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Cutting Through the Matrix - Freemasonry

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posted on Mar, 31 2006 @ 12:16 PM
Hello all

Recently I came across a man by the name of Alan Watt, an author and historian, who suggests that the world has been under the control of a ruling elite for much longer than the days of the Knights Templar, the Illuminati, Skull and Bones, etc. He contests that it is the upper levels of freemasonry that control the world (nothing new for ATS I realize) and has done so from the time of Sumer, the Egyptians, and even earlier. Some of the beliefs he has stated:

- freemasonry (of the black lodge order) has it's roots within ancient Egypt
- since that time 40 degree masons and higher have run the world
- man's history has been suppressed by same, and man is much much older than we have been led to believe
- the 'great work' is to reach God-hood, which would entail remaking man into an androgenous, hermaphroditic being
- the english language was created by freemasonry, and has several levels of interpretation and coding
- all religious teachings were written by freemasons, based on the mystery religions of Babylon
- that freemasons have published in their own writings all of the above

To encapsulate his 'history of the world' in one post is near impossible, so I'd like to suggest that interested parties, freemasons and historians go to his website and listen to the interview he did with Rollye James this past week. Then I would like those who had listened to post their comments but especially their criticisms of what Alan has said. I am no historian nor am I a mason, and I would like to read contesting points of view to his statements, and encourage some debate.

I'll post his site here, and the mods can take it down if they want. I'm in no way gaining from driving traffic to his site, save for engendering a discussion I have interest in. Should it be deleted, his site can be found easily by searching Alan Watt or Cutting Through the Matrix.

Cutting Though The Matrix

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 12:00 AM
thanks jimmy, I'm currently downloading all 3 parts, I'll check it out. For those who are interested go to the link above, and there are 3 shows, here are their content:

Hour 1

John Dee
Britain as Prime Player
Caste Systems
FTAA / NAFTA "Free" Trade
Emotional Hot Buttons
Amalgamation of the Americas
British East India Co.
RIIA meeting of 1937
"Morals and Dogma" by Albert Pike
Life Begins at "40"
Perfecting the Profane
Front of Charity

Hour 2

Mandel House Biography
"Between Two Ages" by Zbigniew Brzezinski
Technotronic Era
Chemtrail Spraying
Marx to Lincoln Letter
Balfour Declaration
Masonic Revolutions
Machiavelli Think Tanks
FEMA isn't your MA
Canadian Blood Scandal
New Capital of the Americas
Pierre Trudeau's Agenda

Hour 3

Is 33 the Highest Degree?
Reuters / API
"Millenium" by Jacques Attali
33 Signers of Dec. of Independence
Pike: Our God Is Lucifer
Loyola Bioengineering Meeting
"The Next Million Years" by Charles Galton Darwin
Brain CHIP
David Icke Explained
Previous Ages of Man
Tacitus and the Druids
Tesla and HAARP


So many interesting topics are covered.

I'm sure most of this has been debunked on here before, but there might be a few gems inside. Will let you know once I've listened.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 03:51 AM
Good find Jimmy

I’ve just finished listening to the first hour (about 40 minutes really) and decided to publish some notes I took so that others can comment and discuss.

Alan Watt has an interesting “Grand Unified Conspiracy Theory” He seems intelligent and speaks well.

Here are some of the interesting things he mentions: (Alan Watt paraphrased from my notes in Maroon)

John Dee first coined the termed World Order and talked about the plans to install their system on a world scale.

Many leaders have done this in the past no? (Alexander, Napoleon etc.)

The East India Company, whose shares was owned by royalty set up agent provocateurs in India, and then they would come in like the white knights and save the day. Through “peace” they installed their system upon India.

A typical NWO technique.

Yale (Skulls &Bones) was set up to train future leaders in the “great work.” Oxford in England has the Oxford Circle and Cambridge has the Apostles Club

Can anyone confirm the existance of these club? (other than S&B)

about the masons

The head of the Knights Templar was able to make a speech directly to the whole senate because it’s a Masonic-type floor.

