I live in South Africa and recently went on a holiday which involved a long drive from the very north of the country to the very south. I stopped in a
small town in the middle of nowhere, out in the Karoo (a desert in the middle of the country) just bellow Beaufort West called Prince Albert.
Red dot=Prince Albert
It was here that I visited the town museum where I spotted a peculiar painting on a wall. The museum had been converted from a house and had been
preserved, amongst other things, as it was in the in the 1800's. In the main bedroom above and to the right (facing the wall) of the bed was
story-type painting which featured a prominent Illuminati symbol at its top.
(All images are uncropped to better see the details)
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For each little scene it depicts there is an accompanying Biblical verse.
Here is a close-up of the all seeing eye at the top of the picture:
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The Biblical verse is
1 Peter 3:12:
12For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
and his ears are attentive to their prayer,
but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil."
The two images in the two corners are strange and Im not sure what to make of them (sorry about the poor quality, the museum tour was moving along
swiftly, leaving me with little time):
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I presume they are representations of Heaven and Hell. The title at the bottom of the picture reads "De breede en de smalle weg" which is a Dutch
dialect (presumably old Afrikaans?) and roughly translates to "The broad and the narrow way/road" (personal translation). At a glance it appears to
represent the road/s of life; one leading to hell and the other to heaven.
There is so much symbolism involved here, I dont know where to start. My Dutch is also not so sharp, which doesnt help. I am wondering why Afrikaans
settlers would host what appears to be such blatant Illuminati symbolism. How were these people involved if they were?
Anyone know anything about Dutch, Afrikaans or South African Illuminati ties?
You can find some of the Bible versus