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Truce ends tomorrow

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posted on Jan, 1 2006 @ 06:43 PM
The Israelis have said all along that the Palestinians didn't wish peace, and they have treated them all along, to their own international disrepute, as enemy combatants.

The Palestinians insisted repeated, whether honorably or not IT DOESN'T MATTER, that they wanted "their" land back. Israel continued to refuse, with the steadily weaker and weaker defense that the Palestinians weren't going to settle for that, and would continue to attack them anyway.

So now we get to see who was right. It had reached the point that Israel's insistence that giving back the occupied territories was not going to stop the attacks was ringing more and more false. How was anyone to know if the Palestinians would stop or not? They insisted that they simply wanted their land back. And yes, I know that historically they've called for the complete destruction of Israel, but Kruschkev banged his shoe on the table and said of the US, "We will bury you!" and that turned out to be nothing more than empty posturing. Many things are said by many politicians, but we can't legitimately base foreign policy on them. The only thing that matters is what they actually do. So the Palestinians say they only want the occupied territories back. The Israelis claim that that won't be enough, and that the attacks will continue. After a while, that just sounds like an excuse, and not much of one at that. The only way to really test it-- the ONLY way to see if the Palestinians are sincere, is to do what was done-- to give them back the occupied territories, and to then see if that really is enough.

If it is enough, then (almost) everybody wins. The Palestinians get the independence that they've claimed to be fighting for, and the Israelis get to live in relative peace-- free at least from that threat. If, however, the Palestinians continue to attack Israel, then Israel gains the moral authority that the honestly didn't have before to deal militarily with the Palestinians.

So many people have complained about those who have opposed Israel's actions regarding the Palestinians, and most of them have, erroneously, ascribed those reactions to anti-semitism. The truth is that the biggest obstacle that Israel has faced is their own refusal to grant the Palestinians the one thing that they continued to claim they wanted-- an independent state that included the occupied territories. So long as Israel continued to refuse that, and the Palestinians continued to say that that refusal was the reason for their attacks, Israel had a hard time convincing the world that their response to the attacks was legitimate. It was too easy for people to see the Israelis as the cause of the strife. But now that they've handed over the occupied territories, they have some measure of legitimacy. NOW, if the Palestinians attack them, they can LEGITIMATELY claim that it is not and was not about the occupied territories. They will finally have the legitimacy they have for so long been so sorely lacking.

Now personally, as a bit of a side issue, I predict that the "Palestinians" will attack Israel, even if Mossad has to stage it. But that's a different subject...

posted on Jan, 2 2006 @ 07:08 AM
Islamic Jihad marked the end of the truce, which it has barely observed, by firing rockets at Israel from Gaza.

Hamas too officially ended its truce, but analysts say it is unlikely to make an immediate return to violence because it hopes to do well in elections at the end of the month.

The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, the armed wing of Abbas's Fatah movement, also said it was ending the truce and claimed joint responsibility for the rocket attacks with Islamic Jihad.

posted on Jan, 2 2006 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by HiddenReality
im not saying the Jews should be thrown out of Israel, i just
think they should release the control of the country they stole
back to its rightfull owners.

Who would that be exactly? After 7,000 years of that land
going back and forth, and wars upon wars ... who exactly
are the 'rightful owners'?? It is a very small piece of land
that the Jews call 'homeland'. Muslims - which include
Palestinians - have dozens of 'homelands'. Jews have one.
It is recognized by almost the entire world as such.

The reason I mentioned the UN and that it recognizes
Israel as a soverign nation is because, for some reason,
there are some people here who accept the UN as the
World's decision makers. I think the UN is worse than
useless ... but for those who pay attention to what the
UN says ... I posted that information.

posted on Jan, 2 2006 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Who would that be exactly? After 7,000 years of that land
going back and forth, and wars upon wars ... who exactly
are the 'rightful owners'?? It is a very small piece of land
that the Jews call 'homeland'. Muslims - which include
Palestinians - have dozens of 'homelands'. Jews have one.
It is recognized by almost the entire world as such.

Actually I agree with this statement, When the Israelis took over the land they actually blended with the original inhabitants of the land.

The fights that are happening now of the so call Muslin Palestinian are actually from the migration of Arabs to the land of the Palestine.

So their roots are of Arab descend no from the original inhabitants descend and the migration has been a steady one in the last hundred years.

The saw to take over and fight the Israeli nation because of religious ideologies.

Plus the biggest mistake in my opinion what the division of the land by the British, that open the door to the Arab migration.

Occurs I may be mistaken.

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