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Cricket Vs Baseball

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posted on May, 3 2006 @ 09:24 PM
Saw a bit of baseball tonight and it struck me how rubbish it is compared to a proper game like cricket.

Cricket is a game of empire, played in smart clothes, involves gardening and cups of tea. Games last 5 days and most of the World (the important bits anyway) play the game.

Baseball is a game played by only rebellious colonials (and a Canadian team), involves fashion-free clothing, fat people, ctaching with big gloves and spitting.

Realy no comparison - Cricket's a sport, Baseball's just a game


posted on May, 3 2006 @ 10:31 PM
Yeah, but its the greatest frickin' game in the Universe!!!! Go Cardinals!!!!!

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 10:42 PM
Yes cricket seems like a wonderful sport though I’ve never really seen a match played. It’s nice to see someone so passionate about something.

Rather than condemning and putting down the people that enjoy baseball you should maybe open yourself up a bit to see that it too is a wonderful sport enjoyed by a huge audience of people with varying ages, statures, and income levels.

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 10:46 PM
Well first of all, it is obvious you don't have much of a background on baseball, so why waste all of our time in trying to comment? I know alittle bit about Cricket, but not enough to sit here and comment on it as I do respect those who are a fan of it.

As for Baseball not being a sport, every second of a baseball game can be broken down and analyzed. What a team tends to do with a certain count, a certain point of the game can all be broken down and try to find tendencies in order to give your team the upper hand. A man trying to hit a round object, travelling at about 100mph, with a round bat is not a sport? Spare us your argument.

Not one charachter of this post is being posted in order to knock any part of Cricket so please don't reply saying this and that of the game. I am simply here defending Baseball.

Cricket is a game of empire, played in smart clothes, involves gardening and cups of tea. Games last 5 days and most of the World (the important bits anyway) play the game.

Hate to get your precious clothes dirty, and what the hell is that? The important bits anyways. How about elaborating on your discriminating comments towards the rest of us.

Baseball is a game played by only rebellious colonials (and a Canadian team), involves fashion-free clothing, fat people, ctaching with big gloves and spitting.

Right. I mean you probably watched all of what? You've already stated you saw a bit of baseball, came to some quick conclusions.

Guys like this who pay the price and lay their body on the line like them, deserve to be acknowledged. A true athlete does not give two sweet hoots about what the fashion of the moment is, they are playing for the pride of victory rather than looking good. Fashion is left in the dressing room in real sports.

How about watching the Little League World Series. 11 and 12 year old children travel from all over the world to Williamsport, Pennsylvania in order to compete. These children who are either bawling their eyes out from the taste of victory, or the bitterness of defeat are not playing a sport? Do these kids care if their uniform is dirty? No because thats not what sports are all about, alls that matter in sports is pride and honour.

Looking at your post again, I would not even have to attack the sport because you have made more of an argument than I ever could.

Of all dumb comments you have made I really hope you elaborate on the...

ames last 5 days and most of the World (the important bits anyway) play the game.

on this one. What makes you better than me? I really am excited to find out.

This coming from another dumb Canadian, Eh!

posted on May, 3 2006 @ 11:34 PM
Strangerous, playing the anglophile role doesnt really suit you. You can't fool me you hillbilly.

My .02 on the question is that anything played with a ball, net, racket, bat, wicket, paddle, or other contrivance is a game.

Two men fighting until one gives up or is incapacitated is sport.

Still their is a quiet beauty to baseball and criket too I suppose.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 04:16 AM

Originally posted by Strangerous
Saw a bit of baseball tonight and it struck me how rubbish it is compared to a proper game like cricket.

Cricket is a game of empire, played in smart clothes, involves gardening and cups of tea. Games last 5 days and most of the World (the important bits anyway) play the game.

Baseball is a game played by only rebellious colonials (and a Canadian team), involves fashion-free clothing, fat people, ctaching with big gloves and spitting.

Realy no comparison - Cricket's a sport, Baseball's just a game


Well I'm a Brit but personally, I'd take baseball over cricket any day. Its a much quicker game, 5days to play cricket? wtf? *yawn*, even 1 dayers are crap until one team has to start slogging for runs. The fans proximity (and noise levels) to the players make it much more entertaining, in cricket fans are so far away it looks like a Lowry painting come to life! And before you knock baseball kit, you really should check out the gaudy jester clothes that international cricketers now wear!

Now to the 'rebellious colonials' and 'the important bits anyway' dig. Lets compare Cricket World Cup '07 teams to the World Baseball Classic '06 teams. I don't think I need to add more do I?