He does mentioned the name of the individual, I just didn’t note it. (Sorry) But I do have a question: Who gets to make speech to the Senate? Say ConspiracyNut23 wishes to speak to the assembled senate, is this possible? (Or do I have to use my Masonic connections

He talks about Albert Pike and then mentions that “life begins at 40” slipped into mainstream language because it means that only a 40th degree mason gets the truth. He says that you are “tapped” for these degrees once you’ve reach the 33rd.

Sort of like “on the level" and "on the square”. He seems to imply that Albert Pike mentions this but I highly doubt this. It is possible that some elite secret society recruits from the Masonic rank. This society of course would have no ties to UGLE or Grand Orient.

The Masons provide a nice charity front for them. When you are tapped into the 40th degree you then learn how to rule the world. – Godhood.

Pike wrote: “The low degrees masons are no different than the profane.” In M&D.

I haven’t read M&D, but I assumed he met the first 2 degrees of the Blue Lodge or something like that, not the first 33!

This should open up discussion nicely. I’ll post notes about the second one when I get a chance. Of course these are only what I found interesting; I encourage everyone to give it a listen. Grand Unified theories are always interesting. Especially when God or Satan is not mentioned every second word.

[edit on 1/4/06 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 05:58 AM
Can you provide some proof of a "40th Degree" within Masonry? I've heard of special people being awarded a 33rd degree, but no #s higher/after that.

I don't really know what conversation this is going to stir up. You didn't really ask any questions.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 08:37 AM
If you re-read the thread you will see that I’ve never said that. However I believe its possible that there is a elite society that recruits 32th degree mason.
Why not? (The Shrinners recruit 32th degree, why couldn't another society do this?)

[edit on 1/4/06 by ConspiracyNut23]

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:26 AM
I think you are uninformed. So please let me explain.

Any Master Mason can be a shriner. Just like any Master Mason may join the Scottish Rite and achieve a 32nd degree if he works hard. A guy could also join the York Rite and Eastern Star if he wanted too as well.

Shriners and "32nd Degree Masons" are really 2 seperate entities, and organizations. A Master Mason would elect to join each or both organizations if he so desired. The only recruitment you might ever hear about is a guy sayin "Hey you should join the shriners! We have a lot of fun and help the kids."

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 10:30 AM
Ha ok your right, thanks.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 12:07 PM
I doubt there is a higher degree than the 33. Isnt the whole premise of the thing based on 3's and some sort of trinity. I think anything higher than that associated with a number goes againt what it stands for.

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 12:12 PM
But who says this elite group cares about numerology, who knows maybe it goes all the way to 66.

I'm really interested in the The East India Company parts. Did they really use agent provocateurs in India? Is this documented anywhere?

[edit on 1/4/06 by ConspiracyNut23]


posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by ConspiracyNut23

John Dee first coined the termed World Order and talked about the plans to install their system on a world scale.

I didn't listen to the whole thing, (I heard it live, I love the Rollye James show, Libertarians* rule!)

But the guy did not say John Dee came up with the term World Order. He said Dee coined the term British Empire. Big difference!

posted on Apr, 1 2006 @ 02:51 PM
Thanks Cug, probably due to my somewhat messy notes. He used the term right before he said the Dee thing, and I did have British Empire written in my notes. (I had thought of you when writing that, because the use of World order would predate Vereide’s 1944 use of the term, thanks for clearing that up.)

If this thread has some interest I will make notes on the second hour, I love Grand Unified Conspiracy Theories.

posted on Apr, 3 2006 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by prophetfxb
I doubt there is a higher degree than the 33. Isnt the whole premise of the thing based on 3's and some sort of trinity. I think anything higher than that associated with a number goes againt what it stands for.

The system of 33 degrees is that of the Scottish Rite. Other Rites (such as Memphis and Mitzraim) have had more degrees (Rite of Memphis had 97!), and still others have had less (York Rite and Swedenbourgian Rite, for example).

