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Anti-War Protesters Hit With Pepper Spray

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posted on May, 30 2006 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird

Originally posted by WithoutEqual
Kid, do yourself a favor, look up Kent State on google, and tell me what it says. M-16's or Pepper spray come on. you honestly think people like Souljah would look at history or something that shows the past being worst than the present?
People like him completely ignore the 50s, 60s, and 70s. They actually think it's bad now here in the '00s

I know it's sad, also big thanks to Apoc for posting those links, and giving us some comparisons.

posted on May, 30 2006 @ 10:43 PM
Greetings Souljah, i hope u r well,

Hmmm this is indeed an interesting thread, allthough i must say this.
If you play with matches, you will get burnt. There is no chance here at all there is only Cause and Effect.
They were told for an hour to stop and they kept going also protesting is protesting fair enough but when you overstep that line and start vandalising property and trying to break into a area that you are not permitted to be in then you are indeed asking for trouble.
This doesnt mean that the United States of America is becoming a police state, i know for a fact that if a group tried to do that where i live they would cop the same thing.

I do not live in the US no, but if you do something wrong you will get punished for it and it is the legitement right of the authoroties to do so, its what there there for after all.

Like i said Protesting is Protesting but if u break the law you will be punished nomatter what the cause.

There are better ways to get your point across then by looking for confrontation and the people that were trying to break into the compound clearly did not care about this, they were just looking for trouble, and they got what they were asking for.

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 02:21 AM
Jealous cowards try to control
Rise above
Were gonna rise above
They distort what we say
Rise above
Were gonna rise above
Try and stop what we do
Rise above
When they cant do it themselves

We are tired of your abuse
Try to stop us its no use

Societys arms of control
Rise above
Were gonna rise above
Think theyre smart
Cant think for themselves
Rise above
Were gonna rise above
Laugh at us
Behind our backs
I find satisfaction
In what they lack
excerpt from rolins'
'rise above' performed by the choir boys of black flag

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 04:18 AM

I never thought this lil thread would get soooo much attention.

And it looks like a fight of Two against Plenty.

Now who is Right?

Hmmmmm - well some are very determined, that they are right ofcourse.

Yes, it is Illegal to tresspass, but if you read these reports I posted earlier, you would see, that nobody tresspassed, they were just shaking the gate, when the police started using pepper spray. But OK - they had to, since they are cops and cops do that.

And on the other side, we have a small group of people, which wants to be heard - how exactly are they going to do that? By writing a letter to US president? By signing a petition against War? By protesting in front of the White House? Or by "Trying" to prevent US military to send even more soldiers from their city port?

But this is only a small example of the rising Police State, which you all try to deny so much. You simply can not deny it - since this forum is full of posts, which point to this; like Illegal Wiretapping, Microchips in yo Head, Control over the Internet, Control over the Mass Media, Patriot Act, Detention Camps, "The Long War", High-Ranking Whistleblowers, Pastors to become Secret Police enforcers - just to name a FEW.

But apparently everybody is A-OKEY with that - nope, no Police state in sight. Well maybe some of you are correct; if USA was already a police state, these few hundred protestors would be beaten the crap out, arrested and Processed to the nearest Detention Camp. Well, maybe in one of two years time.

It is no secret, that war in Iraq ain't going very well, and that US troops will not come home any time soon; and it is also not a secret, that a new war with Iran will start soon - possibly this summer or autumn. So, several war scenarios are open or opening up, meaning that there will be more and more People which do NOT agree with the US foreign policy of War. Which means, they will get to the streets and start to protest.

Some of you mentioned that same things (or Worse!) happen in other countries all over the World - yes they do; somewhere cops are even more brutal. But one thing: how many of these countries you mentioned have actually invaded any other country, Illegaly? How many of these other countries do have such a big military machinery? Not many ey?

And for all those who think Alex Jones is a Jerk - I think the same thing about You then. And not just that; I think you are nothing but Useless Eaters, Brainwashed Slaves, which stick their heads in the Sand everytime somebody says something, which goes against your precious goverment.

Martial Law: 9/11 Rise of the Police State

Partially a follow-up to his 2002 film 9/11: The Road to Tyranny, which attempts to debunk the official account of the September 11, 2001 attacks and presented historical examples of governments and leaders creating crises to enslave the population using the Hegelian Dialectic, which Jones refers to as the problem-reaction-solution paradigm:
  • Create the crisis;
  • Tell the people that their government will protect them, but some civil liberties might have to be suspended;
  • Implement the plan of enslavement that has been planned for years.

