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[Who Killed John O'neil] History of Terrorism, al Qaeda connection to CIA

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posted on Nov, 9 2006 @ 03:01 PM
Been watching for about half an hour now. So far it's GREAT! Thanks for the link.


posted on Nov, 15 2006 @ 04:36 PM
To clear something up for you guys, its a fact that the CIA was involved in training and supplying weapons an money to fight the russians (they supplied AK's instead of M16's etc to cover this up). Some years ago there even was a docu about CIA agents who were involved with these events telling how they worked this out, in-depth. Also the new Defense guy who formaly worked for the CIA was praised by Bush for his work in setting up the Afghans to fight the russians.

Al-Qaeda is a phantom organisation.

posted on Nov, 16 2006 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by 137
To clear something up for you guys, its a fact that the CIA was involved in training and supplying weapons an money to fight the russians

True, another good source to read about this information is the book Charlie Wilson's War, by George Crile.

It has informative source notes and he interviewed many of the key players involved directly.

[edit on 11/16/06 by redmage]

posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 07:06 PM
Watched the film tonight on Google. Brilliant! Very interesting and thought provoking.
Also really well put together. Who needs Hollywood when two blokes can produce something of this standard ? I'm afraid I'm hooked now! Any more in the pipeline?

The Afghan angle is interesting. I worked with a chap who was out there in '79 with the UN. He was in the American Club opposite Radio Kabul when the Russians stormed the radio station.His job entailed extensive travel round 'stan, contact with the relevant govt ministries and obviously he was plugged into the expat rumour mill. His explanation of the political situation there was enlightening.

The govt was communist with its power bases in the urban areas. They were pushing through various social and economic reforms,eg redistribution of land holdings, education for women, and promoting athiesm. Just as any communist regime would do.

These policies upset the village and tribal elders who were being side lined and could see their power base being eroded. Of course undermining Islam was also a no no.

As the resistance to these changes hardend the govt started using force to punish those resisting. Afghanistan was supported militarily by the Russians who, amongst other things, provided "advisors". Some of these "advisors" were pilots who flew Afghan airforce planes on bombing missions against villages that were causing trouble. This of course didnt make the Russians very popular.

The Russians were also proving staff for UN development programs. One of these programs was involved with improving livestock farming. The Russians had teams of veteranry surgeons going out to the countryside and advising the locals on animal health and welfare.

My friend told me of one Russian vet group who disappeared whilst out on an aid project. They were found a couple of weeks later, having been executed in the traditional Afghan way. This was in retaliation for the bombing carried out by the "advisors".

How this all relates to CIA narco terrorism I don't know. But seeing the film and reading this thread got me thinking about the times I was regaled with yet another story from Afghanistan!

Hope this isnt too boring



[edit on 29-11-2006 by the smoking beagle]

posted on Nov, 29 2006 @ 07:40 PM
Dont know if this has been posted before
Just been having a quick Google and found this site" target="_blank" class="postlink">

Some good primary sources on Afghanistan and the Russian experience fighting there.

all the best


posted on Dec, 17 2006 @ 08:47 PM
watching now, WOW THIS IS ALREADY EXCELLENT! it shows the mind of a conspiracy theorist , i feel somewhat proud
. ( ofcource, the phsycho is my favourite ...)

you can download videos of youtube with certain software...

It was one of the top videos on google video at one point.

This is a MUST see !

"Al-Qaeda is a phantom organisation. " Absolutely, a completely controlled fabrication with no mind of it's own.


you mentioned a suspect who was part of ISI, you just described yet another case of a trend that i have noticed.

One british "alqaeda suspect" actually says and was proven right, that he was an MI5 agent, he was told to go off to pakistan and spy and he returns they say he is alqaeda and still maintain it.

In australia, mamdu habib, he said that his reason for going to pakistan was that the people in his community where becoming hostile to his family. Later we here that the people in his community suspected him of being an ASIO agent. They apperantly asked him to be one but he claims he refused.. i have a sneaking suspicion that there is more to this story!

