posted on May, 4 2006 @ 03:32 AM
I sincerely doubt that the earthquake was a pre-emptive strike by any type of extraterrestrial civilisation against U.S. intervention in Iran. First
of all, the earthquake was centered near the tiny Pacific nation of Tonga, which is hardly a critical U.S. interest in the region. It simply makes no
sense that aliens would target an unrelated and innocent nation to forestall plans by the Bush administration to conduct strikes against Iran's
nuclear facilities.
I find it extremely difficult to believe that an alien species, possessing the capability to travel to Earth from another solar system, would concern
themselves with the politics of the relatively fleeting nations of the Earth. Certainly, they would have no business whatsoever interfering with those
politics. This planet is ours, not theirs. It belongs to us. Aliens would have no right to interfere in our affairs, no matter how wise or benevolent
they believed themselves. If we choose to set off our nuclear stocks and wipe ourselves out, well that's a human mistake to make. Even were aliens to
intervene with the best of intentions in mind, they have no business doing so and would probably do more harm than good.