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Interesting Australian UFO Footage

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posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 05:34 PM
Can be found here:

UFO Footage

It looks like just your typical bright spot in the sky, until it zooms off faster than you would think possible. Just a dot. No detail. Still entertaining.

The "balloon" thing is also kind of freaky. Hmmm...

[edit on 5-7-2006 by Enkidu]

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 05:51 PM
Hum .... I don't know . They all look extrangely suspicious to me . The Fourth one looks cool , looks like a UFO "cloaking" but is probably just some meteors . The fifth one is defenetly fake !

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by Fanatic
Hum .... I don't know . They all look extrangely suspicious to me . The Fourth one looks cool , looks like a UFO "cloaking" but is probably just some meteors . The fifth one is defenetly fake !

I agree that the one with the little arrowhead UFO looks a little "iffy." Just the way it seems to jump around so much. And the jet doesn't even look like it's moving. The "teardrop" in the sunset is no big deal, either. I see those every day. But not that bar of light that drops into the clouds. That's a good one.

posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 10:13 PM

Not too sure about these mate, the one on the right sure dose move very fast but I cant see any detail I have downloaded the video clip and tried to zoom in for some more detail but I cant see much
but they are interesting, the one that dose not appear to move is a lot brighter than the others and it has more of a shape than the other two.

I would like to know the circumstances about the video like the person that recorded the video, what was he / she doing there and where was he when he saw this happen because it always helps to know what was going on before the lights were seen and if he was recording a video before he started to record the lights, was he on a camping trip or just happened to look up and press record at the right time!!!!!

But none the less it is interesting and nice one for putting on ATS for us all to watch.

Lataz mate


posted on Jul, 5 2006 @ 10:20 PM
7 UFO Videos from Australia'[/url]

I posted this barely 4 days ago, you don't even have to search because the thread is still visible on the forums page. The thread title is pretty self explanatory.

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