They seem to be creating these guys, and then capturing them to make it look like they are doing something against this "threat".

If you look closer and closer at this thing they call al Qaeda, we will come to realise that it is just a mirage.

[edit on 17-12-2006 by Syrian Sister]

posted on Dec, 17 2006 @ 10:22 PM
draculla blood.

whatever you'll say terrorism means muslims who hate US ! and
in their oppinion this world should pe populated just by muslims !

lol, at first i thought oyu where being sarcastic. So what, christians want the whole world to be populated by christians, and so do jews, buhdists. Everyone wants the world to agree with them.
Doesn't mean they want to kill people or force people to agree. Your so easily swayed by what your told aren't you you don't put any thought to it yourself.

I sometimes wonder what people like you are doing on conspiracy websites.

posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 07:22 AM
maybe i was sarcastic....maybe not
i really wanna leave in peace...but when you know that someone else hates you and is always trying to kill you...than you should also chenge your atitude ...

posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 08:11 AM
Dear zren:

I posted this previously on another thread.

Al-Qaeda is a cluster of IBM VAX (Virtual Address Extension) mainframe computers in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Call Langley, Virginia to open an account.

The Wizard In The Woods

posted on Dec, 18 2006 @ 08:35 AM

...but when you know that someone else hates you and is always trying to kill you...than you should also chenge your atitude ...

Do you KNOW it. Or are you told it, by a government that wants to controll you?

posted on Dec, 21 2006 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by Syrian Sister

...but when you know that someone else hates you and is always trying to kill you...than you should also chenge your atitude ...

Do you KNOW it. Or are you told it, by a government that wants to controll you?

Youve told us yourself SS.

I just asked you in a thread if you support people Murdering , Americans, British and Australians etc in Iraq and you said YES.

You are Australian (so youve said anyway) yet support the MURDERING of your countrymen, you just PROVED yourself what draculasblood said and we already KNEW !!

Link to SS support for the Murder of Her Countrymen !

A hundred years ago you would of been executed for saying that publicly, if you lived in the Middle East and publicly said the opposite (ie against Islamic countrys) you would probably be executed !!

Just as well we are such a tolerant bunch in the West huh ??

posted on Mar, 16 2007 @ 04:23 PM
“The 5500 Year Suppression of Ages”
To know is immortal

The Greatest curiosities upon our selves, is simply to know our selves and the mysteries of our Self being and Universe so vast. What grand purpose do we have here and why so much cruelty and suffering upon ourselves.

Because we don’t know ourselves and we don’t truly have the freedom to attain that goal for the formations of environments around us and through medias.

Sins, we know plenty of, and we know why… money and power, two of the greatest sins, for all, there is no power in us as there is in our Galactic Father, or God as you know him, though you know him not, and know not how to reveal Him for his true manner of being to convince us that He Exists.

Because they want to convince you that God is Money and money exists.

The existence of money and power for luxuries and perversions, above all, have distorted our very conception of well being, histories and spirituality, for evil always seeks to take away your spirituality to weaken you.

Hence conformed and implemented Corruptions of Propaganda.

We see it every day and every where, both in the human kingdoms and animal kingdoms.

Because of Our Stain.

This Stain will be 5480 years old on December the Tenth of this year, two thousand and seven, in the year of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for all, on a worldwide level, though their religions are different and many, they all know in generality.

The core of our Histories, more or less, has always been focused around the Mediterranean, where we are also watchful for the histories of Egypt because of their great monuments left behind for us to witness and their records in temples of worship.

Many have asked and still debate the great mystery of the Pyramids and the Wisdom of yesterdays Scholars, and why it is that we only know the history of Egypt to roughly 3100.bC to a time of a First Pharaoh, and what are the mysteries of earlier Pharaohs, like Narmer, or Scorpion King and hints of other preceding Pharaohs. Pharaohs, who reach the day of light to 4000.bC from the provenance of the Palermo Stone which I believe was “broken” on purpose to hide older facts of our Histories, especially around 3500.bC, or before Christ.

