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We humans are uncoordinated

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posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 03:53 AM
We humans are an uncoordinated species. What I mean is that instead of working together as just the human race, we form borders and separate ourselves into countries, we then further seperate ourselves into families and then individuals with their own selfish aims. If we do not change our attitude soon, we will lead to our own destruction. What stops us from working together is something that is engraved deep into our natures, it is hatred, selfishness and a tendancy to look for revenge.
We could achieve so much more if only we gave up our fighting, if we stopped having this selfish attitude. If this was to occur we could be much more coordinated as a species and work towards common goals.
We have to change and we have to change fast. Time is running out and we can see that all around us.

What do you think ? I mean just imagine what we could achieve if the whole human race worked together. We would advance much faster in technology. By now we should we have been off Earth and onto other planets and galaxies.

[edit on 14-7-2006 by siddharthsma]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 03:57 AM
I think what you're hinting at is Utopia. And although great on doubts exist that EVERYONE would be able to give up his ego for the better part of society, if not forced. In which case, it ceases to be a Utopia.

I hate being a pessimist.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:13 AM
I reread my post and realised that I sound like a preacher !

Wow, i didnt mean to sound like a preacher. But cmon it can be possible however unlikely it sounds.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:16 AM
Look at the scientific possibilities if this were the case. Its not like someone needs to give up their ego. We can still do what we like but our work would be more useful if it were linked up to a greater whole.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:24 AM
aka - NWO.

this is why7 i don't understand everyone's aversion to a world government.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by 25cents
aka - NWO.

this is why7 i don't understand everyone's aversion to a world government.

Because not everyone wants to follow certain rules. If it's law, then it's forced. If it's forced, then it is not Utopian. If it is not Utopian, then there is no point in chagning what we have now...somewhat organized chaos.

Personally, I believe the problems lies within large bodies of population. The larger the population you have, the more differences of opinions you'll have. Where as, if we had many, many, small groups, things would be much easier and life would be much happier (supposing no one would want to invade another's group). Then all of those differences of opinions could be spread much more widely. I think this is why there were Federalists and Anti-Federalsists, before we had Republicans and Democrats.

Some wanted the States to choose everything for themselves, and have the central government, just keep things in check, and keep all the states happy together...Where as the other side wanted total control of everything that had to be said.

And it will always be like that. Those who lead for freedom, and those who lead for personal gain.

That's why the NWO is frowned upon. In opinion anyway.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:50 AM

Originally posted by siddharthsma
We humans are an uncoordinated species. What I mean is that instead of working together as just the human race, we form borders and separate ourselves into countries, we then further seperate ourselves into families and then individuals with their own selfish aims. If we do not change our attitude soon, we will lead to our own destruction. What stops us from working together is something that is engraved deep into our natures, it is hatred, selfishness and a tendancy to look for revenge.
We could achieve so much more if only we gave up our fighting, if we stopped having this selfish attitude. If this was to occur we could be much more coordinated as a species and work towards common goals.
We have to change and we have to change fast. Time is running out and we can see that all around us.

What do you think ? I mean just imagine what we could achieve if the whole human race worked together. We would advance much faster in technology. By now we should we have been off Earth and onto other planets and galaxies.
[edit on 14-7-2006 by siddharthsma]

Quite unrealistic and well, sorry to say, a waste of a post in my eyes.

With humans I think the word 'animals' would be more fitting in such a scenario, because at the end of the day we can dress our intelligence up as much as we want, but we are not these superior beings, even the most intelligent still run on animal instincts.

We form borders? Well lets remove the US - Mexico border, perhaps the Israel- Palestine, the thought of the French - English one makes me sick (no offence intended but I'm sure it is reduplicated by most Frenchmen!). it is who we are and it will never, ever, change.

Now I do and would not wish war on any country, but, im afraid, war is inevitable, it is in our species. We are animals, not superior and aslong as animals fight/ eat etc, so will we.

[edit on 14-7-2006 by Knights]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 04:57 AM
If you met a bald, twenty stone meat head, many would feel intimidated by his presence? Whether we like it or not we naturally judge others on how tough they are by their appearence. Showing our natural and animal like flight or fight reaction, in this case it would be flight (or run like hell).

But in short we look at a possibly fight situation before we even talk to someone, even though we don't know that person's true nature in the slightest.

[edit on 14-7-2006 by Knights]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 08:08 AM
Uncoordinated? No. Ignorant? Definitely.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by m_w_0_8_0
Uncoordinated? No. Ignorant? Definitely.

No offence intended, but the general policy of ATS is no one line responses. Give a one word answer by all means but elaborate on what you have said!

