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Russian Defense Update

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posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 02:44 PM
Atlast I am back after a long time here is some updates about Russian defense and space Industry......


With approximately 6 to 7 % GDP growth rate per annum since 1998 ie after President Vladimir Vladimirovitch putin took his post the Russian Economy had had seen transition from a state of crisis to stablilzation and from there to a present booming state ....favoured by cheap Ruble rate , High Oil and Energy Prices, Economic reforms and some well analysed and implimented critical decisions

Today Russia is the world's No1 exporter of Gas and No 2 exporter of petrolium (after Saudi Arabia )

with these positive changes today the Russian Economy is booming ...however the kremlim has decided not to repeat the same mistake done by the USSR ....Developing the Defense at the expense of the economy though the defense spending has improved a lot but still Russia remains world no two when it comes to defense . However being a Russian I am happy with positive developmts in the defense industry in my country ...and to be frank the developments have been remarkable..just four years earlier when I was in compulsory military training we used to have AK 47 and AK 51s all developed between 1987-91 today my juniors speak of ultramodern guns that they are provided with infrared and all ...thats a giant leap for the Red Army ...though lately but still they have given importance on Quality over quantity

here I present some of the updates about the Russian Defense Industry

Russia builds advanced military helicopter

ROSTOV-NA-DONU, Russia, June 1 (UPI) -- Russia is preparing to mass-produce an advanced military helicopter.

Following rigorous factory tests in Rostov-na-Donu, the first mass produced Mi-28N Night Hunter "Havoc" military helicopter was transferred to Russia's Defense Ministry on May 30.

The serial helicopter will join two other experimental Mi-28N helicopters being tested by the Defense Ministry, and will have to confirm its performance and undergo avionics tests, including testing of armaments systems."

According to Russian Air Force Commander Vladimir Mikhailov, the Russian Federation Defense Ministry will buy 50 Mi-28Ns over the next four years.

Designer announces changes in Russian nuclear missiles

Moscow would have no less than 2,000 nuclear warheads by 2011, when the U.S.-Russian Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (SORT) will be nearing expiry. This is in line with the SORT's requiring that both sides should reduce their nuclear stockpiles to 1,700-2,200 warheads by December 31, 2012.

Importantly, Solomonov said Russia was ahead of the rest of the world in missile defense penetration capability by at least 15 to 20 years. In the light of his earlier remarks that technologically both new missiles could carry no less than three warheads, defense experts are now convinced the announced changes will have to do with the number of warheads per missile.

Moreover, media reports, citing Moscow's recent disclosure of a six-MIRV Bulava, designed as part of Russia's effort to implement the Memorandum to START I (expires in 2009), suggested the number of MIRVs per missile was likely to grow to 10 shortly.

Solomonov made two other remarks that look important enough if put together. As the first road mobile missile regiment is to enter active service in 2008, the SS-NX-30 also has a three-year flight test program ahead, which means that the first Bulava-armed nuclear submarine Yury Dolgoruky (Project 955 Borei) will be commissioned in the same year and, probably, that the date should be seen as the next landmark for the qualitative development of Russia's nuclear capability.

Russian ballistic missiles to be equipped with new warhead

This launch allows us to not simply hope, but be certain that all future missiles that will be put in service starting from the end of this year will be equipped with this warhead," Sergei Ivanov told a government meeting attended by President Vladimir Putin.

The minister said both land and sea-based ballistic missiles would be equipped with either a single warhead or MIRV (multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicle) and deployed by the Strategic Missile Forces and the Navy.

Russia has five missile regiments equipped with silo-based Topol-M ballistic missiles and the first regiment equipped with mobile Topol-M systems will be put on combat duty in 2006.

Bulava missiles, a sea-based version of the Topol-M, could be deployed on Borey-class nuclear submarines as early as in 2008, the designer said.

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[edit on 14-6-2006 by UK Wizard]

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 03:04 PM
Russian Army to get new weaponry in 2006 - Defense Ministry

MOSCOW, May 18 (RIA Novosti) - The Russian Armed Forces will get a large procurement of new weaponry by the end of this year, a deputy defense minister said Thursday.