The Bronze Age is capped around this time also, and the rest of the Mediterranean doesn’t seem to “wake up” until after 2000.bC, By 1000 aD, most of the Western knowledge was altered and hidden to favor the East.

In All, part of the great 5500 year suppression of Ages which all changed when they abandoned Our True God, who is Father.

But who can say, who is Father? What evidence can they sustain to convince us of Father other than words of hope and wisdom?
Who can say whose religion is proper when God has anger with 7 Churches that are in Asia?
For this reason, their very own revelations, shall be revealed unto themselves, for to alter God’s name is a revelation unto thyself of thine own doings as it has been for 5480 years.

For this reason they changed your calendar to Zero, and glorified themselves with riches and have hidden the truth from amongst our selves to gain the promise of the “broken one”, as they have glorified themselves with our true hidden knowledge.

For this reason, the Library of Alexandria fell to Pergamon, where they themselves, say the seat of their abomination also resides near the perch of The Ark.

Strange, for the Ark has been perched for at least 5000 years also, or since the First Pharaoh as you know him, Pharaoh Menes.

You know Menes, but you don’t know the Secret of Mn, which is part of a Royal Family of Wisdom and Time.

Nor do you know the Secret of our True Histories as Atlanteans, because our truth bears no academic standing in our schools of wisdom, if you can call them such things for all their falsities mediated by families of Zero.

So, to tell a Great Lie, is Great Truth, such as to portray Atlantis as a mystical underwater Disney movie, is burnt into the deepest neuro-logic memory banks of our minds.

Such as spending money or slaying our neighbours for crazed manias of distorted beliefs and hidden rages brought on through thought control which evolves into our maturities and family functions.

In other words, gross injustice and negligence upon ourselves through medias of corruption to the level of accepted tolerance and disfunction.

So, in truth, we are innocent as to why, but not as to have known why and still do.
Part of this corruption is also bred on purpose to distort forms of gain, such as religions, God or personal growth or our true histories. A prime example is we often see Crosses, God, Jesus Christ, Bibles and other religious purposes portrayed along side evils on our televisions, such as the The Excorcist and Linda Blair……when she was a child of 13 years of age for her demented movie role.

Again, focus is on Corruptive Power where the mentality of God and religions reaches a point of rejection because they themselves, the followers of Zero, blame God for our injustices and misfortunes and label him a murderer to have wiped out our Earth by a Great flood for his resentment of us.
Or, Priests, Bibles and God, will end up harming us with a “Texas ChainSaw” or “Silence of The Lambs”.

It was not God, the reality is it was Mr. Zero, whose abomination formed from the evils of your Sins upon ourselves, just as the Purity of God forming from the goodness of your deeds upon ourselves.

So, every Earth like planets with humans, also have their Gods in other Galaxies where the Law of One justifies Air and Water and comfort to sustain our lively hoods.

For example, most of us cannot look at a naked body without thoughts of lust if desired or detestment and embarrassment if resentful, for lack of beauty and spirituality of the complexity at hand.

A good example, is that in ancient times, fat big butted goddesses, were looked upon as beautiful because they were closer to God, in ancient times, before we abandoned him for the power of Zero.

The key word is Power, because the Power of Purity or God, and the Power of Zero, were the battles of our life forces to sustain provenance of kingdom, or our Earth, which sadly we see in our medias, families and futures, reflected by the power of zero.

Only problem is, the the followers of Zero, who are leading our very destruction, have no Mr.Zero, to further perpetrate their cause of evil doings and puppet governments.

The reason for this is that the 5500 year suppression has seen the light of day, and the truths of ourselves and our histories has been revealed.

The benefits of this is in the message of World Peace and Prosperous Growth for All of Us, no matter where we stand on this Earth.

Religion has stood the test of time and will always stand the test of time because there is no greater glory than Spiritual growth for us to continue in our next phases of development if we preserve our very well being…

That is, our Souls.

