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A Cure for all Disease

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posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by Sophismata

WOW! I'm really surprised you haven't won the nobel prize. When my grandmother was dying of lung cancer, I suppose she should've had some "energy-imprinted water" instead of the chemo. I mean, she still would've died either way. Difference is, the homeopaths wouldn't have fessed up to the failure and wouldn't have gone looking for better solutions through SCIENCE the way established medicine does.

In reply to the above post: Yes I have cured many cases in 6 years. I have been working mainly with younger people/ middle aged adults and children. I do not claim to cure everything - it is just an observation so father. With regards to your grandmother - homeopathy will trigger the vital force. When someone is elderly or has advanced pathology the vital force many not be strong. You can not resist death. Possibly homeopathy may have assisted your grandmother to ease her passage. Strong chemo in some-one with very advanced lung cancer can be harsh for the body to cope with- it can cause many side effects and much discomfort.

Death is like birth - it is a rite of passage. There are many emotional issues that come up. I have colleagues who work mainly with cancer patients and death. Their aim is to help with the fears/ pain, etc that occurs. Morphine is routinely given to dying patients - so many do not get to experience their own death. I suppose in western culture death is very misunderstood and feared.

There is only one sure thing about living - death comes to us all. Many illnesses are incurable, adn at times there is much to be learned from the human condition of suffering.

Where did you get the idea that homeopaths have turned to science to loook for better answers??

Edited to fix quote tags.

[edit on 21-3-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:22 AM
sardion - I will try and locate some journals for you.

In the meantime - let's talk about aspirin.

Aspirin is widely prescribed by conventional doctors. THE MODE OF ACTION OF ASPIRIN HAS NEVER BEEN DISCOVERED. Yes - it reduces pain and inflammation - but no-one knows how it works. So why is it prescribed?? Doctor's have clinical experience using it .

Ritalin is prescribed often - science does not know how it works either. Does thsi stop the medical profession prescribing it???

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 08:33 AM
sardion in reply to your query "
Can you point me to any studies published by a reputable journal that supports this hypothesis? It sounds rather... Wishy Washy to me. "

Check out the huge list of journals on the page above which support the hypothesis that water has a memory. The research was stared by a french immunologist. The work is under the name of digital bioogy, and what he stumbeled upon is a possible explanation for how homeopathy works. His research was verified by Queen's Uni in Belfast.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 09:35 AM

Read up about Rife, there are also google links you can look up too. The man had it worked out.. curing irrevocable diseases and medical situations.. until the big pharmaceutical suits got on his case.
Sad really..

We are a pill culture.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 10:19 AM
Ok guys i dont know weather you have seen this in the bbc news or not but here go's

aparently scientists working on a new form of antibiotics that go in the blood stream had a working roduct in animals they just started tests on humans with somthing like one five hundredths of the oridgional amount and all the people are now in hospitol it seems even at that dosage it worked way too well seeing almost everything as a threat.

I can only imaging how remarkable it will be if they have a working product.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 11:24 AM
Steve R thanks for sharing that info about Rife. Amazing story. It makes such sense.

"No two species of molecule have the same electromagnetic oscillations or energetic signature."

The above line from the article explains so much better what I have been trying to say in my last posts!! What the pharma/scientific comunity did to Rife, is exactly what they did to homeopathy. The priciples of homeopathy are similar to what Rife is talking about. We vibrate as a electromagnetic frequency. The remedies vibrate a their own unique frequency. Disease is like being caught up in a different frequency. To remove the illness, you use a remedy (with it's energetic imprint) to help the body achieve resonance again.

This also explains how healers work - raising vibration/frequency.
Shamanic healers reccommend you drink alot of water after healing - just like Rife does after his machine.

Brilliant stuff - I will be researching this guy more!!!

Incidently - the global elite use homeopathy themselves (Royal Family in UK only use homeopathic physicians). There probably exists Rife's machine's - reserved for the elite only.

another issue about frequency. The elite do not want the sheeple to achieve optimum frequency. By keeping us trapped (google frequency fence), it is easier to exert control over us.

