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When are we going to take action?

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posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 04:08 AM
We know that all these conspiracies, and wrong doings are going on the world, but when are we actually going to take action, and set things right?
Simply reading about it, and knowing the stuff isn't going to change anything, we've got to take action, we've got to do something in order to make things change.

We know that the federal reserve, is not federal, and that the government does not actually have control of the money, yes, but what are we going to do to change that?

Like I said earlier, knowing it is not enough, knowing it is not going to change anything, we HAVE to take action. In 2008, I heard that the government is going to issue this new identity card, that will be able to track you wherever you are, that's right, no more privacy for us. Now, we know that it's not right, and we know that we don't want it to happen, but unless we take action, it's going to inevitibly happen.

I know this sounds a little drastic, but we've got to spread this information to the masses, and we have to get the masses to believe what's really going on. If we could somehow make the people understand what's really going on, then we could stop these evils.

If you're not going to take action, then knowing the truth is useless, because you know what's really going on, but you're not prepared to do anything in order to change it. I know the idea of a little web forum, stopping something that's been going on for hundreds of years seems absurd, but I believe if we rise up, we can take down these evils.

If only we could figure out someway to get the masses to believe the truth, then we could end these evils. We know about the new world order, we know about the federal reserve, and we know the truth about government, but unless someone is actually brave enough to rise up, and take down these wrong doers, nothing is going to change.

[edit on 21-7-2006 by TheThirdEye]

mod edit to make paragraphs

[edit on 21-7-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

[edit on 2006-7-28 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 04:53 PM
Guess I pretty much answered my own question, NEVER! Apparently there aren't any people out there who agree with me on this.

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 05:26 PM

Guess I pretty much answered my own question, NEVER! Apparently there aren't any people out there who agree with me on this.

Hey man....I agree with you. What do you suggest be done? You are the one saying something must be done (in this thread).....what is that something? This thread is your what do YOU suggest?

posted on Jul, 21 2006 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

Guess I pretty much answered my own question, NEVER! Apparently there aren't any people out there who agree with me on this.

Hey man....I agree with you. What do you suggest be done? You are the one saying something must be done (in this thread).....what is that something? This thread is your what do YOU suggest?

Well, I do know something that can be done to stop all of this but, it's probably too risky to do alone, or even with several people. Something that we can do to stop this, is to possibly get a lot of people to believe what's going on, then once people really know what's going on, they'll spread around, and boom, people become suspicious. However, how we could get this information to the masses, without the government. Maybe we can go as far as making our own underground network, dedicated to this stuff. One things for sure, if we don't do anything, nothing is going to change.

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 02:01 AM
Completely with you on this. I actually said something drastically to that effect in a different thread on the PTS, before ever encountering this thread.

Something is up with the majority of people in Western civilization. People know that our world is cumbling beneath the thumb of corrupt rulers. (and by corrupt rulers, I mean even the ones we don't have much info on) Everyone knows this, yet not much is being done. People are lazy. I personally feel that certain things were designed - much to our cosumeristic habbits - to keep us at bay with our wanting, and our buying and essentially, our laziness, and unwillingness to take action. The establishment works with "whoever they can" (won't name names here) to keep us busy. And while we are busy, and have been busy for how many decades...they will tear this world apart. They ARE tearing this world apart.

Consumerism is the devil, right behind Greed. It is most definitely the season of the Beast. It has been the season for far too long.
Our elders are too stubborn and stuck in their old-fashioned ways (no offense) to admit there is a problem, let alone be willing to do something about it. The cause is lost with them. Them being God-fearing, rose coloured glasses wearers that still rely on the six o'clock news to keep them notified about the state of life on Earth.

The lost cause. We must rely on our children. We must place the truth in our children's paths. Teach them properly. And in order to do this, we must teach ourselves properly, and put ourselves in the path of truth. Even if it means doing many upon many things we do not want to, or are afraid of. We've got to do it.

But alas! I have no plans on having children in 2 years, and I certainly do not want to see the American people (even if i loathe a few of them) slip into the even tighter grip of a Police State. So what to do? You mentioned spreading the word, and creating an underground system. I think you are reading my thoughts. But, to be quite honest, the internet, or telephone, is no place to bring it about. For, yes, the same people who wish to throw the identity cards at you are indeed spying on you there.

Perhaps we have let them deceive us for far too long, and now it is too late? I'd like to think not.

Anyone have any plans? I'm down already!

posted on Jul, 25 2006 @ 07:43 AM
Those of us that were 'of age' in the '60s went through this process. It didn't work. The system is designed to keep everyone preoccupied with their own/their family's basic survival. Remember Katrina? That was yesterday's news, yesterday's cause but those people are still in serious guano and getting little help. Remember the Tsunami? That was yesterday's news as well, yesterday's cause and those people too are still in serious guano and getting little help. For me, I realized the futility of our situation in 2004. If the majority of people in this country would consciously put Bush back in office for a second term (no matter who was running against him) we are truly lost. I have invested my time in preparing my household, my family to be able to self-sustain as far as I have been able.

