2-2007 by TheBorg]

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 03:24 AM

Originally posted by mikesingh...Anyone has any idea what these could be?

I think they are developer fluid marks.

I think this because I am in concensus with Zorgon regarding similar marks on other photos. They sometimes seem to be added after the exposure.

posted on Feb, 11 2007 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by TheBorg
If you look just to the lower right of center of the first pic, you'll see a + shape there.

The original photo has many of those + marks, it's a common feature on those photos.

You can see the original image on page one if this thread, it's the Copernicus2 photo.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by ArMaP
The original photo has many of those + marks, it's a common feature on those photos.

You can see the original image on page one if this thread, it's the Copernicus2 photo.

Wow. Now I feel stupid. Oh well, almost 100 pages of stuff to go through, and I miss one. Not too shabby if ya ask me.


posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by undo
this cloudiness is not sun glare.

this smoke/steam/cloudiness is not sun glare. in fact, if you look closely, it's blanketing/obscuring other structures in a few places.

Still just terrain. No fog, no clouds.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by ArMaP
The easiest way to see it is with a little animation.

(you have to click the image above to see the animation)

In this animation the second image is slightly blurred when compared with the first because I had to resize it.
[edit on 10/2/2007 by ArMaP]

So if they erased those areas, what does that mean. In these full size images, the images are altered, so what exactly in these images are they trying to hide, as these images don't have enough definition to discern intelligent structures, or do they? I'm trying to understand everyone's theories on this. Are there that many images, that there's still more unchecked?

Originally posted by mikesingh
ArMap, how did you do it? Interesting animation!

Animated gif file.

[edit on 12-2-2007 by Freezer]

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by looofo
Lot of NASA pictures have these spots. Don't know if it is on the negative or if its is a problem when developping the picture.

Since the Lunar Orbiter images were developed on board its a problem with developing...

As to the source of the second image... my daughter spent 5 minutes with the clone brush on paint shop pro... I wonder if NASA is hiring....

Point is its easy to airbrush in some "cloudlike" terrain or shadow to hide something. Naturally if you have the original version its very easy to spot the difference. But on the Lunar Orbiter images, this air brushing or cloning was not available so the only way to hide things would be to smudge the image with a q-tip swab with developer solution, or make the images go away.

Its interesting to see just how many of those LO photos are NOT available anymore...

To ArMap

You said earlier you had no comment on the wander 300 meter plus "boulders" I wonder why that is?

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Freezer

Not to say there isn't something on the moon, I would appreciate more anomolous images that Zorgon has to show us. Perhaps more of the installations on the moon reside underground, as to avoid detection, but who knows.

Thanks and I am working on it... just been real busy at work...

But I am afraid I can't show you pictures of the underground installations

Would sketches do?

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:16 AM
[edit on 13-2-2007 by zorgon]

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
Thanks and I am working on it... just been real busy at work...

But I am afraid I can't show you pictures of the underground installations

Would sketches do?

Hey now!! You've acquired quite the enduring audience over these past 100 pages. The least we should expect is some underground installation photos. I wanna see grays, reptilians, and the whole works.

Anyway, I think it merits looking into further, that last image in particular. It's the best example of tampering that I've seen since this thing started. Funny it was on Page 1 all along.... Still makes me mad that I missed it.


posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 05:23 AM
Yep, knew something was up. Knew Zorgon was training his daughter to work for NASA all along

The rolling rock thing is an obvious fake too. Someone with souped up psi abilities moved those buggers just to get us a wonderin'....

I was about to say to Borg, "Airplanes on the Moon? You are more likely to find dragons there!" When agent 8 arrives I'll ask her...

posted on Feb, 13 2007 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by zorgon
As to the source of the second image... my daughter spent 5 minutes with the clone brush on paint shop pro... I wonder if NASA is hiring....

So, just to clear any doubts, was the following image altered by your daughter just a test?

To ArMap

You said earlier you had no comment on the wander 300 meter plus "boulders" I wonder why that is?

I have no comments because I have never thought of that problem before, so I need to do some investigation to be able to pronounce myself with less probabilities of being wrong than at this moment.

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