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Born Again Christians actually Satanists!

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posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 04:35 PM
It has come to my attention that many Born Again groups are actually satanic in nature! Using symbols like upside down crosses for example.

The "Born Agains" began to take control of the Republican Assemblies in the state of California way back in 1991 and their control and influence has spread across the rest of the states since then. It is said that there are over forty million "Born Again Christians" in the US. Many people rightly believe that the "Born Again " movement is fascist in nature and in it's practise! These fascist "Born Again Christians are against homosexuals and they believe in exclusive salvation . Exclusive salvation means to them ; only those who are "Born Again Christians" will enter the kingdom of God! All others will burn in hell! They are Anti-Christ.

Here again there is a definite inverse or reverse symbolism! In the world of the Satanics , everything is inverted! They invert the cross, they believe that good is evil and evil is good! A Born Again cult member in Ireland once told me that the greatest sin was ; a Satanist to masquerade as a clergyman , a genuine follower of Jesus !

This is the reality of the "Born Again "Christian movement. It would be incorrect to label all "Born Agains" as deceiver Christians. My "Born Again " sources in Ireland have explained to me that the top members in the Born Again movement are Satanists but they do recruit innocent and genuine people to be used as pawns for their evil designs. It is easier to identify suspect Irish "Born Again" Christians for the simple reason, Ireland has traditionally been a Roman Catholic country and the Irish Born Agains can be counted in the hundreds rather than hundreds of thousands. I cannot reliably accuse all US based Born Again Christian groups of being deceivers or satanists but there are many indicators which strongly point in that direction.

However, one thing must be said ; " all "Born Again Christian " groups , The Church of Christ etc , which have close ties to the CIA must be very suspect!


Born Again organizations tend to be "fascist" in nature as it says above. They shun homosexuals and believe they have exclusivity on Heaven. This is not is quite the opposite: Anti-Christian. So many Born Again Christians are AntiChrists! Quite bizarre.

It states any Christian church with ties to the CIA must be suspect. I'm sure that would include ANY religion with ties to the CIA....which would, of course, also include Mormons!

[edit on 5-4-2006 by Excitable_Boy]

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 05:01 PM
Christians receive a PORTION of The Holy Spirit, The Helper, to guide them during this life.

They are not "Born Again" untill they are "Born Again at The Resurrection".

This world, this life, this body, this mind, is NOT as good as it gets.

This is a sifting, sorting, refining period for imperfect, corrupted mankind. When we are "Born Again", it will be sans ALL our mortal imperfections.

Jesus made this quite clear, when He explained how one would be "Born Again", so you do have to question those who teach otherwise.

posted on Apr, 5 2006 @ 11:09 PM
lol I Find your title to this amusing! The title is rather narrow minded really lol The Bible says you will know them by their fruits!

Judge not, for thy will be judged the Bible says! I'm a Born Again Christian, & Only by God's great Mercy & Grace, I'm able to love & not judge.

For those to judge anyone if they be homosexual or whatever nature of weakness, is wrong! See, only God knows their hearts, and why they do what they do. One does not know when a person is alone and praying to God, what their prayers are, they could be pleading with God for strength to be changed. And if they don't plead that doesn't mean their hearts are evil, that's not for us to judge them, but love them! Some homosexuals, were molested or abused, some have homonal imbalance, etc. thank God he knows us through & through.

It's really no different, them labeling all Christians to be Satanist! See how ridiculous & narrow minded all people can be at times! We all fall short of the Glory of God the Bible says! But the Key is Love! The Apostle Paul stated I do the very things I don't want to do! One has to be careful pointing a finger at another, they can find themselves very much so in a similar weakness.

Sorry that some have had negative contact with so called Christians who have casted judgement on others. I pray you meet one that is able to show you the true nature of Christ & God Born within them! Once again, the Bible says, you will know them by their fruits. Also beware of Wolves in Sheep clothing!

[edit on 5-4-2006 by AngelWings9999]

[edit on 5-4-2006 by AngelWings9999]

[edit on 5-4-2006 by AngelWings9999]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 07:27 AM

Judge not, for thy will be judged the Bible says!

Really...but here you are judging homosexuals when you say:

For those to judge anyone if they be homosexual or whatever nature of weakness, is wrong! See, only God knows their hearts, and why they do what they do. One does not know when a person is alone and praying to God, what their prayers are, they could be pleading with God for strength to be changed. And if they don't plead that doesn't mean their hearts are evil, that's not for us to judge them, but love them! Some homosexuals, were molested or abused, some have homonal imbalance, etc. thank God he knows us through & through.

