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The sky is red. What the..?

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posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 01:31 PM
I live in northern Jersey, and last night I went outside at about 3:15 am. It was overcast with clouds, and there occasional brief mist rain. It was very ominous. My back yard connects to a lake, and when I stepped outside my back door, I looked at the sky by the lake and it was black. I mean like black mist hard to see black. It was very wierd. I thought it was my eyes adjusting to the light, but it stayed there. Then I walked closer to the lake and looked back the other way and the rest of the sky was red! It was like light red. So half the sky is black and the other half is red. It was the wierdest thing ever. I read that that can indicate a tornado or massive storm, but we hardly ever get tornados in Jersey, and there was no real storm. Just like misty rain. I did see lightning flash every once in a while, but it stayed in the clouds. Very wierd. Could this be a sign, or do you think it's just wierd whether?

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 01:35 PM
It was 3:15 am, so dawn was approaching. Then, couldn't it have been caused by the first sun rays reflecting on the clouds?

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 01:37 PM
I'm going to go with it being because you live in New Jersey

It's probably all the chemicals in the air from those factories, or maybe its just the nasty gas being reflected by the Delaware River (aka the NYC Garbage Dump.)

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 04:34 PM
It definately wasn't the sun rising. The sun doesn't begin to rise that early, plus I'm constantly going outside and checking out the stars, and I've never seen reddish clouds in the middle of the night. Sunrise was at 7:09 today. Twilight was 6:40. And jersey ain't that polluted man. Maybe the eastern board by NYC is, but it ain't any worse than NYC itself. But I live more toward the western side where its more spacious and spread out. There's significantly less industrialisation around here, and if that were the case I'd see it everynight.

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 04:39 PM
Sometimes I see that here when there is new snow on the ground. The street lights shine onto the snow and then it reflects onto the clouds.

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 04:53 PM
IMO, you saw through the veil of the real colors that this planet is, how fortunate for you..[*_*]
I hope this thread will help..

I cannot get this to hyper, so you will have to cut and paste, sorry.

[edit on 31-1-2006 by siriuslyone]

mod edit to fix quote

[edit on 31-1-2006 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Jan, 31 2006 @ 06:54 PM
all i gota say is love the avatar. immortal technique rocks !

best conspiracy, clear headed rapper out there !


posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 01:47 PM
^Thanks man. Yeah he's definately one of the best out. My personal favorite at the moment. I've been bumping volume 2 regularly for quite a while now.

Sirius, that's very interesting. I never got to read that thread when it was first made. Perhaps that is true, I have been trying to focus myself of "seeing beyond" what is really there. I noticed them last night again as well, but they weren't nearly as colored. It was like a very light tint.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 02:01 PM

Sirius, that's very interesting. I never got to read that thread when it was first made. Perhaps that is true, I have been trying to focus myself of "seeing beyond" what is really there. I noticed them last night again as well, but they weren't nearly as colored. It was like a very light tint.

Please keep your eyes on it.Is there any way you can take any pictures of it? It cannot be just happening in NJ.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Barcs
Then I walked closer to the lake and looked back the other way and the rest of the sky was red! It was like light red. So half the sky is black and the other half is red.

red sky indicates that there are a lots of spirit / usually of the negative (demonic) kind in the sky

if you observe them long enough, you can actually see / the red patches "move" away...

spirit (ghost, angel, demon... whatever) rides the elements of the world, they come by the wind / rain / cloud...

you can hear "whistle" and felt wind out of no where when the powerful one come

if you see red patches of sky continuously where ever you go, you will need to be very very careful

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 05:03 PM
wat part of jersey north south central or in the backwoods

then i can give proper anaylsys

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 08:03 PM
I live in Denville. It's in Morris County, northern central jersey close to route 80.

Here's the location on mapquest:

Denville, NJ

Zoom out to get a good perspective.

Tonight it's a little bit different. A little bit after dusk the clouds were all dark blue. Almost exactly the same color as the sky. You wouldn't know it was cloudy at all, execpt you couldn't see any stars. They seemed like thick clouds though because the moon could barely shine through. Now it's about 9 PM and they are mostly black/dark blue with white patches around. There is also a reddish orange tint(so it kinda has a purple look). It is more apparent on the white sections, but if you look hard you can definately notice it on the blackish too.

[edit on 1-2-2006 by Barcs]

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 08:07 PM
i used to live in backwoods but never heard of any sky phenomina up north

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 08:14 PM
We have a saying in the UK, it goes:

'Red sky at night, Sailors delight. Red sky in the morning, Sailors warning.'

The colour of the sky relates to how the weather will be the next morning, i think what you have seen is just a natural phenomenon.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 08:52 PM
Here's an interesting site I found while searching for red sky things. It was one of the first that came up.

The four signs

Strangely enough the prophesies are from Grandfather Stalking Wolf. I am currently half way through a book by Tom Brown Jr. called "Awakening Spirits" and the book tells a lot about Grandfather on his quest to acheive pure spirituality. It's really an awesome book, but it's a really wierd coincidence that I found the site. The 3rd sign is "the bleeding sky". He mentions the sky is red, and it is too late for humanity to save itself. I'm not sure if it's symbolic of fire or perhaps nuclear weapons, but after reading about grandfather's life, I believe it.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 09:07 PM
new jersey is known for pollution, logically youre likely seeing dirt and pollution particles filtering sun light through the red spectrum.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 09:26 PM
I guess that would be "logical" wouldn't it? If it were pollution, I would have noticed this a long time ago. I am constantly looking at the sky. The last 3 nights were the first time I've seen this, not to mention it's in the heart of the night, when there is no sun present.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 09:40 PM
I saw the very same thing that night. I live in Jersey City, New Jersey, very close to NYC. My freind tried to brush it off, saying it was some city lights or something, whwile another freind of mine told me to pray cause it might be a sign of the End of Days. Disregarding both their theories, i just went outside and yook a walk, looking up at the sky and wondering what the hell was goin on.

I meant to make a thread about it here on ATS, but never got around to it. At least i know i wasnt the only one who saw it.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 09:47 PM
When I was about ten my dad and I were walking back from my neighbors house one winter night. It was snowing at a decent clip but not too heavily. And then suddenly the sky flashed, pink, red, grey again, pink and red and then orange, and finally back to grey. I distincly remember this and have always wondered what it could have been. My dad had no explination nor has anything I've read on the web.

posted on Feb, 1 2006 @ 10:20 PM
I seen something like this when I was on vacation in Poland once. I was out picking grass for the rabbits with my older cousin when she noticed that half the sky was red, the other blue. I think it was past noon at the time (this was 3-4 years ago). There's nothing strange about it, it's all natural.

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