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Inside Area 51

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posted on Oct, 5 2003 @ 09:30 PM
Just curious...anyone have ideas as to what really might be found if anyone were really to gain entry into the complete facility?

posted on Oct, 5 2003 @ 11:36 PM
I think area 51 is where they test new technology.
Like high tech air planes.

posted on Oct, 6 2003 @ 12:10 AM
What you WONT find is any UFOs or Aliens.

What you WILL find is a highly developed and concealed R&D and manufacturing facility, for X Craft, using Magnet-Hydrodyanimic propulsion systems. These MHD systems give the X Craft all the flight characteristics noted of UFOs.

This technology goes as far back as 1889 in the mind of Nikola Tesla and to 1923 with the advent of the Brown/Biefield effect (the basis for electrogravitic propulsion) by Thomas Townsend Brown.

The lineage of the X Craft can be traced directly to Project Winterhaven in 1952, and was the FIRST USAF program desinged specifically to develope an electrogravitic aircraft.

Please check this thread.

posted on Oct, 6 2003 @ 01:55 AM
Even according to the standard Area 51 legend, the site itself is not host to Alien craft. Instead, they are said to be houed a few miles away at a second installation within the same test range.

As to whether or not Alien craft can be found in that range, somewhere... as this is my debate topic (sort of), I'm not at liberty to say anything in a current thread which could add to my argument (by ATS tradition). However, my guess is that the Groom lake facility, itself, hosts aircraft that could be considered descendants of the SR-71.

posted on Oct, 6 2003 @ 10:20 AM
On the surface the base probably looks very much like any other large military airbase execpt the security is much tighter then normal. It might be similar to Edwards AFB (which also does a lot of test flights for the defense department).Now underground would probably be a vast maze of laboratories and testing facilities for all kinds of stuff. The base is probably home to some very strange looking aircraft. Also I think you might find hangers in the mountians that surround Groom Lake, with doors that open onto the lake bed. As for the Debate about disk-shaped crafts, If the Government has any, I believe that they would be in an underground hanger somewhere out at Groom Lake, but where, I don't Know. That's my theory!


posted on Oct, 6 2003 @ 10:25 AM
Agreed with others. The major facilities have been moved out, but you'd find simply an advanced R&D facility with stuff that they don't want foreign governments getting their hands on.

posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
Even according to the standard Area 51 legend, the site itself is not host to Alien craft. Instead, they are said to be houed a few miles away at a second installation within the same test range.

As to whether or not Alien craft can be found in that range, somewhere... as this is my debate topic (sort of), I'm not at liberty to say anything in a current thread which could add to my argument (by ATS tradition). However, my guess is that the Groom lake facility, itself, hosts aircraft that could be considered descendants of the SR-71.

~I believe that second base is known as S-4 where Bob Lazarr claimed to of worked on reverse engineered disk-shaped craft. This base is said to be on the hillside of the papoose mountain range and next to the papoose dry lake bed. The hangers are said to have various paints and sands/rock applied to the sloped hanger doors for camoflauge. These hangers are said to house the 4-9 different craft that were being tested on the dry lake bed each resembling alien technology in origin.


posted on Oct, 26 2003 @ 06:27 PM
That takes most the fun out of it right there.

I would want access to Area 51 only for bragging rights. But what I'd really like to see is S-4 and DULCE. Those are the top choices of alien junk I think!

posted on Oct, 31 2003 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by Jeffrey

Originally posted by onlyinmydreams
Even according to the standard Area 51 legend, the site itself is not host to Alien craft. Instead, they are said to be houed a few miles away at a second installation within the same test range.

As to whether or not Alien craft can be found in that range, somewhere... as this is my debate topic (sort of), I'm not at liberty to say anything in a current thread which could add to my argument (by ATS tradition). However, my guess is that the Groom lake facility, itself, hosts aircraft that could be considered descendants of the SR-71.

~I believe that second base is known as S-4 where Bob Lazarr claimed to of worked on reverse engineered disk-shaped craft. This base is said to be on the hillside of the papoose mountain range and next to the papoose dry lake bed. The hangers are said to have various paints and sands/rock applied to the sloped hanger doors for camoflauge. These hangers are said to house the 4-9 different craft that were being tested on the dry lake bed each resembling alien technology in origin.