This is you judging homosexuals. You say it's okay for them to be homosexuals if they plead with God to be different. Why should they do that? Many homosexuals are happy to be so. Some are not happy being gay, but most are happy. You can only come up with sexual abuse or a hormonal imbalance as an answer to why some people are gay. Do you think that is fair to the gay community? Most gays are gay simply because they are attracted to the same sex, not the opposite sex.

The whole paragraph I posted of yours above does nothing but judge homosexuals and yet you say "Judge not, for thy will be judged." Quite contradictory......why don't you just admit your true feelings instead of dancing around them?

[edit on 6-4-2006 by Excitable_Boy]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

Judge not, for thy will be judged the Bible says!

Really...but here you are judging homosexuals when you say:

For those to judge anyone if they be homosexual or whatever nature of weakness, is wrong! See, only God knows their hearts, and why they do what they do. One does not know when a person is alone and praying to God, what their prayers are, they could be pleading with God for strength to be changed. And if they don't plead that doesn't mean their hearts are evil, that's not for us to judge them, but love them! Some homosexuals, were molested or abused, some have homonal imbalance, etc. thank God he knows us through & through.

This is you judging homosexuals. You say it's okay for them to be homosexuals if they plead with God to be different. Why should they do that? Many homosexuals are happy to be so. Some are not happy being gay, but most are happy. You can only come up with sexual abuse or a hormonal imbalance as an answer to why some people are gay. Do you think that is fair to the gay community? Most gays are gay simply because they are attracted to the same sex, not the opposite sex.

The question is; WHY are they attracted to the opposite sex? Since man and woman were meant to be attracted to each other, and reproduce, it would make sense that heterosexual is the natural "norm", and homosexual is not (as, at this time, it is impossible for two men, or two women to reproduce). Taking into consideration that heterosexual is the natural norm, we tend to question why homosexual men and women are born, or why heterosexual men and women can be transformed into homosexuals. We don't yet know why, or how it happens, stating that it might be because of having been abused, or because of a hormonal imbalance, "ETC". is a perfectly acceptable assumption. It is not meant in a mean-spirited way, it is more like guess-work. Not that I like to get into this debate (as it is a touchy subject, and I just don't know enough about it science-wise), I just thought that maybe I can clarify how I personally understood AngelWing's response to you. I saw nothing wrong with it.

The whole paragraph I posted of yours above does nothing but judge homosexuals and yet you say "Judge not, for thy will be judged." Quite contradictory......why don't you just admit your true feelings instead of dancing around them?

[edit on 6-4-2006 by Excitable_Boy]

I think you are reading way too much into what AngelWings said. He/she qualified their statement with "etc.", which usually gives a miriad of possibilities, including ones which are valid.

Some homosexuals, were molested or abused, some have homonal imbalance, etc.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 05:41 PM

The question is; WHY are they attracted to the opposite sex? Since man and woman were meant to be attracted to each other, and reproduce, it would make sense that heterosexual is the natural "norm", and homosexual is not (as, at this time, it is impossible for two men, or two women to reproduce). Taking into consideration that heterosexual is the natural norm, we tend to question why homosexual men and women are born, or why heterosexual men and women can be transformed into homosexuals.

Why? Because they just are. Is that so hard to fathom? I am a man and married to a woman that cannot reproduce because she has had a hysterectomy. Does that mean we shouldn't have sex? Since we are only having sex for the pleasure of it? Not all hetero sex is done to reproduce. Is that okay in your world?

Why are homosexuals born? Why are any of us born? Why are some people born blind, or paralyzed or missing limbs or with extra limbs? Why Why Why....

How about this why: Why not accept all people no matter how different they are? Black, white, yellow, red, gay, straight, Christian, Atheist, Muslim, Catholic, Protestant....etc.......

This kind of crap will end when everyone on the planet realizes that we are all human beings...nothing more and nothing less!

