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Have you noticed an increase in anger and hatred to others?

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posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 08:20 AM
In the last 6-8 years, I have noticed a large increase in anger, hatred and other negative feelings towards others in the northeast US.

There is only one couple I know that are still together - everyone else is divorcing. Families being torn apart. Friends are no longer many, people are not nice. More folks want to fight or argue.

At the firehouse, where I volunteer, I can think of no one that says good things about their spouse. At my normal job, the women talk negatively about their husbands. My wife is angry most of the time about trivial things. The roads are filled with irritable drivers, to put it lightly.

What is going on???

I chose this forum, because I wonder if it is something in our water, or food, or maybe the air. Of course, there is the possibility that this should be in the paranormal category as it may even be a spritual force. I don't know, but there is a major decrease in love for one another - thats for sure.

I found out last night that yet another couple of friends are splitting up. My wife and I are thinking about it too (although I am fighting it). Others I've known are becomming withdrawn. Others are trying to create more enemies and less freindships.

WHY IS EVERYONE SO %^$#^@#!%#& ANGRY ALL THE TIME LATELY!?!?!?!?! (pun intended) Is it me or are others seeing this as well?

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:00 AM
Yes, I've noticed a marked increase in civil incivility myself.

It could be stress from social or population pressures in an ever increasingly dense-packed world. It could be a declining regard for for anyone but our own individual selves Or it could be...

Personally, I think it has a lot to do with people not getting enough sleep.

Chronic sleep deprivation is driving our society slowly insane.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:15 AM
I think it's an individual manifestation of the state of the world. We're concerned, stressed, worried about our future. Things are changing and it's easy to see it.

There is an overall battle of love against fear and right now, and fear seems to be in the lead. That's why it's more important than ever to stay in touch with love and do whatever we can to choose it instead of fear.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:34 AM
I live in the NE, and i find it difficult to deal with my husband.
Time to pour out my guts. He's not rational, he only cares about himself and himself and himself.
I keep the house clean, cook for him, do the laundy as any well trained hispanic would do. If i ask for something for myself,
i have to fend for myself.
Of course, this could all be due to the fact that i have always been a good money earner, and now i am unemployed. Too bad.

Dave, this is for you:

Let me know when you grow up.


posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I live in the NE, and i find it difficult to deal with my husband.
Time to pour out my guts. He's not rational, he only cares about himself and himself and himself.

...and this is becoming more and more common. I am going through some similar things with my wife. However, besides my own marriage, I am noticing only ONE couple in my own circle of friends and acquaintances that talk good about thier spouse.

Whether it be a legitimate or illegitimate complaint, there is so much anger, selfishness, hatred, animosity and nit-picking.

Is it not enough sleep? Food and/or water? Spiritual? Television? Oprah? Days of our Lives? Cell phones? The air?

What the hell is going on?

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:56 AM
Polarization of society leads to many forms of extremism and hate being part and parcel of it.
Polarization instigated by the ruling elite does not unite a country, it tears it apart.

Crap rolls down hill too...

"Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists." - GW Bush

Searching for Polarization in America’s Culture Wars

Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism

[edit on 8-3-2006 by Regenmacher]

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
I live in the NE, and i find it difficult to deal with my husband.
Time to pour out my guts. He's not rational, he only cares about himself and himself and himself.
I keep the house clean, cook for him, do the laundy as any well trained hispanic would do. If i ask for something for myself,
i have to fend for myself.
Of course, this could all be due to the fact that i have always been a good money earner, and now i am unemployed. Too bad.

Dave, this is for you:

Let me know when you grow up.

Dang where have you been all my life lol,I think the world is getting too crowded,used to be here in So Calif you could drive for miles before seeing homes and or buildings,now thats all you see,you estimate by time not by miles here,everyone has like 3 cars just think the fish tank is getting full

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 12:31 PM
It's happening here in England too. I've noticed a huge increase or anger and resentment just in myself, I put it down to bad experiences over the years - but who knows. I'm kind of glad someone has brought it up, it's interesting that it seems to be in other countries as well as I thought maybe it was because people were pissed with the way things are going here. If it's in the USA and other places too then it's more than that.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 04:56 PM
Have noticed there is much more road rage, and living in the friendly South, we are used to smiling at strangers and saying 'how you doing'
When I have done that in the last few years, all I get is a frown.
Even on this board, seems there is a defensive tude I have not noticed before, lately.
Perhaps we are all jus suffering delayed response from 9/11?

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 06:24 PM
Well I've not only noticed, here in Australia also, but have been keeping watch for the warning in 2 Timothy, 3.

Over 20 years ago when I'd point out to people that those "citical times" were building, folk would simply fob off the warning signs with the fact that the world has always had proud, selfish, money loving, etc. people but ignor the other fact that the list of things to watch for is long, detailed and all to happen at one time.