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 02:54 AM
Soon, my son, soon. The most important thing to look at right now is the situation in the Middle East and the Mid-term elections. Don't give up hope - we may not have to do anything but vote.

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 04:07 PM

Don't give up hope - we may not have to do anything but vote.

Vote? How does this help? When in the U.S. we truly have one party with 2 faces? and....most politicians are in the pocket of the Illuminati? and....the ones that aren't owned by the money-mongers risk assassination (i.e. JFK)??

How does voting help? IT DOESN'T!!

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 04:32 PM
This is a link to someones thread about the Protecols of the Learned Elders of Zion:

At the very end of this thread I posted a simple plan.
1. Why don't we all form a trust fund for people who are diagnosed with a terminal illness.
Then we can give these people with medical death sentences the knowledge & lists of individuals that make up the Bildebergs, Club of Rome, trilateral commision, Council on Foreign relations, shareholders of the mega corporations like the "Crown" (a royal trust), the Federal Reserve (joint stock trust), IMF, World Bank, Bank of international Settlements, Big Pharmaceutical Companies that suppress the very cure of their illness, politicians that sell out their people for gain & profit.
2. Provide Education to these terminally ill patients on how the world really works.
3. Provide "encouragement" to take some form of action via a blank cheque/check & point them in the right direction.
Strike fear into the heart of the Illuminati creeps!
Maybe finally we can have an honest form of Gov't when the leaders fear us instead of us fearing them!
P.S. why do terrorists attack civilians? Why not do some real damage & go after the Powers that Be!

fixed link

[edit on 28-7-2006 by masqua]

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 05:22 PM
BofB....I just gave you a WATS. I like your style!! You contribute a lot of good thoughts to a lot of threads. Keep up the good work!!

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:15 PM
The things i have learned sense university are beyond my capacity to even comprehend. I did not know that humans could get this corrupt. I keep thinking that an apex will be reached but it is not happening. What can we do how can we change it. Everyone that has power is a part of the problem. I am planning on just leaving the states just for my own safety. I do however think of all the people but if you say anything now days you are considered a non patriot or terrorist. My government teacher had a book reading club that focused on questioning the political agendas of this government and he got slapped with a FBI file and was removed from teaching anywhere in the new york state. I am not joking this did happen. So what can we do how do we get the people to unite. I do not understand, i live by the rule do what is right for human kind but that idea is considered illegal.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by leapofdreams
The things i have learned sense university are beyond my capacity to even comprehend. I did not know that humans could get this corrupt. I keep thinking that an apex will be reached but it is not happening. What can we do how can we change it. Everyone that has power is a part of the problem. I am planning on just leaving the states just for my own safety. I do however think of all the people but if you say anything now days you are considered a non patriot or terrorist. My government teacher had a book reading club that focused on questioning the political agendas of this government and he got slapped with a FBI file and was removed from teaching anywhere in the new york state. I am not joking this did happen. So what can we do how do we get the people to unite. I do not understand, i live by the rule do what is right for human kind but that idea is considered illegal.

I finished college three years ago and had a very narrow world view on account of the information being taught staying the same throughout my education. Since leaving school, I have made a conscious effort to question what I was taught, heard, read, or was expected to accept. In doing so, it became clear almost immediately that the world was a far different place than the rosey picture that had been painted during my education. As time has continued, I have challenged myself to seek out any and all information that contradicts what I had been taught in hopes of seeing the world for what it is. As a result, it would seem that I have very much soured to the establishment and all the corruption with which it operates. All of us who have challenged ourselves to take a broader view of the world and its workings are responsible to take that knowledge and pass it along in hopes of laying the seeds for others to question. I believe deep down that if information is provided to the masses the seeds will be laid for millions to question their world and then we can make change. Tell everyone you know about these things (Illuminati, Federal Reserve, Bildebergers, et. al) and to question events that are going on around them. Until the people openly question, we are doomed to repeat the generations before us.

