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problems achieving lucidity

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posted on Feb, 8 2006 @ 03:27 PM
Hey everyone. I've been getting better and better at realizing the fact that I am dream, but I can't seem to fully take control. I used to do reality checks and whatnot, but now I have reached the point where if I even question whether it is a dream or not, that I automatically know I'm dreaming. Once I realize that, I usually attempt to fly or something fun, but I can never seem to get off the ground (with a few exception). In one I was jumping up and down repeatedly, but could never get up there, and when it fails I usually eventually lose focus and forget the fact that it is a dream again. Is there a way to maintain focus, and totally assure yourself that you can do anything? Maybe I'm trying to hard?

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 08:48 PM
Yeah , you're probably just trying too hard.

posted on Feb, 9 2006 @ 09:24 PM
You are too used to not being able to fly and do that sort of stuff in real life. Maybe try bungee jumping or skydiving or something to get used to the sensation?

Or for a less extreme approach, just tell yourself for 15 minutes, or until you fall asleep every night "I will become lucid and in control of my dreams, and i will be able to fly" or something similar. Just pronounce it mentally over and over until you convince yourself. Really BELIEVE it.

posted on Feb, 10 2006 @ 07:14 PM
Belief! That's exactly right. All you need to do is believe and it will happen.

posted on Feb, 11 2006 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by Barcs
Is there a way to maintain focus, and totally assure yourself that you can do anything? Maybe I'm trying to hard?

I try to stress this fact to people. (well my fact) If you become lucid the best way to maintain focus is to look at your hands. Flying is like second nature now but when I was first starting to become lucid i used to go straight to my hands. For some reason it help you become stable. Once you maintain lucidity your once step closer to an OBE!! You just have to interpret the symbols around you. If you in a building you got to get to the top floor. If you not you have to fly. Fly until you reach to limit and you can feel gravity pulling on you. If you make it far enough just go towards the light.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 08:49 PM
I too have a problem reaching lucidity, i started getting good at trying to get closer to reaching lucidity, (by taking the steps used in training yourself) i started trying to remember my dreams more, try to remember details ect. and i noticed i was getting better. Then school time came around and i havent gotten alot of sleep (or at least not enough to become lucid) and its gotten quite hard now. On the weekends, when i can actually get some sleep, i usually find myself aware of when im sleeping, but by the time i start to get conciouse enough to control whats going on, i wake up.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 09:30 PM
Ive been having the same problem!! I learned that by screaming continuosly, i can keep my focus longer . I usually end up losing my focus anyways but it gives me much more time to do what i want than normal.

If you figure anything out that works let me know please.

posted on Feb, 12 2006 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by Yarcofin

Or for a less extreme approach, just tell yourself for 15 minutes, or until you fall asleep every night "I will become lucid and in control of my dreams, and i will be able to fly" or something similar. Just pronounce it mentally over and over until you convince yourself. Really BELIEVE it.

I'm going to try that out sometime. I've never had a lucid dream before.
Last week in a dream I met a young man who was twice as tall as me. I said out loud to him that he can not be real but I still accepted the dream as reality.

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 02:14 AM
Ok, this is a little very very little off topic but....

How can I be in better focus of my dreams. It seems like I don't have em anymore. How do I even START to maintain lucidity. I'm sort of a noob at it. I mean I have never done it before. It seems like it would be extremely hard to do it. I really want to though. Sounds awesome. I am not going to have a problem flying I don't think. I have slowly floated to the ground from a cliff without "dieing" sort of speak. Like you know how when you die in a dream, you wake up? Yeah I have stopped that from happening. Only once though.

anyway, just want some answers.

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 03:40 AM
The first step to remembering your dreams is to tell yourself before you go to sleep that you are going to remember them. Try keeping a journal of your dreams and right them down as soon as you wake up, or else you will forget them. Once you start doing this you'll notice that you find it much easier to remember your dreams.

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by DaTruth

Originally posted by Barcs
Is there a way to maintain focus, and totally assure yourself that you can do anything? Maybe I'm trying to hard?

I try to stress this fact to people. (well my fact) If you become lucid the best way to maintain focus is to look at your hands.

My moms boyfriend has said this many times before. the reason for it, is because
your hands are something that WOULD be there. for example, if you look for a light bulb, its not going to be there for sure, cause you dont always dream of a blub, but your hands are apart of you, therefore, they shoud always be there.
this site is very helpful in learning about lucid dreaming and being in control.
it has tutorials too, things like a dream journal, someone mentioned, talks about dream signs. basically it explains everything u need to know

But, from other peoples expierences, what has been some of the best ways to become lucid? im very new at this and would like to do it.

[edit on 13-2-2006 by azdude1804]

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Barcs
I usually attempt to fly or something fun, but I can never seem to get off the ground (with a few exception). In one I was jumping up and down repeatedly, but could never get up there, and when it fails I usually eventually lose focus and forget the fact that it is a dream again. Is there a way to maintain focus, and totally assure yourself that you can do anything? Maybe I'm trying to hard?

In pretty much all of the dreams that i've found my self flying before i've taken off i've had to take a moment to compose my self. I can remember plenty of times where i've tried to "take off" but been unable to actually fly. I have to take moment to remind my self that i am dreaming and that i've flown plenty of times before. Once i've done that i usually take off shooting straight up.

I wouldn't call the dreams truly lucid though, because i've only realised afterwards that i knew i dreaming. It's like within the dream i knew it was a dream but i had no control over it. I suppose i was dreaming that i was lucid dreaming, if that makes any sense?

Anyway I suppose the best advice, as people have already said, is to just believe that you can do it. It is after all, your dream

posted on Feb, 13 2006 @ 05:26 PM
If I'm dreaming and seem to "lose" control, or something which I'm after isn't happening, I cause a mirror to locate near me. Looking at my image firmly puts me back in control.

Just my 2 cents,

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