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United States Special Forces Seize Control Of Israeli Nuclear Weapons Complex?

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posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:28 PM
"Russian Military Analysts, and FSB sources, are reporting today that United States Military Special Forces have seized control of the nation of Israel’s nuclear complex located at Dimona with a contingent of their Special Forces Troops from the American war zone currently located in Iraq."

"The America response to this ‘threat’ from China, coming from China’s President Hu in his ‘face-to-face’ meeting with the United States President Bush at the G-8 Summit, was to assure both China’s President Hu, and Russia’s President Putin, that the American Military Leadership would ‘secure’ Israel’s nuclear weapons and limit their, Israel’s, incursion into Lebanon"

"These reports detail that this action by the American Military Leadership was in direct response to China’s President Hu’s ‘threat to the American President that should the Straight of Hormoz be blockaded by Iran, due to the escalating crisis between Israel and its Muslim neighbors, China would consider that action as a ‘declaration of war’ against the Chinese people."

WOW, if this is true...just WOW!

So, America has control of Israels nuclear weapons? I do seem to remember reading about a seal team or something American going into Israel....hmmm

China says if Iran blocks straight of hornuz it is an act of war of iran to china

I have no other ref material on this, i can not intirely prove it's true-ie no other source yet.

Time shall tell us

[edit on 7/18/2006 by mrmonsoon]

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:31 PM
No friggin way! I dont believe that. Please keep us posted. Nice find.


posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:32 PM
This is something I been warning about for awhile, I did not think the U.S. would be on Chinas side, just makes me sick. Any how China broke a deal with Iran with oil. China has warned any thing that will disrupt there forign affairs and natural resources would be saw as a act of war. Same with Russian with Iran, they have there scienctist there supporting the construction of the nuclear power planets. I am not really sure on all this though, its been awhile.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:37 PM
Wow, things are taking a strange turn of events. If the U.S has control of Israel's nuclear weapons then how come this hasn't leaked anywhere else? This is a big deal, can anyone else confirm these claims with a different source? China and Russia are showing thier true colors. No wonder Syria and Iran are taking such bold stances towards the U.S.


posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:39 PM
I'm going to hold off taking this one as gospel for now. As for the "72 hours to secure the northern border", the way Israel is behaving with the indiscriminate attacks at the moment, i just can't see them playing ball with this one somehow.

I'm by no means someone who can't see anything but war, but Israel almost looks as though they have done so much now they would find it hard to swallow pride and cease fire to sort this whole thing out.


posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:39 PM
Can you guys just all stop talking about this .. Maybe if I close my eyes and think real hard I am dreaming all of this stuff up it will all disappear ...

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:41 PM
Stated many times, Russia and China will back Iran, and Russia is backing Syria because they been making weapon deals for such a long time now, and Syria is important for Russia in some business sense also I think.

Closing your eyes will just block out the sight, and covering your ears will just block out most of the sound, but hte vibrations of war will still get to you.


posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:44 PM
is this for real???

The jewish lobby in America will go nuts! oh and the political fallout will be immense - if this is true expect secrets to drop out of cupboards by the dozen.

I cannot for the life of me can see how a delta force team could do that to such a staunch allie like Israel...

If true, the USA has just dropped Israel right into the smelly stuff - At the request of China!!??!! like wtf!!!???!! Supporting Iran at the same time by holding the keys to their weapons???

Im gonna hold back on this, because if its true, israel now stands alone.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:47 PM
Not buying it.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by GSA

At the request of China!!??!! like wtf!!!???!! Supporting Iran at the same time by holding the keys to their weapons???

Im gonna hold back on this, because if its true, israel now stands alone.

If this is totaly true our leaders can not be trusted and we must have get them out of power ASAP, we can have people in power who make mistakes (yeh right) but when they lie thats bad. BUT when you disrespect your allience with anohter country thats a massive dishonor, I will not support a country even if its my own that has such dishonor, CHINA (CCP) should be our worst enamy. Teh evil just gets worse! I am afraid this might have to be resolved with a massive civil war
if it keeps up down this path.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by trIckz_R_fO_kIdz
Stated many times, Russia and China will back Iran, and Russia is backing Syria because they been making weapon deals for such a long time now, and Syria is important for Russia in some business sense also I think.