In my oppinion the S-4 stories are extreemly questionable! You need to remember S-4 came out becasue of Bob Lazar. As has been discussed in many Previous theads, Bob Lazar is a very Questionable source. Remember no one has ever varified Lazar's background clames and is a Fact and a matter of public record that he has a felony conviction for pandering.

Second, Area 51 is known to be home to Top Secret military aircraft. Even the military admit that we have researched flying disk aircraft designs. If you don't believe me go to Yahoo! and type in eathier XF-5U1 Flying Flapjack or Military Flying Saucers and you will find records of Flying disk aircraft dateing back to WW2. So the idea of flying saucers at Area 51 may be closer to the truth than it seems.


posted on Nov, 9 2003 @ 12:10 PM
I believe S4 and the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base are the UFO hotspots in the U.S. I also believe that Area 51 is a decoy, so that attention is drawn away from the real bases, why else would S4 be so close to Area 51?

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 01:14 PM
what about all the testing that goes on In the Mohave desert....
Edwards AFB? Many large planes are seen at night with
black paint jobs and white dots (simulate stars I guess)
aurora seen there

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 02:05 PM
the area 51 facility wouldnt have alien space craft on site because of the site's reputation all around and inside the world. secondly DULSE would have aliens and possibly craft that would be interesting to look at,esepially the experiments on humans and animals

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 02:23 PM

what about all the testing that goes on In the Mohave desert....
Edwards AFB? Many large planes are seen at night with
black paint jobs and white dots (simulate stars I guess)
aurora seen there

The white dots are sensors, for the test planes to collect flight data....

As for under Area 51, you're likely to find...

1. underground R&D labs and hangars...with lifts to surface hanger bays.
2. underground tunnels connecting to Los Alamos, White Sands, and other areas of the complex, such as S-4.
3. In S-4, is where you'll find the "live on base" personell, and R&D labs, and concealed hangars, housing recovered alien tech (biologics are at other locations...not near here)
4. security and defense system
5. bunker-like areas
6. toxic storage facilities

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 05:12 PM
I think that the person would find weapons that mimick the star wars movies, with all the lazers and super-sonic aircraft.

There would also be found Alien life forms, deep in the levels of the Area 51 facility, as well as detailed documents relating to Alien technology being researched by the Military.

There is probably an underground tunnel to other parts of the United States, leading one to many bases of secret, an underground civilization.

posted on Dec, 5 2003 @ 11:22 PM
bah dont u people understand the likleyhood that they keep aliens and ufos at Area 51 is like .1% if they keep any alien bodies etc. it would be a DULCE or Area 19

posted on Dec, 13 2003 @ 10:42 PM
I don't know but wouldnt everything be hidden from sight even if you did somehow make it into the building?

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 12:55 AM
If you went to the Groom Lake base then you would probably find a bunch of supersonic air craft and mechanics and scientists working on them. As far as anything like the flying triangle, I doubt it.

The idea of aliens being there is null. If the govt. recovered bodies of the ETs from Roswell they would be done with them by now, its been over 30 years. Even so there hasnt been any proof bout it except the disection footage which was released on tv with Jonathon Frakes as a host.

ive heard of DULCE which sounds to me like a really stupid idea. But whats so special bout Area 19?

posted on Dec, 14 2003 @ 03:05 AM
I agree that Area 51 is mainly a military aircraft R&D facility.

I honestly don't think that there are any aliens housed at Area 51.

posted on Dec, 23 2003 @ 08:58 PM
What is DULCE? I've never heard of it xcept in the forums. I doubt there are any aliens in there. Heres an idea: Invoke freedom of information act, and take an unfiltered air sample from the so-called 'lower levels'. Run it through a gene sequencer, and if anything apart from adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine shows up, you've got aliens! Hang on. I seem to have left my handy-dandy pocket gene sequencer at home. Damn. Now I have to go allllll the way back to Europa. I mean....oh damn........*presses button on watch* Terminate mission! VZZWOIP *disappears*

posted on Dec, 24 2003 @ 05:04 PM
The only way to get into Air Force Flight Test Center, Detachment 3's Top Secret department is if you devote your entire life to it.

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