This was the Tragedy of Zero, to please you for your Souls so he could grow further than his 7 light years size within our very energies around us.

Imagine if we were to become that abominations energy?

That is the same purpose of those in Power, to be like the Gods.

Tragic that they shall become the Gods of misfortune in the world of the greys or their souls evaporated into the bowels of Sekhmet and Orion, or Osiris and Isis if you like.

Because it is to Egypt that we are thankful to know the truth of our Histories and God, and to reveal unto us this 5480 years of Suppression, that and a mysterious land known as Africa.

It is to Africa that we owe it to ourselves to be thankful for the truths of our histories, to some extent. Our Scientists discover our oldest bones there, and trace our DNA roots to around the lands of Tanzania, Africa and The Old Duvai Gorge of Ethiopia. Our knowledge base has grown to a level to understand Dinosaurs or Continental plate theories, or wonderful machines that marvel our imaginations and transport us around this entire globe, or magnificent displays of human effort with our Cities or sacrifices of countless of lives for Wars of distortion and greed and false religions.

A 6000 year old war that continues to this day and terrifies our very existence

Call it systematic genocide if you like, for the purpose of the yellow race who glorifies themselves for their 100 years of breathe here on Earth.

It is also to Africa, that we owe ourselves the hidden knowledge of Atlantis and Atlanteans, as it was revealed not only in Sais, Egypt around 570.bC,, but also by our scholars of yesterday who memorized the Atalantean and Atarantean cultures of Africa (see Herodotus Histories).

But who is one man, to convince us of these great truths and why should we accept these truths as provenance.

Because the evidence has been collected to reveal our hidden histories and truths of not only ourselves, but of God and his grand purpose here for us all to be free of corruptions and live in peace and prosperity and to grow in a positive manner.

Perhaps, when we too realize our God, and return to Him as we once did prior to 3250.bC, then we too can build Pyramids with God, like our Atlantean forefathers of TA, the ancient name for our Earth, which became Atlantis or Atalantis if you prefer.

Sadly, we changed it to Earth, from our Suppressions upon ourselves, for here too, evil arose out of Egypt and stained Africa, Arabia, the Levant (Phoenicia) and Phrygia…

Then, it spread throughout our world by the followers of Zero.

Some knowingly while others unknowingly, to support the grand purpose of broken oracles, or promises, unknown to themselves.

Rich they became in the physical, but poor they become in the Spiritual.

In ignorance of their selves, but not in ignorance of their perversions.

True, a man may be King, or President or Wealthy in Riches, but is he wealthy in respect and rememberance? We only need to read about Croesus and Plato to understand the meaning of this.

The True meaning is what we all seek to understand.

To further the purpose of our cause, the meaning is simple for our 5500 year suppression.

Without lay of blame, for lack of knowledge, this meaning in the deepest sense becomes only two.

Jesus The Christ, and Judas The Anti-Christ.

I say this in a different sense of understanding, rather than what we commonly accept because we need to understand truly the purpose of the two.

Judas, we understand that he betrayed Christ who was murdered by the families of Eleazar, the black hooded priests of the 72.

For here is a land where they claim self glorification to justify that Wisdom, Knowledge, our English Alphabet, God, His Son and Mr.Zero all reside?

And here is the Holiest of Holies and the root of our Holy Bible, the Book of Constantine the ByZeroTine.

The root of this word is “Roma”, for they have been influencing our religions for 5500 years also with their cries of “Thou Shalt be put to Death”!! In fact, we can discover that this is 3000 years of influence for 1000.bC was when the Phoenicians reached Western Europe and Africa, and 1000.aD, was the apex of “Roma” integrations.

This “Roma” is also the root of degrading Christians and Catholics alike and setting down the foundations of our beliefs today, such as we also perpetrate everything to Sanskrit or Indo-Europeans without any regard or teachings of virtue for our true histories.

