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are there religious reasons as to why the world is in chaos?...

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posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 10:40 PM
and if you believe there is can you please state those reasons...

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 10:44 PM
Most of what you will receive will be prophecy reasonings....personally, IMHO, we only need to look around us, in the mirror, etc......because its Mankinds doing this world is in the situations, as you mentioned: "in chaos", that it is in.


posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 10:47 PM
im waiting to hear from some blasphmous person putting the burden on a prophecy...
where you at helen...

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 11:26 PM

Originally posted by bigsage
im waiting to hear from some blasphmous person putting the burden on a prophecy...
where you at helen...

Im here bigsage...
Why do you accuse me of ''blasphme'' ?

Yes the world is in chaos because of religion and the many views that people hold onto...
Religion as we know it has caused many wars and arguments in the name of God.....but that does not mean it's God 's fault....
People will never see true peace until the people return to God....and because it was predicted by the Old Testament and the New Testament.....God will allow these chaotic times to happen because we do not follow in GOD'S ROAD......we follow our own road that leadeth to destruction....and Im not talking about everyone.....We all have our faults and sometimes we do not see them......But God points them out to us and we blindly dont take any notice!
I point the finger at no one!
I have my faults, and therefore should not judge anyone.......If I have, forgive me!
But this world will never see true peace .......and when you hear of ''PEACE'' know that the end is close!!!
Actually the words above of ''peace'' were spoken of by Jesus Christ ....concerning the end of times and the rise of the Antichrist..

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 11:31 PM
do you also play a role in this chaos?...
or is it all a rapture that you cant do anything at all about?...

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by bigsage
do you also play a role in this chaos?...
or is it all a rapture that you cant do anything at all about?...

What do you mean by 'ME'' playing a role???

Well if prophecy says that it will happen, then I myself believ it to be true!
I can only try to live a good life according to what I have read ...
I dont consider myself to be all rightous and good...

posted on Oct, 21 2003 @ 11:45 PM
or does pharocee sound familiar in reference to living the good life...
and noone is judging your actions these are just questions that you dont have to answer...

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 11:58 AM
Perhaps the world is in some sort of chaos because we are created to the equal of the Gods... because the Gods also couldn't make a good human at their first try... because they saw it was good, but later it wasn't...

perhaps we are just as almighty as God... not almighty.

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 01:18 PM
Both in practice & theory, scientific & philosophical....

the chaos & disintegration you have determined exists,
is the 2nd law of thermodynamics [Entropy] manifesting.

all those prophecies are only logical progressions of ::=>>what 'rationalized' behavior will lead to, in the future.
those behaviors being 'reined' or guided by the baser human drives...lust,greed,sloth etc etc *aka; 7deadly sins

on the other hand, I look at things from this perspective:

click on to this message: DETERIORATA...
(scroll down to: Antidote of the Antidote)

OR..If you share the Lithuanian
Mythology...whereby humans were made from a spit.juice/'hocker' accidental by product of the supernatural being who just casually cleared HIS/HER throat ....whilst doing important 'god' things....