Colonel General Alexander Belousov said the Armed Forces would receive about 30 main battle tanks, 40 infantry fighting vehicles, more than 100 armored personnel carriers, modernized surface-to-air missiles, more than 10 combat helicopters and a regiment of silo-based Topol-M ballistic missiles.

The acquisitions will be made under a major modernization program highlighted in President Vladimir Putin's state of the nation address May 10 and in statements by a number of senior military officials.

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[edit on 14-6-2006 by UK Wizard]

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 03:28 PM
State Defense order to increase by 20% in 2007

Arms program will get $185 bln over 9 years - defense minister


Air Force bombers to get cruise-missile launch practice

Airforce to get night capable helicopters

He said the helicopters, which are equipped with modern navigation and avionic systems as well as thermal imagery devices, would operate in the North Caucasus and Central military districts.

More than 40 helicopters, including the Mi-28 Havoc, Mi-24 Hind PN and Mi-8 Hip TV-5, will be supplied to the Air Force by 2015, Ivanov added.

First Mi-28N helicopter passes factory tests

The helicopter is primarily designed to locate and destroy enemy armored vehicles, personnel, small surface ships, and low-speed air targets and fortifications, and to lay mine fields day or night in adverse weather conditions.

High reliability and powerful weaponry make the chopper competitive on global aircraft markets, Rostvertol said. Military experts said the helicopter's effectiveness was four to five times higher than any existing helicopters of its type.

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[edit on 14-6-2006 by UK Wizard]

posted on Jun, 4 2006 @ 03:56 PM
First mobile Topol-M missile regiment to be put on combat duty in 2006

Russia to Mordernize its stratigic Nuclear forces in 5 years-Putin

New Unique Warheads to protect Russia until 2030

Missile Forces to mordernize by 2015" target="_blank" class="postlink">Bulava missiles could be deployed in 2008

Russia should make 20-30 ballistic missiles a year - expert

S-400 air defense systems to be put on duty in 2006

The S-400 (NATO reporting name SA-20 Triumf) is an advanced surface-to-air missile system designed to destroy aircraft, cruise missiles, and short- and medium-range ballistic missiles at ranges of up to 400 kilometers (250 miles).

Launch of 8 satellites, 2 ICBMs planned from Plesetsk in 2006

Russia to Host International arms show in July

At this point, 16 countries, including China, Germany, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Venezuela, Sweden, Armenia, Tajikistan, Egypt, India, Spain, the Czech Republic, Poland, Iran, Bulgaria and Mozambique have officially confirmed their participation in the Russian Expo Arms 2006 show," the official said.

According to organizers, the previous show gathered 304 participants, including Fehlmann and Scheeberger of Switzerland, France's Huron, Weiler and Wenzel of Germany, Sweden's Seko Tools, Japan's Mitsubishi and many leading Russian arms manufacturers.


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[edit on 14-6-2006 by UK Wizard]

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 11:45 AM
A new helicopter?

Hardly, old boy!

The Hokum and Havoc have been around for at least ten to maybe fifteen years, in one guise or another.

True the production of the Hokum was put on hold due to funding restrainsts, but I can remember teaching it's finer recognition points to my squadron in 1985!

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 11:53 AM
Essentially it is a different aircraft with all the navigation and targeting technology.

Prelude what do you think of a major war between lets say the current east block and the west.

Russia and China as major military allies on top of their ally neighbours and Cuba,Venezuala and their ally neighbours. against North america and western europe.

Situation Iran. If and when America and Israel attack Iran this will cause a huge spark with the rest of the world particularily China due to it's oil investments there.

[edit on 12-6-2006 by Crazy_Mr_Crowley]

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 09:41 PM
Crazy, although Theoretical, the EU combined with the United States' Production might would clober the souther hemisphere and eastern europe and Asia.

One factor, the Chinese don't any REAL forms of mass transporting millions of troops over the ocean, those ships are interceptable, they are ships. I don't care how many people they have, they still need to get the troops from point A to point B and with supplies.

Russia, is slowly progressing, but has it's own domestic problems to worry about before it's defensive ones.

South America... Are you kidding me?