Then you wonder why they also hide Linear A or Atlantis.

When the Wisdom of the West Fell, such in case as The Great Library of Alexandria, the Wisdom of The East also arose and has been manipulated and contorted for their personal gain.

Such as they are known for Serpent cultures or forked tongues, which is also represented by their writings such as the chicken scratches of cuneiform for Darius or early Sumerians or The Tower of Babel and Babylon.

For truly, if you you believe in them, then they shall prosper from you. Just tally up the monetary gain of The Holy Bible or claim of the God and The Holy lands.

But how are we to truly understand all this?


To read The Book of Atlanteans is more dangerous than reading the Bible.

Because, the Book of Atlanteans will reveal to you the Truth of Our Histories and not a conformed book of our legends and myths or garbled bits of scrolls accumulated to a magnificent story of misfortune, such as The Battle of Troy or The Illiad, or The Holy Bible.

To study Atlanteans is to understand our World Cultures as they were and interacted until that fateful day of December 10th, 3474.bC when Zero worship transpired from Snoferu and Khufu.

For this reason 150 years of Darkness fell upon Egypt and The Temples were closed, and Khufu, like his father, murdered millions.

Since then, or after Pharaoh Den, the Stain of Egypt has effected us all for from Egypt it carried into Arabia and Phoenicia, Phrygia and into Europe, and today worldwide for China and Japan are also corrupted.

The Secret of The Golden Calf, or The Slaughter of The Bull, is The Greatest Sacrifice.

The Slaughter of The Son of Man, which was also portrayed again, by Jesus Christ.

Then we have to ask ourselves, was this betrayal on a par with the followers of Zero Worship?

Did their secret books of evil rights know in advance the coming of Him?

We can also view this as the secret rights who keep an eye out for Atlantis, because they know the truth of Atlantis will reveal their falsities upon us.

Jesus Christ died around Zero to our Calendars, because he was chosen.
Jesa Christ died December 10th,3474.bC at 8:08am, because he was pure.
Christ today lives because he is both impure and pure.
For this reason the Evil ones didn’t see his coming and missed their opportune to revive Zero.
Because Christ today, has rid thee of Zero and the Evil ones will suffer the revelations.
Only the followers of Zero remain for the Wisdom of God to justify their sins of ignorance.

In part, the great concealment of those Zero worshippers will be revealed because today, they also try to tell you that the Anti-Christ, or Judas, had good intentions and was related to Christ and they fabricate false shows or papyrus to marvel the weak and monetary slaves.

The other concealment, is that God has revealed himself, His Wife, His Son, His Daughter, and His True Garden where he recreated us after our Great Disaster caused by Mr.Zero who has also been trying for 5480 years to attain the Soul of His Son as he ascended into the Heavens with God.

But now, this great entity of spiritual energy has been released by the Wisdom of God upon ourselves.

For truly I say, that I have no intentions nor purpose to perpetuate such things either amongst myself or others, but rather that these works are in fact the mysterious works of a God we once knew and abandoned.

All because I gained a passion to reveal the truth preserved by Plato, because of the truth preserved by my earth father.

My father’s truth was the Royal history of our Family of Mn, which so far I have traced to Queen Lenor of Portugal around the 12th century, and not actually Atlantis as some people think.

Although, true in the sense of Atlantis being our old name for Earth and what our ancestors were calling themselves like we say “Humans”.

True also in the sense that Menestheos is a remembered King as are Pharaoh Menes, or Atlantean King Mneseus of Sicily, Crete and The Cyclades or Minoan cultures.

Also true in the sense of Min, the Father of Egypt and true in the sense of Man and Woman.

All Secrets of the Royal Family of Mn.

Now the complexity of all this is simple if we understand that when we use the term Christ, such as it is in the word Christian, that we are in fact referring to The Blood of The Son of Man, who is the First Born Son of God, our Father.

Throughout our time, which we know at least 250,000 years ago to our pinnacle of brain development, or 50,000 years ago to the height of our genetic race types or cultures, that many embodiments of The Son of Man have come and gone for us in our world histories.