IF neither of above satisifies your thirst of knowledge, try the following--> where the patriarch is set in-its-place and the matriarch is elevated-->
~~~which was done in antiquity, but lost ....~~~

[Edited on 4-11-2003 by riffraffalunas]

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 02:50 PM
The whole series of events we are entering into now was prophesied by Christ in the book of Matthew in the New Testament:


3 � And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.

6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.

7 For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.

8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

9 Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name�s sake.

10 And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.

11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.

12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.


28 For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 05:23 PM
The world is in chaos because people suck(including myslef)! It had nuthin to do with religion....It starts with parenting! REALLY,,,,,come on,,,,I'm a parent and I still have good ol' morals. Parents today just seem to not care. Kids today are 10 times worse then I was when I was akid,,and I'm only 28! Look at the news, and see how all these crimes are caused by punk ass kids! I never heard of anyone in my grade shool rapin another kid in the bathroom,,,we didn't have mass murders at high school!!! Don't blame religion on mankind!(did I say that?!?)

posted on Nov, 4 2003 @ 05:26 PM
oh yeah,,,another thing,,,,talin about religion and violence,,,what about the Priests and the lil boys,,,,you know what I mean,,IIEEWWWWW! And thgen the cathoilics cover up and try to help out some of the accused ya know,,,,,um,,,thats another post,,,*idea*

C ya

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 05:14 AM
The soul is so highly spiritual that its energy naturally gravitates upwards when it has absolute peace and tranquility. To keep the souls living in this illusion and learning the hard earth lessons there needs to be constant chaos to keep the souls from gravitating back to their natural spiritual consciousness.

The forces of chaos are highly disciplined and create destruction and tragedies at key times and places in order to keep the human populations perplexed and struggling.

Because we come to earth to learn hard lessons there needs to be troubles here for us to struggle with and overcome. As soon as we overcome one obstacle another will present itself without fail, until our life is over.

Each person is given certain amounts of difficulties to overcome or cope with, and various people are servants of the forces of chaos and help create chaos just by being what they are.

We need to understand that chaos is a natural state for this world, because as long as we think peace and harmony is the natural state then we will be disappointed.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by Aztec
The soul is so highly spiritual that its energy naturally gravitates upwards when it has absolute peace and tranquility. To keep the souls living in this illusion and learning the hard earth lessons there needs to be constant chaos to keep the souls from gravitating back to their natural spiritual consciousness.

The forces of chaos are highly disciplined and create destruction and tragedies at key times and places in order to keep the human populations perplexed and struggling.

Because we come to earth to learn hard lessons there needs to be troubles here for us to struggle with and overcome. As soon as we overcome one obstacle another will present itself without fail, until our life is over.

Each person is given certain amounts of difficulties to overcome or cope with, and various people are servants of the forces of chaos and help create chaos just by being what they are.

We need to understand that chaos is a natural state for this world, because as long as we think peace and harmony is the natural state then we will be disappointed.

I think you will be very disappointed when 21 till 25th. of december 2012 is there...

That doesn't take away that I am happy that there is still some persons on this world who think God is really good etc. yes if he were we could all be happy

[Edited on 5-11-2003 by LeenBekkemaa]

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 09:55 PM
2012 is a Mayan determination; the claim that it is related to Eastern Hemispheric ideology in any way is incorrect. To be honest, the term as applied to the date in question "End of Days" has nothing to do with the destruction of mankind as interpreted in the Holy Bible.

Religion is the basis for how we interpret reality, what we have today is in respect to Chaos, is related to the ways those interpretations have been abused.

Any thoughts?

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 10:06 PM
You go man, tell them how it is. I agree 100% with everything you said. Good Job and keep up the good work.


Originally posted by helen670

Originally posted by bigsage
im waiting to hear from some blasphmous person putting the burden on a prophecy...
where you at helen...

Im here bigsage...
Why do you accuse me of ''blasphme'' ?

Yes the world is in chaos because of religion and the many views that people hold onto...
Religion as we know it has caused many wars and arguments in the name of God.....but that does not mean it's God 's fault....
People will never see true peace until the people return to God....and because it was predicted by the Old Testament and the New Testament.....God will allow these chaotic times to happen because we do not follow in GOD'S ROAD......we follow our own road that leadeth to destruction....and Im not talking about everyone.....We all have our faults and sometimes we do not see them......But God points them out to us and we blindly dont take any notice!
I point the finger at no one!
I have my faults, and therefore should not judge anyone.......If I have, forgive me!
But this world will never see true peace .......and when you hear of ''PEACE'' know that the end is close!!!
Actually the words above of ''peace'' were spoken of by Jesus Christ ....concerning the end of times and the rise of the Antichrist..

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 10:07 PM
Actually meant to quote Helen69. My bad.

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 10:15 PM
people abuse most of all their possessions...

is this natural?

do humans abuse to learn from the abuse...

is this because of a reactionary stimuli?

i think the more "chaos"(aztecs interpretation) attempts to manifest chaos the more most average persons will not recieve the ability to "just" experience life...

laymans terms?

the more oppression from chaos the more people tend to want to counterbalance chaos with peace, and the more of those that attain this level of peace; then more of those who have not the ability to keep up with the magnitude of chaos maintained by the peacefull gets tossed in the wayside to be trampled uppon by the goats...

questions comments or concerns?...

[Edited on 5-11-2003 by bigsage]

posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 10:18 PM
Hi all,

The world is not in chaos because of religion!
Dont think none of this would have happend if there wasnt any religion, in time we would have made up our own 'gods' and idols to worship if it wasnt for the One True God and the Messangers he sent down!
Do you people(some) believe that if there was no Christianity that Americans would have not have made slaves of the Africans?
Do you people(some) believe that if there was no Judaisim, the jews would not be greedy for money let alone kill the palestinian people?
Do you people(some) believe that if there was no Islam there would be no fighting between arab tribes? Even though Islam has forbiden Tribes they sill have them!!

This world is meerly a test for the Hereafter, wether you pass or not, none knows your verdict, antil you get Judged by the Almighty!

This is what we Muslims(not the ones you see on the news nor the ones you hear by back biter's) believe in!!

Thanks for your time


posted on Nov, 5 2003 @ 10:26 PM
i personally dont think the entire world is in chaos...

but the question was...

are there religious reasons?

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