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Progress at last.

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posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 11:29 PM
Here is the recent progress of the Varyag. Looks like they took all the rust off and now are buildng the structures. Thoughts and possibilities?

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Wheres the other threads or thread?

[edit on 11-1-2006 by chinawhite]

posted on Jan, 11 2006 @ 11:35 PM

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posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 09:16 AM
The hull appears to be mostly painted. The island house still in primer.

What you dont see is individual compartments with the internal equipment painted or ready. You dont see Antenna masts on the structure. Deck handling equipement etc. etc

Mostly what you see is a partially painted hull. What counts in the status certain compartments.


posted on Jan, 12 2006 @ 07:26 PM

At least it is progress, like the thread name suggest. Its better than having it rust with a old coat of paint

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 12:21 AM
Yes no doubt is progress. Ive been around many ships of this type both in drydocks and in the water. I know what hard years of work without proper maintainence or even improper maintainence can do to steel surfaces.
It is a huge undertaking to properly paint a ship of this size..Huge!!! Not just the painting per se..but also the proper surface preperation before the first coat is even applied.
I am a machinist by trade in a large shipyard here in America. I have worked with alot of painters who must properly prepare the surfaces and then paint them before we can install our heavy machinery that runs the ship. These are big jobs for both the painters and us as machinists. It is about proper teamwork. It can also be dangerous on a ship this size.
Being a machinist by trade I am intrested in different types of engine rooms. Also other machinery spaces. How many rudders does this type of ship have. How many propellor shafts ..and propellors. HOw the elevators work to get the planes up from down below or from the flight deck down to the hanger deck for storage or repair. HOw about the recovery equipment used to bring aircraft back on deck. How the elevators work which are used to bring equipment and weapons from storage areas back up to the places they are loaded on decks. How do the pump room work and how are they arranged where they remove jet fuel from tanks and purify it before pumping it topside to be loaded on to the aircraft. How do the emergency generators work?? How is the electrical plant and electricity distributed. What is the layout of the damage control systems. Fire supression and firefighting systems. All of these are very complex and intricate systems which must properly work and be capable of fitting in to the proper places of the proper size and capacity. How do the water distillation or purification plants work. What kind of refrigeration and aircondition systems are used on a ship like this. This is just how my mind works..having been around alot of these types of systems.
And of course..most important does the galley work and what is on the menu for dinner tonight.


posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 04:02 AM
wouldnt of been easier for China to build their own carrier?
insted of refebishing a rust bucket.

posted on Jan, 13 2006 @ 04:10 AM
are your confirming beyon ddoubt that the Varyag is on its way to becoming a full-fledged carrier?

posted on Jan, 14 2006 @ 05:37 AM
as they repair they are learning so they rebuild it as a research cv tehn they will build thier own

posted on Jan, 14 2006 @ 04:43 PM
Currently Varyag is only thought to be refitted into a training ship for our future carriers, however the capability of the Varyag is there, it could be outfitted with weapons and planes with a little bit of time considering all the essential equipment is there, all the electrical wiring are there, its just missing electronics and a engine. Rumours are that Varyag is getting a engine in 2006 however it cannot be confirmed like anyother Chinese military news.

To build a military grade hull of this size costs a considerable amount of money, and it is essential to practice with tactics and train the crews of both the ship and the planes to exploit the full potential of a carrier.

posted on Jan, 14 2006 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by orangetom1999
How many rudders does this type of ship have. How many propellor shafts ..and propellors. HOw the elevators work to get the planes up from down below or from the flight deck down to the hanger deck for storage or repair.

I dont have a clue.
All i know is its getting a brand new facelift. The problesm china is going to have the most problem with if it becomes a training ship or even chinas first aircraft carier is a engine. The rest of the equipment is detail. This is a russian designed carrier and russian equipment and knowledge can be sought after.

Propellors rudders i imagine wouldn't be a big fuss. China made a 300,000 ton crude oil tanker which is a lot larger than a carrier and a lot of ships in harbour are larger than the carrier. So oversized propellors rudders wouldn't be a big speed bump. China is the third largest ship maker.

And the rest i dont know or dont really care. What i have been saying around internet forums is china should just let the thing float and let aircraft take off to at least have some pilots which know how to fly off deck. China had got severl carriers which it has studied one bit at a time and most propably knows whats needed in a carrier except for the experience to operate one.



The Varyag if it ever becomes operational could be turned into a very good fleet defence ship. Imagine those shipwreak missile holders turned Anti-aircraft missiles. Or have seaborne Su-27s? . Well this should be on the minds of some military planners in china.

