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The True Meaning of The Square and Compass

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posted on May, 21 2006 @ 07:20 AM

Taken from:

Morals and Dogma: Consistory: XXXII. Sublime of the Royal Secret pg. 850-51

The SQUARE is an instrument adapted for plane surfaces only, and therefore appropriate to Geometry, or measurement of the Earth, which appears to be, and was by the Ancients supposed to be, a plane. The COMPASS is an instrument that has relation to spheres and spherical surfaces, and is adapted to spherical trigonometry, or that branch of mathematics which deals with the Heavens and the orbits of the planetary bodies.

The SQUARE, therefore, is a natural and appropriate Symbol of this Earth and the things that belong to it, are of it, or concern it. The Compass is an equally natural and appropriate Symbol of the Heavens, and of all celestial things and celestial natures.

You see at the beginning of this reading, an old Hermetic Symbol, copied from the "MATERIA PRIMA" of Valentinus, printed at Franckfurt, in 1613, with a treatise entitled "AZOTH." Upon it you see a Triangle upon a Square, both of these contained in a circle; and above this, standing upon a dragon, a human body, with two arms only, but two heads, one male and the other female. By the side of the male head is the Sun, and by that of the female head, the Moon, the crescent within the circle of the full moon. And the hand on the male side holds a Compass, and that on the female side, a Square.

It is the great, fertile, beautiful MOTHER, Earth, that produces, with limitless profusion of beneficence, everything that ministers to the needs, to the comfort, and to the luxury of man. From her teeming and inexhaustible bosom come the fruits, the grain, the flowers, in their season. From it comes all that feeds the animals which serve man as laborers and for food. She, in the fair..

p. 851

..Springtime, is green with abundant grass, and the trees spring from her soil, and from her teeming vitality take their wealth of green leaves. In her womb are found the useful and valuable minerals; hers are the seas the swarm with life; hers the rivers that furnish food and irrigation, and the mountains that send down the streams which swell into these rivers; hers the forests that feed the sacred fires for the sacrifices, and blaze upon the domestic hearths. The EARTH, therefore, the great PRODUCER, was always represented as a female, as the MOTHER,--Great, Bounteous, Beneficent Mother Earth.

On the other hand, it is the light and heat of the Sun in the Heavens, and the rains that seem to come from them, that in the Springtime make fruitful this bountifully-producing Earth, that restore life and warmth to her veins, chilled by Winter, set running free her streams, and beget, as it were, that greenness and that abundance of which she is so prolific. As the procreative and generative agents, the Heavens and the Sun have always been regarded as male; as the generators that fructify the Earth and cause it to produce.

The Hermaphroditic figure is the Symbol of the double nature anciently assigned to the Deity, as Generator and Producer, as BRAHM and MAYA among the Aryans, Osiris and Isis among the Egyptians. As the Sun was male, so the Moon was female; and Isis was both the sister and the wife of Osiris. The Compass, therefore, is the Hermetic Symbol of the Creative Deity, and the Square of the productive Earth or Universe.

The COMPASS, therefore, as the Symbol of the Heavens, represents the spiritual, intellectual, and moral portion of this double nature of Humanity; and the SQUARE, as the Symbol of the Earth, its material, sensual, and baser portion.

p. 854-55

For the Apprentice, the points of the Compass are beneath the Square. For the Fellow-Craft, one is above and one beneath. For the Master, both are dominant, and have rule, control, and empire over the symbol of the earthly and the material.

I've pretty much provided here undeniable proof that the Freemasonic symbol of Square and Compass is very much indeed a sexual act. The Letter G obviously means "Generative" or Procreation. Remember what Pike said, "As the procreative and generative agents, the Heavens and the Sun have always been regarded as male; as the generators that fructify the Earth and cause it to produce." and.. "The Compass, therefore, is the Hermetic Symbol of the Creative Deity, and the Square of the productive Earth or Universe.

On a seperate note, I went to the Grand Lodge in NY the other day for a tour and the man who showed us around didn't really have a straight answer to the question of what the letter G stood for, all I got was God or Geometry. I guess they're not really taught the true nature of what the Square and Compass and the letter G really means. Or maybe they're told not to say anything about it fearing they might lose new members

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by eudaimonia
I've pretty much provided here undeniable proof that the Freemasonic symbol of Square and Compass is very much indeed a sexual act.

