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Loose Change User's Guide

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posted on May, 9 2006 @ 10:32 AM
THe User's Guide to watching the Loose chage video.

(It's a word doc you may need to right click and save as)

Some interesting and valid points in there.

[edit on 9-5-2006 by HowardRoark]

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 11:36 AM
No matter how hard people try to debunk 9/11 was still an inside job at the end of the day.

If it wasn't an inside job then the Bush admin wouldn't have gone to such great lengths to coverup many aspects of 9/11.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Crazy_Mr_CrowleyIf it wasn't an inside job then the Bush admin wouldn't have gone to such great lengths to coverup many aspects of 9/11.

That is a classic example of a Non Sequiter.

Did you read the document? I bet you didn’t. Post a quote from it if you did.

BTW, Mr. Crowley, you still haven’t answered my questions on the pentagon thread.

Ooops, he’s gone again. This appears to have been another drive-by posting by Mr. Crazy.

[edit on 9-5-2006 by HowardRoark]

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 01:28 PM

The Twin Towers came down in nearly freefall speed.

No, they didn’t. CTists trot this argument out all the time. It is patently absurd. You don’t have to know any physics to disprove this idea. Just look at how much faster the falling debris outside the building travels than the floors are falling. Debris hits the ground hundreds of feet before the bulk of the building does. (photos not from LC)

Oh please, Loose Change user guide my ass. That document is full of nothing but drivel from someone who obviously has an axe to grind about 9/11 conspiracy theorists.

A Boeing 757 is 155 feet long, 44 feet high,
Has a 124 foot wingspan, and weighs almost 100 tons.
Are we supposed to believe that it disappeared into this hole, without leaving any wreckage on the outside?

We’ve already seen photos of the wreckage outside. You’re being dishonest.

What does that even mean?! What wreckage? There is no way in hell a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon. No engines, no wings, no significant fusilage, and a hole that goes through how many rings?

What a bullshit document, all he does is throw words like "speculation" around the things he can't answer, and offer his own opinion on the things he can. Try again Howard.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 02:50 PM
He seems to explain some things pretty well to me, he's obviously conducted a lot of research and uses common sense unlike the program makers.
'Loose Change' is nothing more than a shining example of what you get when you let some snot nosed kids, who probably still live at home, loose with a cheap home PC, some editing software and the Internet. Not exactly the voice of experience and wisdom

Still, it's all good fun - just like in the movies! I hope they make it a trilogy, it's better than 'Scary Movie' for goofball laughs any day.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 03:24 PM
The excuse for the Demolition Squib is pathetic. Any demolition engineer will tell you that.

And uh HR. If indeed a 757 did crash into the pentagon there is absolutely no possible way for a 757 tp punch through 5 seperate walls like that. I'm referring to the Punchout hole that is well documented.

On top of that simple logic shows that if the size of a 757 did hit the pent. then there obviously should have been something left of the wings and tail fin. Using the excuse that it folded and miraculously disappeared into thin air won't work either since sp many ATM and credit cards have been found in perfect condition.

You probably don't know this Roark but a growing number of people in the schol world, engineers, demolitionists, even crash investigators are all coming together to voice doubts about 9/11. Albeit not in very organized fashion alot of very intelligent people in the field do question and doubt the government on the official word.

You should look itnto all the ignored testimony of the 9/11 Commission and maybe that will convince you that 9/11 was an inside job. All the legit witnesses or 9/11 families that went to give credible testimony only to have their microphones turned off and unpatriotic dribble thrown at them.

Bush Administrations actions of covering up 9/11 and their miraculous finds of evidence that day clearly show that we should be questioning the military industrial complex and begin to actually find out what really happened with those Norad exercises that were being conducted in NY and Washington at the exact same moments and exact same scenarios.

It's time to stop thinking that the Bush administration will save you and that the Bush Admin simply and stupidly ignored threats of 9/11 and playing Dumb. Operation Able Dangers proves that they were following these "terrorists" for months before and even up to 9/11.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by Crazy_Mr_Crowley
And uh HR. If indeed a 757 did crash into the pentagon there is absolutely no possible way for a 757 tp punch through 5 seperate walls like that. I'm referring to the Punchout hole that is well documented.

That is one wall. The entry hole in the exterior is another wall.

Where are the other walls you are talking about? You don't mean the interior partitons, do you? those were drywall.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 03:51 PM

Where are the other walls you are talking about? You don't mean the interior partitons, do you? those were drywall.

