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Do You Have Strange Habits?

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posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 08:20 PM
Does anyone else have any strange little habits that they treat as entirely normal?

I have this thing where if i spit into a sink or the shower, i have to spit it into the very centre of the plug hole or i'll just keep doing it until i do lol... and if i see a word on tv then i'll concentrate on certain letters until the word disappears or i look away from the screen... as they are good luck! ...for instance the word 'Above' .. the best letter in that is A as its the best grade in school...S and Y are also good but D,E,F,G and U are bad! (like bad grades) lol i hate myself

And when i was a kid i used to think to myself 'if i dont make it to the next streetlight before the next car passes me, something bad will happen to my family' so id end up running all the way home!

Crazy, probably, but to me entirely logical!!!

Laugh at me and then tell me urs

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 08:26 PM
I don't think I have any strange habits.

Like telling complete strangers across the internet, on a public forum, little personal details of my life that would be better kept to myself.

To me, I believe I am perfectly normal - whatever that means.

But seriously, if I think of something, I'll post it here.

Okay, wait. I think I have a couple...

If I eat saltines, I have to eat them with the salty side facing down.

If I have more than one kind of food on my plate, I usually don't have a bite of this, then a bite of that, I usually finish one completely, before going to the next, and so on, until the plate is empty.

[edit on 7/19/2006 by Mechanic 32]

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 08:33 PM
I used to have to have my right sock pulled up and my left sock down. I got over it but I still favour the right. Like if I have one sock with a little hole in it, it will go on my left foot. lol

I like to stand on my head and hope to do cartwheels for years to come.

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Mechanic 32
If I have more than one kind of food on my plate, I usually don't have a bite of this, then a bite of that, I usually finish one completely, before going to the next, and so on, until the plate is empty.

I thought of another related to that... When i eat skittles i tend to group them in their colours, then i either eat the colours one by one in order of how much i like the colour... or i make the piles of equal number, then each one from each pile!

Damn, i really am strange

posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by ShinobiAurora
I thought of another related to that... When i eat skittles i tend to group them in their colours,

I did'nt think of it until you mentioned that, but I do the same thing with M&M's.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 12:03 AM
When I eat, I eat a everything. I eat a piece of fish, some rice, and a piece of bread, then I repeat (just an example, I don't eat that food all the time

I don't know any strange things I do. But I still think I am a bit strange. I don't know why. Do you guys know why I am strange?

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by ShinobiAurora

Does anyone else have any strange little habits that they treat as entirely normal?

Whadd'ya mean? We're not talking OCD or anything here, right?
Just a little ritual superstition to "keep the world orderly," correct?

-I take a different route home from work each day.

-open up my flip-phone, after I'm done talking, "just to make sure it's really off."

-Lay out everything on the breakfast table, in the exact same spot every morning, and eat everything in the exact same order. Frau Dr. says it looks like a japanese tea ceremony.

-She cannot stand for foods to touch each other on her plate. She prefers dividers on her plates, even if it means eating off a plastic one. She was so proud when we went to an upscale restaurant, and they served each food on it's own dish. She was in heaven. (I secretly suspect that her joy is in direct purportion to how many dishes she is dirtying for someone else to clean. She cooks the same way, in her own kitchen.)

-I wear shoes and a bathrobe around the house, but no socks or underwear.

-I lay out my clothes at the foot of the bed, in the shape of a person, and can jump into them in a moment's notice. (I used to work on-call shifts in law enforcement).

-I save and file all my receipts. Even the ones for gum.]


But maybe, you meant something serious, like this:

-When I burp, I speak Belch. I have a compulsion to say something in my temporarily demonically-enhanced voice. Frau Dr and I have had heated arguments about this. I will frequently burp-talk "I am IRON MAN," or "EX-TERMINATE," or "Attention all planets of the solar federation." (Usually runs out of burp first, though.) It fills her with rage when I do this.

She actually thought I had stopped ever since Lent, but I was just doing it secretly, when she's not around. But then sometimes I will forget, and let go in front of her. Especially if it seems like a big one coming on, and I want to try for the whole alphabet or something.

This week, one of my kids did it; he burped "excuse me!" which I thought was brilliant: The self-negating faux pas, the blunder that is its own remonstrance. My kid is a freaking Genius!

The problem was, immediately when the kids started laughing, I burped out "stop-that's Dizgusting!" in a infra-bass burp so loud it rattled the china in the hutch.

Little did I know that Frau Dr was in the other room, she came running. She's been in a low-key rage ever since. She heard my burp, but not junior's . . .


posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 12:29 AM
I can't sleep unless there are 2 very large fans blowing in my face ( for the noise)

I refuse to wear long sleeved shirts (even in the winter, no matter how cold)

I wear flip-flops in the snow, because I hate socks.

I won't eat anything that has been in the fridge for more than 3 days.

I spray the bricks in my house with water because I'm afraid they'll get too dry.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 12:50 AM
I force my two dogs to wear little underwear I sew out of red bandannas. And when I see a neckid animal of any type I get physically ill. Even lizards! And especially squirrels! I'm getting nauseous just thinking about it!!

Thank the good Lord I'm not anal retentive, like some people I know.

[edit on 20-7-2006 by whaaa]

[edit on 20-7-2006 by whaaa]

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 01:19 AM
When my hand is out the window, I have to do some little weird twitch at every turnoff...including driveways....or I will mentally whine a pitch that goes higher whenever the car passes through shade. I have to run my hand through my hair when it is short, especially when stressed. I have to eat multicolored candies in a certain order. I tap my fingers on everything. I have to bitch when someone goes off pitch when singing. I will say the same thing over and over again, if I am tired. If there is a pun, I will make it. If there's an insinuation, I will make it. I have to use big words when talking because, often, I forgot the small corresponding word. I run my hand over my face, looking for imperfections, almost never go to a mirror.