New military weapons use freq. Check out ELF, etc.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by psyfly7
The remedies vibrate a their own unique frequency. Disease is like being caught up in a different frequency. To remove the illness, you use a remedy (with it's energetic imprint) to help the body achieve resonance again.

Right. And the four humours need to be balanced as well. Mania is caused by bile boiling in the brain (nevermind neuroscience - that's just a big-business conspiracy funded by big-pharma corps). Epilepsy is caused by a phlegmatic issue and the airways, not by wildly firing neurons (again, big-medicine trying to sell you epilepsy drugs).

Let's all forget everything we've learned from decades of hard experimentation and replication. Let's instead believe that everything TRUE is being held down by conspiracy. That will be fun.

posted on Mar, 19 2006 @ 02:06 PM
I don't know what you mean by humours. It does not make sense to me. there is not a constructive argument! Why don't you try and explain your point again??? I am interested in hearing - exactly what is it you are trying to say???

I am not saying that science doesnt have it's place. Incidently - when homeopathy was thriving - medicine was still bloodletting patients!!

Before becoming a homeopathy I was histopathologist. I am familiar with patholgy and the nature of disease. I have had the benefit of being trained in both a conventionlal and a homeopathic medical school. In pathology - there is so much 'unknown'. Science does not have all the answers.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 02:08 AM
No problem, it is a fascinating case, and a sad chapter in our history.

Interesting what you say about homeopathy, I never knew it used a similar vibrational concept.

May I ask how you know that the royal family only use homeopathic physicians?

That would be pretty damning if true.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 05:04 AM

check out the above sites for royal family/ homeopathy. Actually is the European royals also!!

About 10 yrs ago there was alot of media fuss as princess Anne gave some-one a remedy, who was bit by her dog.
Most of the homeopathic pharmacies and hospitals have royal patronage. Primce charles is a particularly outspoken fan of homeopathy.

If you google ot htere is so much info. They have never denied it.

Prince charles has a homeopathic vet - he uses for services on his farm

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 05:51 PM
Here are the two big methods for fighting little critters

1. Teach your body new anti-viral kung-fu moves in a safe environment. This has been going on for over a century in the form of vaccines. Give your body some weakened or dead virus cells, and it will figure out how to make antibodies, which it will either never forget, or will remain active for 10 years or so.

2. Interrupt metabolic pathways that are exclusive to the targeted cell. This is what man-made medicines do. For instance, some antibiotics interrupt the method in which bacteria build cell walls or metabolize sugar.

That guy on late night informercials will tell you that no bacteria or virus can live in hydrogen peroxide (HOOH) . This is true, but in order to maintain an antibacterial/antiviral state in your body with HOOH, you would have to dilute your blood with about 25% peroxide, enough to kill the bacteria and your liver/heart/brain/kidneys, etc.

Watch out for crackpots like him. I can't remember his name, but he has served 4 years in federal prison and has been forced to pay millions of dollars in restitution to people he has frauded with this false medical claims and other hoaxes. He is the "Natural Cures THEY Don't Want You To Know" guy. Very evil man. The worst complaint I heard is a man stopped taking his anti-seizure medicine and started doing the natural cures. Well, he had a terrible seizure shortly and had several complications because of it.

Be anxious to find new methods of treatments, but don't be so open-minded that you will accept anything someone tells you.

posted on Mar, 20 2006 @ 05:57 PM

Originally posted by psyfly7
Aspirin is widely prescribed by conventional doctors. THE MODE OF ACTION OF ASPIRIN HAS NEVER BEEN DISCOVERED. Yes - it reduces pain and inflammation - but no-one knows how it works. So why is it prescribed?? Doctor's have clinical experience using it .

Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) inhibits the cyclooxygenase activity of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase. It does this be transferring an acetyl group to a serine hydroxyl group of the enzyme. Acetylating the serine residue inhibits the enzyme. Aspirin, therefore, inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins and in this way decreases the inflammation produced by these compounds.

Bruce, Paula Yurkanis. "Organic Chemistry 3rd ed." Prentice Hall. pp 1044-5.