These, like the Great Flood stories, we preserve in our cultural legends and myths.

Legends, that have been purposefully altered throughout our 5500 years of suppressions.

Legends that start with Snoferu and Khufu circa the said 2700.bC, although 885 years are missing from the reversion to Solar Calendars from Lunar when they closed the Temples and erected the new Sun Temples and the worship of Osiris, Isis and Horus based on the rising star of Sirius and Orion, which makes the Jackals and Hounds of Egypt run in fear of their shadows and howl all night long and the crocodiles are restless to fulfill their laws of Draconian malices.

Since then, systematic subjugations for this worship of Judas have effected the Nine Bows of Africa as Sesostris circa 1682.bC also slaughtered the countless throughout Libya, Arabia, The Levant and even to do battle with the Greeks with the merger of Indo-Europeans around this time, whereupon the Hyksos retaliated and also became crazed with the countless slaughters of many and subjugated Egypt in return and reverse the role of Egypt to that of Mesopotamia.

For they all came out of Egypt and circumcised themselves as Egyptians, and placed Arks on their altars as Egyptians and glorified themselves with knowledge of Egyptians, Religions and Architectural buildings.

The temple of Todd in Phoenicia (Sidon, Byblos and Tyre) exemplifies this transition period as The Ramses Kings of the middle ages also unified the bond with Phoenicia and Egypt, since they have been trading from at least 3000.bC.

When the Phoenicians traveled to Western Europe and Africa, they gained much knowledge and our histories where today our schools of teachings, falsely conform to us that linear b, is the father of our alphabet when in reality it is like Atlantis, the hidden Linear A or basic roots of speech and hieroglyphics.

Just as they have hidden the knowledge of Atlanteans and our True Father who is JA and His Son that they took away from him and concealed His Temple and His Holy Garden.

The answers I have for you, the wisdom to know and witness, I also have for you.

They are not fabrications nor are they desires of distortion or perversions for monetary gain.

If they were, I would have kept silent like an aspiring author and published a “get rich quick” book for you all to read like the Da Vinci Code whose work had already been laid out by other authors.

Then again, you have to wonder why they made a movie for Dan Brown.

Because they know how to distort your truth with lies as they do your religions and history books.

But let me Strengthen your disbeliefs, for 2700 years have passed since Hesiod and 2500 years for Herodotus.

Nary a one has revealed to you for all this time of Secret of Hesiods Greek Muses or Herodotus’ nine books of our Histories….tho they be 10 for the Hidden Book of Mylo.
For this reason, The Greeks forgot their histories around Homer.

This is authenticity of my works and visions for us all to verify.
The Secret of Mylo and The Books of Herodotus by Riven. 2006.aD. (8488aJA.)
9:05 PM 1/12/2006

Herodotus of Halicarnassus.

Book 1) Clio
Book 2) Euterpe
Book 3) Thalia
Book 4) Melpomene
Book 5) Terpsichore
Book 6) Erato
Book 7) Polymnia
Book 8) Urania
Book 9) Calliope

Book 10) Where is it? Someone has it.

Herodotus was writing in the era of memory of the 10 Kings (after 1500.bC,Deukalion), and he definitely was not writing about the Ennead....
Please return the book to us,It belongs to Man and Woman.
You can no longer hide the lies.

The Secret of the Books of Herodotus by Riven.



Epo- illa- caina- rua- in- mylo- potare- ero- h(ae)cis- pretene- moplema(Mopsus)- ila- hete- pretueo.

Epic by that way fallen (Vulcan?)to waste/sorrow into this MYLO > Mysian/ drunken wanderer with his faults, to lie before the Oracle broken Secret Society greatly prized here.

Translated with Cassell's New Latin Dictionary, 1959 edition....from Ja.

By SaJaRa Riven Jan 12,2006.aD (8488aJA.)