Actually you have done no such thing. I refer you to my comments on your other thread where I have provided undeniable proof that it isn't.

The Letter G obviously means "Generative" or Procreation.

What is obvious about your conclusions? The letter G traditionally refers to Geometry but has in recent years been changed to God in some jurisdictions. It is also sometimes replaced with an All Seeing Eye (representing God) and the whole point is that we labor under the watchful eye of the Lord. Although I suppose to your twisted logic that would represent 'The Voyeur'

Or maybe they're told not to say anything about it fearing they might lose new members

Logically, what would be the point of that? They'd leave as soon as they found out, surely?

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 04:59 PM
In a simplistic way, the compass and square represent the reality we live in by design. The circle and the square are the two shapes that all of 3d objects and forms are measured by thus likely created by. Do not lines and curves, like computer models make up everything in our world? I believe the compass and square simply represent the tools of creation by an architect.
Contrary to what many may think, how can it be argued that all things are not a result of some intelligent design? Even God probably sits at a drafting table so to speak, when he creates things.

posted on May, 21 2006 @ 08:56 PM
If the symbol is sexual in nature, I certainly dont see how it would chase away members. Its quite beautiful, if true. Everything can respresent a sort of sexual act if studied carefully. Even plugging in something electrical can do this. Female/male leads/ends.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by eudaimonia

Taken from:

Morals and Dogma: Consistory: XXXII. Sublime of the Royal Secret pg. 850-51

The SQUARE, therefore, is a natural and appropriate Symbol of this Earth and the things that belong to it, are of it, or concern it. The Compass is an equally natural and appropriate Symbol of the Heavens, and of all celestial things and celestial natures.

The COMPASS, therefore, as the Symbol of the Heavens, represents the spiritual, intellectual, and moral portion of this double nature of Humanity; and the SQUARE, as the Symbol of the Earth, its material, sensual, and baser portion.

Or to put it simply:

As above, so below.

I was never a big fan of Pike, but maybe when simplified, Morals and Dogma does state some esoteric truth.

Thank you Eudaimonia, you've given me a new insight into what Pike, with the prose of the nineteenth century was trying to pass on to the twenty first century.

Maybe he was more astute than I gave him credit for.

This is definatly a new slant on the symbolism of the square and compass.

Something for me to consider.

I am in your debt, and will read Pike again.

[edit on 5/22/2006 by tylerdjp]

[edit on 5/22/2006 by tylerdjp]

[edit on 5/22/2006 by tylerdjp]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by tylerdjp

Thank you Eudaimonia, you've given me a new insight into what Pike, with the prose of the nineteenth century was trying to pass on to the twenty first century.

Maybe he was more astute than I gave him credit for.

Indeed. Mackey also wrote about this in his "Symbolism of Freemasonry". Both Mackey and Pike note that the Hindus represent the solar male principle in nature by the phallus, while the earth female principle is represented by the yoni. The union between these opposing natural forces are exemplified in the symbol of Shiva copulating with Shakti, found in statues in many Hindu Temples.

It was the belief of both Pike and Mackey that the square and compass alluded to the same meaning. However, I do not believe that Eudaimonia interpreted Pike completely correctly. The sex act represents the union or balancing of opposite forces in the Microcosm, but the sex act is only a symbol or reflection of this process in the Macrocosm.

The sexual act has always been treated as a sacred mystery for this reason. Not only does it reflect the balance of Nature, but it produces new life, which is the Greater Mystery. We all know the mechanical process by which a new life is conceived, but the Mysteries deal with the spiritual process.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by eudaimonia

On a seperate note, I went to the Grand Lodge in NY the other day for a tour and the man who showed us around didn't really have a straight answer to the question of what the letter G stood for, all I got was God or Geometry. I guess they're not really taught the true nature of what the Square and Compass and the letter G really means. Or maybe they're told not to say anything about it fearing they might lose new members

The ritual of the York Rite explains it as being the letter of both Geometry and God. Geometry is a sacred philosophical science that is considered of divine origin, as through its use we can discover the occult secrets of nature. The Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who solved the 47th Problem of Euclid, is considered something of a Masonic saint for this reason.

