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Attack on Christian beliefs 2006

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posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 01:52 PM
So far, it's only been verbal and attempts to discredit Christians, Christianity, Jesus and Christian beliefs and theory.

"The God that Wasn't There" is a clear example of ATS/BTS's tolerance (or lack there of..) towards Christianity. What if they were advertising "The Buddha/Mohammed/Vedas that Wasn't There"?

Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" is being released summer of 2006, for people that didn't read his novel (or care to read it or read it and couldn't understand it), Now many people will see it and that it as literal truth, instead of FICTION that it is.

The Pat Robertson Problem.
Then Pat Robertson, He should really step down from his position at CBN and allow his son to take over, because I don't believe his son will mis-speak as much as he does. Or have Jack Van Impe take over his position.
This is fueling the Secular media fun-making of him, Jesus and All Christians.
He should have offered prayers for Sharon, as well as Colombia's President and the People of Colombia.

TV, with "The Book of Daniel" which I refused to watch. Making fun of Jesus and his flock is trite and offensive. What are they trying to accomplish? To destroy everyone's belief in Jesus. Well, I have to say to all Christians, If some stupid Movie, really idiotic TV series boring pseudo-intellectual book, or pseudo-intellectual obiviously hateful Documentry is going to ruin your faith in Jesus, then you need to re-evaluate you relationship with God.

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 03:20 PM
Hello Godzilla:
If the evidence was considered, the church, as we know it today, would be recognized as a 1500 year long attack on "true" Christianity.
Paul made it quite clear that Christianity was "true" Judaism.
The term "Christianity" is an English rendering, of the Byzantine Greek rendering, of the first century common Greek rendering, of the Semitic word "Messianic".
Judaism, which began with the 6th century BC prophesy that a child would be born who would receive the kingdom of his father David, was messianic(Christian).
The nominal Christian church of the last 1500+ years, does not recognize true Christianity.
What do you think?

Originally posted by Godzilla1985
So far, it's only been verbal and attempts to discredit Christians, Christianity, Jesus and Christian beliefs and theory...

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 07:16 PM

TV, with "The Book of Daniel" which I refused to watch. Making fun of Jesus and his flock is trite and offensive. What are they trying to accomplish?

Now you see this is the problem with some who claim Christ. To be fair, I was kinda worried about the show too, but I WATCHED THE SHOW. It's pretty darn good. The writing I believe is excellent and as a Christian I wasn't offened. I like how every time Daniel goes to take the pain killers Jesus is right there...not judging and mocking but counseling and lovingly warning him. That's the Jesus I know. I think The Book of Daniel is done in good taste and since Jesus aint NEVER in primetime unless its a bash-type expose I think you should watch it and then judge it. Believers sin too. The storylines range from over the top to realistic--just like most shows. Now, the Catholics maybe upset because of they are portrayed as having connections to the mob, but you can't please everyone.

as for everything else...its just a sign of the times.

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Godzilla1985

Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" is being released summer of 2006, for people that didn't read his novel (or care to read it or read it and couldn't understand it), Now many people will see it and that it as literal truth, instead of FICTION that it is.

if you take this movie as fact you shouldnt be allowed to watch movies.

True there were protests at shooting locations for the movie but out of a group of 200 people only 2 people were actually protesting. the rest wanted tom hanks to sign their copy of the book.

i have read this book and i am highly aticipating this film not only because tom hanks is my favrote actor, but because i have read the book and loved it. the best holy grail chase ever. its a work of historical fiction. ive actaully looked up most of the stuff in the book and it was pretty intresting.

maybe you should take a look at christianity alittle deeper. go and read information on the gosples of mary or thomas or other books that werent included in the bible. you'd be suprised. i was. broaden your horizons. learn all you can about the origins of your religion, not from your pastor or religious leaders, but from historians and scientists.

this may shock you...they are not out to disprove religion. Copernicus was not out to disprove religion. Newton was not out to disprove religion. they just want to get the whole picture.

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Godzilla1985
So far, it's only been verbal and attempts to discredit Christians, Christianity, Jesus and Christian beliefs and theory.

Everyone, at one time or another faces similar attempts to discredit them.
Republicans face the wrath of Democrats. (and vice versa)
Men endure bashing from women. (and vice versa)
Gay people bear the judgment of conservative straight people. (and vice versa)
I could go on.

Why should Christianity be any different?

ATS/BTS tolerates Christianity just fine. In fact, there is a forum dedicated to people who wish to discuss their religion. Oh, yeah, you posted in it.

People disagree on things and people make movies about those things they disagree on.

Why should it be ok to advertise a movie like "The Passion of the Christ" but not a movie with a different belief? Is that fair?

Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" is being released summer of 2006, for people that didn't read his novel (or care to read it or read it and couldn't understand it), Now many people will see it and that it as literal truth, instead of FICTION that it is.

So, do you think this kind of movie shouldn't be allowed to exist? It is fiction, after all. If people see "Gone with the Wind" and think it's truth, they need to educate themselves.

The Pat Robertson Problem

I can't help you there.