In the early years of the twenty-first century, terrorism was used by governments across the world as a pretext to scare their populations into submission. Life became a surveillance grid nightmare, with every individuals' actions ruthlessly cataloged and recorded by the state. Secret arrests, checkpoints, and warrant-less searches spread. The final incremental march of the police state culminating in open martial law. This is the story of how the elite sold their people into slavery, and scared the once proud, brave people of the west into submitting to being cannon fodder in wars for world domination."

And there are far more sinister Plans then "just" a police state.

But thats another Story.

In the end I would just like to say one more thing:


[edit on 31/5/06 by Souljah]

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 08:28 AM
whats a protest without pepper spray??? ......, it's like a dog without a bone, it's like sonny without cher, it's like mustard without ketsup

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 08:40 AM
greetins i agree with the last post to an extent anyway lol.
Its like Breaking the law without Justice being served even!


posted on May, 31 2006 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
Yes, it is Illegal to tresspass, but if you read these reports I posted earlier, you would see, that nobody tresspassed, they were just shaking the gate, when the police started using pepper spray. But OK - they had to, since they are cops and cops do that.

But, they wern't just "shaking the gate," they were trying to break the gate down and get into the port complex... If someone comes to your home and starts trying to pry open your door are you going to let them, since they haven't trespassed into your home yet? And the cops did their job, and a damned good job at it too, as they gave the people plenty of warnings and didn't make any arrests.

And on the other side, we have a small group of people, which wants to be heard - how exactly are they going to do that? By writing a letter to US president? By signing a petition against War? By protesting in front of the White House?

Yes, exactly.

You simply can not deny it - since this forum is full of posts...

Yes, that's correct. This forum is full of posts. It even has a few threads. That being said, not everything should be blindly accepted as fact, but taken with a grain of salt. Well, some should be taken with a whole mine of salt. That discussion really isn't pertinant to this thread though, is it?

Well maybe some of you are correct; if USA was already a police state, these few hundred protestors would be beaten the crap out, arrested and Processed to the nearest Detention Camp. Well, maybe in one of two years time.

Yeah, we'll see, won't we? And I believe they were saying that that is what would have happened around the middle of the 20th cetury, not in today's world. If that happened in today's world, they would have organizations like the ACLU all over them.

It is no secret, that war in Iraq ain't going very well, and that US troops will not come home any time soon; and it is also not a secret, that a new war with Iran will start soon - possibly this summer or autumn. So, several war scenarios are open or opening up, meaning that there will be more and more People which do NOT agree with the US foreign policy of War. Which means, they will get to the streets and start to protest.

People, such as yourself, have been saying "War with Iran soon" for so long I can hardly understand why you think it'll happen. You may as well be screaming "War with Dijibouti!" A war with Iran hasn't happened yet, and it probbably won't. Yeah, the war scenarios are "open" for it, but they're also open for China, Russia, N. Korea, and probably several other counties. Does that mean that war will be coming with them? Nope!

And for all those who think Alex Jones is a Jerk - I think the same thing about You then. And not just that; I think you are nothing but Useless Eaters, Brainwashed Slaves, which stick their heads in the Sand everytime somebody says something, which goes against your precious goverment.

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Don't let an outburst like that happen in this thread again, please. If you want to discuss this policy, don't continue it in this thread. Feel free to message me or file a complaint through the usage of the suggestion button. Thank you.

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 09:45 AM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
But, they wern't just "shaking the gate," they were trying to break the gate down and get into the port complex... If someone comes to your home and starts trying to pry open your door are you going to let them, since they haven't trespassed into your home yet? And the cops did their job, and a damned good job at it too, as they gave the people plenty of warnings and didn't make any arrests.

One of the protesters mentioned in his blog, that the cops pepper sprayed them, when they were shaking the gate. And I think that was before they tried to open it. Well, I actually have no idea what happened, since the cops and the protestors have each their own little versions of the story. Ofcourse you back up the cop version.

Yes, that's correct. This forum is full of posts. It even has a few threads. That being said, not everything should be blindly accepted as fact, but taken with a grain of salt. Well, some should be taken with a whole mine of salt. That discussion really isn't pertinant to this thread though, is it?

Excuse me - but isn't on the First Page of this forum a Window on the Left that says, ad I quote:

The U.S. Police State Is Here

With forum threads such as:
NSA is keeping logs of phones calls
Former NSA Director to Head CIA
Cracks In The Facade
Impeach Bush Now
Outlaw revealing US eavesdropping?
AT&T Feeds Internet to The NSA
Tagged Threads: Wiretapping
Tagged Threads: Domestic Spying

Grain of Salt?