...and this is nothing compared to when I want to annoy someone.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 01:29 AM
When I eat, I like to use the little forks and spoons... makes feel like I'm eating more lol.

Food on the plate, I save the best for last

When visiting places I prefer to sit next to the door.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by XPhiles

Food on the plate, I save the best for last

lol I do this too and find by the time I get to my 'favorite part' I am too full to keep on eating and get upset

Originally posted by Russian soldier
When I eat, I eat a everything. I eat a piece of fish, some rice, and a piece of bread, then I repeat (just an example, I don't eat that food all the time

I don't know any strange things I do. But I still think I am a bit strange. I don't know why. Do you guys know why I am strange?

you're not strange, I eat this way too, I guess the upbringing I had influenced this as we eat a lil of everything together, usually wrapped up in pita bread (delicious!)

And now I find I am always watching my husband (American) eat what I cook (delicious too!
) and always suggesting he try eating one thing WITH another on his plate lol

Just trying to encourage good eating by the way of allowing the flavors of each dish to mingle in the mouth

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by Pink_Cola
I can't sleep unless there are 2 very large fans blowing in my face ( for the noise)

I too cannot get to sleep without the presence of noise from a computer, fan, or rainstorm. Silence is something that is incompatible with my mind.

I refuse to wear long sleeved shirts (even in the winter, no matter how cold)

OMG! I hate sleeves. I must have been a drummer in a past life. I also hate and cannot wear watches, rings, or necklaces.

I must have sneakers and shoes with laces (no casual laceless things for me) but I will use them exclusively as slip-ons. I will never tie my shoes unless they become untied over time.

I prefer my chocolate cake refrigerated and hard - not warm and gooey.

I must be able to hear road-noise when I am driving or I feel detached from driving and get nervous and tense. I always have my driver-side window open ever-so-slightly to allow this.


posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 01:48 AM
I also cannot stand long sleeves

I have a high core temp and am always in short sleeves or even better NO Sleeves!

Ahhhh lovely

As a child I was always barefoot and in a summer-style dress even in winter

I used to also always obsess about brushing my teeth as a child, and even now I brush at least 3 times a day

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 04:09 AM
If someone takes off their shoes I have to make sure they put them neatly together side-by-side otherwise I won't be able to relax. I can't even finish my sentence until they have been put right.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 04:31 AM

Originally posted by Voxel

Originally posted by Pink_Cola
I can't sleep unless there are 2 very large fans blowing in my face ( for the noise)

I too cannot get to sleep without the presence of noise from a computer, fan, or rainstorm. Silence is something that is incompatible with my mind.

Same here, silence is too loud to sleep to.

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by Yossarian
If someone takes off their shoes I have to make sure they put them neatly together side-by-side otherwise I won't be able to relax. I can't even finish my sentence until they have been put right.

I do that too, if im sitting watching tv and one shoe is upside down then i HAVE to turn it the right way up... i think its create some sort of harmony...but its probably just mental lol

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 08:51 AM
Hey I do some of the same things.

Originally posted by Mechanic 32
If I have more than one kind of food on my plate, I usually don't have a bite of this, then a bite of that, I usually finish one completely, before going to the next, and so on, until the plate is empty.

I do the same thing when eating. I always finish one thing then eat the next. I also eat the best thing last.

Originally posted by Yossarian
If someone takes off their shoes I have to make sure they put them neatly together side-by-side otherwise I won't be able to relax. I can't even finish my sentence until they have been put right.

I do this but only with my shoes. Every time I take them off they have to be right beside each other (and touching).

I also have some other habits. Sometimes when I walk up or down the stairs I will count them as I go.

I have to have a spot for everything. I like to know where all my things are. I freak out a bit when I can't find something and is somewhere else then I always keep it.

When I get a drink of water I always drink two glasses.

I hang up my clothes in a certain order. In the spring/summer when I wear t-shirts they will be hung at the front of the closet, and in a certain order. In fall/winter when I wear long-sleeved shirts they'll be at the front of the closet in a certain order. I also like my clothes folded a certain way and am a bit of a neat freak when they get folded.

I just like having stuff organized, having stuff in order and a spot for everything.


posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Pink_Cola
I spray the bricks in my house with water because I'm afraid they'll get too dry.

LOL! That's awesome and quite possible the funniest thing I've heard all day!

My "weird habit" is, when I boil the kettle... I always count down from 10 to 0, and I aim to reach 0 exactly when the kettle finishes boiling.

Or, if I'm having a pee (sorry!
), I, again, count down from 10 to 0, and I aim to reach 0 by the time I've finished doing my business.

[edit on 20-7-2006 by xeroxed88]

posted on Jul, 20 2006 @ 10:45 AM
I wash my hands a couple times every hour, even if I'm just sitting around watching TV.
I very rarely leave my house if someone doesn't go with me, even to go to the corner store.
I hate to touch money, but I love to have it in my pocket.
I almost always go naked while I'm at home.
I organize everything in files, folders, and binders. So I have every bill going back for years.
If the cat barfs up a hairball I cover it with a cloth so I don't have to look at it, then I wait for my husband to clean it up.

I sneak around my apartment so nobody knows I'm home.
I never answer my phone. You always get a message.
I keep all my curtains closed day and night.
I always sleep with a TV on in the bedroom.

But all that is just my normal life.

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