He should have offered prayers for Sharon, as well as Colombia's President and the People of Colombia.

I think you mean Venezuela, but yes, a true Christian would have approached both situations with compassion and love.

TV, with "The Book of Daniel" which I refused to watch. Making fun of Jesus and his flock is trite and offensive. What are they trying to accomplish? To destroy everyone's belief in Jesus.

I haven't seen this, but if it destroys even one person's belief in Jesus, I'd have to say that belief wasn't very strong to begin with, wouldn't you?

Well, I have to say to all Christians, If some stupid Movie, really idiotic TV series boring pseudo-intellectual book, or pseudo-intellectual obiviously hateful Documentry is going to ruin your faith in Jesus, then you need to re-evaluate you relationship with God.

And I would agree!

Doesn't seem like there's really a problem, then, eh?

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 09:11 PM
The Department Stores will eventually BAN Christmas and secularize other Holidays. Such as St. Patrick's Day. Getting drunk with a green chem-light in your beer wearing a "Kiss me, I'm Irish" isn't what St. Patrick had in mind when he brought Christianity to Ireland.

The ACLU, dispite what they say, will continue a successful legal assault on Christians to further thier persecution.

School, Colleges and Universities will become less and less tolerant of the Christian belief.

Does any of this matter? To some degree. Fighting back at the oppressors, will eventually become pointless. When they truely cross the line is when they start invading your home and really infringing on your rights. Such as if you are having a private ministry in your own home and the ACLU busts in, that will be going to far.

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 10:20 PM

Originally posted by Godzilla1985
The Department Stores will eventually BAN Christmas and secularize other Holidays.

What specifically are you talking about? Department stores can't BAN Christmas. What does that mean? Are you insisting that they celebrate Christmas? They can refuse to celebrate Christmas, but they cannot BAN it...

As for the rest of your post, what are you talking about?

What is the ACLU's assault on Christians?

All of the stuff you're saying just sounds kind of 'out there' to me.

[edit on 15-1-2006 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 11:37 PM
if, and this is a really big if, the acul starts raiding homes searching for "christian outlaws" this will be long after the USA we all know and love has seised(sp) to exist.

dont panic.

christianity in all its forms will be around for a long time. i like all religions and enjoy studying them, but i do not appreciate it jammed down my throat by evangelicals who think they are so much better off than i am. now i have friends that are evangelicals, but they are smart enough to hold their tounge until someone comes to them seeking information. this is what "christianity" cant seem to grasp. and its just the protestants. you are not going to convert the masses. let people come to you. let those who seek it come to you. christians would have such a better rep if they did that.

i believe in God as described in the old and new testaments and the koran (yes its the same God) but im not forcing it down peoples throat.

this is the last time ill say it.

let those who want it come to you. leave all others be.

posted on Jan, 16 2006 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by Godzilla1985
Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code" is being released summer of 2006

Heh, heh, wait 'till you see what's being released on June 6.

Originally posted by Godzilla1985
Well, I have to say to all Christians, If some stupid Movie, really idiotic TV series boring pseudo-intellectual book, or pseudo-intellectual obiviously hateful Documentry is going to ruin your faith in Jesus, then you need to re-evaluate you relationship with God.

Why? Are you the authority on what is truth?

Honestly, all this whining from Christians about how they're being persecuted is falling on deaf ears. Something like 70% of the people in the US are Christians, laws based on Christian ideals are all over the books with special dispensations doled out for churches and religious practices, and you think you're some kind of a martyr because people are starting to fight back from allowing you to trample all over their rights to not have your religion forced down their throats or funded/supported involuntarily.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 04:41 AM
Godzilla1985 who is to the Christian ideas and ideals about Jesues is historical correct ?
Dont I have the right to decide if Jesues was a real person ?
Dont I have the right to make my own judgement about the life Jesus?
Why is it ok for Christian reglions to spread there ideas but when people question those ideas it is somehow wrong?

[edit on 17-1-2006 by xpert11]

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 11:19 AM
If you think people beliving the Book "the Da Vinci code" is true, you need to look no further then the AUthor who has used his belief in it being true to sell copies. FFS the book is still one of the top 10 sellers. I can only think people are buying it so others wont read it, or buy it to burn it... which is stupid.

What has gotten me is that there is an increase in tolerance towards attacking Christianity, yet people are attacked and called intolerant for pointing out flaws in other non-christian beliefs.

Then we get people like pat Robertson, or President Bush who call themselves christians yet are farthest from what mainstream Christianity is like, yet they are what the world see's as America's form of Christianity. Heck, most of Europe think we are all a bunch of loonies because of those two examples.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by Jehosephat
What has gotten me is that there is an increase in tolerance towards attacking Christianity, yet people are attacked and called intolerant for pointing out flaws in other non-christian beliefs.

Christianity has a very long and brutal history and is still fairly powerful politically. Many other people's beliefs do not require condemning other religions.. but some [more extream] forms of christianity do which may be why it is more openly resented than it used to be. When a christian points out 'flaws' in other religions it's usually an attack on someone's charactor with 'but thats what the bible says about your lifestyle'. Thats a flaw IMO.. or an attack perhaps? A pagen or homosexual already knows what a [traditional] christian is taught to think of them.