The Scottish Rite ritual agrees with the York Rite that the Letter G represents God and Geometry, but also adds a third meaning: Gnosis.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 08:00 AM
In addition to the square and circle being represented, when placed as they are they depict the triangle. The square forms the lower triangle which is an ancient symbol for female genitalia, the womb, etc. The compass forms the upper triangle which is an ancient phallic symbol. When placed together they represent unity, completeness, etc. It is symbolic of the sex act but that symbol has a much deeper meaning than just getting it on.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 08:30 AM
Interesting take on it eudaimonia. I don't know if I would phrase what Pike describes as a physical 'sex act', but I can see that that wouldn't be way off. Similar to how we don't necessarily have to beleive that venus issued from the frothy mess of saturn's severed scrotum, but it wouldn't be far off to say she was. Or we wouldn't, perhaps, say that all hindu and buddhist philosophy boils down to some blue dork or a guy jumping out of a flower, but it wouldn't be inaccurate from a descriptive sense.

The Letter G obviously means "Generative"

Interesting. However, what does it mean to say that it means such and such? Is it written down somewhere, or is "G" being generative an interpretative tradition, passed on orally from Master to Apprentice?

[edit on 22-5-2006 by Nygdan]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
The ritual of the York Rite explains it as being the letter of both Geometry and God. Geometry is a sacred philosophical science that is considered of divine origin, as through its use we can discover the occult secrets of nature. The Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who solved the 47th Problem of Euclid, is considered something of a Masonic saint for this reason.

The Scottish Rite ritual agrees with the York Rite that the Letter G represents God and Geometry, but also adds a third meaning: Gnosis.

Well, I think it's safe to say that the Letter G could be many things, as long as it's in line with it's true nature, or purpose. Geometry, God, Gnosis, Generative, I think all can be interchangeable, they all lead to one another, symbolically I guess. One could know God through Sex, maybe even gain knowledge from it, and maybe there's even a complex Geometrical "code" to reach the Divine Creator and it's knowledge of the universe and one's self or "soul" if there's a union of man and woman.

Edit: I have to add here that God is very broad. I personally don't believe there's a God, maybe other intelligent beings with advanced knowledge not from this world. I do believe in intelligent design but I'm very flexible with who or what that intelligent creator is/was. I think the goal is for us humans is to find god within ourselves.

[edit on 22-5-2006 by eudaimonia]

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by eudaimonia

Well, I think it's safe to say that the Letter G could be many things, as long as it's in line with it's true nature, or purpose. Geometry, God, Gnosis, Generative, I think all can be interchangeable, they all lead to one another, symbolically I guess. One could know God through Sex, maybe even gain knowledge from it, and maybe there's even a complex Geometrical "code" to reach the Divine Creator and it's knowledge of the universe and one's self or "soul" if there's a union of man and woman.

Actually, I agree. The Hindus, for example, practice a type os sexual spirituality, and much of their religious symbolism is erotic in nature. Generation, or denoting the generative principle, is an important concept: "Let us make man in our own image", the Elohim declared. Parents produce children in their image through the generative principle in nature, and the Temple of the Body is formed according to the principles of geometry.

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 10:36 AM
Having been in the construction trade for over 30 yrs and have done estimating and drawings as well the symbol's are tools I would use,who knows could be something to do with the buildings on roads citys perhaps even the pyramids,ooh and I'm also a mason

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 10:48 AM
The note on Hinduism perhaps illustrates something here. The square and compass is a sex act, in so much as tantra yoga is a sex act (well, it is actually a sex act). The physical aspect is the 'profane' interpretation, whereas the is a meditative and 'pseduo-philosophical' interptation to the whole thing that is the 'real' characterization.

But masonry plants its roots in teh kabbala, moreso than the kundalini or tantra no? Is there some "Jewish Tantra" tradition out there that this generative principle comes in from? Or is the similiarity b/t tantra and masonry (in this generative aspect any), something that pops up as a 'independant and universal' idea amoung men?

posted on May, 22 2006 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

But masonry plants its roots in teh kabbala, moreso than the kundalini or tantra no? Is there some "Jewish Tantra" tradition out there that this generative principle comes in from? Or is the similiarity b/t tantra and masonry (in this generative aspect any), something that pops up as a 'independant and universal' idea amoung men?

