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Sexual Attraction Due to Past Lives

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posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 12:29 PM
Is that possible? That love from a prior life could cause sexual attraction today, despite great age differences or race.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 12:53 PM
I have always had the suspician. I believe that homosexuality could be directly cooralated to a past gender life, (strong presence) carry overed to a weaken mind frame. If there was a strong-minded girl who loved her men, she dies, comes back as weak-minded man, that man may feel the hint of attraction from the inner desire. If you aren't strong enough to kill the desire, how weak or strong it may be, you can be subject to its callings. Just a theory, AAC

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 12:55 PM

Originally posted by Lianna
Is that possible? That love from a prior life could cause sexual attraction today, despite great age differences or race.

Some spirit teachings suggest the existence of spiritual 'families'. Families not in the conventional sense, more like groups of spirits who are somehow linked to each other and come into contact over many different existences. You father in one life could be your best friend in another etc...
Love and sexual attraction are only really linked in this material plane, but it is my personal belief that the love you have felt for someone in one life will carry on in some way, shape or form in another life. As far as the sexual attraction side of things goes, I don't believe this would be 'carried over' from one material existence to another. Your material 'urges' develop depending on your environment and experiences in that particular life. In essence, you may feel something for a person that you have known before, but the material feelings won't necessarily be the same.

Have you ever met a complete stranger but found yourself so comfortable in their presence that is was as if you'd been around them all your life?

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 01:00 PM
You know ...thats is a great quetsion, that actually helps me with my own doubts .... It is probably very possible, and it surelly explains my own obssession/atraction. That could actually explain alot ....

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
If there was a strong-minded girl who loved her men, she dies, comes back as weak-minded man, that man may feel the hint of attraction from the inner desire. If you aren't strong enough to kill the desire, how weak or strong it may be, you can be subject to its callings.

That does make sense. I'm sure is probably a bit more complicated than that, but thanks for helping me to think in a slightly different way

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 02:15 PM
Well, i agree with Asnivor in saying homosexuality is a bit more complex subject, but i've heard of homosexual people who really felt from the very beginning like their body was of the wrong gender.

This leads me to agree, under certain aspects, with AbsoluteCreation: i think some people could carry subconscious memories of a past life in which they were of the opposite sex they are now, and this could make them feel uncomfortable with the body they now have, thus "explaining" why some chose to surgically (sp?) change their own sex.

Anyway, getting back in topic... i think connections and bonds from past lives can be felt also in our present one: as said Asnivor, ever felt a complete stranger as a lifetime friend? Or like there's a bond with a certain person (not necessarily a stranger, but still a person you have met some days -or max a couple of months- before), such a strong bond that must necessarily be "older" that the two of you?

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 02:38 PM
Could the hormones in the birth-control pill "help" or in some way cause homosexuality ? I know some ppl are simply born gay...they can't change or avoy it..others choose to be gay... to those who are born gay, maybe the excess of hormones in the birth control pill helps the cause?

Of course, what i mean is... if a woman becomes pregnant right after she stopped taking the pill, could the escess of hormones in her blood partially cause homosexuality or even "flip" the sex of the baby, causing a girl later on in her life to feel attracted to other girls or vice-versa.

Always wondered about that ?

[edit on 19-2-2006 by BaastetNoir]

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 02:42 PM

Of course, what i mean is... if a woman becomes pregnant right after she stopped taking the pill, could the escess of hormones in her blood partially cause homosexuality or even "flip" the sex of the baby, causing a girl later on in her life to feel attracted to other girls or vice-versa.

Always wondered about that ?

[edit on 19-2-2006 by BaastetNoir]

I certanly think that any chemical introduced to our systems will have an effect on us, but to carry that through to another offspring, I don't know. I'm sure it could be argued both ways. AAC

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 03:54 PM
Our family has had this issue raised. After my fathers death, my mother became involved with a married man (yep, BAD move) anyway, they were involved in a love affair for over 18 years. They are/were very moral people, supposedly, but they could not stop the relationship no matter how many times they tried.

When a past life reading was done with my mother, it turned out that the man she was involved with was connected heavily through a past life and that was why they could not stop being together, even though they both knew how wrong it was, the bond could not be broken. It was destiny, of some kind. Believe it or not....I dunno, but it was interesting, and explained an awful lot.

Until he died about 3 years ago that is...

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 06:40 PM
Yep I agree. Of course you can be attracted to past lives.
It would not surprize me one bit.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 06:47 PM
Wow...what an interesting thought.

Although I am not sure about the nature of past lives, or even if they are an actual thing, I do think people leave imprints on existence both during their life and after their death. I think these imprints translate onto people constantly throughout their lives. Some imprints are stronger than others, and can have a permanent residence in people's spirits.

So I guess it's safe to say I believe it's very possible and also a relatively solid explanation of pre-present attraction to others.