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 06:27 PM
god destroyed two cities for the being homosexual. God also says that if a man lies with a man like he lies with a woman then they both are a abomanation to him. Our morally bankrupt non believing society who dont want to be held accountable for its actions by claiming there is no god twist this and try to say that god judging homosexuals to hell if they die being homosexual is god not being a loving god. Yes im gonna say this now and yes some will think im a nut case for saying this.
Homosexualality is a evil spirit and always has been. I dont care what so called scientific evidence you say there is. What makes me even more sick to my stomach is people who claim to be christian advocating gay marrige under the pretense that it is the christian way of being tolorent of that behavior. God does not hate the sinner but believe you and me he hates the sin of homosexuality and all who practice it. Even as terrible as the sin is if you confess that sin and ask jesus christ to cleanse you and come into your heart he will rid that evil spirit from you. Salvation is for all who receive it.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

The question is; WHY are they attracted to the opposite sex? Since man and woman were meant to be attracted to each other, and reproduce, it would make sense that heterosexual is the natural "norm", and homosexual is not (as, at this time, it is impossible for two men, or two women to reproduce). Taking into consideration that heterosexual is the natural norm, we tend to question why homosexual men and women are born, or why heterosexual men and women can be transformed into homosexuals.

Why? Because they just are. Is that so hard to fathom? I am a man and married to a woman that cannot reproduce because she has had a hysterectomy. Does that mean we shouldn't have sex? Since we are only having sex for the pleasure of it? Not all hetero sex is done to reproduce. Is that okay in your world?

Nothing "is" just because it is. If we accepted that things are simply because they are without questioning, we would still be in the dark ages. Questioning something doesn't mean disagreeing with it, it just means you want to explore the nature of it, so you understand it. Your relationship with your wife is still quite "normal". You're a man, she is a woman, you desire each other. If she were capable of reproducing, the two of you would. Simple as that.

Why are homosexuals born? Why are any of us born? Why are some people born blind, or paralyzed or missing limbs or with extra limbs? Why Why Why....

We already understand (for the most part) why some people are born disabled, we (however) do not yet understand why some people are born homosexual (if that is what happens), or why heterosexuals can become homosexuals. I see nothing wrong with questioning it,...once we understand it.

How about this why: Why not accept all people no matter how different they are? Black, white, yellow, red, gay, straight, Christian, Atheist, Muslim, Catholic, Protestant....etc.......

This kind of crap will end when everyone on the planet realizes that we are all human beings...nothing more and nothing less!

You're missing my point completely. I'm quite willing to accept people who are different from me, but that doesn't stop me from being curious about why they are different, and how they came to be that way. Questioning something doesn't translate to "bad" in this case. My only concern was that you became quite defensive over a post that was in no way meant to down-grade gay people.

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 06:59 PM

God does not hate the sinner but believe you and me he hates the sin of homosexuality and all who practice it. Even as terrible as the sin is if you confess that sin and ask jesus christ to cleanse you and come into your heart he will rid that evil spirit from you. Salvation is for all who receive it.

Quite the contradiction here, no? God does not hate the sinner, but he hates homosexuals who you say are sinners. So, God does hate sinners your world. Do I have it right parasite? God loves all sinners, except homosexuals. Every other sin is okay with God, like murder and rape and pedophilia and armed long as the perpetrators are straight. If they are gay, then it's bad. Do I have it right? Murder is okay with God as long as the murderer isn't a that it?

How does one "practice" homosexuality parasite? Someone is either gay or not. Does "practicing" mean engaging in sexual activity? It's okay to be gay if one keeps it to oneself? It's okay to be gay in one's mind, but not to engage in sexual that it? You are obviously quite the homophobe parasite. What are you afraid of? Are you a non-practicing gay?

See this to me is Anti-Christ behavior = Satanic.

Parasite...Jesus isn't going to cleanse anyone. He's been dead for almost 2000 years. Who's he going to cleanse??

god destroyed two cities for the being homosexual.

God destroyed homosexual cities? A city can be gay? This is confusing parasite....can you help me out? God destroyed cities because they were gay? Or were some people in the cities gay? If that's the case, then God should destroy every city on Earth, no?

God loves everyone. When are you going to figure that out? Does hate do anything for you parasite? Does it add to your life or take away from it? Hate does more damage to you than it does to those you hate!!

God also says that if a man lies with a man like he lies with a woman then they both are a abomanation to him.

What about a woman lying with a woman like she lies with a man? That's okay with your God? I mean, it's okay with a lot of men......but I'm confused as to whether it's okay with your God or not.
Are these types of women also an abomination??