He must be referring to the "very well researched" article

A Boeing 757 did not hit the Pentagon
by Michael Meyer, Mechanical Engineer


Which is based on the totally false premise of numerous reinforced walls etc.

I'm surprised they still host that article, doesn't make them look very good.

[edit on 9/5/06 by Skibum]

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by BrokenVisage
What does that even mean?! What wreckage? There is no way in hell a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon. No engines, no wings, no significant fusilage,

There are plenty of pictures of these things. Granted, everything has been broken up into many small pieces, but so what? Do you actually expect to see large components surviving a 400 mph impact? Get a clue

Originally posted by BrokenVisage
and a hole that goes through how many rings?

More evidence that you have no clue as to what you are talking about.

What hole that goes through three rings?

Originally posted by BrokenVisage
Try again Howard.

I suggest that you try again. Rather than flippantly dismissing the document, how about some specific critiques?

Start with the hole through the three rings part that you mentioned above. Provide some proof to support your argument.

Maybe you will learn something on your own.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Crazy_Mr_Crowley
On top of that simple logic shows that if the size of a 757 did hit the pent. then there obviously should have been something left of the wings and tail fin.

Maybe in your bizzaro world, But in my world, an airplane that hits a building at 400 mph disintegrates into little bitty pieces.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 03:57 PM
Loose change is written by a bunch of kids desperate to save their own kind from being found out. Needless to say they will be promoted to the high heavens by the media and richly rewarded for their efforts. Notice the usual crowd promoting this stuff too.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by Crazy_Mr_Crowley
The excuse for the Demolition Squib is pathetic. Any demolition engineer will tell you that.

Find one.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 04:12 PM
I resent that remark with regards to your posting above about it being the usual crowd who are promoting this stuff

Before I watched this documentary, I believed the US govenrments version and the 911 Commission Report.. But since watching Loose Change and Other Documentries, a hell of alot of questions still need asked and answers given..

I have been reading through the 911 Conspiracies over the last 3 weeks and this has opened my eyes to either 911 was an inside job or it was not... I do not post on these threads because of the fear of being ridiculed by you and others, which iIi have seen this been done to othermembers or being told you dont know what your talking about...

As for saving their own kind what are you on about?

I will let you know alot of members and alot of people are on a daily bases are joining up with them three bunch of kids? (as you put it), erms young adults i think yes..(what constitutes being a kid? 15, 16 or 17)? . because they know that what the government has told them and the world is pure lies.... instead of slaggin them off maybe you should debate with them.... (slaggin them off is making you look like the kid and not them)...

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 04:18 PM

There are plenty of pictures of these things. Granted, everything has been broken up into many small pieces, but so what? Do you actually expect to see large components surviving a 400 mph impact? Get a clue

It's not as if this is the first time a plane has crashed. So, yes, I do expect to see large components left over, mainly the engine and wings, but there also other parts that survive every other plane crash that I have ever seen...

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 04:20 PM
I think we're agreeing on something DTSQ, if I understand you correctly you follow my opinion it is largely disinformation to throw the real truth movement in bad light. The truth is probably far less exciting, less obvious and most certainly just as dire.
There is no point trying to bring about a New World Order which people like them so desperately try to do by stimulating the masses unless it is actually something better. Basically, if people act on it then they may be doing the right thing in a way, but for the wrong reasons - leaving us back at square one with another bunch of gormless, power hungry ninnies in control.

Only instead of:

We'd have:

Hardly a better option, these people up the front like this arn't the ones with the guts, they're the ones who are desperate for the power. And in the case of alternative topics like this the ones up the front like our friends here are the ones who know they arn't going to get into a decent position through normal walks of life because they don't have the contacts and the ability.
The only thing they share in common with our 'elected' friends is the desire for money and power. And no matter what side you're on, most of us are their puppets.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by spencerjohnstone
As for saving their own kind what are you on about?

I will let you know alot of members and alot of people are on a daily bases are joining up with them three bunch of kids? (as you put it), erms young adults i think yes..(what constitutes being a kid? 15, 16 or 17)? . because they know that what the government has told them and the world is pure lies.... instead of slaggin them off maybe you should debate with them.... (slaggin them off is making you look like the kid and not them)...

If you have read about the various theories then you know that the loose change views are one subset at most.

Frankly I have not seen your posts before so I don't know why you are offended?