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Knights
No offence intended, but the general policy of ATS is no one line responses...

Unless it contributes to the thread, which, in my opinion, that did. But, then again, maybe we should leave modding to the mods, eh?

That being said, I don't quite see how this is Space Exploration material... Maybe I'm missing something, but this thread seems to be more suited for another foum.

Now that that being said has been said, that being said, this is an excellenet thread, regardless of where it is.

[edit on 7/14/2006 by cmdrkeenkid]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid

Originally posted by Knights
No offence intended, but the general policy of ATS is no one line responses...

Unless it contributes to the thread, which, in my opinion, that did. But, then again, maybe we should leave modding to the mods, eh?

I don't mean distance the topic from the main thread title; BUT, IMO the point may have been relevant, a whole two words, but for a thread or a conversation to go further we need to give more information and eloborate on the original information with our own input or point of view.

I never claimed or tried to claim to be a mod, I just thought a longer argument of p.o.v was required to extend the thread, rather than a basic one line answer.

That being said, I don't quite see how this is Space Exploration material... Maybe I'm missing something, but this thread seems to be more suited for another foum.

Yup.. I was thinking the same thing. Good thing I didn't say anything as i'd probably get jumped on for acting like a mod again.

[edit on 14-7-2006 by Knights]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 08:51 AM
Sorry, didn't know that. I also figured that was enough explanation within itself for people to pick up on. Lol.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 09:22 AM
The main problem actually lies within the people that think Utopia isn't possible. The sad part of all of this, is that our lives are so darn short compared to the rest of time, that we just don't even care what happens to the future of our race. The fact remains that at one point in time (lets say, 1 billion years from now) the sun will swallow up half of this solar system, and all we know, everything here, will be gone forever.

All of the petty fighting over divine right, i.e. the current middle east struggle going on right now, all means absolutely nothing in the bigger picture. You think a million years from now, people are going to give a rats arse about what king built what wall in whatever country? No.

It frustrates me to no end the stubbornness and ignorance our species displays and has for many many years. And yet, so many advancements in technology at the same time. We can only hope that one day, we can get over the hump that is ourselves and work together. It is almost as if religion itself is holding us back from reaching the stars and beyond.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by Mouth
The main problem actually lies within the people that think Utopia isn't possible.

Utterly wrong in my eyes. These people are just realistic. I'm interested to see how you would create this 'utopia'?

The sad part of all of this, is that our lives are so darn short compared to the rest of time, that we just don't even care what happens to the future of our race. The fact remains that at one point in time (lets say, 1 billion years from now) the sun will swallow up half of this solar system, and all we know, everything here, will be gone forever.

All of the petty fighting over divine right, i.e. the current middle east struggle going on right now, all means absolutely nothing in the bigger picture. You think a million years from now, people are going to give a rats arse about what king built what wall in whatever country? No.

Again, I don't understand? The Nazis were intent on taking over the world. But in the bigger picture I don't think they were too releveant on the survival of mankind, so in a way we may aswell be "Heil Hitler"ing?

It frustrates me to no end the stubbornness and ignorance our species displays and has for many many years. And yet, so many advancements in technology at the same time. We can only hope that one day, we can get over the hump that is ourselves and work together. It is almost as if religion itself is holding us back from reaching the stars and beyond.

Ignorance also goes both ways. It would be ignorant to show and have no knowledge of the real reason behind many wars. War, although bad is inevitable and i'm afraid necessery in some circumstances.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Knights

Utterly wrong in my eyes. These people are just realistic. I'm interested to see how you would create this 'utopia'?

See, that is exactly what I am talking about. Utopia would be more of a mind set, than an actual "governing" state. All it really would take is an understanding from everyone. everyone

Again, I don't understand? The Nazis were intent on taking over the world. But in the bigger picture I don't think they were too releveant on the survival of mankind, so in a way we may aswell be "Heil Hitler"ing?

The Nazis tried to take over the world with force, which didn't work at all, as we all know. I mean, they dont have any relevance anyways, because their "divine plan" was so full of faults, God himself probably turned in his sleep millions of times.

Ignorance also goes both ways. It would be ignorant to show and have no knowledge of the real reason behind many wars. War, although bad is inevitable and i'm afraid necessery in some circumstances.

War doesn't have to be inevitable. Do you live you life ready to blow up someone's home? Do you personally carry an automatic rifle with the safety off, ready to shoot an enemy? I am gonna prolly say no for you, cause you are sitting on a computer typing away. Most of the world does not fight a war, only the "lucky" select few.

