posted on Mar, 30 2006 @ 03:46 AM
Nah, they are aliens. I'm sticking to that. They have to be. How can old people kill someone with their bare hands?
I'm not talking about the MIB from the movies, I'm talking about real MIB.
Oh, speaking of aliens. My dad had this weird dream, one of those dreams that seemed so real, that... I don't know, just too real. There was
absolutely no one on the streets, it was getting dark and then he saw this big flying round thing, he tried to ignore but then he had this weird
feeling and was pushed to the ground (not by hands). Just forced onto it by some force. - He had this dream in 1960 somthing. He was in poland at the
time (he was born there). Co-incidentally, in Gnynia they found 2 alien corpses washed up on the beach there. But no information about this came out
at all untill communism was gone. In 1984. That communist government was really great at hiding information. They'd kill anyone to stop information
that they would deem a bad influence on society.
The description of this flying thing was, that he saw it from underneath. It was flat all round but in the middle it was lowered and there were lots
of lit up squares going all round like windows. *shrugs* is this information consistent with somthing, has there been anything going on simular to
looked somthing like this:
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Maybe there was somthing on top, but he didn't see what was on top. this is only from what I remember him drawing for me when I was 5 lol.