Our morally bankrupt non believing society who dont want to be held accountable for its actions by claiming there is no god

Plenty of homosexuals believe in God. What are you talking about? And the reason gay couples want to marry is simple: THEY WANT THE SAME BENEFITS OTHER MARRIED COUPLES HAVE!!

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 07:07 PM
I grew up pentecostal.

Even though I do not practice this faith to the extreme today...I do believe that I was taught that Yashua died for ALL sins, past, present and future.

What ever happened to that belief?

(sorry for the off topic post)



[edit on 4/6/2006 by Cherish]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 07:49 PM
Exciteable no it does not judge, you did not read it close enough first off, I say some plead with God, for they really do not want to be that way! Second some have hormonal imbalance! There are many who have all different reasons for being the way they are!
And yes many of them are happy with the way they are! Once again they have reasons, personal reasons of being so! We are not to judge them but love them even as Christ would!
You are judging me and wanting already in your heart to read only what you want to read in a post and not the entirety of it!
Someone read it and understood what I was saying through & through, so much so they gave me an applause! Thank You for whoever did that! At least someone see's the true intention of my heart! Sorry that you don't! Believe me myself and as well as my husband do not judge them and only help & pray for those who ask help! For those who don't want help, we do what Christ would do and that is to love them! Believe it or not that's ok with me too! A Blessed night to you! Angel

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 08:03 PM
Thank you 2many questions for understanding me,
Also Cherish you hit it right on Jesus Died For All Sins! & Yes Love's the Person hates the Sin!
Also there is no sin greater than another, the Bible even states even a LIAR will not enter the Kingdom of God! Unless He repents!
So we cannot judge ANYONE, for like I said we do not know the intent of their hearts, or know why one does what he does! It's not necessary to know, only for God to know!
Once again, I say our job is to Love! That is the Key!
Also on Sodom & Gomorroh - If you look deeper into this, the evil that was there was so much deeper than only homosexuality, they also wanted to mate with Angels & were struck blind for trying & they also mated with Demons it was like in the days of Noah that God destroyed with the flood, because of the offspring they were bringing about through that is why God really destroyed Sodom, more reasons than just for homosexuality!

edit: I had to add this, Thank God we are no longer under the rules of the Old Testament, or perhaps God would destroy everything, so he sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for All Sins- The Bible Says in the New Testament -
We Are No Longer Under The Curse Of Sin And Death!

[edit on 6-4-2006 by AngelWings9999]

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 08:21 PM

They are not "Born Again" untill they are "Born Again at The Resurrection".

Jesus made this quite clear, when He explained how one would be "Born Again", so you do have to question those who teach otherwise.


Actually, to be '' born again'' is to be born again in Babtism......"Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God" (John 3:5).

This is what differentiates a Christian .........

The new birth occurs in baptism where we die with Christ, are buried with Him, and are raised with Him in the newness of His resurrection, being joined into union with Him in His glorified humanity (Acts 2:38; Romans 6:3-4). The idea that being "born again" is a religious experience disassociated from baptism is a recent one and has no biblical basis whatsoever.

In the Old Testament, circumcision was the prototype of the Sacrament of Baptism........ in the New Testament, by which the believer enters into a new covenant with God (Col. 2:11-12)
Babtism occurs as a has always been that way....the FLOOD was a cleansing........WATER is used in the Bible many times......

In the fourth gospel Jesus' discourse with Nicodemus indicates that birth by water and Spirit becomes the gracious means of entry into the place where God rules (John 3:5)."

Baptism, as commanded in the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20) is a full immersion in water (Acts 8:38) and is for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38)

We were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life (Romans 6:4).

In Him also you were circumcised with a spiritual circumcision, by putting off the body of the flesh in the circumcision of Christ, buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead (Colossians 2:12

The Meaning of Water in Christianity

Why did Jesus Christ insist that children be let to not suffer?
''the Lord Himself said. Let the children come to Me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 19:14).''

