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ignore button?

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posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 08:06 PM
i would like to ask the admin here what exactly is the point of an ignore button on a site that professes to "deny ignorance?" i mean, why dont we just change the logo on the ATS banner to "deny ignorance, unless you choose to ignore it."

dont get me wrong, it doesnt really matter to me that much. when someone tells me that they've put me on their ignore list, i just figure that they've run out of argument and are too stubborn to admit it. but to advertise ATS as a site thats whole purpose is to "deny ignorance" and then give people the option to ignore all remarks by other posters is just asanine IMHO.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 08:10 PM

Spooky.... I thought there was a thread here???

*looks under the bed*

Guess it's just me...

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 08:17 PM
N ot everone post to reply to a post .some post to stir up people (trolls)
And this being a progressive site has to allow quite a bit of evedence befor they will ban such distroptive people.
Unless the troll just out right brakes Big rules the easest thing to do is ige them untill they get board and find another board to troll.

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 08:17 PM
The reason you can't read this is because I'm on global ignore.

It's a spooky experience not unlike being dead, but trapped in the material jump around, wave your hands, yell and shout...but no-one hears you...

I wonder how long this thread will stay in BQ&B...

edit to add that I've only twice in a year and a half decided to ignore some-one...then I wonder what they're saying because of my insufferable curiousity and then I un-ignore them.

So...I'd agree...the iggy is useless (for me)

[edit on 10-12-2005 by masqua]

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 08:18 PM
With no offense meant to you-- I don't know you from Adam and have no idea what your opinions even are-- possibly those who place others on ignore do so as their own way to "deny" that which they perceive to be "ignorance."

I've yet to use the ignore feature here, and I doubt I will. The last board I lived on had an ignore button as well, and I did use it occasionally to eliminate obvious trolls, simply because it's hard to see what's on a board when there's one troll who's started 37 new threads in the last 37 minutes. Since those sorts of trolls don't last here long enough to create that sort of disruption, I don't think I'll ever have any use for the ignore feature.

I tend to agree that people who use ignore to avoid a particular poster's opinions don't quite get the concept of a message board, and I also feel that people who use it because they're offended by a particular poster might be well served to grow a thicker skin, but to each their own. Some people like the feature, and I'm sure that's why ATS offers it. Despite the focus on "deny ignorance," ATS is first and foremost a business, and they have an interest in keeping their customers happy. If some customers want an ignore feature, then it's certainly in ATS's best interest to provide it, regardless of what you or I or anyone else might think about it. The only reason they'd ever eliminate it, IMO, would be if there were more people who refused to post here because of its existence than there would be people who would refuse to post here because of its absence.

My advice is to just ignore it.

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 11:08 PM
so not one member of administration wants to touch this one? i cant even get a simple "because we said so" from someone?

how about if i said something like "i think the ignore button is a conspiracy in and of itself. they dont want to deny ignorance, but make sure that ignorance remains here in order to keep the site moving smoothly. after all, cant very well deny ignorance if there isnt any here to deny, huh?"

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 11:12 PM
Have you ever considered that the reason the "ignore" button is there is to see how far you the member will go to deny ignorance? You have a choice, you can come here to deny ignorance or to embrace it. ATS gives you the choice and freedom to decide for yourself what action to take. I think the button is aptly named.

posted on Dec, 13 2005 @ 11:55 PM
external image

Originally posted by snafu7700
so not one member of administration wants to touch this one? i cant even get a simple "because we said so" from someone?

Because we said so.

It's a legacy feature from long ago when we had fewer staff, fewer staff tools, and more trolls. It was helpful to offer members the ability to ignore troublemakers, trolls, and twits.

These days with increased staff and improved staff tools, it's not needed as often as it was.

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 12:02 AM
I don't think ATS would be ATS without the odd post that makes your blood boil

I've only used the ignore feature on a couple people whose posts were not only consistantly offensive but also totally meaningless. In almost all cases the people were banned not long after I put them on ignore, so I think my use wasn't out of the site's ideals.

[edit on 12/14/2005 by djohnsto77]

[edit on 12/14/2005 by djohnsto77]

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord
These days with increased staff and improved staff tools, it's not needed as often as it was.

