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explosions before collapse in video

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posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by gps777
what significance would this have with explosives?

because not only was the 50 ton press"gone" but also

When the two arrived at the C level, they found the machine shop gone. "There was nothing there but rubble, "Mike said. "We're talking about a 50 ton hydraulic press ? gone!" The two began yelling for their co-workers, but there was no answer. They saw a perfect line of smoke streaming through the air. "You could stand here," he said, "and two inches over you couldn't breathe. We couldn't see through the smoke so we started screaming." But there was still no answer.


this was in the sub lvl's way below where the aircraft impacted so what caused this amount of damage and the other damage reported in that source? admitedly any fuel that made it's way down there from the aircraft would have had some explosive ability(surely most would have burnt up before traveling down that far?) but would it have had enough explosive ability to cause this?

"There were no walls, there was rubble on the floor, and you can't see anything

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by justyc
well, if you count the fbi as the us gov.

That`ll do

interesting. wikipedia has a few 'edits' on this story but luckily you can review the revisions - scroll to the bottom to read 'alleged fbi foreknowledge'

original wiki report

second revision

what it says now

As i said its the first i`ve heard of this FBI foreknowlege Is there any other scorce of this info on foreknowlege that you`ve seen?I`ll do a search anyway, I noticed Alex Jones Road to Tyranny mentioned,i`ll search for the vid also.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 05:06 AM
I`m with you now solidshot thanks,so irrespective of weight of the press what these guys were saying when they said the workshop`s gone they were meaning blown up hence the rubble,and not just cleared out,Dopey me.

[edit on 14-9-2006 by gps777]

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 06:29 AM

Originally posted by gps777
As i said its the first i`ve heard of this FBI foreknowlege Is there any other scorce of this info on foreknowlege that you`ve seen?I`ll do a search anyway, I noticed Alex Jones Road to Tyranny mentioned,i`ll search for the vid also.

well there are a few more 'reputable' sources mentioned here on the wiki page for the informer - here

of course, its not something that the us likes to brag about is it? that they are actively involved in terrorist attacks against their own people! and if they've done it (more than) once then they'll carry on doing it.

the sadder part of this is that so many americans absolutely refuse to accept their government would ever do such a thing and even when it is documented and proven they still will not accept it - its always someone elses fault. if you see alex jones latest documentary you even see one guy stick his fingers in his ears and go lalalala because he wont listen to what hes being told. it is this totally blind, blinkered and deliberate ignorance of FACT that allows them to get away with it.

hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. therefore evil doesnt exist.

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by gps777
As i said its the first i`ve heard of this FBI foreknowlege Is there any other scorce of this info on foreknowlege that you`ve seen?I`ll do a search anyway, I noticed Alex Jones Road to Tyranny mentioned,i`ll search for the vid also.

Dude check out about Agent Rowley and the FBI's handling of the suspects before 9/11
She was denied a search warrant for Moussaoui's house even after much pleading with her superiors. And this came from the top, she was ordered from the higher ups not to go for this guy

If she had been allowed she would have found 9/11 plans on his laptop!

"Research into Mr Moussaoui's background uncovered French intelligence suspicions
that he had links to Islamic extremist groups, and Mrs Rowley approved a request for a
search of Mr Moussaoui's computer and personal effects, but the request met with
scepticism in Washington, and by one unnamed supervisory special agent (SSA) in particular."

posted on Sep, 14 2006 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by gps777
What of the second tower(not sure which)where the top collapsed unevenly?

What that collapse was just initiating, it leaned outward, but then the rest of the collapse from there on was just falling very symmetrically, straight down. The angular momentum of that tilting cap was also lost, somehow, despite there being a physics law that states angular momentum must be conserved without being acted upon by opposite forces.

They would've started "cleanly" because of thermite "charges", whereas thermite is an incendiary and quietly and inconspicuously eats through steel columns. It also produces bright orange/yellow/white molten material, such as was seen coming from WTC2 shortly before its collapse.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by justyc

well there are a few more 'reputable' sources mentioned here on the wiki page for the informer - here

of course, its not something that the us likes to brag about is it? that they are actively involved in terrorist attacks against their own people! and if they've done it (more than) once then they'll carry on doing it.

the sadder part of this is that so many americans absolutely refuse to accept their government would ever do such a thing and even when it is documented and proven they still will not accept it - its always someone elses fault.

hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil. therefore evil doesnt exist.