Regardless, only two degrees existed when the first Grand Lodge was formed in 1717: Apprentice and Journeyman. All the other degrees came after that, which annuls the claim that there were 40th degree Masons in ancient Egypt.

posted on Apr, 26 2006 @ 05:22 PM
A lot of the material Mr. Watt has researched has been published by other authors currently running the circuit.
I've listened to Watt since his early days on and have seen his material being reproduced and consequently trashed and de-bunked.

The interesting thing is that he never claims to be a conspiracy propagator and he actively encourages listeners to _research_ these claims to prove through personal investigation that this is what is going on in our world.

He goes so far as to say that this is _not_ a "conspiracy theory" as it is based on fact that is obtainable with enough intent and effort by those who want to know the truth.

On many occasions he has referenced government/U.N's own documentation that proves many of his claims and if needs be he will point you in the correct direction to obtaining these for ones self.

I think you all will agree that there is nothing more powerful than throughout personal investigation when trying to establish fact from fiction.

posted on Apr, 27 2006 @ 12:22 PM

I was drawn to Alan for the same reasons you mentioned above. He challenges the listener to read the 'dreary' books and publications where the 'adept' outline their plan for the profane. He offers that it is not a fun trip - there is no one-stop shopping mall where one can discover the plan for the world by those who would be Gods. That he also is able to speak on varying topics citing his sources, and even in some instances offering up the evidence itself (one of his latest sound clips includes a speech given by Aldous Huxley of Brave New World fame discussing the means of mass mind control - to an appreciative audience no less).

His demeanour is a large part of what I find endearing. He never gets heated, he never shouts anyone down. He seems to understand (and I have found this in my own experiences) that you can't engage people in topics if they haven't begun their own search for truth themselves first.

By posting this topic I was hoping some of the Masons and experts in masonic history would listen to his talks and comment on the veracity or lack thereof in what he says. I can promise whether you agree with him or not, his point of view is an interesting one.

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 08:35 PM
Alan Watt claims that high freemasonry goes up to the 360th degree (degrees in a circle), that certain lodges have more degrees than others (Alister Crowley's OTO, for example, goes up into the 90s), that freemasonry itself of course is one "face" for a class of forever-ruling elite families with their own religion. Some of the tenets of that religion include reincarnation and preservation of abilities through inter-family selective inbreeding (think inbred nobles whose marriage partners are chosen from one or two other ruling families down through the years). They have a particular reverence for the light and the sun (Ra, Lucifer, the Morning Star, the source of illumination and knowledge). They believe the common masses are profane (in the dark), that they are illumined through their interbreeding and knowledge of the high occultic sciences, therefore humanity must be guided by its betters. They believe in the right of the predator to dominate its prey, which is why predatory animals make it into much of their symbology (the eagle, the lion). They rebel against God (ie the "natural" way) and wish to become God through their incredible knowledge of science and human behavior. They believe all change can only come through opposition, which is why they create war and destruction to guide the human race down their intended direction. According to Alan, early well-known practitioners of what is today known as "freemasonry" include Pythagoras and Aristotle, who were trained in the "mystery arts" of Egypt (the masters of controlling humans) and returned to their own countries to found secret societies of the elite, and plant the seeds of revolution. Today's masonic symbols draw much from Pythagorean mathematical religion (including the pentagram, the pervasive 5-pointed star.. this also explains why freemasons, and the New Age, are so into numerology). Aristotle of course went on to teach Plato, who wrote The Republic, which basically describes the communist/socialist/New World Order caste system of today: a mass of slaves to be guided and directed, a small intellectual elite of bureaucrats at the top making all of the decisions, and a privileged military class to protect the elites and keep the masses in line.

