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More evidence of the LACK of a liberal bias in the MSM

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posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 08:03 PM
Im starting this thread with one vid... and then as I come across more from News networks other than Fox news.... who display an OBVIOUS WH bias....
I have been told by numerous people both educated and non educated young and old that there is an obvious liberal bias in the media.. I even heard it from my professor's... well my problem is that I don't see it... its no where to be found... but what i do see is something quite different and far more insidious.. do you see it too??

We start with a great quote from Cnn's Chuck roberts just after Ned Lamont won the Democratic Primary in Connecticut....

Al Qaeda Candidate

this is really just too much... more to come as I get them.... let me know what you all think..... feel free to post your own vids that either support this claim... or even ones that show a blatant liberal bias....

Also... I will not be showing clips from talk shows... I.E Meet the press... Keith Olberman... Glenn Beck.... Lou Dobbs... these people all have obvious bias... im more interested in whats supposedly just news reporting.... Headline news... etc...

[edit on 14-8-2006 by Elsenorpompom to add more vids]

additional vids will be added to this post so that everyone can see them quickly....

Imus wants to ban anti-lieberman dems?!?

this is just funny... and its on MSNBC... gotta love MSNBC.. prolly the only news network that is equally liberal and conservative.. they will aire anything...

[edit on 14-8-2006 by Elsenorpompom]

okay so i lied about Fox news... i just had to put this one up.. its really really really really really over the top...

Johhny come lately religon

o man this cracked me up....

[edit on 14-8-2006 by Elsenorpompom]

Tony Snow strikes again... through CNN... while i understand that this is the opinion of a WH spokesman and not CNN... they aired it... so im plugging it... cause its not Fox... lol... Ned Lamont really must be dangerous to this admin... all these Top Conservatives are rallying for him... go figure... wonder if the rumour that he was just a right wing plant were true???

Vote for lamont you must want another 9-11

[edit on 14-8-2006 by Elsenorpompom]

in Cnn's defense they had someone on from and she slamed CNN for no accountability in regards to the Chuck Roberts incident...

[edit on 14-8-2006 by Elsenorpompom]

This lil mp3 isnt recent... infact its not even non-fiction... the following is a clip from the Movie "Network" .... here is the transcript so that its easier to follow....


posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Elsenorpompom
... what i do see is something quite different and far more insidious.. do you see it too??

Yes I do and I've been seeing it for a while.

Scary isn't it?

posted on Aug, 14 2006 @ 09:15 PM
That it is gools... and for those of you who are wondering why im not spelling it out... i do not want to bias anyone before they watch vids... im not here to persuade... im just here to try and disprove the myth of liberal media via a non-traditional method... generally people try and show the money trail who owns what and so on so forth... but are constantly hit with the "Well the reporters are liberal and the owners cannot completely control thier speech"... the only way to disprove this is to show people thier words... the sound byte is beautiful.. it allows for some context.. but allows one to focus on individual words that generally slip by unnoticed...

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 01:05 PM
I watched the video about Lamont during the Tony Snow interview, he never says that phrase about wanting another 9/11 if you vote for Lamont at all. The way he was speaking doesnt even sound as though he was implying it. It was the expression of an opinion if anything else.

Roberts asked a question because of what others said and getting his guests opinion. I see nothing wrong there. That clip is about a spin on the Liberman loss by the GOP. I dont see the point there. Hardly a pro conservative segment of the show.

Imus can have his own opinion on his own show right. But I guess if he feels the same way some conservatives do he must be part of the propaganda machine as well then huh? I dont even think it was a serious thread, I've watched Imus enough times in the morning to know that he wouldnt pull anything like that and lose the base of his audience.

The Johnny come lately remark was bad however, I do agree there. That was what I call a cheap shot at the Muslim religion.

Other than the cheap shot at Muslims on Fox you have no case on any of these in my opinion. Its nitpicking at others opinions because they may not fit with your own, whcih is fine if you want to spend your time doing that, it doesnt bother me. But if you are going to nitpick at others opinions at least do it and make a solid case for yourself.

[edit on 8/16/2006 by ludaChris]

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 03:16 PM
Good thread, Sr. Pompom. (Gotta love the name).

Lieberman is a Republican in sheep's clothing. He is a darling of the neocons because he is one and because he was so pro war. The only thing that Lamont said about it is that he advocates withdrawing our troops from Iraq. That is a long way away from wanting another 9/11. Cheney, et al are trying to slime Lamont. It's dirty pool. He had a brilliant response though. I read it a few days ago but can't find it now.

What I see in our media is propaganda. Important facts are left out, downright lies are added, and hey the media even made "liberal" a bad word. Liberals didn't do that.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by forestlady
Good thread, Sr. Pompom. (Gotta love the name).

Lieberman is a Republican in sheep's clothing. He is a darling of the neocons because he is one and because he was so pro war. The only thing that Lamont said about it is that he advocates withdrawing our troops from Iraq. That is a long way away from wanting another 9/11. Cheney, et al are trying to slime Lamont. It's dirty pool. He had a brilliant response though. I read it a few days ago but can't find it now.

What I see in our media is propaganda. Important facts are left out, downright lies are added, and hey the media even made "liberal" a bad word. Liberals didn't do that.

By the same coin us conservatives and republicans get painted the way you describe on this website all the time. It is a two way street. So being a republican to you is comparable to being a "wolf in sheeps clothing"? I think Liberman is a conservative democrat, much like Rudy Guliani is considered a Liberal Republican. The same stuff has been said about Guilliani as you say about liberman. I personally like both Liberman and Guilliani. Liberal has not been made a bad word of any sort in our media, maybe by certain people but certainly not by the media.

posted on Aug, 16 2006 @ 08:07 PM
Ludacris... i suggest you read some of my other threads... i am not bashing Conservatives... I am pointing out that the lies i was taught both in HS and in College about a Liberal media... The comment made my Chuck roberts is a prime example of Correspondents claiming that "someone" while not telling you who... thought something... and implying that this person was some kind of "expert" or "knowledgeable"... and as I find more clips on youtube....googlevideo.... and other sites.... ill put them up... but thanks for checking out my thread...

posted on Aug, 17 2006 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by ludaChris
By the same coin us conservatives and republicans get painted the way you describe on this website all the time. It is a two way street. So being a republican to you is comparable to being a "wolf in sheeps clothing"? I think Liberman is a conservative democrat, much like Rudy Guliani is considered a Liberal Republican. The same stuff has been said about Guilliani as you say about liberman. I personally like both Liberman and Guilliani. Liberal has not been made a bad word of any sort in our media, maybe by certain people but certainly not by the media.

LudaCris, you misunderstand me. I don't like it either when a group of people gets painted with a broad brush. But that isn't what I was trying to do. I wasn't criticizing Republicans, I was trying to say that the media turned the word "liberal" into a bad name, therefore, it's one example of how the media is not itself liberal. The wolf in sheep's clothing comment was about Lieberman being registered as a Democrat, even though IMHO, he can be seen as a Republican masquerading as a Democrat. He doesn't represent the traditional Democratic party line, he is a neocon (short for neoconservative.)


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