Then we get people like pat Robertson, or President Bush who call themselves christians yet are farthest from what mainstream Christianity is like, yet they are what the world see's as America's form of Christianity. Heck, most of Europe think we are all a bunch of loonies because of those two examples.

True.. again they're more extream and have the cash.. the more humble and genuine christians don't get the air time. Unfortuantly bush has made himself a christian poster boy.. if christians want to be distanced from him and his ilk they should be more open about what is good and tolerent about their religion.. it's a little hard to see a difference when I'm being told I'm evil for being an atheist for instance. They're in control of their own religion.. and just like the Moslems.. if they don't want it being run by corrupt lunatics they need to change the image themselves and take the power away from those that are abusing it.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 12:08 PM
i have a couple of questions to pose......

1) what is mainstream christianity?

2)is like all other forms of christianity? that is to ask if it is so far removed from the actual jewish teachings of jesus as with all the other forms...

3) why do you choose to be christian?

4) do you expect to get something for being christian?

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 02:30 PM
1) what is mainstream christianity?

Better discribed as moderate, as in what a majority of people belive in. Not the extreme examples that George Bush, or Pat Robertson who think they speak for God

2)is like all other forms of christianity? that is to ask if it is so far removed from the actual jewish teachings of jesus as with all the other forms...

It is a matter of majority and what a majority of christians belive in that that become mainsteam.

3) why do you choose to be christian?

I didn't get to choose to be one, God choosed me

4) do you expect to get something for being christian?

Salvation from a life of sin

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 03:05 PM
this is my problem with christianity. it is a following that has been picked apart by its own followers. picking and choosing what to believe to be saved and so on. but most christians do not take heed to the teachings past on from prophet to people. jesus came to help reunite the things that moses and aaron taught. yet most christians move further away.

also dont you think you should be a christian because you truly believe that jesus loved you enough to die for your sins. that you want to love him in return.

going to jesus because you want salvation from sin, a part in the afterlife, a new body, or a place in new israel or to go to heaven is all selfish. these are all selfish reasons to go to god. and most christians ive spoken to in life and on this site often give them as an answer.

god has love for you as we are all his children. when you go to god (or jesus) with a pure heart with pure motives then and only then will you feel the true nature of his love. and only then will you see the truth that lies in all religions!!!

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by plague
jesus came to help reunite the things that moses and aaron taught.

I don't believe this is accurate. According to predominant Christian theology, the law of Moses no longer applies.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 05:32 PM

Originally posted by spamandham

Originally posted by plague
jesus came to help reunite the things that moses and aaron taught.

I don't believe this is accurate. According to predominant Christian theology, the law of Moses no longer applies.

yes but this is not what jesus taught. that is just another reason why i disagree with "christianity". its just furthers my point that "christians" take what they want and twist it for there own intentions.

now heres what jesus said......
St. Matthews 5:17-20

5:17.....think not that i am come to destroy the law, or the prophets; i am not come to destroy but to fulfil.
5:18.....for verily i say onto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
5:19.....who so ever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach man so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven; but who so ever shall do and teach them , the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
5:20.....for i say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 08:41 PM
Plauge, you are quoting Jesus before his sacrifice, and every Christian knows that the Law (that is the law of moses) was fullfilled with Jesus' innocent death on the cross.

As you can see in this event that occured AFTER Jesus' death

Acts 10 9-15 About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the roof to pray. He became hungry and wanted something to eat, and while the meal was being prepared, he fell into a trance. He saw heaven opened and something like a large sheet being let down to earth by its four corners. It contained all kinds of four-footed animals, as well as reptiles of the earth and birds of the air. Then a voice told him, "Get up, Peter. Kill and eat."

"Surely not, Lord!" Peter replied. "I have never eaten anything impure or unclean."

The voice spoke to him a second time, "Do not call anything impure that God has made clean."

Plauge you probly understand the Jewish laws dealing with Kosher food, and understand with the above passage I quoted that those laws no longer applied to Peter, who was a jew, but became a Christian.

from you own words

jesus came to help reunite the things that moses and aaron taught.

You cannot be more wrong and uninformed about Christian law and gospel... here it is so you can understand.. I made a VERY simple gif I use to explain Christianity. and why we belive and hope for

it only seems we pick and choose because you don't even know the core beliefs of a Chrisitan.

posted on Jan, 17 2006 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by plague
now heres what jesus said......

Well, he also said he came to destroy, his own actions violated the laws he claims have been fulfilled yet still not destroyed (nonsensical doublespeak). He says "he who believes in me shall live a new life" and also says those who are not sufficiently righteous will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

From all this, I think it legitimate to conclude "Jesus" was practicing Hegelian dialectic long before it was really understood.

posted on Jan, 19 2006 @ 09:24 AM
Godzilla. It's amusing how christianity can't handle any truly sceptical criticism of it's faith, and cries victim every time someone tries to question the bible and the creation of the church state...

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