Are'' born again Christians '' Satanists?
Well that depends on the person and what they practise.....
We are all given free will to do as we like......we choose the things we do....if the TEACHINGS are not as what the APOSTLES taught, then to be ''born again'' is simply a break away from what Jesus Christ taught.
The Holy Apostles appointed seven men (Church Tradition calls them "Deacons") to perform a special serving ministry (Acts 6:2-6) and in his first Letter to the Corinthians, St. Paul speaks of various ministries in the Church (1 Cor. 12:28).
One cannot simply fool themselves into believing that one can do as they please......
If one asks '' do Born again Christians '' know who they are truly worshipping when one 'speaks in tongues''?
"Let not your prophets that are in the midst of you, and your diviners, deceive you... For they prophesy falsely unto you in My name: I have not sent them, saith the Lord" (Jeremiah 29:8-9).
Or Laughing .....bursts of laughter.............
"In the fear of God there is no laughter. The Scripture says of the foolish, that they raise their voice in laughter (Sirach 21:23)
If Christ has not sent them, then they are Demons .......

The Bible teaches us that we must be Humble at all times.....never allow ourselves to be thought superior to others(no matter what our position is )
"Thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked" (Apoc. 3:17)

St. Paul continues his warning about the coming of antichrist with this command: "Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle" (2 Thess. 2:15).
"There be some that trouble you, and would pervert the Gospel of Christ. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be anathema.
As we said before, so say I now again: If any preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be anathema" (Gal. 1:8-9).

Charismatic Revival a SIGN of the times!

I believe we take too much time in Judgement of others and their faults or sins.....and not look at our own lives......I guess it is easier to point the finger at someone else and fail to notice our own mistakes.
‘''for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself’ (Rom. 2:1)''

And I leave with.........
''"Everything in our interrelations comes down to love; without it, nothing has any meaning.
Where there is love, the unsatisfied thirst of ambition, greed, and lust for power all calm down.
Where there is love, we knowing the weakness of others, do not lay upon them heavy burdens grievous to be borne (Matthew 23: 4).

I guess if we really looked at our own mistakes(including myself).....sin means ''TO MISS THE MARK'' then we would not gossip or talk about others .......
In the absence of external labors and inner struggle, passions and lawlessness reign, and where sin is in control, love dries up and men begin to hate one another [Matt 24: 10]
In order to teach others the right way, we ourselves must be that example....we must struggle against all forms of Hypocrysy? and judge not ......
Rid yourselves of all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, evil speaking, and all malice (Eph. 4:31)
or Why do you look at the speck of dust in your brother's eye, and not notice the beam in your own eye? (Matt. 7:3)
Our Lord Jesus Christ tells us clearly: Love your enemies.
Do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you. And to him who smites you on the one cheek, offer also the other (Luke 6:27–29)
the words of Christ, is to be kind to the unthankful and the evil (Luke 6:35).

The Lord has told us: Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you shall be forgiven (Luke 6:37).
Im sorry if ive gone off the subject...

posted on Apr, 6 2006 @ 08:31 PM
Excellent Helen

Definitely not off the subject, and a well deserved Applause! That will be my first to do for someone, I hope I can find out how to do that for you, it's very much deserved! Once again, Praise God for all you have written!

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 02:20 AM
This is not news really.
But Christians who work for Christian leaders would be suprised as they have rose colored glasses on usually.

Really, this is not a criticisim, they are full of passion, but naive to the fact that some people are not what they claim to be. (Check out the whole Shabbetai Zevi movement where he converted to Islam, and all the Jews who followed converted to, but practiced in secret their practices. And the frankist with Catholicism, etc.)

The point of the matter is that some higher ups within the Christian religion are simply using their post to manipulate things around them. Be wise, watch the "fruit" and you will find this to be true.

Most people just assume that they are in a Christian environment and find it inconceivable that someone would do something higher up that they would never think of doing as a Christian.

Gods Peace


posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 02:29 AM

Originally posted by PaRaSiTe
god destroyed two cities for the being homosexual. God also says that if a man lies with a man like he lies with a woman then they both are a abomanation to him.

Interesting God, I will say. Not necessarily in line with this topic, but you guys believe so deeply in someone that will never talk to you audibly in your darkest hour even though he is the most powerful being who is everywhere at all times. Faith? Time to get past that and have some literal proof.

Anyone can say, believe this, its infalable, etc. and then that is your defence for life. But sometime you will have to say, wait...God cant even conjure a word to say to me personally, yet he is more real than I am?

Who is your God? Christians claim to have an imaginary relationship with him. (Its all in the mind, nothing in the physcial, thus I said imaginary.)

Proof...thats it...real stuff.

Gods Peace


posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 05:07 AM
*applauds* I have to concur with everything you've said. I strike these contradictions every day as I have relatives that take every single word of the bible literally and don't understand the metaphorical meanings behind so much of its content.