If by watching loose change it helps the uninitiated to question what happened then it has value but I understand that it is a response by those that really ran the show to shift blame onto the White House solely in order to avoid being found out. Thus, if I am correct then 'loose change' is in effect just as much propaganda as the official 911' story. The only difference being the degree of truth in the story told. That is why such a story is dangerous as it does not have the intention to tell the truth but only massage public perception.

As for saving their own kind... tell me what these people have in common? Then tell me who runs the banking system, federal reserve, the military, industry, White House and all the spook agencies, you can figure it out.

In regards the 'loose change kiddies' why are they getting more respect on this subject then people much older, better educated and more experienced and worked in this field often for decades? I'll tell you why, because they are saying what the controllers want them to say. What other reason would there be... because they are telling the truth?

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by AgentSmith
Only instead of:

We'd have:

Hardly a better option, these people up the front like this arn't the ones with the guts, they're the ones who are desperate for the power. And in the case of alternative topics like this the ones up the front like our friends here are the ones who know they arn't going to get into a decent position through normal walks of life because they don't have the contacts and the ability.
The only thing they share in common with our 'elected' friends is the desire for money and power. And no matter what side you're on, most of us are their puppets.

Actually you did trump me of sorts since we agree that it is disinfo but I think the usual bunch behind the curtain are running this...

but you comment about he NEW ORDER types coming forward to blow the trumpet are very timely and relevant...

It is not just the message but I think the messenger does matter too.

Good point!

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Omniscient

There are plenty of pictures of these things. Granted, everything has been broken up into many small pieces, but so what? Do you actually expect to see large components surviving a 400 mph impact? Get a clue

It's not as if this is the first time a plane has crashed. So, yes, I do expect to see large components left over, mainly the engine and wings, but there also other parts that survive every other plane crash that I have ever seen...

How many of those other crashes involved high speed impact into buildings? or even straigght into the ground for that matter?

There are similer crashes that have left no large pieces intact.

Are you ignoring those?

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 04:50 PM
It could be for a variety of reasons:

1) It could be to discredit the whole movement masking the truth
2) It could be to start a revolution which is part of their plan somehow
3) It could have got out of hand
4) Something else?

If 'they' have the power people suggest and this thing meant something and was really a big smokin' gun then it quite frankly would not be out there. The fact it exists is suspicious enough, forgetting the mumbo-jumbo it contains.
I don't think everyone that promotes these theories is in the same game, some are probably encouraged by the people behind the whole thing as a diversion, some are in it for the money/power, some are just loyal followers and some are a combination of the above. Some might just be psychotic too... LOL
Something stinks and I think every one of us is being played like a fool on both 'sides'. I never trusted the Government 100% and I don't trust these 'saviours' either, and I don't just mean the LC crew, I mean a lot of the front line money making people. Now I know LC sell their stuff freely, but they are getting a lot of fame and power from it like a lot of peopel.

Power and Money = Evil

And that's something most of the front line Activists on any conspiracy, Apollo missions, channeling aliens, end of the world, 9/11, etc all seem to feed on.

It's also what the accused also feed on...

The people in the middle, the real heros,are us - the ones who give up our time to discuss our view freely with little or no rewards and no financial incentive. No matter how much some of us may disagree, we are the real people who actually care about the topic.

posted on May, 9 2006 @ 11:29 PM
Whats the real truth Agent Smith??.. Your Ttruth No I Do Nnot Think So..
The US Government covered this up plain and simple...

Also the pictures you posted are an attack on an individuals, as a moderator, I really am disgusted that you should show this biase.. When I signed up to ats I thought that anyoine could post here without ridicules from Moderators boi was I wrong... No wonder new members who join here do not post because of moderators such as yourself....

In respond to denythestatusquo, if you had read what I posted here: I do not post an opinion? Why Yyou May ask? is because of the way you and some moderators treat new members or other members ot them who are just basically trying to learn about 9/11 ya know...

By the way if you are referring to the three guys who made that documentry... They Are Students At College or Did you even think about that before you hit me with:

You posted:As for saving their own kind... tell me what these people have in common? Then tell me who runs the banking system, federal reserve, the military, industry, White House and all the spook agencies, you can figure it out.

That to me is not what I am on about< thought you were attacking them students)
Ii dfo apologise if you were not!!

Again Agent Smith I think you are wrong to show their Pics on this Forum.. I Will Be forwarding A Complaint....
(you know would be tha same if I posted your picture If I had it on a porn site)......(bad in my books)

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