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The Da Vinci Code and Holy Grail

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posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 06:10 AM
And no Byrd, there are no 100,000 decendants, not even, 100, not even 10.

It is a custom in such families to have normally one child per generation. For all we know there might be just 1 generation.

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 06:16 AM
Imagine having slogan like that on a CV!

Imagine replacing prince william whatever his name as the most eligable bachelor, and all kinds of other stuff.

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 06:36 AM
I hope you realize that Dan Brown's book is fiction?

DNA testing can't confirm parentage beyond the first couple of generations, it can only 'exclude' certain people from being your ancestor. ie: subject A has genes for blue eyes and subject B has no genes for blue eyes, hence subject B is not descended from subject A. To confirm parentage over multiple generations you have to work from the beginning and check every generation in-between (both parents). There's no religious relics (or remains) that can be confirmed to belong to Jesus, so no way to even get a sample of his DNA as a starting point.

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by k4rupt
Hmm... I read somewhere that there still exists the spear that the Roman soldier used to spear Jesus. It's in a museum or something... Maybe, just maybe, Jesus' DNA is on that spear? I'm not sure, but an amusing thought that in the future we could clone Jesus.

At this point, after 2000 years, the DNA would be so contaminated and polluted that it would be useless.

posted on Aug, 30 2006 @ 06:46 PM
I don't expect anybody to believe any of this(and you shouldn't, but should instead experiment and gain your own Gnosis).

But the DaVinci Code(although exploring many interesting symbolisms in relation to Esoteric Christianity and Alchemy/Tantra)contains elements of black magic.

For instance in the book, Dan Brown writes that one can attain Gnosis through the orgasm.

This is legitimate black magic and is against the teachings of the Brothers of the Temple(White Tantra teaches the withdrawal from the sexual act before reaching orgasm, in order to attain Gnosis or Tantric Union).

And in the movie, the supposed "Brothers of the Temple" are shown wearing black-hoods.

The Brothers of the Temple do not wear black hoods, only black magicians do.

"However, the Master Zanoni (from the White Lodge), dresses in a black tunic and wears a distinguished mantle of the same color, but never a black hood. This is because the black hood is only for black magicians." - Samael Aun Weor

Just some things to consider... as the Zionists, or Black Lodge, are putting out a lot of false propaganda that is actually mixed with things that are true, in order to deceive people.

Another example is the false "Gnosis" of "The Matrix".

But yes, The Holy Grail is the Feminine Yoni and is that which allows the Initiate to 'Raise the Serpent':

Jesus' Bloodline

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto you (the mystery of my wife Mary Magdalene is “MM” and any “Master Mason” knows that! Is not perhaps Christ “Shin”, the Son of Nun, which is the final outcome of the blood? and), except a man be born of water (MeM, Mary Magdalene, who develops the Son of Nun in her Belly) and of the (Holy) Spirit (Ruach Elohim, Aleph), he cannot enter into the kingdom of God….

The wind (Aleph as oxygen) blows (the fire in the blood) where it listens (the “IAO” and transmutes the water into wine), and (when the fire is awakened) you hear the sound thereof (within your “Vav”, Spinal Medulla), but cannot tell whence it comes, and whither it goes (because it rises according to Nous, the fires of the heart): so is every one that is born of the Spirit (Aleph that hovers upon the Waters - MeM, Mother Mary).


[edit on 30-8-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Aug, 31 2006 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by Freeman
What did the book say about his lineage? That it was persecuted and hanuted by all kinds of bodies. ... Didnt Brown said something about the secret society needed to guard this secret?

There are several nonfiction books out there that Dan Brown based his book on. Actually using Brown's book as a reference is not a good idea, in my opinion.
It's fiction.

(Apologies if I come across as snobby. Not my intent at all...I loved the DaVinci Code...I just wouldn't use it to find the truth about Jesus any more than I'd use Green Eggs and Ham to find the truth about my cholesterol.)

Try "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh. This is the nonfiction book that Brown took most of his ideas from.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 06:51 AM

Try "The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh. This is the nonfiction book that Brown took most of his ideas from.

Actually it is one that he mentions in his book along with 2-3 others. Unfortunately
Dan Brown did not put a bibliography in TDVC, it is after all fiction.

HBHG is probably the most recent to deal with the subject. However it also draws
on earlier works by others. It does have an excelent biblio though.

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by Reality Hurts
This topic always confounds me.

We have no real historic proof of Jesus and only heresay of wide-eyed followers speculating about his life and endeavors. But, for arguements sake, lets say he was real, and he did have followers. Let's even go so far as to say that he was imbued by a supreme being with divine physics-defying powers.

Why all the fuss about possible offspring? One would assume that diety-like powers aren't inherited, but bestowed. And even if they were, I think it would be safe to assume that 8,000 generations later, they'd be so watered down that they'd be non-existant.