I am a believer in God, and proud of it. I will never, however, be a bible follower - faith is in the heart, not in the words of men who are in themselves filled with hypocracy and contradictions.

Cheers for the thread, its about time someone pointed out the clear contradictions of the church's/religions prejudice. I've seen it for myself, in a church recently where the priest spoke of acceptance of your fellow man and god welcoming all his children into his church and how not to be prejudice against other religions and beliefs but to just 'accept' - yet I was denied communion because I am anglican not catholic.

Sooooooooo many contradictions that are plain to see to those that are not brainwashed imo.

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by 2manyquestions
The question is; WHY are they attracted to the opposite sex?

ANSWER - some are born that way and some, through interactions
in society, are 'behavior trained' that way. I have been updating my
degree. The LATEST information in the psychology books is that
the brains of many homosexuals differ slightly from the brains of
'straight' people. The glands differ slightly. This has been discovered
through scientific study (autopsy, MRIs, etc.). Those homosexuals who
become 'straight' are usually those who have homosexuality as a 'learned
behavoir' and who were not born that way.

Since man and woman were meant to be attracted to
each other, and reproduce, it would make sense that
heterosexual is the natural "norm", and homosexual is not

Evolutionary psychology agrees with you to some extent.
Evolution says that a 'gay gene' should be evolved out. But
that doesn't happen as we can see. There are some, approx
.5% of the population, who are born gay. .5% become gay
through interactions in society. That's an estimate of course.

One interesting tidbit I came across - when a woman is pregnant
and in her second trimester - if she encounters a great deal of
stress, she has a higher chance of having a homosexual child.
The London Blitz gave us a bunch of info on this! A significantly
high number of gay children were born to women who were
pregnant during the blitz. A MUCH higher percentage than the
usual population.

For more information go to the library and read up on
Evolutionary Psychology. You can also read the latest
on Sociology and Homosexuality. That is rather informative
as well.

[edit on 4/7/2006 by FlyersFan]

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 06:16 PM

edit: I had to add this, Thank God we are no longer under the rules of the Old Testament, or perhaps God would destroy everything, so he sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for All Sins- The Bible Says in the New Testament -
We Are No Longer Under The Curse Of Sin And Death!

Who says we are under the "rules" of the new testament? Who decided out with the old and in with the new? Personally, I live under my own rules. I have faith, but it doesn't "rule" my life.

posted on Apr, 7 2006 @ 06:21 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by 2manyquestions
The question is; WHY are they attracted to the opposite sex?

ANSWER - some are born that way and some, through interactions
in society, are 'behavior trained' that way. I have been updating my
degree. The LATEST information in the psychology books is that
the brains of many homosexuals differ slightly from the brains of
'straight' people. The glands differ slightly. This has been discovered
through scientific study (autopsy, MRIs, etc.). Those homosexuals who
become 'straight' are usually those who have homosexuality as a 'learned
behavoir' and who were not born that way.

Since man and woman were meant to be attracted to
each other, and reproduce, it would make sense that
heterosexual is the natural "norm", and homosexual is not

Evolutionary psychology agrees with you to some extent.
Evolution says that a 'gay gene' should be evolved out. But
that doesn't happen as we can see. There are some, approx
.5% of the population, who are born gay. .5% become gay
through interactions in society. That's an estimate of course.

One interesting tidbit I came across - when a woman is pregnant
and in her second trimester - if she encounters a great deal of
stress, she has a higher chance of having a homosexual child.
The London Blitz gave us a bunch of info on this! A significantly
high number of gay children were born to women who were
pregnant during the blitz. A MUCH higher percentage than the
usual population.

For more information go to the library and read up on
Evolutionary Psychology. You can also read the latest
on Sociology and Homosexuality. That is rather informative
as well.

[edit on 4/7/2006 by FlyersFan]

Wow. Thank you for all that wonderful, and very interesting information.
I really appreciate it. I'm going to have to look further into it,.... just for the sake of knowing more about it.

You know, I've always wondered if homosexuality was in any way connected to population control. If two men, or two women are attracted to each other, they can't procreate with each other. Do you think homosexuality is a way to keep populaiton levels down? Or do you think maybe sterility would have been a better, natural way?
I've heard of cases in which some animals practiced homosexuality. This is an interesting article: National Geographics

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