The only disappointing thing from my POV is that most folks in the US couldn't give a crap about the WBC. Same goes for the FIFA world cup, but, at the end of the day, thats their loss. Whether they realise it or not

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 05:40 AM
Both are equally compelling games.
Cricket isn't always 5 days long.
One Day is the new thing now(been there since 75' at least).
I've watched/played both and find both interesting.
Here's another point to ponder: both IMO are games for the althetically wanting types.
I mean the only game that's easier is golf!!

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 01:03 PM
Think five days is bad? Baseball can theoretically go forever in the event of a tie game. There is no limit on the number of innings that can be played. In fact, the original layout of the baseball diamond and field had no requirements for an outfield fence, so technically there is no end to the field.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 01:10 PM
How can a game played by dudes wearing kneepads and Navy uniforms be greater than the grand game of baseball? They're not even talented enough to swing round bats.

Our best baseball players would dominate your sport if the circumstance ever arose.


posted on May, 4 2006 @ 01:22 PM
Do you recall a movie called "King Ralph", with John Goodman? There's a scene in it where "King Ralph" obliterates a cricket ball with the standard baseball swing.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 01:40 PM
Baseball=Great American Sport
Cricket=Madcap Croquet

Strangerous=Fake Brit

Nice try to stir up the unwashed colonial hoardes, though.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by NotClever
Do you recall a movie called "King Ralph", with John Goodman? There's a scene in it where "King Ralph" obliterates a cricket ball with the standard baseball swing.

I was thinking the exact same thing. John Goodman is the Man!!
There should be a "King Ralph vs The Babe" thread!!!

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by yeahright
Baseball=Great American Sport
Cricket=Madcap Croquet

Strangerous=Fake Brit

Nice try to stir up the unwashed colonial hoardes, though.

Nay lad, nay I'm as Brit as they come.

Seriously though baseball's rubbish isn't it - over blown rounders

The crowd seem to only go to eat, the pitcher just stands there and the catchers all wear girlie gloves (and can't throw).

Plus if it's so good how come only the US and Toronto play it?

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 02:10 PM

Plus if it's so good how come only the US and Toronto play it?

How about reading the thread. Its obvious more than the low lifes of this planet play the game. Since you make it clear at every corner you really know nothing about the game, why don't you save ATS this valuable web space.

Girly gloves, right. You catch a hard ball being thrown at 100 mph without a glove.

Big manly man, wearing his white pants that musn't get dirty.

Please attempt to gather alittle information before you post again.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 02:11 PM
I think "seriously" left town a long while ago. And pardon me for not taking seriously the baseball opinion from one who is apparently blissfully unaware that baseball is seriously played in, among other places, Central and South America, throughout the Caribbean (hear of Cuba?), Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and elsewhere.

That's ok though, stay in the garden in your frillies. I wouldn't want you to dent your bowler hat.

Bob's your uncle.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 03:08 PM
Jeez you guys are touchy, if the colonial tag worries you you're welcome to apply to be part of the Empire again!

Baseball IS a minority sport played in very few countries. Clearly more people play / enjoy cricket which should tell you something.

Unlike many of the posters on here I've watched both (more than once) and it seems to me baseball's the lesser game.

Oh and in cricket the majority of players don't wear gloves so catching a ball without one is obviously possible but it does require more skill.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 03:42 PM
Oh yeah! My daddy can beat-up your daddy!

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 03:46 PM

The stench of your arrogance has me gagging.

I'll fully admit Cricket is no doubt a great game and takes alot of skill to play I am sure. I could not see me sitting down and watching a full game, but hilights of Cricket can always be enjoyable.

Its your completely knock of Baseball that is frustrating myself, and probably others. While we respect your game and defend ours, you make this ridiculous comments without any prior knowledge.

Baseball IS a minority sport played in very few countries

Do you realize how racist you are coming off? I'll take the assumption you are referring to the sport and not the individuals.

But who can forget the...

Games last 5 days and most of the World (the important bits anyway) play the game.

So who is the touchy one? I defend my game while respecting yours. You back your game and talk down to what you simply don't understand.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 03:53 PM
Chis- go back and read his first post. He's trolling. My guess is a guy named Virldean Futzchucks from Sheepshank, North Dakota.

If he's from the UK, I'll eat a cricket.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 04:16 PM

What the hell is this? The jitterbug?

Give me the "Rocket"!!! This should top out at about 97mph. Huh?

I don't care who he is. It's fun rippin' on cricket.

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