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America's Nuclear Flying Saucer

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posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 06:09 PM
One of the many saucer crafts that have been worked on by our country over the years. Saw an interesting show on the History Channel recently about another such craft (not the one described's the one that could take off from the ground straight up like a helicopter)

In our July 1997 cover story, "Roswell Plus 50," POPULAR MECHANICS detailed how Air Force interestin duplicating Nazi technology led to two American flying disc projects. Project Silver Bug sought to build a vertical takeoff and landing aircraft. Project Pye Wacket was to create small discs for use as air-to-air missiles. Documents declassified since then point to a third secret project, a 40-ft. "flying saucer" designed to rain nuclear destruction on the Soviet Union from 300 miles in space.

The official designation for America's nuclear flying saucer was the Lenticular Reentry Vehicle (LRV). It was designed by engineers at the Los Angeles Division of North American Aviation, under a contract with the U.S. Air Force. The project was managed out of Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, in Dayton, Ohio, where German engineers who had worked on rocket plane and flying disc technology had been resettled.

The LRV escaped public scrutiny because it was hidden away as one of the Pentagon's so-called "black budget" items—that is, a secret project that is incorporated into some piece of nonclassified work. On Dec. 12, 1962, security officers at Wright-Patterson classified the LRV as secret because: "It describes an offensive weapon system." The project remained classified until May 1999, when a congressionally mandated review of old documents changed the project's status as a government secret, downgrading it to public information. The Department of Defense did, however, successfully seek to have the document's distribution restricted to defense contractors. PM obtained its copy as the result of a Freedom of Information Act request.


I'm quite fascinated with the US work in saucer crafts and am interested in any information others may have on similar crafts.

[edit on 18-3-2006 by Excitable_Boy]

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 06:17 PM
link are two pictures of the craft I saw on the history channel:

source of images:

The site where this came from says this saucer craft is fake, but that's not what I saw on the History Channel. It showed beyond any doubt that this craft was real.

Any thoughts?

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 07:24 PM
wounder how many times people will use this fake image here?
it has been posted before and has had the real image of which it was edited from posted

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by bodrul
wounder how many times people will use this fake image here?
it has been posted before and has had the real image of which it was edited from posted

Can you clarify for everyone else what you are saying since I for one don't understand??

I am of the understanding that this story is pretty much a 'slam dunk' verified and true.

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 08:56 PM
The jet-powered saucer planes pictures in the above post are bogus. The fake pictures are artists concepts based on the unsubstantiated claims of someone who said he saw these vehicles in the 1960s.

Beside the fact that no one has ever produced any credible evidence (or any evidence) that such a plane was built or tested, the design is not even viable from an engineering standpoint. The lenticular craft would be very unstable, and it was allegedly flown before the advent of the kind of computers necessary to overcome such instability. It is supposed to be jet propelled, but the intakes are way too small and poorly placed to allow airflow to the engines. Cockpit placement precludes any sort of forward visibility at positive angels of attack. And the landing gear (not pictured above) has a bizarre configuration that defies explanation. Most of the fake images were photoshopped over NASA photos. The classy thing to do would have been to remove the NASA insignia since NASA is not alleged to have been involved with this so-called aircraft.

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 11:33 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
Can you clarify for everyone else what you are saying since I for one don't understand??

I am of the understanding that this story is pretty much a 'slam dunk' verified and true.

A slam dunk, verified and true?!?

This is the original photo:

This is the "flying saucer" photo - after being doctoredby a graphic artist:

Impressive photoshop skills, but a fake just the same.

posted on Mar, 18 2006 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by denythestatusquo
I am of the understanding that this story is pretty much a 'slam dunk' verified and true.

It's "verified and true" to the degree that you can buy and build one of your very own:

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 10:21 AM

The jet-powered saucer planes pictures in the above post are bogus. The fake pictures are artists concepts based on the unsubstantiated claims of someone who said he saw these vehicles in the 1960s.

The pictures I found on the web are faked, but the aircraft is real. It is a misinformation ploy. I saw on the History Channel either on Heavy Metal or Declassified this very aircraft in flight and landing....THAT could not be faked. This aircraft is real and the site I posted is trying to debunk the truth. I only used those photos because they were the only ones I could find. It is absolutely a real aircraft.......

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

The jet-powered saucer planes pictures in the above post are bogus. The fake pictures are artists concepts based on the unsubstantiated claims of someone who said he saw these vehicles in the 1960s.

The pictures I found on the web are faked, but the aircraft is real. It is a misinformation ploy. I saw on the History Channel either on Heavy Metal or Declassified this very aircraft in flight and landing....THAT could not be faked. This aircraft is real and the site I posted is trying to debunk the truth. I only used those photos because they were the only ones I could find. It is absolutely a real aircraft.......

Of course "flying saucers" based on fixed discs, as show in these pics, would not fly very well. In fact, it would be quite unsafe.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 03:24 PM
Publicly all saucer based designs have pretty much been failures. The saucer shape is just not stable at any real height with current technology. The nuclear powered aircraft have also proven to be really dirty (direct cycle) leaving a dirty radioactive exhaust. Or too heavy when using (indirect-cycle) which used I think liquid metal when factored in with the shielding required for the crew. Though indirect methods for a nuclear powered aircraft would be clean compared to direct-cycle.

A nuclear powered saucer might sound good in theory but in practice I wouldnt bet on it.

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 06:26 PM

Now this is an interesting read though excitable. A US saucer shaped craft to be used for long term space based weaponry. Read the wole article, and you will see that there may just bemore to this than meets the eye.

The crash wreackage pic and the eye witnesses seem to point to the fact that this may be whats responsible for alot of the early 60's UFO sightoings.

posted on Mar, 23 2006 @ 07:21 AM
You know this is one of those topic that keeps coming back. Sorry to catch you by surprise, but we already have 22 ATS threads on this topic. "Search" is one of those great features of ATS! Give it a Try sometime, it's amazing what you can find. 0%3BGL:1%3BBGC:b5b5b5%3BT:%23303030%3BLC:%23cc0000%3BVLC:%23660000%3BALC:%23ff0000%3BGALT:%23330000%3BGFNT:%23606060%3BGIMP:%23000000%3BDIV:%23cc0000%" target="_blank" class="postlink">Here are the search resualts for LRV.


posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 04:51 PM

Now this is an interesting read though excitable. A US saucer shaped craft to be used for long term space based weaponry. Read the wole article, and you will see that there may just bemore to this than meets the eye.

I did read it all. Quite fascinating.

You know this is one of those topic that keeps coming back. Sorry to catch you by surprise, but we already have 22 ATS threads on this topic. "Search" is one of those great features of ATS! Give it a Try sometime, it's amazing what you can find.

No need to get snotty. It's curious that you felt the need to take the time to find those 22 threads and to share your find with me. Give being friendly a try's amazing what you can find!

posted on Mar, 28 2006 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by Excitable_Boy

No need to get snotty. It's curious that you felt the need to take the time to find those 22 threads and to share your find with me. Give being friendly a try's amazing what you can find!

Sorry! I didn't mean to offend you!

We've been trying to save on band width by avoiding topic duplication. I meant to be helpful, not snotty! If I offended you, I'm truely sorry!



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