Or as a show of force type thing. One destroyer and a supply ship is not going to show the world china is a regional power but a joke. She needs something big and flashy. With lots of guns and a chinese flag and this and that etc.. Peacful china or American china?

posted on Jan, 14 2006 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by Daedalus3
are your confirming beyon ddoubt that the Varyag is on its way to becoming a full-fledged carrier?

Yeah sure, Let your imagine run wild.

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 01:46 AM
so then what was all that crapp abt it being a casino boat??!!

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 02:49 AM
Casino, training ship, scrap metal, carburetor or the kitchen sink. whatever. I do not care for your opinion. understand?

[edit on 15-1-2006 by chinawhite]

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 12:24 PM

so then what was all that crapp abt it being a casino boat??!!

Apparently a ruse to get it through the Bosphorus Straits without getting the Turks upset. The "casino company" that bought it had a curiously large contingent of high ranking PLAN officers on staff, and mysteriously went out of business shortly after the ship made it to Dailan.

posted on Jan, 15 2006 @ 03:15 PM
heres a artile to look over

posted on Jan, 16 2006 @ 07:57 PM
Im going to let you in on a little secret hidden out in the open. It is so simple even most of the public hasnt a they hide behind what they are told on thier television sets and by the ignorant news media.

The fear that causes any surface fleet Captain to pucker up thier a submarine loose in thier AO. (area of operations)

This is the fear of every knowlegable skipper including aircraft carrier Captains. Modern submarines with modern weapons can sink a carrier or at least disable it so that it cannot launch its aircraft..thereby sinking it at a later time or turning this task over to others...attack aircraft or another submarine for example.

Anyone who knows about Navys and their potential...with advanced weapons platforms knows this about aircraft carriers. The cruisers , destroyers , and other submarines are there to buy the carriers enough time to launch their planes ..then its tough luck for the carriers and other surface ships unlucky enough to survive to this point.
Most of the sailors on surface ships havent a clue..they are so dumb they think they are so well protected. Not just our Navy ...Chinawhite..but other Navys too. The stories of submarines sneaking in on Carrier fleets in naval exercises are legend.
True ...Anti submarine technology is getting better..but so are the submarines.
I am sure the Chinese Navy is factoring in this information too. They would be crazy not to do so. This is perhapsed one of the reasons they are taking their time in this with much study. They would be quite correct in this. It is not just a matter of the aircraft carrier but the whole fleet concept and how well it can be made to work together. Carriers , other surface ships, and submarines working as a whole.
The Chinese would also be correct in having a practice carrier. One starts at the bottom and works thier way to the top. This is a long involved process of training and familiarization. Very expensive. A careful considersation as to who makes the grade in qualifications and who doesnt. Who doesnt and who does become carrier qualified. I dont mean just the pilots ..but also the maintnence crews..the cooks..the weapons handlers..the electronic people..the whole ...must be qualified...and then maning levels must be maintained. This is a hugely difficult and complex task just to maintain the qualified personel.


posted on Jan, 16 2006 @ 09:20 PM
There have been four aircraft carriers purchased, the Varyag, Melbourne, Kiev and her sister ship Minsk.

Objective is to learn how to design, build and operate an aircraft carrier.

Good luck, it is one of the most difficult Naval tasks.

A fresh coat of paint makes me think it might soon be for sale.

[edit on 16-1-2006 by ZPE StarPilot]

posted on Jan, 16 2006 @ 09:30 PM

Excellent job putting something so simple into a interesting format. Everyone here i reckon knows what the american submarine fleet can do and everyone knows what the americans can do. Im in no way saying that this carrier will survive the first minute out of port or will even see combat. In a regional conflict which the US was not involed in a carrier would be useful in offering the chinese fleet some cover. I think Planes are still a more viable solution than missiles so a carrier with china is still useful to a degree.

If china was pursuing a expansion into other waters it could act like a modern dreadnought in the chinese navy. Sit off the coast fly some rounds, sweat them out .China is still seen as a weak power militarily but strong economicly. The question im thinking is ,should china continue doing what its doing or is it going to do a america on us?. Peaceful rise co-existance?. Come on. If america wanted to it can block chinas oil, Even india can block our oil. We need at least some defence againest that, Or our defence is good will from other countries


I know you were or still are a career sailor. Can you give me your opinion about carriers. Are they showing their age or do they still have a place in future combat?

[edit on 16-1-2006 by chinawhite]

posted on Jan, 16 2006 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by chinawhite
Casino, training ship, scrap metal, carburetor or the kitchen sink. whatever. I do not care for your opinion. understand?

[edit on 15-1-2006 by chinawhite]

oooh!! you got irritated!!..

but it was a genuine question all the same!!

posted on Mar, 13 2006 @ 05:45 AM
Any navy men tell me could this new flight deck be used for flying?



Here it is picutred with the Type-51C. But notice the holes in the deck. what use could it have

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