[edit on 3-8-2006 by BennyHill]

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 04:51 PM
Look this may sound ridiculous to many of you and that is fine. I am just trying to give ideas in hope that maybe a part would assist a better idea.
We have all heard of 6 degrees of separation. What i am thinking is threw friends and piers and random people, start making an effort to link to people with left ideology that hold some monetary and social power. Use these connections to form an alliance between these separate parties and our selves. Consider your self the fact finders the researchers of this alliance( that is what we offer to the alliance). Once we assist these random relationships to develop into a fairly organized group. we would have to find a place where we could gather, most likely out side of the states. I feel that this is the only way we could get the time to formulate a media blitz to spread the most pertinent information to the mass public. If possible once enough social power has be united we could use that to find a country with like minded concepts such as New Zealand. Use the protection of this type of country to alter the politic power threw the UN. Now you probably know more than i do about the UN i do not know if they are owned by the US government or not.


posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 05:11 PM
i was not sure did i say something that sounded off in my first post to this thread?
I was not saying that i was in agreeance with what is going on. I meant it to express my insurmountable disdain for the unbridled corruption and abuse that the American public has to endure. I grew up over seas where my first 13 years of life was filled with propaganda stating that America was the land of gold and everyone was free and all dreams came true. And the government had your back not stabbed you in the back. I cant say where i lived because it would probably would gather way to much attention on this site. But i will say this, the kingdom was substantially more free than America has ever been sense i have lived here. And now America is just plain scary to live in.

But i agree with the original thread completely. It is what is rite, we the people, not one tyrannical ruler over all.

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by leapofdreams
i was not sure did i say something that sounded off in my first post to this thread?

Not at all. In fact, your experience is quite similar to my own. Leaving school my mind had been so conditioned to accept what was happening. After leaving, I began to see all the corruption and conspiracies that are being perpetrated upon far too many people. I suppose I went off on a little tangent there, but my point was that we who know of these things are responsible to share them with people in hopes of opening their eyes to the way the world really is.

posted on Aug, 6 2006 @ 11:27 AM
spreading the word IS the first step.

I agree that voting has become sort of a non change event.. out with the old corruption and in with the new.

But to rise up against the govt. is going to take millions of americans.. and guess what there are not enough of us to do anything but get rounded up as enemy combatants. Fact is that the Majority of people in this country dont even see anything wrong... WE ARE THE MINORITY by far.. unfortunately.

I would love nothing more than to see virtue, honesty, dignity..etc.. restored to our govt.

You really want to be the change you wish to see?
jump into politricks and fix it from within.. goodness knows it is the only way that things will get better. The onlyo other way is civil war.. and that is not a realistic approach. So get in there and become the leadership.

I know that I am also sick of what the leaders(local,state,federal) are doing to this great country and thats why when I get established into this new community that I am in that I am going to run for local office and then go from there. Unfortunately I only moved to the Keys a couple years ago so I have not really established myself enough yet to garner enough support to enter office.
And believe me this place is about as corrupted as DC itself... Our country Commisioners are lining thier pockets here left and right at the expense of the local citizenry. I have already started spreading the word of truth here in my local area and in a couple years I will be in position to actually DO something.... god I cant wait.

posted on Aug, 8 2006 @ 07:31 PM
Remember what they did to that other group in Florida. The government noticed that a group of black people were using there minds to form a group of true thinkers. They were trying to get the current state of their community organized and back to a place of respect. Well as you and everyone saw they slapped them with the label terrorist and arrested them all. And realize that there was no evidence ever found that showed any credence of them being a terrorist group. Also even though the government said they were planing an bomb attack there was no evidence of that ever found. As you and i have noticed the feds simply went quiet with the situation to remove attention from the event. As i understand the government realized that a minority group was getting organized to provide some good and some power for the community and you and I know they can not allow any of the lower or middle class working people to ever get into a position of political power. As of to day the only thing those individuals were guilty of was thinking. So don't think to loud because in this America thinking is a terrorist act.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 05:09 AM
Wait to 2008 and vote.

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 05:46 AM

Wait to 2008 and vote.

That simple ha? What is voting going to do to cause change? Voting just creates more of the same.....VOTE?

posted on Aug, 9 2006 @ 07:01 AM
Well from talking with various people I get the same things told to me over and over about this situation. And thats is that everyone will deal with it when it directly conflicts their everyday life. But what I see is that it already has conflicted they are just to blind to see it. Good and services are rising at an extremely high rate, yearly raises arent even on par with inflation, their is now such thing as company retirement benefits, heathcare is god awful if non-existant, the quality of air and water even in rural communities doesnt meet EPA standards, civil liberties dont exist anymore, people are afraid to leave their houses thanks to sensational news that over exagerates. I could go on and on. OH and believe me the old generation those who dont go to church 4 times a week are mad as heck they work for 40+ plus years and everything they believe they have earned is being stripped from them.
I would say that their already are many forums out their with which to speak and be heard but they are all comprmised. And the one that holds the most sway and pull with the everyday person (the church), well we know where its loyaltys lies and its not with its constituants either.
I will leave you with these parting words and I pray that all who read this reflect on this for a moment "We are all going to die some day, we dont know when, how or why, but the we do have control over how we live up until that moment. Now I say its better to die fighting for what you believe in like a man than live like a dog."
All summed in the most inspirational words ever spoken "FREEEEEEEDDDDDOOOOM!!!!"
Who is this generations William Wallace

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