I agree that war is necessary in some circumstances, but certainly not most, let alone all. If human beings evolved to eliminate jealousy, pride, and greed, maybe the ideals of war would be tossed out the window.

[edit on 14/7/06 by Mouth]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Mouth
See, that is exactly what I am talking about. Utopia would be more of a mind set, than an actual "governing" state. All it really would take is an understanding from everyone. everyone

If human beings evolved to eliminate jealousy, pride, and greed, maybe the ideals of war would be tossed out the window.

Yes, quite self explanatory. If we evolve into having the correct mindeset the governing state will also follow.

This will happen no time soon though, the best case scenario for this would probably be some nuclear meltdown of somesort (of course minus the radiation/ sun blockout etc), where we live in smaller concealed communities and are self reliant. OR.. a higher source who could guide us to inner peace.

This still isn't fool proof, but in my eyes the best theory for evolution as extreme as it sounds.

The Nazis tried to take over the world with force, which didn't work at all, as we all know. I mean, they dont have any relevance anyways, because their "divine plan" was so full of faults, God himself probably turned in his sleep millions of times.

It may be me being stupid here but by this do you mean they were irrelevant to "God's" divine plan? Or because they were just wrong tactically? I do not agree on a God giving us a destiny and thus the argument will probably end here on in.

I'm more than sure the Nazis and it's followers all thought their plan was divine, the 1000 year strong reichstag.

War doesn't have to be inevitable. Do you live you life ready to blow up someone's home? Do you personally carry an automatic rifle with the safety off, ready to shoot an enemy? I am gonna prolly say no for you, cause you are sitting on a computer typing away. Most of the world does not fight a war, only the "lucky" select few.

No, I don't hope to kill a person and no I don't agree with many finger trigger happy people over the internet (ATS included), who are all too happy to jump on the war bloodlust bandwagon. But I am more than happy to fight for my country and would sign up if an inevitable war was to risk my country or home.

So I take it me having this mind-set obviously means i'm lacking in the evolutionary scale of life

[edit on 14-7-2006 by Knights]

[edit on 14-7-2006 by Knights]

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 12:46 PM

Originally posted by siddharthsma
If we do not change our attitude soon, we will lead to our own destruction.

Man has been doing this since he first appeared, it has brought him to the heights that he is at now. Why change the system? It works.

What stops us from working together is something that is engraved deep into our natures, it is hatred, selfishness and a tendancy to look for revenge.

I'd say its having free will. If a person doesn't want to work with a bunch of other peopel, why should he be forced to? As long as peopel have free will, it will be up to them to decide if they want to work with any particular collection of people.

We could achieve so much more if only we gave up our fighting, if we stopped having this selfish attitude.

How could man acheive anything if eveyone worked together? You couldn't do anything if you had to make sure that everyone on the planet was well above the poverty level, had an excellent education, good social security, good medical and mental health services, etc etc. You'd allways be struggling to acheive that, rather than accomplishing anything else.

If this was to occur we could be much more coordinated as a species and work towards common goals.

Who decides what those common goals are? The majority of people? What makes them right?

Time is running out and we can see that all around us.

See it in what? Things now are as they have ever been.

By now we should we have been off Earth and onto other planets and galaxies.

We'd be living in mud huts if everyone had to work together and make sure that everyone was economically and socially equal.

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 01:44 PM

Originally posted by Knights

It may be me being stupid here but by this do you mean they were irrelevant to "God's" divine plan? Or because they were just wrong tactically? I do not agree on a God giving us a destiny and thus the argument will probably end here on in.

What I meant by that is, the Nazi version of their "divine plan" was so badly constructed, that it was doomed to fail. Genocide does not work for world domination, history has proven than many times over.

No, I don't hope to kill a person and no I don't agree with many finger trigger happy people over the internet (ATS included), who are all too happy to jump on the war bloodlust bandwagon. But I am more than happy to fight for my country and would sign up if an inevitable war was to risk my country or home.

Don't get me wrong, I would give my life for my country if it meant saving many more lives of my fellow Americans. But, most people don't fight... they are the ones that are being protected by the people that do fight. If WW 3 does come out of what is going on in the middle east, then I would have no quams with protecting what I know and believe is right.

I just feel that war could be avoided. I am not a peace love and tranquility kind of person, I just know for a fact how trivial alot of the reasons are for going to war. Especially in our modern times.

So I take it me having this mind-set obviously means i'm lacking in the evolutionary scale of life

No. Maybe not enlightened, but I am sure you are quite up-to-date when concerning the evolution bit

posted on Jul, 14 2006 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by Knights
it is who we are and it will never, ever, change.

You are not your nationality.

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