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Jeb Bush for President!!

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posted on May, 14 2006 @ 05:22 AM
Oh wow. Just when you think it can't get any worse...

They couldn't. Could they? They wouldn't. Would they??

It seems that the Bushes are seriously considering trying to shoehorn Jeb Bush into the Presidency.

A THIRD President Bush?

President George W. Bush yesterday appeared to kickstart a campaign to get his little brother elected to the Oval Office, when he said that Jeb Bush should run for the top job.

"I think Jeb would be a great president," Mr Bush said yesterday.

By the end of 2008, the Bush family will have spent 12 years in the White House. A two-term Jeb Bush presidency would give the family 20 years at their nation's helm.

What a nightmarish thought.

It would, of course, be the answer to the Bush clan's dreams. A triple whammy, one that has never before been achieved. But let's face it, look at the upside. Jeb, as governor of Florida, can fiddle his own election results this time, no doubt with help from his buddies at Choicepoint.

He can pardon his brother if, as so many of us fervently hope, Dubya gets impeached.

And he's in a prime position to stifle any possible investigation not only into 9/11 but also to his daddy's involvment in the JFK hit.

Neil and Marvin are probably a little too flaky for the job, plus they're not yet well-enough established in public life.

So I thought I'd take a little look at Jeb. As you can see, his website is strangely uninformative. It links only to the Republican party website and to a Florida portal. That's weird, but not entirely unexpected given his family's traditional commitment to secrecy.

I found this 1998 article that's kind of a fun look at what he'd got up to before running for office, and one can't help but feel a frisson of deja vu (pardon my French) when you read it, as certain passages remind one of his brother's rise to wealth and eminence:

Trading on the famous family name, Bush gained entry to exclusive business ventures courtesy of wealthy Republicans.

But Bush's hurried quest for financial success also reveals a naive reliance on his benefactors and a lack of scrutiny of those around him. He tapped his father's Washington connections to recruit help for some questionable businessmen, including one felon who remains a fugitive wanted by the FBI. He embraced business deals that have prompted lawsuits alleging mismanagement, stock manipulation and special treatment.

Spooky. The rest of the article makes pretty devastating reason but I don't have the space to go into it all.

It's not all going to be plain sailing. There are rumours of an affair that are going to have to be quashed, kind of like Dubya's coke and booze days: but the fact that he married a Mexican will surely play well with the immigrant faction. Though this might cause some problems with the more traditional support base.

I can't pretend that my researches have been anything other than random and light-hearted. I did find this page that contains this rather wonderful paragraph:

Bush met his wife, Columba, while teaching English in Leon, Guanajato, Mexico in 1971. (Columba was born in Leon in 1954.) The two were were married on 23 February 1974, shortly after Bush graduated from the University of Texas with a degree in Latin American Affairs. They have three children: George (known as George P., b. 1976), Noelle (b. 1977) and John (known as Jebby, b. 1983)... Bush's children have had a few well-publicized scrapes with the law: in 2002 Noelle was arrested for prescription drug fraud, and in 2005 Jebby was arrested for public intoxication.
i have to admit his degree qualification made me smile, and his kids are shaping up to be just like his brother's - quite the ticking timebombs.

Anyway, I'm sure that those of you who wish to pursue this further can do so, and if he does go ahead with his run, the games will begin in earnest.

[edit on 14-5-2006 by rich23]

[edit on 14-5-2006 by rich23]

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 05:27 AM
All I got to say is if the dems want a shot at the presidency, they better stay away from hillary clinton.....Id sooner vote for another bush than that psycho.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 05:29 AM
this will never happen, NEVER!!! i refuse to believe that this will transpire surely common sense will prevail, besides isnt there some law against this?? isnt there some political poligamy law

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 05:33 AM
Just you wait. The more I think about this, the more likely I think it WILL happen. Let's face it, the last two elections were stolen AND NOBODY SAID A WORD. We don't need any more proof that the US is a "failed state" by its own definition. This will simply set the seal on things.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 05:41 AM
honestly though, the american public does not have the stomach for another four years of another bush, this is complete lunacy, i'm not saying that it cant happen i'm saying if it does the consequences would be unbearable socially, i believe that there would be some kind of uprising, possibly a military coup or something

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by rich23
Just you wait. The more I think about this, the more likely I think it WILL happen. Let's face it, the last two elections were stolen AND NOBODY SAID A WORD. We don't need any more proof that the US is a "failed state" by its own definition. This will simply set the seal on things.

no one stole anything, kerry LOST!!!!!!

plain and simple.....if the democratic party wants to win they need to get a decent candidate....and not some traitor, wound self-inflicting, or tongue twisting moron with a lower IQ than BUSH!!!!!

it's not that I like bush by any means, but GEEEZ! give us a beter alternative!!!

learn from your past mistakes dems!!! you need to appeal to mainstream america!!! aka the heartland.

and the heartland aren't ultra-liberal.....

even hillary realised this with the funny quote "Jesus would allow all immigrants to stay" line!

I just hope the dems dont try to run her, so we dont have to suffer through another bush reign.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 05:58 AM
Hilary, from the international point of view, would be little better. From a domestic point of view, she might be financially more prudent than the idiotic Bush. There are two reasons I would rather the US economy didn't implode.

First, from a purely selfish point of view, I wouldn't like the knock-on effects our own (UK) economy might suffer.