Dont get me wrong justyc it may appear i`m an opponent to anyone talking down Gov leadership,i assure you when the words Iraq is next (so to speak)from Bush i thought it was BS,Dick Clark (head of counter terror at the time)even confirms this when he said that on the same day as 9/11 he (Bush)wanted to bomb Iraq and was talked out of it because the people would`nt buy it.So much for explosives being convincing?

Well the people did`nt buy it after Afghanistan either and the main reason they had for an invasion was because of WMD secondly that Saddam was harboring a few terrorists.

Most people in the world would and did say this is about oil and i agree with them,but mostly i believe this is about global positioning and that huge US embassy they are building in Iraq now confirms my thoughts.Its not too much of a concern if explosives were used or not,what concerns me is the agenda`s which came from 9/11 and whats to come and all of these same agenda`s and new laws etc did`nt need explosives the planes would have been enough to warrant retaliation to the perps in a big way.

If the supposed explosives is ever proven that it was an inside job by the US Gov nothing is going to change,sure some heads may roll but by that time the agenda`s would have moved so far forward by that time and more than likely be over shadowed by the new events which has snow balled due to 9/11, people living in that day if it comes at all will have a new President and Gov and different global problems.NWO anyone? i think so.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by earthtone

Dude check out about Agent Rowley and the FBI's handling of the suspects before 9/11
She was denied a search warrant for Moussaoui's house even after much pleading with her superiors. And this came from the top, she was ordered from the higher ups not to go for this guy

If she had been allowed she would have found 9/11 plans on his laptop!

Yeah i saw that on "the path to 9/11 the other night".Not sure if its the usual bureaucratic bungling red tape crap that happens so often or not but is is highly suspicious i agree.

posted on Sep, 15 2006 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11

They would've started "cleanly" because of thermite "charges", whereas thermite is an incendiary and quietly and inconspicuously eats through steel columns. It also produces bright orange/yellow/white molten material, such as was seen coming from WTC2 shortly before its collapse.

Was there any evidence of columns affected by thermite,surely investigations had taken place at/after and during the clean up?

So the theories as i`ve read them are bombs at the bottom of the building to weaken the core,thermite to weaken the steel columns,and explosives used on all floors and detonated when the collapse took place.

If thats correct?do you believe them all?

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by gps777

Originally posted by earthtone

Dude check out about Agent Rowley and the FBI's handling of the suspects before 9/11
She was denied a search warrant for Moussaoui's house even after much pleading with her superiors. And this came from the top, she was ordered from the higher ups not to go for this guy

If she had been allowed she would have found 9/11 plans on his laptop!

Yeah i saw that on "the path to 9/11 the other night".Not sure if its the usual bureaucratic bungling red tape crap that happens so often or not but is is highly suspicious i agree.

The agents involved were pleading with their superiors for a warrent which was not allowed. Why? This came from the director of the FBI. Why would he not allow the investigation of suspected terrorists when agents were desperate to?

Originally posted by gps777

Was there any evidence of columns affected by thermite,surely investigations had taken place at/after and during the clean up?

Have you not heard? FEMA and other trusty government agencies delt with the aftermath and the steel was quickly moved and shipped away. I highly doubt during this process that it was tested for thermite lol.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 11:01 AM
911-Eyewitness Video is a hoax.Please watch this demo video and notice how damned loud the explosions are.If there were explosions at the WTC just about everyone of the hundreds of videos filmed on 911 would of recorded this sound!

This recent footage wich was filmed at about the same distance as that Demolision video shows there were no explosions(just like hundreds of other videos show).Notice how clear the audio and video are.If there were any explosions they would be heard!

[edit on 19-9-2006 by Samblack]

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by Samblack
... notice how damned load the explosions are..

They sure are LOAD.

Aluminothermics and brisance... two terms you should familiarize yourself with if you are going to make silly arguments.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 11:31 AM
PFFFF what ever,lol you know im right.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Samblack
PFFFF what ever,lol you know im right.

WOW... powerful and compelling reply.

