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To all Oklahoma Masons...a thief amongst you...

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posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 02:24 PM
I dont even know what to think...
but i am amazed...

a older respectable man just comes in to my work, and asks about our auction coming up...
I give him the details, and then he mopes around the front office...

I turn my back for one second, and i see him dodge out the door with some collectable car models that we had displayed close by...

I run after him, and tell him to drop them, of course i told him he ought to be ashamed of himself...

I then go aroung to his car tag, and notice it is a MASONS license tag 0002... I also notice a few of the mason type bumper stickers on it...

I told him that Masons dont appreciate theives in their ranks, and to expect expulsion, if Masons are the ethical organization that they claim....

So folks... if you know any Oklahoma Masons, tell them that the owner of Masons tag 0002 is giving them a bad name...
(i am having a friend look up his name, so i can report him personally)

I would certainly hope that this isn't the type of behavior condoned of a Mason...

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 02:32 PM
from the post above:

"I told him that Masons dont appreciate theives in their ranks, and to expect expulsion, if Masons are the ethical organization that they claim...."

This is the problem isn't it... claims. People make claims about the freemasons and they just laugh them off and then they make claims about what a righteous organization they are. Let us be wise for once and say that no one mason knows every act of freemasonry and not all masons are any different from the average citizen.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 02:40 PM
I truly beleive that Masons had a right to know that this guy was making them look bad...

when your average joe sees a mason sign, or tag, he usually thinks respect...
this guy deserved nothing but condemnation...

And i figure that the Masons will punish him more than the police would.
plus take away the affiliations that this guy has probably abused endlessly.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 02:54 PM
Maybe he stole the car from a Freemason! You never know.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 03:03 PM
I take it that the stolen property was recovered?

You confronted him, did he seem senile, or not in possesion of his mental faculties?

When you get his name, report him to the Grand Lodge Secretary


I imagine you have already contacted local law enforcement about this incident.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 03:18 PM
Thanks for all the information folks...

and yes, I got the cars back... he didn't really fuss much, just went to his car, and said sorry... (Gee, thanks for the apology FOR GETTING CAUGHT)

he looked like a nice 60-65yr old man... a typical grandpa...
books and covers... ya just never know...

thanks Mirthful...
I dont relish the idea of getting a senior citizen thrown in jail (besides, the cars were only worth a few hundred bucks) , but i wouldn't hesitate for a second to have his affiliation with the Masons removed... it might keep him from being able to con others...
or otherwise abuse his affiliation with a seemingly respectable group.

With a tag number of 0002... i wonder if he was pretty high up... I would guess that it means he was the second Mason to get a badged Mason tag...

I do have to get my tag soon, so i will check on what verification they require to order a Masons tag (surely there is something used to prove it)...
for all we know, this could be a common con...
get a Mason tag to look respectable, but dont have to prove you are one...
I will find out... and post it later...

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 03:21 PM
Laz, undoubtedly those collectible cars are a bit pricey, when you find out who he is tell him to take his act on over to Wal-Mart where first time shop lifters stealing anything under $25 will not be prosecuted.

String him up for me!


posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:07 PM
I just talked to the auctioneer... he said he has the guys tag# on file, and is calling his buddy at the police station...

He thinks he may have found the source of his missing auction items problem...
oooops i think I got the guy in trouble...

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:18 PM

oooops i think I got the guy in trouble...

Nice, keep us informed.

Did you get any kind of name on him?

It should be possible to narrow down what group he belongs too if he had enough information on the car. Can you describe any of the tags/stickers, etc? Maybe we can find out if he is on the cryptic council, a shriner, etc.

[edit on 14-7-2006 by Nygdan]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:33 PM
My fiance (a detective) is pulling up his tag# when she gets back to the office...
the auctioneer didn't want me to have to be involved, so he didn't mention his name... but my Gal will have it soon...

is it legal to post it here?
I wouldn't know why not, but just wanted to check... afterall, i already posted his tag #

This guy had Noooooooo idea who he was messin with...

And on another note... if you ever get that "gut" feeling not to trust someone... regardless of how harmless they look... take note... be on guard...
mine was right...

And no... I just glanced at the stickers... it was the tag# i was interested in...
that and beratting the guy for being such a putz

(may the universe forgive me for cussing at old folks)

[edit on 14-7-2006 by LazarusTheLong]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
I just talked to the auctioneer... he said he has the guys tag# on file, and is calling his buddy at the police station...

He thinks he may have found the source of his missing auction items problem...
oooops i think I got the guy in trouble...
No he got himself in trouble. You did the right thing.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 05:47 PM
What a plonker! A thief, and not even an intelligent one at that!

Originally posted by gallopinghordes
No he got himself in trouble. You did the right thing.

Agreed. I hope you get your stuff back.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 08:06 AM
I wouldn't suggest putting his name here cause he can't defend himself and it would be one sided. I won't defend his actions but he is a person like all of us who has faults and noone is perfect and Masons do not think they are perfect just trying to be better people.

I hope one bad apple doesn't spoil the whole bunch and I appoligize on his behalf.

The good news is that you got your stuff back and he probally was scared Sh**less from the ordeal.


posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 09:12 AM

And i figure that the Masons will punish him more than the police would.
plus take away the affiliations that this guy has probably abused endlessly.

That of course assumes several things.

1 that the person you had contact with was the person who owned the tag. That it
wasnt left on the car when sold or stolen. Same goes for the stickers they are
fairly available.

2 that the person in question actually owned the vehicle.

3 assumes that the PIQ is the member and that they still are a member.

posted on Jul, 15 2006 @ 12:09 PM
Whether this guy is indeed a criminal, or if he is a senior citizen who has slipped into some form of dementia that is causing erratic behavior the appropriate measures must be taken. If he is engaged in criminal mischief, a stint in the pokey will at least temporarily curb his five finger discount ways. If he is on a cognitive decline, then medical/social intervention is necessary.

posted on Jul, 16 2006 @ 09:39 AM
Get over it. Whether it's elections or toy cars we know these people don't serve us. I think the organization is spoiled and that there are too many people taking advantage for their own personal gains.

posted on Jul, 16 2006 @ 11:56 AM
Laz, you mentioned Oklahoma, I'm from Oklahoma.....

I've had quite a few bad experiences with thief's here. And are you a freemason, because you mentioned getting tags?

Good luck finding out everything and thanks for posting this kind of thing. You just never know who...crazy, man.

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 11:18 AM
I wouldn't post his information here, but it might be good to try to contact his lodge and have him disciplined, that might infact be more effective then legal means (such as having a court make him pay a fine, etc).

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 11:37 AM
I agree Nygdan...
as of now, my gal couldn't find him in the database (hummm, that is a first)
I got my tag today, and noticed that all masons tags have a masonic symbol of the G within the drafting square/compass with two M's right on top of each other...

the only reason i can think of why the tag wouldn't pull up in the state tag base, is if it includes those printed numbers as part of the tag number (all masons tags also have only 4 letters) so I will have her run the total number with those letters included...

BTW... the only other tag that i saw, that did that (used printed symbols of letters) as part of the tag, was public officials (mayor was the example listed)

posted on Jul, 18 2006 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
...but it might be good to try to contact his lodge and have him disciplined, that might infact be more effective then legal means (such as having a court make him pay a fine, etc).

I don't agree. If he's done wrong he needs to be punished. Inform the police. This is not a lodge matter.

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