Whether or not he has inside sources into real freemasonry (he used to work in the music industry) or is spinning tales of fancy, history has been consistent with Alan. Obviously there is a "grand unified theory" behind the history of our planet. History is one long (if unsteady) march of consolidations and standardizations of peoples, assimilations and destructions of cultures, and walls of rules and bureaucracies being built around the individual. Meanwhile, the same families over the centuries are still sitting on most of the planet's wealth. These things don't just happen accidentally.

posted on Jan, 4 2007 @ 09:27 PM
Here is another guy claiming that the NWO is rather old and the end plan is to exterminate the caucasians and Western Civilization and create a race of hermaphrodites. Also claims free masonary is actually controlled by manchurian candidate type sell outs like skull & bones who are controlled by Zoastrian Persian type free masons who take oders from Tibetian Monks calling all the shots. Bizarre but he claims to have broken the code in the English language which is actually in all computers and written laguage via Desdamona script. A secret hidden incestuous cannibalistic pedofiallia homosexual priest class waging war on the previous matriarchal human HERitage versus HIStory and the patriarchal controlling priest class. It will take you a couple of days to read it all but he is convincing.
read it all & follow all the links before refute.
Warning he is some what hard to follow at first.
And yes Trudea was pure scum of the Earth if only Canadians knew the Truth. (he was a Jesuit sell out).

posted on Jan, 5 2007 @ 07:17 PM
All of this makes for a great thread and I even enjoyed reading it.That said most of it is a joke , its been said over and over again so I shall abstain but if all this new world order stuff is happening when will "they" complete their plan?

posted on Jan, 6 2007 @ 11:47 AM
Let's try to analyze Mr. Watt's claims one by one.

Originally posted by lcflutter
Alan Watt claims that high freemasonry goes up to the 360th degree (degrees in a circle), that certain lodges have more degrees than others (Alister Crowley's OTO, for example, goes up into the 90s), that freemasonry itself of course is one "face" for a class of forever-ruling elite families with their own religion.

It would be interesting to find out where exactly Mr. Watts is getting his information. Personally, at the moment, I'm inclined to believe he's just making it up as he goes.

For example, no Masonic Rite has ever had 360 degrees. The Oriental Rite of Memphis, now defunct, holds the record for the most degrees with 96 regular ones, and an honorary 97° to denote the Grand Hierophant. The Egyptian Rite of Mitzraim (also defunct) followed a close second with 90 degrees.

Watts' claim that some Masonic Lodges offer more degrees than other is also false. All Lodges offer the three degrees of Ancient Craft Masonry. Additional degrees are then available from the York and Scottish Rites, but not in the Lodge. One must then either join a Chapter of Royal Arch Masons or a Scottish Rite Temple for those additional degrees.

Aleister Crowley's O.T.O. is not a Masonic Lodge, nor does it have degrees up in the 90's. The O.T.O. has 9 regular degrees, an honorary tenth degree, and a special eleventh degree that focuses on an elaboration to the ninth degree. However, the O.T.O. per se has only 10 degrees. In fact, Crowley wrote that one of his major accomplishments was to eliminate all the "superflous", and a consolidate a system in as few degrees as possible. He criticized Freemasonry for having too many degrees, and therefore "wasting too much time".

Watts' claim that Masonry is some sort of elite family religion, however, is probably the most bizarre claim on the list.

They believe the common masses are profane (in the dark),

In Masonic language, "profane" does not necessarily mean "in the dark". It comes from the Latin "profanum", meaning "outside the Temple". It simply means "uninitiated".

According to Alan, early well-known practitioners of what is today known as "freemasonry" include Pythagoras and Aristotle, who were trained in the "mystery arts" of Egypt (the masters of controlling humans) and returned to their own countries to found secret societies of the elite, and plant the seeds of revolution.

Part of that is correct, but Watts misunderstands the entire notion and basis of the mysteries, which concern individual enlightenment and spiritual growth, not anything about "controlling humans". But speaking of mysteries, whatever Watts meant by Pythagoras and Aristotle "planting seeds of revolution" is certainly a mystery to me.

Today's masonic symbols draw much from Pythagorean mathematical religion (including the pentagram, the pervasive 5-pointed star.. this also explains why freemasons, and the New Age, are so into numerology).

Some of this is correct, but again, it is absurd to suggest that Freemasons and New Agers are "so into numerology" when the fact is that most are certainly not.