Shattered OUT...

posted on Jun, 12 2006 @ 10:55 PM
What are you talking abt??!

posted on Jun, 13 2006 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by Daedalus3
What are you talking abt??!

Ditto............................guess you posted on the wrong thread

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 04:11 AM
Stolen from one of the links: "The helicopter is primarily designed to locate and destroy enemy armored vehicles, personnel, small surface ships, and low-speed air targets and fortifications, ."and to lay mine fields day or night in adverse weather conditions

Mine fields?? Is that new or have I just missed that they use choppers for that too?

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 04:24 AM
Russians have used Helos for mine laying for quite a while... The systems and mines are fairly similar to those used with artillery minelet systems. There are both AP and AT mines available.

(think of a clusterbomb dispenser releasing mines)

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 05:27 AM
yey russia is having a millitary upgrade.
still i am still stuck back in the cold war when there were T-82's, BMP's and Hinds. ahh well all this new stuff is pretty cool though

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Crazy_Mr_Crowley
Essentially it is a different aircraft with all the navigation and targeting technology.

Prelude what do you think of a major war between lets say the current east block and the west.

Russia and China as major military allies on top of their ally neighbours and Cuba,Venezuala and their ally neighbours. against North america and western europe.

Situation Iran. If and when America and Israel attack Iran this will cause a huge spark with the rest of the world particularily China due to it's oil investments there.

[edit on 12-6-2006 by Crazy_Mr_Crowley]

I think The situation will be like this

In order to get control over Oil US Plans Attack Iran: Gives some sort of Ultimatum .....Countries that Plays second feedle to US joins US ie UK, Israel ..some of the spineless NATO nations join the group some other European Nations (France Spain) try to proove themselves "Great " by INDIRECTLY protesting this US action (what else can they do)

The Muslim world unites against the act (excluding Some loyal muslim Governments like Pakistan , Saudi Arabia ).....Mass Protests all over the World

Russia tries to gain maximum benifit of this situation ...becomes the big boss of Muslim nations ....Becomes the first country to OFFICIALLY PROTEST the move.........Russia knows Alone she can do nothing

In the mean while the rising powers India & Brazil does the maximum pimping to extract maximum benifit from the situation ....they are countries that are yet to mature to stay in one particular Side (US or Russia)

On this Critical Juncture all depends on China ...Probably China will Protest officially...without doing anything but to go on developing her Economy ...However if China(10 % Chance) joins hand with Russia and the two powers together threatens to send forces against the US camp in case of attack....then again all depends on How the US reacts

If US understands the outcome and suspends his plan of attack to Iran :Then it will mark a new era of multipolar world ...US will loose the BIG BOSS title that it has been enjoying since the collapse of USSR

If US clings to her EGO and attacks Iran : THIRD WORLD WAR...>>>>>NUCLEAR WINTER ...>>>>End of Human civilazation

thats how i think...let me know what do you think....

posted on Jun, 14 2006 @ 06:44 PM
Shattered. No offense but thats very wishful thinking on your part. the US can't even handle Iraq anymore let alone the entire world. In my opinion you can only pick one continent as the resources don't mix in.

On top of that the US desperately needs a draft. Current combined forces of Venezuala, Cuba, N.K, China and any other counrties willing to lend support could really give trouble to the US bases in S.K. and Germany. China does have a really good mobile military now and they can amphib anyone within their reach. They could capture ships for later attack on the US.

Thats what globalism is. Instead of generals it's economists dividing up land. No army needed just money. Anyways thats what I think.

I think prelude that East and West is going to go to war. Muslims vs Judism and Christianity.

I don't think the US military can destroy everybody and all at once. US isn't that powerful when you line them up against some of the most anti-us countries.

Russia and China are in it together. The world is almost like survivor and the US is the character thats going to get cut loose. Just look at China's globalist oil grabs too. Iran, Venezuala and Canada. China could even have operatives already in North America. Ready to wage guerilla war during martial law. Who knows.

This war is inevitable. I think that if we pay close attention we can already see it unfolding. Really when you look at what the US is against, potentially 2-3 billion people. When this islamofacist nazism takes over like Bush says it will the West could be up against more then half the people in the world.

