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New World Order philosophy

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posted on May, 1 2006 @ 03:01 PM
Why so many people think that NWO is going to kick in with violence, depression and loss of liberty? So we had a 911, ok, second Gulf War, righty-ho, what next, police state?

Its all very 20th century.

"The old evolution is cold, it's sterile, it's efficient, and its manifestations are those of social adaptation: we're talking about parasitism, dominance, morality, war, predation. These will be subject to de-emphasis. These will be subject to de-evolution."

This is 21st century. " The new evolutionary paradigm will give us the human traits of internal linktruth, of loyalty, of justice, of freedom. These will be the manifestations of the new evolution. And that is what we would hope to see."

2012 is the start of the age of light.
Cabal has 0 control over it. Sure we might even see police state one day but that is only a mid road culmination of uphill struggle of humanity which one day will be over come.

The point is, we should forget NWO, it's only a mere fiddle of perverted imagination of the elite which may or may not come into play. What is important is what is to come over it - age of light.

More later

posted on May, 1 2006 @ 06:04 PM
Hmmmm I don't know. I'm kinda skeptical about that 2012 theory. I mean it's kinda like the Y2K thing people were freaking out about a few years back. I have my doubts that anything special will happen that year. But then again I guess you never really know, I could be wrong.

posted on May, 2 2006 @ 03:00 AM
Basically, what i am advocating is what this guy here
tries to tell the world.

The natural flow of evolution should carry us through the river of life into the ocean of prosperity, because that is the natural state of being.

The only problem theres this log in the river called GOVT...

If you thought the fall of USSR or Berlin wall was dramatic wait until you see walls protecting our GOVT fall down like a pile of #.

Do you see what i'm saying?

About abundance, i particulary like this quote:
“I don't know what I may seem to the world, but, as to myself, I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the sea shore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.” - Isaac Newton

And one more
"Things have been tough lately for dreamers. They say dreaming is dead, that no one does it anymore. But it's not dead, it's just been forgotten. Removed from our internal linklanguage. Nobody teaches it so no one knows it exists. The dreamer has been banished to obscurity. Well, I'm trying to change all that now, and I hope you are too. By dreaming every day. Dreaming with our hands and dreaming with our minds.

Our planet is facing the greatest problems it's ever faced, so whatever you do, don't be bored. This is absolutely the most exciting internal linktime we could have possibly hoped to be alive. And things are just starting."

[edit on 2-5-2006 by Freeman]

posted on May, 2 2006 @ 10:11 AM
Ok let me paint a picture in black and white.

There is this world of prosperity, free energy for all, to power your homes, your car, our planes... to render cross country travel virtually free of charge. Enough to feed the poor contries and solve all 3rd world dilemas. Healing for AIDS. Healing for the environment and our planet.

There is this vision, you don't have to do anything extrordinary, for instance free energy formulas are here on earth, hidden in a safe place, we just have to uncover them but we are not quite ready yet.

So there it is but theres also Cabal between people and this new world of prosperity, pushing NWO and middle east brawl. What do you do, do you let them push their NWO agenda or you disempower them?

posted on May, 2 2006 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by Freeman
There is this world of prosperity, free energy for all, to power your homes, your car, our planes... to render cross country travel virtually free of charge. Enough to feed the poor contries and solve all 3rd world dilemas. Healing for AIDS. Healing for the environment and our planet.

There is this vision, you don't have to do anything extrordinary, for instance free energy formulas are here on earth, hidden in a safe place, we just have to uncover them but we are not quite ready yet.

You mean that all those "free energy" formulas and plans and groups around the world are just agents of disinformation and the stuff actually doesn't exist? I'm shocked... shocked, I tell you.

So there it is but theres also Cabal between people and this new world of prosperity, pushing NWO and middle east brawl. What do you do, do you let them push their NWO agenda or you disempower them?

How about: there's a conspiracy of people who want you to buy various books and formulas from them that actually don't work and every time that energy prices go up, they take advantage of this.

In case you forgot, the government pays for its energy.

So what have YOU done to add wind power or solar power to your house or to encourage your local government to choose alternate forms of energy (like nuclear energy)? Do you still drive a car, or do you walk? Are you still part of the problem?

And, by the way, if you get a "free energy" device that actually works, there's tons of people who would love to examine it and then build one for themselves.

But I doubt it'll happen. This kind of stupidity (to call a spade a spade) has been showing up in Popular Mechanics and other magazines like it since the 1950's... if it really was out there, we'd all be oil-free by now. You can't hide technology like that!

Frazier's not in contact with reality. There are hundreds of programs out there for energy efficient cars (as readers of Popular Mechanics know) and people have gotten reliable and proveable 100 mpg ratings on cars... and no men in Big Black Suits showed up at their doors and shot them. Instead, they won prizes and got a lot of press.

Paranoia is compelling, but it doesn't solve much of anything.

posted on May, 4 2006 @ 05:42 AM
"You mean that all those "free energy" formulas and plans and groups around the world are just agents of disinformation and the stuff actually doesn't exist? I'm shocked... shocked, I tell you. "

No. We seem to thave problems with communication.
I said this stuff does exist. It is here, on earth. Whats not to understand here?

"You can't hide technology like that! "

LOL. Have you even read that free energy conundrum link i posted?

posted on May, 5 2006 @ 09:12 AM
Hi Freeman:

People like Indellkoffer can read my conundrum essay a hundred times and still not understand. Stuff like “you can’t hide it” shows that Indelkoffer has zero experience in the milieu. The most naïve response I have seen to the free energy issue goes like this: “If it worked, I could buy it.”

That kind of housewifely response is what you will find in almost all “general” forums on the Internet, and, as you can see, this forum is not immune to it. Believing in the magic of capitalism and the wonders of American nationalism are, as you have noted, part of the old paradigm that I pray crumbles soon.

Adam Trombly said it well, regarding the “inventors” who can’t invent their way out of a paper bag, who say, “Nobody ever made me an offer for my technology, and nobody has threatened me.”

Trombly is in my circle, and he is only hinting at what he has lived through, including several murder attempts.


[edit on 5-5-2006 by wadefrazier3]

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