Aristotle of course went on to teach Plato, who wrote The Republic, which basically describes the communist/socialist/New World Order caste system of today: a mass of slaves to be guided and directed, a small intellectual elite of bureaucrats at the top making all of the decisions, and a privileged military class to protect the elites and keep the masses in line.

Actually, Plato taught Aristotle, not the other way around. Plato was taught by Socrates. It is quite obvious that Watts has never read the Republic, or else he is purposely misinterpreting it. The "masses" are not made "slaves" in the Republic. Instead, in the Republic, each individual is trained in the Craft that is best suited to him by nature. The Republic does not protect artificial elites, as do most democratic capitalist systems of today, but instead optimizes natural skill. In it, only the wisest and most benevolent may become statesmen, ensuring the virtue of the Republic. It is a utopian scenario that seeks to maximize the happiness and worth of each individual citizen by allowing him or her to exercise the gifts bestowed upon them by nature. But furthermore, the allegory is more importantly viewed as to the nature of soul, and it is in this context that the Republic is viewed as divinely inspired by High Initiates.

[edit on 6-1-2007 by Masonic Light]

posted on Jan, 6 2007 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by Masonic Light
Actually, Plato taught Aristotle, not the other way around. Plato was taught by Socrates. It is quite obvious that Watts has never read the Republic, or else he is purposely misinterpreting it. The "masses" are not made "slaves" in the Republic. Instead, in the Republic, each individual is trained in the Craft that is best suited to him by nature. The Republic does not protect artificial elites, as do most democratic capitalist systems of today, but instead optimizes natural skill. In it, only the wisest and most benevolent may become statesmen, ensuring the virtue of the Republic. It is a utopian scenario that seeks to maximize the happiness and worth of each individual citizen by allowing him or her to exercise the gifts bestowed upon them by nature. But furthermore, the allegory is more importantly viewed as to the nature of soul, and it is in this context that the Republic is viewed as divinely inspired by High Initiates.

Well said.

Sure Civilizations flourish and then decline, including the Great Khemet(which was without much doubt the longest lasting Civilization of this Root-Race), where Pythagoras, Solon, Socrates, Plato and many other Greeks received Initiation.

From what we can understand of Plato's teachings, he must have received Initiation from Khemetian Priests who had not fallen into corruption.

Speaking of which:

The Republic does not protect artificial elites, as do most democratic capitalist systems of today

True indeed.

What we have today, can hardly be called a "Civilization" at all.

But the learned-ignoramus know-it-all politicians, false-scientists and modern "philosphers", tend to look down on the Ancients without any reverence whatsoever.

[edit on 6-1-2007 by Tamahu]

posted on Jan, 6 2007 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

From what we can understand of Plato's teachings, he must have received Initiation from Khemetian Priests who had not fallen into corruption.

In all likelihood, Plato received initiation in the Mysteries of Demeter at Eleusis. In the Phaedo, Plato recounts a conversation between Socrates and Phaedo concerning the nature of morality. After a lengthy discourse on what he believes to be morality, Phaedo asks Socrates' opinion, who first applauds Phaedo's efforts, but then tells him that if he truly wants to understand the meaning of virtue, he should accompany him to the mysteries and be initiated.

True indeed.

What we have today, can hardly be called a "Civilization" at all.

But the learned-ignoramus know-it-all politicians, false-scientists and modern "philosphers", tend to look down on the Ancients without any reverence whatsoever.

I'm inclined to agree. Plato believed that each man is endowed with his own particular talents by nature, and that these should be nurtured by the community. Thus, some are born to be carpenters, some to be musicians, some to be rulers. Plato's view that nature is divine contributes to this thought.

Also, in PLato's Republic, it should be remembered, the rulers are so wise and virtuous that they must be compelled to rule. In other words, they don't want to because of their own humility and distaste for politics. The only thing that compels them to rule is fear of the incompetent receiving political power, an evil all too well known in modern capitalist democracies, where money, and not competence, determines who will be the leaders.

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