I think you have a valid point about Iran. Russia and China are making backdoor deals all the time, they give Iran the newest technology for oil contracts. Now Syria is a different story, I don't think Russia would give a rats behind about Syria if push came to shove.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:50 PM
As I mentioned in a post on another thread the U.S. has already strategically placed nukes all over Iran to be detonated by satellite. Unfortunately it is Israels satellite so seizing Dimona won't help. All this middle east flare up is, imho, a pretext to nuking Iran. Iran will be blamed for some atrocity which either us or Israel will really be responsible for. I wondered when China was going to step in here because they can't afford to have the staights of Hormuz blocked. We can, because we have the pipeline to Yanbu in the Red Sea to bail us out.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Nerdling
Not buying it.

probably. Would Nuclear weapons be stored just in Dimona ? Thats the only thing that doesn't make sense to me. Isn't that just where they enrich the stuff? Maybe its bogus but if its true, its still sounds unbelievable.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by trIckz_R_fO_kIdz

Originally posted by GSA

At the request of China!!??!! like wtf!!!???!! Supporting Iran at the same time by holding the keys to their weapons???

Im gonna hold back on this, because if its true, israel now stands alone.

If this is totaly true our leaders can not be trusted and we must have get them out of power ASAP, we can have people in power who make mistakes (yeh right) but when they lie thats bad.

Wait a minute. So you would not mind starting a war with China over a captive soldiers? Aren't they doing us and everyone else a big favor by controlling israel? Apparently they make a lot of people nervous having WMD's. I for one would feel very secure knowing those bombs were in our hands.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:54 PM
I am a little confused... sooo... China said something to Bush? and then.. they threaten Iran with war? or they threaten us? and what does that have to do with Israels nukes? Russia and Iran are friends, and I thought Russia and China where as well? This is a crazy report I hope it is false.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:55 PM
Rense and other sites have some Info on the author and she allegedly appeared out of nowhere, writes books that takes three months to arrive then starts asking for money via email so it has scam/fake written all over it.

Does anybody know who Sorcha Faal is??? There are many of her writings posted on most of which are very, very anti-American. I wonder how that website stays on board the internet. I purchased a "book" called "Vanya's Journey", which took 3 months to arrive. I expected it to be a fiction/about a woman's spiritual journey, instead it was a hand/plastic spiral bound "manual" containing only a collection of articles that are posted on the website. Really disappointing.

I then started getting emails from "Sorcha" asking for money:

Who Is Sorcha

More Info Here

[edit on 7/18/2006 by shots]

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by ThePieMaN

Wait a minute. So you would not mind starting a war with China over a captive soldiers? Aren't they doing us and everyone else a big favor by controlling israel? Apparently they make a lot of people nervous having WMD's. I for one would feel very secure knowing those bombs were in our hands.

If you want to talk in that sense this is like droping a deal we have with say hitler and then we seal our soul to the devil (CHINA). China is super evil man, all the things Isreal did in its entire existence is like a week worth of work by the CCP.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 04:58 PM
Please note that the post of origin quotes an article written by "Sorcha Faal"

Here's an interesting inquiry into this sage reporter:

Yeah, the U.S. is taking covert action against Israel, while they're at the height of readiness...


posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 05:00 PM
First off, if China is going to back Iran, why are they saying if IRAN blocks the strait it's an act of war.

Secondly, this COMPLETELY defeats the purpose of a Special Forces unit. They are designed to go in covertly, take out a target, and get out. SF DOES NOT hold ground. IF an SF unit goes in to take something, then a "regular" unit will go in after them to take over the mission of holding the ground. SF goes in with just enough to complete the mission in terms of firepower. They would have to take in so much to hold off the Israeli army, that the unit would have to be massive.

Third, this is an act of war, and that's exactly how Israel would take it. If they saw a US unit heading in, they would at the very least intercept it, worst case, shoot it down or attack it.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
Here's an interesting inquiry into this sage reporter:

Yeah, the U.S. is taking covert action against Israel, while they're at the height of readiness...

Yeh thanks for finding that, but most of what I have been saying is what if it was true, making deals with China like that is a bad thing.

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