But I don't know, I could be totally off.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 07:43 PM
Hello Lianna

Great Thread! I always wondered if its true what they say that their is Birth Control in the Water! If it is true, that alone I can imagine the Harmful effects to both Men and Children! So I Bless My Water even though I drink Bottled Water, latley they say that too, is not much better!
Tis the reason why I Bless it lol !

Also One has to wonder, if we choose our mates, soul mates especially -
because we were with them in Heaven before we came here! I know their is no marriage in heaven the Word says, but still we were among many souls before we came! Maybe one there, we were particularly close too!
One day we will know for sure! Angel

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 09:44 PM
Very intereting thread. And, sanse_nz, what an interesting story. Surely that proves the theory of this thread

As far as estrogen in our water or it's physical effect on the unborn, that is another thread for another forum.

posted on Feb, 19 2006 @ 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Lianna
Is that possible? That love from a prior life could cause sexual attraction today, despite great age differences or race.

I have wondered that same thing myself and it is an interesting question and here is something else to consider. People have or develop affection for someone they meet, the point is if you never meet that person you will never develop any sort of feelings for them. You could love thousands of people but you will never meet them and never have that chance.

posted on Feb, 20 2006 @ 02:50 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
Very intereting thread. And, sanse_nz, what an interesting story. Surely that proves the theory of this thread

As far as estrogen in our water or it's physical effect on the unborn, that is another thread for another forum.

Interesting, yeah, from a spiritual sure made their relationship make some kind of sense. They tried to end it SOOOO many times, but just couldn't do it until about 2003 (started in 1984). My mum moved to another city (she was getting older and worried about growing old alone) and then.......

He died less than 3 months later. He rang her the day before he died begging her to move back, she couldn't do it, and bam....the love story was over the very next doubt to be renewed in another life time.

It might sound very fairy taleish....but it was actually pretty sucky, with him being married. Just goes to prove though, that you can't pick who you fall in love with, I'd definately agree that past life history is probably the reason why.

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by Lianna
Is that possible? That love from a prior life could cause sexual attraction today, despite great age differences or race.

I believe this totally.

About three years ago, I saw a man to whom I felt strongly attracted. (My screen name is Son of Walter, but I'm a girl, by the way.) When we finally spoke, I told him a lot of things about himself, and he was amazed that I could do so. I am not a psychic, never have had psychic experiences, but I just knew this man.

I used astrology to try to find a basis for why I felt the way I did. I fell in love with him at first sight; I felt confused and pathetic and out of control. But when I compared our charts (my Mars conjuncts his Venus exactly and they in turn exactly conjunct his South Node--the point in an astrology chart that can tell you about past lives) I felt like I finally had an explanation.

Or something. My science-inclined friends swear it's hormones or pheromones.

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 08:15 AM
I asked the question because twice I have myself oddly drawn to people but in both instances, neither were near my age nor my normal "type". And I just knew them somehow. Like I had always known them. Thanks for th egreat thoughts!

posted on Feb, 21 2006 @ 11:41 AM
but one I feel I really want to make. Firstly there can be no moral high ground from me on this issue. A couple of years ago I was fortunate enough to meet a very special individual. We met online with a group of like minded people - this was business oriented. When we eventually met in person it was like a light bulb had been turned on - we shared so much common ground it was scary. We became incredibly close and pursued a relationship for quite some time.

All the time we spoke about how strange it was that we could be so very close, so quickly and know each other so well given the time we were together. I and she agreed that there really there was only one way this might have occured - and she is quite a psychic person.

The downside - we both had our respective partners - and this was wrong - and an age gap that at times was difficult to reconcile.

But morality issues apart - we truly both felt/feel? that this may not have been the right time - but at some point or in some universe this was both our true destiny.

Not sure if this adds anything - but its one persons experience of how this can work and feel.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 01:38 AM
I guess is someway its happened to me.You get attracted to a woman who without your knowelege looks very much like someone you loved many centuries before.Agneatha from abba was one such person.Attracted to her for many years until i remembered the long haired blonde girl i loved in germany in the 16th century.That blonde hair use to haunt me for years.Some times places do it for me too.Sometimes i am attracted to areas on google earth in hungary ,poland and syria.Sometimes i feel like some one is trying to contact me from the past.I know thats sounds a little strange but thats how i feel.

posted on Sep, 20 2009 @ 02:26 AM
I believe on this theory from tip to end. My first relationship, that guy and those eyes that seemed to have been looking at me since forever. God.
But we were to young, we ruined everything and the only way we finished that almost pathological relationship was with he running away to Mexico and getting married with another girl.

in other point, as Gorganthium said, I have had that feeling of "look, he's gonna be my bf, or almost he looks like if he was going to be", All my dates have been or a) tall, tanned skin, almost black eyes, b) short, fair skin, green/grayish blue eyes. The other fact is in the b) group, all of them look like if they were my brothers (we even shared last names with an ex and we played the "siblings" game to fool people). Maybe in another life I had something with my brother/sister, I don't know .

[edit on 20-9-2009 by Caggy]

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