Jim Henson Eat Your Heart Out
Yeah, I call puppet.
The documentary was fun, though, and I liked the "re-enactments".
Of greatest interest to me was all the talk of the aliens not fearing death, because this is consistent with my own meditations in which I imagined --
or heck, who knows? maybe experienced -- telepathic contact with one or more "greys".
If my meditations are correct, they live an incredibly long time but really don't fear death at all, though I didn't get much of an emotional read
on them, to be sure. I also didn't get any sense of
why they didn't fear death, just that they didn't.
My presumption was that they had a sense of immortality due to their telepathic interconnectedness. It's not a "hive mind" as far as I can tell,
but rather a loosely-organized, non-hierarchical community of individuals who can share thoughts instantly and effortlessly with one another
regardless of where they are.
I also found the "dimensional travel" aspects interesting, because in my meditations, the greys "see" the universe as containing much more than we
do and having features we can't perceive, and I suspect that they are aware of more physical (and perhaps metaphysical) dimensions than we are.
I don't think their methods of travel are restricted to what we call "space-time". I think there are shorter distances between two points than a
three-dimensional Cartesian model of space would have us believe. Space seemed more like a "soup" to me through their "eyes".
Actually, on that note, I think they can see much broader spectra than we can, and can magnify their vision to an incredible degree at will, like
zooming a camera. I imagine their "eyes" are actually some sort of instruments.
But I digress...
I am a skeptic, so I must accept that I could be wrong, of course, but I do think "greys" exist.
I think this, however, was a puppet.