RETURN THE 10TH BOOK OF MYLO....Please, it is a piece of our History, along with the Books of Alexandria....Thankyou.

Immortality is attained through the Heart and not the Eyes or Ears.

Had I based my research on The Bible, you would have never known your truths.

Now you know.

For it is as it has become….

To Know Is Immortal.

To Know Is….

Save these Works to Be Immortal and Purify our Distortions.

In time you will understand why and the clues I have provided for you from God our Father in search of my family roots. Though you disbelieve me and think I fabricated the photos or wisdom..
You will come to understand that these are not the writings of a book nor personal gain, but virtue of wisdom for ourselves and a great message of World Peace.

And you will come to know our Father and His Secret of Creation as witnessed in His True Garden.
You will come to know the true ascension of His Son and the Carina Nebula Star System Secret.

The Glory of All of Us.

King of The Double Falcons.


Men of Wisdom and Time

[R]…SaJaRa- Paulo J.Tx.Mn…[R] March 15th, 8489.aJA. (2007.aD.)

posted on Apr, 25 2007 @ 03:26 AM
Whitelion, that may be the most fascinating and yet completely irrelevant reply I have ever read. There's a rumor that some folks are going around posting the most outlandish stuff they can in order to minimize the impact of really signifigant posts. I'm not saying that's what you've done, but your reply sure doesn't do much to accredit or debunk the subject of the film this thread is discussing.
The original link to the film is dead now, removed from google video. Does anybody have a fresh link?
Once again, if you haven't seen this video, do yourself a favor and have a sit down and watch it, would be interesting to hear a skeptical reaction to it.

posted on Apr, 26 2007 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by twitchy
Does anybody have a fresh link?

Sure thing!

***Warning: Link contains some explicit language***
Who Killed John O'Neil

That one should work work for you.

posted on Jun, 10 2007 @ 01:55 PM
I hate seeing this thread slipping down to the bottom of my subscribed threads list... I would really like for some of our more skeptical members here on ATS to review this and tell us what they think. So far nobody has really stepped up to the plate, but as far as my research goes, it looks pretty concrete to me. Can anybody debunk anything presented here in this video?

posted on Jun, 18 2007 @ 10:54 AM
Had to bump this thread because it pre-dates, and contains key material to the recent thread posted Debunk This Video. For those who have not read about the case, or seen the video. It is highly advised.

posted on Sep, 6 2007 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Funny you should mention Kroll. Im a mortgage broker and Kroll is the company that provides us with all of our credit reports. Hmmm

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 05:24 PM
Wow, i forgot all about this video, ive had a backup of it for ages, i dont ever remember getting it from this forum though. Might have a watch of this again in the next few days, im sketchy on the details.

Was a great video if i recall though.

posted on Jan, 13 2008 @ 06:10 AM
I watch this video too much for me to take in at one view will look at it again; I do have a few questions. if I heard wrong then correct me
1. Let’s say I was responsible for this inside job why would I use controlled explosives to bring the building down nice and neat when I could use explosive that would still bring down the buildings making them clasps knocking down more buildings creating more terror.
2. Can’t recall word for word but there was talk of timothy ma, vae and some information not been released by the government why didn’t his lawyer release it?
3. No info on the other guys who fly the two other plains?
4. The guy who the government clamed to fly in to the tower (can’t think of his name you know the one who could already fly) if he did fly it what was his motivation? If some one else flew it what was theirs?(. Committing suicide)
5. John o Neil knew every thing bout al-Qaida so why take the job at w.t.c.?Either he did not know them as well as we told. Alternatively, al-Qaida was not involved .if they went involved then we cannot link them with the opium that’s having it both ways.
Again my be I did not grasps the video in one view. Was trying to remember as much as I could I will watch again.

[edit on 13/1/08 by iammonkey]

[edit on 13/1/08 by iammonkey]

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 10:19 PM
The OPs link has been dropped my google, going to have to find a new source. If any one knows how to save the file, please let me know, I'll burn it to disk and save it for future use.

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