At the very least we're going to see some major battles where the US will get injured badly if they intervene. China's military in all the elements is nothing to laugh about anymore. Who knows what the number of russian aircraft they have now. And with US radar sold from Israel. Good subs that can be very dangerous to the carriers. Cruise and ballistic missiles if the USN gets too close.

The key with China and Russia is they have alot of equipment. Not always the best but not bad either. Those new Su33-35-37 I have got to say are very impressive.

China already has the manpower so really what the East block needs to do is throw numbers at the states. The USAF can't takeout everything unless they resort to Nuclear war.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 12:45 AM
Pakistan is not a muslim govt. currently at least.
It is currently in control of a man who is most moderate in terms of Islam.
China and Russia aren't bum-chums as most are made to believe. They're playing to a common cause: prevent growth and hopefully pushback the influence of the US (not necessarily the EU) in Asia and the MiddleEast.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 05:07 AM
What the
are you lot on about the Middle East, the US and China for?

This thread was started as the Russian Defense Update thread. Please try to stay on topic.

Thank you.

Now, funny_pom said, "ahh well all this new stuff is pretty cool though" and on the whole, I do tend to agree.

But as one who was supposed to have faced the might of at least 1 Guards Tank Division and a couple of Fronts as they raged across Eastern Europe, I longed to see the 'Devil's Charriot' in it's full glory.

Yes, Havoc and Hokum might be damned sexy, but to me, the Hind 'D' will always be the best attack chopper in the world.

posted on Jun, 15 2006 @ 11:52 AM
Russia will play an important part soon to come. Already have strategically.
When China is thrown into a war with the US over Iran, Russia will have to side with China. It's the only logical option for the two to be friends. And they have. Lots of military sharing between the two countries now.

The Russian military would still be lethal in combat. Just look at what happened in Chechna. Brutal.

Russia is a sleeping giant in it's own right. They take what they need develop and sell the rest of the cold war gear to China because they have the meat. And thats already been done. Billions upon billions spent in China and russia being the main supplier.

Doesn't make sense to sell a weapon to someone who will use it against you. you only sell to friends.

There is an arms race currently ongoing that makes pre 1914 look like a tea party you know...

[edit on 15-6-2006 by Crazy_Mr_Crowley]

posted on Jun, 21 2006 @ 10:35 AM
Here is some info about the much awaited Russian fifth Generation Flight ...It think they are talking about the PAK-FA by Sukhoi ...Here the source says it will start flying in 2007 with some intermidiate engine while the new engine will be fitted by 2009

Russia to fly fifth-generation fighter in 2009 - Ivanov
16:36 | 20/ 06/ 2006

MOSCOW, June 20 (RIA Novosti) - Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said Tuesday that a fifth-generation Russian fighter would make its maiden flight in 2009.

"Expect the fighter in the skies with a new engine in 2009," he said.

The commander of the country's air force said June 15 that Russia would launch its first fifth-generation aircraft as early as 2007, although it would be still equipped with fourth-generation engines.

"Several experimental models will take to the skies as early as 2007, but for now they will be equipped with intermediary engines," Vladimir Mikhailov told journalists. "In the future they will get fifth-generation engines, development of which is ongoing."

here is another one:
Russian army to receive 250 new types of weaponry in 2006
Its nice to see Economic developments reflected to the Red Army.

The general said that Russia's orbital group would receive new satellites, and that Glonass system of navigational and global positioning satellites would be fully restored to operational condition.

Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said in March that the Russian orbital group consisted of 96 satellites, of which 59 are used for military purposes. The Glonass system currently has 17 satellites and two laser reflectors in orbit.

Moskovsky also said the Russian Air Force would receive modernized Su-27 Flanker fighters, Su-24 Fencer tactical bombers, and Su-25 Frogfoot close support aircraft, and that the Land Forces would get modernized T-72 and T-80 tanks, and new T-90 main battle tanks.

This one also seems to be very interesting :
Russia Preparing New Missile Systems to Overcome Any Shield — Defense Minister

However as far as I know Russia already has the technology to overcome US Shield has a lot of new generation missile that are able to change its course (on russian control)with accuracy after it has been fired

posted on Jun, 22 2006 @ 09:25 AM
i would like 2 see some pic of the new weaponery

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