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Beating stealth...

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posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 10:13 AM
Many threads have been made about stealth during these last couple of weeks. and I thought that I would write my own post, about beating stealth. As we all know stealth is the new "must have" for modern fighters. The Russians have came up with their Su-47, the Americans the F-22. Of course many other planes also posess this great talent, only to name few the F-117, the B-2, the F-35 and a lot mkore unknown aircrafts. Now, I was wondering about this, is stealth really that good. If we think about this our first reaction would propably be "Yeah, it keeps away the enemies, do the fact that they can't see us". But when we think about it closer, at least in my opinion, stealth isn't that good. Of course it keeps the radar wawes away, but with wich cost... In my opinion stealth does take away many points from a planes maneuverability, jsut becasue the engineers ahve to design the plane always keeping the fact in their mind to keep the plane stealthy (and not maneuverable). but this thread isn't really about if stealth is good or bad, this thread is made to looka t different options how stealth can be beaten.

Stealt tecnology isn't that new, the first stealth planes that we know of (the F-117) flew its first comabt flight in 1989. And it had been on the drawing board for a while before that. The Americans wanted to keep this project very secret. It was planned in one of the most secret bases in whole America, the Area 51. After this more and more stealth planes saw daylight, the B-2, the, Su-47, the F-22, teh F-35... And many more...

Stealth soon became a "must have" in fighters. Now, I was just wondering how stealth can be beaten, if it can... I have heard of some "advanced" radars, and planes like the Tu-204... how do tehy actually work, and can they beat the Raptor...

The RUssian Tu-204

Stealth detection???

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 10:19 AM
Close this thread... I douple posted... my misstake... here's the real one...


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