That seems pretty well documented to me. On the same page, they even have a step-by-step chemical diagram of how the aspirin molecule interacts with the protein.

Edited to fix quote tags.

[edit on 21-3-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 04:52 AM
Ok Ralph - i concede. just checked it out and found this:

"While aspirin has been used for several centuries to relieve fever and pain, its mechanism of action was elucidated a few years ago by Garavito et al.

(PROSTAGLANDIN H2 SYNTHASE-1 COMPLEX WITH FLURBIPROFEN, (1994) NATURE V. 367 p243), who showed how the cyclooxygensase (COX-1) enzyme is acetylated by aspirin, which thereby blocks access and egress to/from the active site, inhibiting the production of prostaglandin H2. "

the point I am trying to make is aspirin works and had ben used fro centuries, uet the mode of action was only discovered recently. It did not stop public confidence form using it.

In the same breath, if something works it works. Homeopathy can not be lumped into the crackpot category as it has consistently proved it's efficacy for CENTURIES. Time tested on HUMANS. Personally I would prefer to use a system of medicine that was time-tested, no side effects or toxic overload and proven to work without causing iatrogenic effects or complications when mixed wiht other drugs.

However that does not mean that I slander modrn medicine and all pharmacutical drugs as I am aware lots of medicines or surgical interventions have their place.

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by psyfly7

Wow, thankyou psyfly.. evidence on their own site

Fascinating to know that they favor homeopathic medicines over pharmaceutical drugs. Quite a tribute to the effectiveness of them, and a pointer that "they" in the know, don't trust the drug industry. Neither should we. There are far better ways to heal yourself.

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 06:36 PM
The main thing to watch out for with any electrical device like the Rife machine or Beck/Clark types is the Herkheimer Reaction(not sure if I spelled it right).
That's when there is such a large die-off of critters in your body that it makes you sick. The liver/kidneys can only handle so much junk at one time.

Just take it easy and do little treatments at a time and that won't happen.

posted on Mar, 21 2006 @ 07:30 PM
This is off thread, SORRY! But Beer guy your signature is a hoot. What a tonic!! LOL! LOL again!
I might adopt that as my policy form here on in!

Right enough - who wants to live forever and find the cure of all disease. Without death staring us in the face it would be a kinda strange trip.

The only sure thing in life is death. If we had the cure of all diease, we would be left with.....


posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by psyfly7
This is off thread, SORRY! But Beer guy your signature is a hoot. What a tonic!! LOL! LOL again!
I might adopt that as my policy form here on in!

Right enough - who wants to live forever and find the cure of all disease. Without death staring us in the face it would be a kinda strange trip.

The only sure thing in life is death. If we had the cure of all diease, we would be left with.....


I'll tell ya what a "HOOT" is. The fact that people don't want the life they already have and need to die so those who do want to live as long as is possible can breath free.

Curing all disease won't make this possible but were they to conquer these problems itt would be possible and I would be dancing on your graves 5,000 years from now

posted on Mar, 22 2006 @ 04:01 PM

Originally posted by bodebliss

I'll tell ya what a "HOOT" is. The fact that people don't want the life they already have and need to die so those who do want to live as long as is possible can breath free.)


Who said that I did not want the life I already have? How come you feel you can decide who NEEDS to die???

Life is just a soul's journey, faced wiht lessons to conquer along the way. How do you know you are not gonna come back again. Chances are as it seems you still have a few lessons to learn.

All life is sacred. Just because a group of individuals desire to extend their lives does not make the value of their life higher than anyone elses.

checked out the website you quoted. sorry matey - i would'nt put abet on that you will be dancing on my grave in 5,000 years. You'd be lucky if this planet makes it through the next century!!!

Good luck to ya.

posted on Mar, 24 2006 @ 06:23 PM
psyfly7, laughter is the best medicine.....
I have quite a few funny ones, I switch them out now and then.

bodebliss, did you mean that as typed? Or could you possibly have worded it wrong?
Just curious.....

posted on Mar, 25 2006 @ 01:19 PM
Well I usually say what I mean and mean what I say. Though It seems people don't always have the ability to understand what I say.

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