A.E. Waite once wrote something to the effect that the ultimate secrets of the Kabalah concerned the mysteries of sex. I'm no huge fan of Waite, but I think his observations are at least partially accurate.

Many of the ideas of the Kabalah are merged with esoteric Hinduism in the Pike system. Pike's "Lectures on the Indo-Aryans" and "Lectures on the Irano-Aryans", while not Masonic books, give a little background. Also, the concepts of the Kabalah are taught alongside those of esoteric Hinduism in the curriculum designed by Paul Foster Case for initiates of Builders of the Adytum.

Case is focused more on actual practice than history, but Pike at least theorizes that the Kabalah and mystical Hinduism has a common source, i.e., the ancient Aryan religion, of which the early Vedas are products. Pike also states in the Legenda of the 32°, as well as the actual 32° ritual, that the Tetractys of Pythagoras is symbolic of the manifestations of Ahura Mazda, and that the 10 Manifestations of the Tetractys correspond to the Ten Sephiroth on the Kabalah's Tree of Life.

Also, the triangular nature of the Tetractys supposedly represents the Magian trinity of Ahura Mazda, Vohu Manu, and Cpenta Mainyu, which caused the Pythagoreans (and later the Platonists) to hold the Delta as sacred.

[edit on 22-5-2006 by Masonic Light]

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 01:59 AM
If you stick two lines to make them triangles, you get a handy-dandy Star of David.
This is really sheer coincidence.

[edit on 31-5-2006 by Herbert_West]

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 03:43 AM
Don't speak badly about masons, they're running the show! They'll get you if you make to much of a stink. I mean today there were shriners & masons running the circus I was at. Red arabic hats with crescent moons as far as the eye could see.
They've taken over the circus, they've taken over the world.

No fact or law will be tried in court.

posted on May, 31 2006 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by BattleofBatoche
Don't speak badly about masons, they're running the show! They'll get you if you make to much of a stink. I mean today there were shriners & masons running the circus I was at. Red arabic hats with crescent moons as far as the eye could see.
They've taken over the circus, they've taken over the world.

I've always thought the Shrine motto should be "Today the circus; tomorrow the world". Maybe someday it'll catch on.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 02:03 PM
Page iv (in the preface of "Morals and Dogma):

"Everyone if entirely free to reject and dissent from whatsoever herein may seem to him to be untrue or unsound. It is only required of him that he shall weigh what is taught, and give it fair hearing and unpredjudiced judgement."

It is a personal analysis by Pike, not a generally accepted truth. He did alot of personal reseach to come up with his writing and that is great! We all have the freedom to accept or deny part or all of his writings. The thing that attracted me to Masonry is the drive to be more of a critical thinker and to study and form your own opinions, while at the same time showing tolerance for views that may not be identical to your own.

So if you disagree, feel free! No one's feelings will be hurt, and chances are there will be other like-minded individuals.

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 04:11 PM
So Eudaimonia - let me ask if you feel that there is anything wrong or "Dark, Sinister, Evil, Demonic" - about the contents of the posting that you started the thread with? God, Geometry, Gnosis, Generation/Procreation - nothing wrong with it at all is there? Nothing wrong with "Mother Nature" at all is there? So I wonder now that you have "Illuminated" yourself to some of the supposed "Secrets" & you see that there is nothing really sinister about them at all - just observations about the Natural Universe - if you will change your "Tone" towards Masonry?

If you stick two lines to make them triangles, you get a handy-dandy Star of David.
This is really sheer coincidence.

Herbert_West - it is not a co-incidence at all. The Hexagram (or the "Star of David" as you call it) is a Hermetic Symbol - which Symbolizes the "Uniting of Opposites" or "As Above, so Below". This could also be seen as an uniting of Positive & Negative Energies or of the Ligam & Yoni.

[edit on 30-7-2006 by Seraphim_Serpente]

posted on Jul, 30 2006 @ 04:45 PM
If you at the symbol, its also a hexagram or star of david which represents the interlocking of the heavens and the earth... the symbol is very deep will do some research and post here... good thread.

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