Well since I can't start my own threads yet...
To begin with, I'm pretty much an amateur at this so please excuse any ignorance. Also, these could have been mentioned earlier in the thread and I
missed them due to broken links or my own haste, so I'm sorry if any of these are repeats. Looking at the posted pics, it's obvious that I'm no
img editor genius either, since my zoom is pretty awful. Hopefully I can figure out how to post more detailed pics or someone can help me out a bit
if they have the time/inclination.
I was looking through The Living Moon site and while I think that some of the objects noted as anomalies took a good stretch of the imagination,
others blew me away with their clarity. As such, I started looking a little closer at the images and happened to start with AS11-41-6156HR which I
got from thelivingmoon.com.
As I combed over it, I found a number of things that just didn't make sense to me as natural terrain features. Many of them may well be tricks of
light, shadow, and lack of detail. Others were far too curious for me to ignore. As I worked through image, I circled (in MSPaint) anything that
jumped out at me so that I could come back to it later. Here is that pic is
Labeled therein therein are 3 specific anomalies that I'll include below.
The Cross:
I think this one is pretty evident, and I have trouble seeing it being a trick of light/shadow.
The Airstrip:
Not sure what else to refer to this as, but it reminded me of an airstrip of sorts.
The Spider:
This one is tough to see. You may need to grab the HR version and zoom it to see the detail. Originally it looked to me like some sort of
Nazca-esque spider etching on a wall. Then I recalled that something similar was spotted on Mars and someone had thought it was a collection of
pipes. Very intriguing.
There are a number of other features that jumped out at me: radar tower, smudged tower, and repeated objects among others, but I felt that these 3
were the most distinct and plausible. Please comment.