So whats the big deal? That he had children when a book said he didn't? Maybe I'm just thick, I don't get it.

there is a lot of proof that there was a man names "jesus". the part of him actually living is not in question,the part of him
being divine and actually the son of god is.
there is writing of him everywhere, not only in the bible. the only way that people had any way of keeping records is by telling future generations and writing it down. now who's to say, that the things that we write down today, sometime someone in the future will look at it and say" those people were uneducated and they were lying... this couldnt have happened", and since they were not here, they would make their own conclusions.

thats exactly what people do today. make their own conclusions about the past. they beleive one thing while casting aside another. to which ever suits them.

jesus was here.. but was he the son of god.. i think so. but thats just me.. i have faith.

now the part of why everyone cares so much about his lineage, if he has one, is beyond me. i mean, it would be neat to know that you were a decendant from jesus. but how would that make you any different than you were 5 mintues before you found out?? you probably wouldnt have any powers from it. anyway, just wanted to put in my thoughts.

im out

[edit on 1-9-2006 by mindtrip02]

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 03:56 PM
[edit on 29-8-2006 by Freeman]
"To start with the spear( the one in Austria) - it has no ancient DNA on it whatsover as it has been cleaned and tested, didn't you see the TV program? Also this spear is not from the 1st Century as other tests by metallurgists have shown. The only possibility of a connection that far back is a chance that a piece of merged metal is from this date (untested).
There would be no basis for a claim of jesus descent unless there was proof of jesus and his divinity (of which there is neither)."

G quote

no, actually they have never tested the part of the "spear" itself. it is noted that there is alot of other metals and wood surrounding a piece in the middle that they have not yet tested. they know that the parts surrounding it date from the 3rd century all the way to the middle ages.which proves that its been thru alot of peoples hands. but since they have not tested the middle part of it, its hard to tell what year it came from.

im out

[edit on 1-9-2006 by mindtrip02]

[edit on 1-9-2006 by mindtrip02]

posted on Sep, 1 2006 @ 04:08 PM
my sources state around 350,000.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 03:45 AM

Originally posted by mindtrip02

there is a lot of proof that there was a man names "jesus". the part of him actually living is not in question,the part of him
being divine and actually the son of god is.
there is writing of him everywhere, not only in the bible.
jesus was here.. but was he the son of god.. i think so. but thats just me.. i have faith.
[edit on 1-9-2006 by mindtrip02]

Mindtrip02, I really hope you can back your claim up that there is lots of proof. My research into it was totally unsuccessful. I used to think that there was one actual account of Jesus written during his life besides the bible, by Josephus. Later, I learned that Josephus was born right about the year of the crucifixion, and therefore could not have been a contemporary eyewitness. It has been my experience that I can't find even one non-biblical contemporary record mentioning Jesus. Moreover, neither could I find a single contemporary account recording any of his entourage, his disciples, or family. Nobody saw any of them. The writers of the time, of the area, didn't notice any of them. You say there is writing of him everywhere. Where?
The DV Code.... sigh. I read HBHG in the mid 80's and have read likely over a hundred related books since. Dan Brown made up a nice story, totally fictional, self admitted. In my view, many of the contentions he implies are true are wrong, according to my sources. Its a great area to read about though, and has kept me involved for over 20 years.
It is not surprising the lance is in Austria, since the Austrian Royal Family, the Hapsburgs, are leading candidates for being Jesus' descendents. The Hapsburgs are also the titular Jewish Royal Family from what I have read. So its no wonder the lance is there.
Who cares who your ancestors are, who are you? Thats all that matters.

posted on Sep, 2 2006 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by mindtrip02
no, actually they have never tested the part of the "spear" itself. it is noted that there is alot of other metals and wood surrounding a piece in the middle that they have not yet tested. they know that the parts surrounding it date from the 3rd century all the way to the middle ages.which proves that its been thru alot of peoples hands. but since they have not tested the middle part of it, its hard to tell what year it came from.

im out

[edit on 1-9-2006 by mindtrip02]

Did you check out: _Treasure_News/Spear/01Is_the_spear_that_pierced.htm

As for the 'Nail of the Lord', examination reveals it to be not a nail at all, but some kind of pin or toggle. All that remains is the possibility - real, according to Feather - that some fragments of a genuine crucifixion nail might have been forged or beaten into it.
To put the issue beyond reasonable doubt, Feather sets off for the British Museum to compare x-rays of the Vienna spear with others of a similar design and period. If they match, he will have ended the argument. It is impossible to believe that a faker in 1945, let alone any technological visionary in or before the time of Christ, could have replicated with microscopic accuracy the materials and methods of a 7th-century armourer.
With Feather's results, the last gasp of air leaks from the fantasists' balloon. The metallurgical profile of the spear of destiny precisely matches the British Museum's medieval lookalikes. The spear is exactly what it appears to be - old, but not old enough to have pierced the side of Christ; and emphatically not a fake

SO it very much looks like a hoax


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