Second, I think that that kind of hyper-inflation is generally the precursor to turning a country fascist. Imho the US is more than half-way there already, and that could send it clean over the edge. Nothing like real fear for survival throughout the country to make an already terrorised citizenship yearn for a strong leader.

And let's face it, nearly half the US seemed to think - when it mattered - that GWB was a strong leader. But could Jeb do any better?

[edit on 14-5-2006 by rich23]

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 06:17 AM
so my choices are hillery or jeb
this is just the sort of senerio that would make me vote for Jim Gilchrist the minuteman founder, call me crazy but with the choices at hand do you blame me??

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 06:52 AM
I posted the same thread a few days ago, it is on'

BUT dont go there because its closed. There was a thread about this previous to mine.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 07:12 AM
Dam , that is logic, but i cant imagine Jeb Bush for president ... 3 Bushs in 20 years .. is this a monarchy.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 07:23 AM
The Republican Party wouldn't nominate Jeb... I think, unless some strange aspect of their strategy dictates that they WANT to lose in 2008 and let a democrat fail to clean up the mess, thus taking away the credibility of Democratic opposition when the Republicans get back in.

The Republican Party has made a lot of enemies. It's time to back off and consolidate their gains by electing a moderate. John McCain wouldn't get spit done for their agenda, but he wouldn't gut everything they've done lock-stock-and-barrel the way a liberal democrat would.

American politics have changed... the electoral map went nuts after 1992. But America hasn't changed, and the 1988 electoral map is a goal which can be attained again. I'm sure the Republicans remember with longing the good old days form 1980-1992 when democratic electoral vote counts couldn't even get out of the double-digits.

They can do it again if they can reinvent the "reagan democrats". California was a Republican state before Buchannan challenged Bush's old man and forced him to alienate the center and pander to the religious right.

The Republicans need a man who hates to spend money, hates to fight wars, stays out of them by building both alliances and weapons, believes in delegating social policy to state governments wherever practical, and above all else probably isn't named Bush.

Some people think Guliani will be the man to do that, but I say no. If Juliani wanted to be president he would have run against Hillary for her Senate seat; beating the buzz of the democratic party in New York would give him a public-image edge which could be decisive in the fund-raising race for 2008. So nope not him.

Forget about Condi too; I think the Condi campaign would make for a record-breaking election for the Libertarian party as some Republicans came to grips with the fact that they are too old-fashioned to let a woman, an African-America, much less BOTH run the country.

If the Republicans want to win, they should run McCain. Newt Gingrich would be the running mate of choice because he reassures the Republican base that McCain won't sell them out. Hillary Clinton can't go too far negative with either of those men right now, she'll have to talk about the issues, and she'll quickly find out that her parties younger constituency only shows up when there's beer and shouting involved.

Other democrats would have it even worse because John McCain is Hillary's maverick Republican friend.

Jeb? I bet Hillary Clinton engages in certain auto-erotic activities when that thought comes to mind. Not even diebold could win that race for him.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I posted the same thread a few days ago, it is on'

BUT dont go there because its closed. There was a thread about this previous to mine.

Damn, pipped at the post (pun intended) again! Never mind, I've lost some threads myself like that... and seen threads subsequent to mine flourish. You win some, you lose some... unlike the Bush dysentery, it seems.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 07:58 AM
As I said in an earlier post...'

George W. Bush outperformed his father, so maybe Jeb can improve on his brothers excellent performance.

It doesn't hurt when Democrats throw out candidates like ALGORE, Viet-Nam veteran (and don't you forget it) John Kerry, and soon to be candidate Hillary.

I don't think Jeb will run in 2008. He would be a great Vice-President choice though! Jebs time for the Presidency will be in 2016.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 07:58 AM
The American people don't have the stomach for another 4/8yrs of a Bush? Are you talking about the same Americans where 66% think it's ok for the government to be clandestinely collecting phone records? After the last 8yrs I have permanently suspended expectations with hope soon to follow. If the Republicans are put back in office --- I don't care if they run Jesus himself as their candidate --- we are truly and forever screwed. It should be clear by now that it isn't the president... it's the huge behind-the-curtain organization that has sold-out this country. And there's no end in sight.

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by AntiHero
The Republican Party wouldn't nominate Jeb... I think, unless some strange aspect of their strategy dictates that they WANT to lose in 2008 and let a democrat fail to clean up the mess, thus taking away the credibility of Democratic opposition when the Republicans get back in.

Well, there is that. Let a Dem clear up their mess before they go in again and turn a surplus into a deficit.

Originally posted by AntiHero
The Republicans need a man who hates to spend money, hates to fight wars, stays out of them by building both alliances and weapons, believes in delegating social policy to state governments wherever practical, and above all else probably isn't named Bush.

The other option is to go "ba**s-out" and fulfil the PNAC dream of making war on everyone all at once. Are they insane enough to do that? Might Jeb be the guy for that kind of strategy? I can't find it in my heart to be sure that they wouldn't, or that he isn't. I mean, look at what they did with Dubya: turn the village idiot into a War President. I think they might have enough hubris to think they can pull the same trick twice in a row.

Originally posted by AntiHero
Jeb? I bet Hillary Clinton engages in certain auto-erotic activities when that thought comes to mind. Not even diebold could win that race for him.

Are you sure? They don't even need Diebold, after cracking the Windows backdoors to take the last election. If there's nothing to recount, no paper trail, there's no real way of knowing, is there?

posted on May, 14 2006 @ 08:03 AM
Been there, done that, check here:Jeb for President Says brother George.

It's ok, happens all the time. There ya go now.

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