Actually, I know, and it is fact, that you are wrong.

You are only considering high explosives such as RDX, C4 and TNT...

There are many other explosives and incendaries that have a lower brisance and hence are silent or quite quiet.

It seems that you are a troll, so I will stop feeding you now.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 11:48 AM
The video quality is pretty poor. However, the video DOES answer one question. During a controlled demolition, the building will collapse completely. It will not leave sections of the building standing. During tower 1's collapse you can clearly see columns still standing for a bit after the building has collapsed, before they too surrender to gravity. In other words, its not a demolition (those columns would have collapsed with the rest). As for the "booms" what do you think steel and concrete sound like when they snap? (here's a hint....they sound like "booms")

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
During a controlled demolition, the building will collapse completely. It will not leave sections of the building standing.

What? I can probably find you a ton of botched CDs using google...

Your logic is deeply flawed...

You:"IF it is CD THEN it MUST collapse COMPLETLY"

Reality: "IF it is CD THEN the demolition company prays everything goes PERFECTLY and the building collapses COMPLETLY. Sometimes, it will not"

Do you see the flaw in your boolean logic?

[edit on 19-9-2006 by Slap Nuts]


posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by Swampfox46_1999
The video quality is pretty poor. However, the video DOES answer one question. During a controlled demolition, the building will collapse completely. It will not leave sections of the building standing. During tower 1's collapse you can clearly see columns still standing for a bit after the building has collapsed, before they too surrender to gravity. In other words, its not a demolition (those columns would have collapsed with the rest). As for the "booms" what do you think steel and concrete sound like when they snap? (here's a hint....they sound like "booms")

How do you explain the action of the materials in the "detnation zone" as the buildings are falling? How can matter at rest, or free fall, be projected hundreds of feet upward and outward from a free falling structure? I simply cannot see the snapping and breaking of steel and concret at free fall causeing this amount of explosive charge...

In other words, there had to be some sort of explosive, how ever crude it was placed in there, explosive most certainly were inside the building of some sort.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 12:57 PM
Those who control the "Top Secrets" and high levels of secrecy can control and overrule any of the countries laws, directions, and commands by keeping their operations in secret from congress and the public.
The CIA and some people in the White House are the ones who knew about the plans to stage the 9-11 attack, not congress or lower level people in government like soldiers and security officers. Those lower level people in government just follow orders and rarely receive full explainations of what is really going on.

[Mod edit: Removed bold tags from Entire post]
Please limit the use of bold tags to emphasize key points, not the Entire post.

[edit on 9/19/2006 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 02:09 PM
This is what i think is happening;
All these theories about what REALLY happened on 9/11 are being put into the same catagory as the Roswell incident, the Kennedy assassination, the end of the world countdown and many others alike....This is exactly what keeps it at the level in which it is...A CONSPIRACY THEORY.

Even if everything points towards government conspiracy to the point where there is no shadow of a doubt that Bush and his hawk scumbags where behind this to give the U.S. the proverbial 'get out of jail free' card in the name of 9/11, it'll still be a theory looming around in the depths of the internet 'basement' where all the apparent freaks hangout....
And that's just what helps the government get away with such things. The more people write articles and setup websites about certain conspiracy theories, the more you'll hear and read stories on 'CNN' and 'FOX' and the like about things like... "...doctoring of photos on the internet..." or " easy it is the manipulate video these days..." or " communities of conspiracy creators"....where ..."all is not what it seems..." and other statements like;
"...the internet as become a safe haven for 'loners' and those alike who have no real social skills, yet find an audience in online forums where they create sensational stories...are your CHILDREN getting caught in the 'ONLINE FORUM MADNESS'?..."..of course, they have to mention the poor children....right?..that'll get their attention!

The writers and creators of these sites and letters are being portrayed by the 'credible' medial as attention getters or as simply angry adolescents who shouldn't, in their opinion, be given any creedence. Unfortunately, what makes a good conspiracy theory is that it can never be REALLY proven.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by PULVERlZER
Unfortunately, what makes a good conspiracy theory is that it can never be REALLY proven.

That is why MANY here focus on DISproving the official story and asking for a release of the evidence.

Hopefully, by taking this course of action a new investigation can be opened.

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