Yeah, we'll see, won't we? And I believe they were saying that that is what would have happened around the middle of the 20th cetury, not in today's world. If that happened in today's world, they would have organizations like the ACLU all over them.

And you have no Problem with the threads above?
You have no Problem with your goverment silently improving laws, which slowly make Your country look more and more like a True Police State?

If you WAIT to SEE it will be too late...

People, such as yourself, have been saying "War with Iran soon" for so long I can hardly understand why you think it'll happen. You may as well be screaming "War with Dijibouti!" A war with Iran hasn't happened yet, and it probbably won't. Yeah, the war scenarios are "open" for it, but they're also open for China, Russia, N. Korea, and probably several other counties. Does that mean that war will be coming with them? Nope!

Well aren't the Headlines today filled with all sorts of News, Fake-News and other stories related to Iran? Aren't they the New Bad Guys, which Need to be removed? I don't see North Korea or Russia or China all over the News lately - but I do see I-ran, You-ran, We-ran everywhere I look.

Kind of Weird isn't it? You ready for Another War?

[edit on 31/5/06 by Souljah]

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
Excuse me - but isn't on the First Page of this forum a Window on the Left that says, ad I quote... Grain of Salt?

Yes, it does say that. Then again, this is a conspiracy related discussion board and those are currently prominent conspiracies being discussed that pertain to today's world. Just because they're promoted on the main forum page still does not mean that they're true.

And you have no Problem with the threads above?
You have no Problem with your goverment silently improving laws, which slowly make Your country look more and more like a True Police State?

I have many problems with the threads you listed. Some of it because I'm sure parts of it are true, and some of it because I'm sure parts are falsified or exaggerated.

And what do those threads have to do with the topic at hand? Yes, those threads could be seen as evidence for a "rising police state," but you still have done nothing at all to prove how this thread is. Why is that?

Kind of Weird isn't it? You ready for Another War?

Not really. Stories about Iran are a selling point right now, and above telling the news, papers are only out to make money. And if there is another war, maybe Slovenia will be good enough to send troops there too.

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 09:55 AM
Question Souljah,
Are u american? if not where r u from?
If u break the law are u not punished?
it seems to me that majority of your threads are alike.
Hmmmm i wonder.


posted on May, 31 2006 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by cmdrkeenkid
Yes, it does say that. Then again, this is a conspiracy related discussion board and those are currently prominent conspiracies being discussed that pertain to today's world. Just because they're promoted on the main forum page still does not mean that they're true.

Well, isn't the US Goverment secrety spying on US Citizens (and others)?
Is Patriot Act part I and II just a Phantasy?
Are High-Ranking Whistleblowers just a trick?
I am somehow confused over what you think is Not Entirely True.
A conspiracy THEORY stops to be a Theory the second One Single Evidence is presented to support this Theory.

I have many problems with the threads you listed. Some of it because I'm sure parts of it are true, and some of it because I'm sure parts are falsified or exaggerated.

Keep saying that to yourself.

And what do those threads have to do with the topic at hand? Yes, those threads could be seen as evidence for a "rising police state," but you still have done nothing at all to prove how this thread is. Why is that?

As I said before, this is just one piece of the puzzle. There are many more threads related to this topic, like for example Two Year Old Cited by Police. Events sucgh as this should show you, that things in Your country are going way, Way in the wrong Direction.

Ask yourself this - is Your goverment REALLY in Service of the People of America?

Not really. Stories about Iran are a selling point right now, and above telling the news, papers are only out to make money. And if there is another war, maybe Slovenia will be good enough to send troops there too.

So thats all? Iran stories SELL? Well that is a poor argument I must say. And the fact that 3 Carrier groups are closing in on Iran as we speak is not of any concern to you? The plans to Attack Iran are already made, somebody must give a Green light.

And I am sure that our Pathetic and Boot-Licking goverment would be more then happy to send our boys into a War - we have a pretty Idiotic Defence Minister too!

But know, that whatever my Goverment does is not NEARLY an Extension of my Opinion, just beacuse I live here.

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by Souljah
Yes, it is Illegal to tresspass, but if you read these reports I posted earlier, you would see, that nobody tresspassed, they were just shaking the gate, when the police started using pepper spray.

originally posted by Souljah
You want to Exercise Your Constitutional Right?