Yes, 50 years ago there were abusive parents but children still loved and defended them, but now even good and loving parents are treated like dirt by their children.

Yes, today charities are a boom industry, but that's just it, the 'cause' is just an excuse for the 'industry' that makes rich and powerful people more rich and powerful while the number of those in need of basic life requirements has 'out boomed' the industry.

"Having no natural effection" also jumps out at me when I think of the huge rise in autism and all those folk who have substituted pets for children because they admit they hate kids.

Abuse and even rapes, of elderly people "in care", has been big news here lately but the one thing you aren't hearing about is people saying, "Bugger that. I'm going to give up my yatch and twice yearly overseas holidays, etc. to stay home to care for those who gave up their lives to raise me." No they would rather send their children out to "do charity" to add to their C.V.s, than roster them in to help care for their own Grandma.

Anyway, read 2 Timothy,3, and try to find another time in history when all these failings of human charactor were the norm globaly, across all 'classes' and at the same time, while keeping in mind all the science, studies, education, technology etc. of today, that was supposed to do away with so many of humanities problems, yet has done the opposite.

Because of the hardness of these times many will decide to deny or blame and hate God instead of realizing that all He said is true, and it is "critical" that we thank Him for the offer to be resurrected into His perfect Kingdom after Satan's long rule of hate and death.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 06:28 PM
I think the theory of relative deprivation explains the reasons this is occuring, especially with society so celebrity focused.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 06:34 PM
Honestly I have'nt noticed alot of anger being around in the last few years, where I live (Washington state), people seem to be getting more civil and accepting of one another, though I have noticed a steep decline in the seriousness and intelligence level of people under 25 in the last three years, but thats a subject for another thread and another time.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 06:41 PM
I can't say I've noticed an increase but anger and hatred to others is defiantly a huge problem and there are people out there using this to further their own agenda of destruction.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:40 PM
The entire country is not like this. It must be a red state/blue state thing.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:42 PM
You are so right on! I was thinking this very thing, Yesterday & Today! And was even thinking putting in on a thread, and bingo you did it for me. lol Anyhow gee, its awful out there & in here on ATS also! I mean what has gotten into people. Don't they take time to know what another person feels anymore!
Cursing at others, for no cause, etc. & even when you try to calmly explain yourself to others! I say its one cause and one cause only, They can't love others, because they don't love themselves & haven't learn't how to love themselves! When they do learn, it may be to late! I feel sorry for them, I really do!

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 09:54 PM
Could it be those that are near higher populated area's?

I live near a few cities, including New York.

posted on Mar, 8 2006 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by godservant
Could it be those that are near higher populated area's?

I live near a few cities, including New York.

Quite possibly.

Urban areas tend to vote on the liberal side of the spectrum versus rural on the conservative. Urban areas have have incidence of emotional problems and higher crime rates -- not merely higher numbers due to population, but higher percentages. Rural residents tend to be happier with lower divorce rates and lower rates of domestic violence.

Several books have been written on this topic, comparing the antisocial behaviors that animals develop in overcrowded zoos with human behaviors in large cities.

What I have noticed locally is during heavy snow storms and the roads get difficult everyone automatically becomes better drivers, more courteous, more patient, and less in a hurry.

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 07:21 AM
IMHO it stems from selfishness. So many people seem to be so into themselves that they can't see (or don't care) how thier actions affect others. People are just downright rude. Compromise and civility are quickly becoming relics of the past. It's not just the young peole either. I see it in all walks of life. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a world full of sociopaths.

posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 08:45 AM
Well, i lived in Arizona and was dumbfounded by how curteous people can be at stores. If you walk down the street (and they dont want your wallett), they nod and say hello.

Here in Cape Cod, for as long as i can remember they treat you like gargabe, i dont care if you are armed with tons of credit cards and if you are bying out the store. Its incredible! THIS and Nantucket are by far the worse places for any customer service at all.

By the way, I love Nantucket, but it is said that people go crazy stuck in a tiny island in the long winters and this is their excuse. Its like a Grumpy Colony where every one has a mad on.

I've always been easy going but you do have to toughen up when you leavve your house. Its sad.

As far as family, well, there are good days and bad days and days when you would rather stay home rather than go out. Why risk being abused??


posted on Mar, 10 2006 @ 09:15 AM
People fear change and our latent psychic abilities are awakening to reveal drastic, earthshaking, cataclysmic change.

Things that seemed important will be trivial compared to the "Change"

The comfort zone and ritual that makes up most folks lives will be disrupted, then destroyed.

The past will have no relevance during and after the "Change"

I don't know what the future brings but something is coming. I feel it, my friends feel it. We dream about it.

"Something Wicked this Way Comes"

Or Maybe it's just to much COFFEE!!!!

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