You want to Exercise the Freedom of Speech?

your quote from stegman

I’m basically just glad that it was peaceful, nonviolent civil disobedience

did you actually read your link???? if you did do you have selected vision????
from your link

Following more than a day of demonstrations against Iraq-bound military shipments from the Port of Olympia, more than 20 anti-war activists were arrested when they tore down a gate to the port, lay down on the ground and refused to leave, authorities said.
Officers used pepper spray several times Tuesday night, including once when some in the crowd started hurling bottles and rocks at officers, said sheriff's Capt. Brad Watkins.

so from your link i have already established that they are guilty of breaking and entering, tresspassing and assaulting a police officer. And yet you still beliebve that this "protest was a peaceful way of expressing there views and was within there rights to freedom of speech and within there constitutional rights?

If out side a football match in England a a crowd assaulted police officers in this way then the police would attack them with riot police, mounted police, police dogs, cs gas/pepper spray (not sure which the british police use), maybe even rubber/wooden bullets and tasers and there would be many more arrests that occured in this situation.

originally posted by Souljah
And on the other side, we have a small group of people, which wants to be heard - how exactly are they going to do that? By writing a letter to US president? By signing a petition against War? By protesting in front of the White House? Or by "Trying" to prevent US military to send even more soldiers from their city port?

once more from your link

Activists began watching for a military ship more than a week ago after learning that Stryker vehicles and other Army gear from the 3rd Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, a 4,000-soldier unit stationed at Fort Lewis, was being shipped to Iraq through the port.

they werent trying to stop troops being moved they were trying to stop vehicles and equipment that would have prevented loss of US life from being shipped to iraq. so not only were they a violent mob they were a violent trying to cause the loss of us soldiers lives.

originally posted by Souljah
and it is also not a secret, that a new war with Iran will start soon

i was under the impression that war with iran was unlikely although i may be wrong in this impression, please correct me if i am.

originally posted by Souljah
how many of these countries you mentioned have actually invaded any other country, Illegaly?How many of these other countries do have such a big military machinery? Not many ey?

what the hell has that got to do with a police state?
we are discussing a violent attempt by some us citizens to get some of the us army killed not about the size of the worlds millitaries or the many wars that have been fought down the centuries. you changed the topic just because you are loosing and couldnt cope.

originally posted by Souljah
Well, I actually have no idea what happened

then shut the hell up.


[edit on 31-5-2006 by justin_barton3]

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by justin_barton3
then shut the hell up.


posted on May, 31 2006 @ 01:43 PM
The problem is that peaple like Souljah think that the right to free speech means a right to all methods of communicating that right.

I have the right to say anything I want, but that does not mean I have the right to say it anywhere or using any media I want. Huge difference.

And if you think for just one moment that these protestors didn’t want to cause an incident you are sadly mistaken. They kept instigating until the authorities took action, and that’s exactly what they wanted. That’s why we even know about it at all.

And to an extent it worked wonderfully, they have reached every blind bleeding heart sympathizer in the world using that tactic. Think about it Souljah: 20 people yelling at a ship 11,000 miles from you landed you hook line and sinker with their methods. Would you know anything about this otherwise?

Them: Puppet masters
You: Puppet
Me: Audience

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by skippytjc
Them: Puppet masters
You: Puppet
Me: Audience

Oh Man!

I can't stop Laughing at those words - COMING FROM YOU SKIPP-O!

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
You want to Exercise the Freedom of Speech?
Well not anymore.
The Rising Police State will not TOLERATE any outbreaks of this "anti-war crowd"!

I'm sorry, but it's really no different then it was in the 1960's (the governments reaction).
Tear gas, rubber bullets, real pepper spray. It's all relative....different weapon.

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Souljah
And I am sure that our Pathetic and Boot-Licking government would be more then happy to send our boys into a War - we have a pretty Idiotic Defence Minister too!

But know, that whatever my Government does is not NEARLY an Extension of my Opinion, just because I live here.

So........ Souljah will you protest at the gates of one of your country's bases and try to break the gate down to stop them from bringing troops to Iran if your scenario plays out? How will your government respond to that?

Have you ever publicly and in person protested your Governments actions? Just Curious.

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by pavil
Have you ever publicly and in person protested your Governments actions? Just Curious.

Several Times!

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 02:26 PM
What about the first question?

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by pavil
So........ Souljah will you protest at the gates of one of your country's bases and try to break the gate down to stop them from bringing troops to Iran if your scenario plays out? How will your government respond to that?

I hope our country will not be so DUMB as the rest.

And I do not think we can provide much military support for an invasion of Iran.

And we have no jet warplanes.

So I don't think it will be necessary.

But if they do decide - you will sure see me there.

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