I don't know, I find it usefull to weed out the obnoxious posters who also have nothing of substance to offer (of course I know I'm obnoxious!). I don't hold myself to a higher standard, so hit the ignore link at will.

I suspect I have the longest ignore list of anyone on this site.

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 12:59 AM
I didn't use it for a long time using the same logic, but eventually, there was one who seemed to have memorized every post I have ever posted and found ways to divert other discussions into discussions of my every frailty I've ever admitted to on the board. Button pushers will get an ignore button push from me. The site motto is "deny ignorance," not "deny stupidity." There are also those who have no purpose here but to post unsubstantiated socialist or anti-American propaganda. I currently have two individuals on ignore and I don't miss them, at all.

[edit on 2005/12/14 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by spamandham
I don't hold myself to a higher standard, so hit the ignore link at will.

like when someone disagrees with him and he runs out of material for the debate, hence the original reason for this post.

thanks for all the responses guys....think i've got it now, though i still disagree with the concept.

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 05:45 AM
Control Thought

Originally posted by snafu7700
thanks for all the responses guys....think i've got it now, though i still disagree with the concept.

A thing to bear in mind about your disagreement with the concept is that it amounts to resentment that other members can control what they see by using this feature.

You may want to ponder in greater depth why that bothers you.

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 05:49 AM
If someone suddenly goes on a rampage. Start posting lots of porn or strong offending images. The members can now with a single click ignore that member and won´t see his/her posts. It´s a nice service to provide such a button for members to use, I think. Mods will act on the offender soon, but in the meantime - click - no more offending posts visible to you from that member. Personally I have never ever used it and I doubt I ever will.

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by snafu7700
i would like to ask the admin here what exactly is the point of an ignore button on a site that professes to "deny ignorance?" i mean, why dont we just change the logo on the ATS banner to "deny ignorance, unless you choose to ignore it."

dont get me wrong, it doesnt really matter to me that much. when someone tells me that they've put me on their ignore list, i just figure that they've run out of argument and are too stubborn to admit it. but to advertise ATS as a site thats whole purpose is to "deny ignorance" and then give people the option to ignore all remarks by other posters is just asanine IMHO.

I never use the ignore button whether it be here or in Yahoo chat. People just dont have that kind of power over me to get underneath my skin. However, I do see many in Yahoo and other public communication venues announce they are about to ignore you or already have. I guess it gives the one ignoring ppl a final power trip of "I have won and the one being ignored has lost" A sort of, I had the last word scenario...
Its entertaining to watch

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 06:05 AM
Virtual Earplugs

Originally posted by magnito_student
I guess it gives the one ignoring ppl a final power trip of "I have won and the one being ignored has lost" A sort of, I had the last word scenario...
Its entertaining to watch

I played that game shortly after arriving here, but grew out of it (I think).

If it comes down to that, the best thing to do is just fuhgeddaboutit and move on. In such cases, no ignore button is needed.

On a different note, I have observed that my ignore button has been an amazingly accurate predictor of future bannings.

For that reason, I have nicknamed it my own personal "ban button".

But I haven't used it in quite a while -- and I'm sure it's not nearly as satisfying as the real thing.

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 06:23 AM

Originally posted by Majic

A thing to bear in mind about your disagreement with the concept is that it amounts to resentment that other members can control what they see by using this feature.

You may want to ponder in greater depth why that bothers you.

no, i dont really resent the fact that others desire to remain ignorant by ignoring perfectly reasonable arguments simply because they disagree, but i do think it's a ridiculous thing to allow on a site that was founded to "deny ignorance."

a perfect example here. take a look and see if you think i was too harsh, or if he simply ran out of argument, or didnt feel like debating any further and didnt want to admit it.

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 07:09 AM
No Button Required

Originally posted by snafu7700
no, i dont really resent the fact that others desire to remain ignorant by ignoring perfectly reasonable arguments simply because they disagree, but i do think it's a ridiculous thing to allow on a site that was founded to "deny ignorance."

I think you're missing my point, so here it is.

What you really resent is your lack of control over others.

My advice is to learn to live with that.

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by Majic
I think you're missing my point, so here it is.

What you really resent is your lack of control over others.

My advice is to learn to live with that.

no majic, i get your point and while i respect your opinion, i humbly disagree. i have no desire to control anyone's thoughts, i just find ignorance in those who will place someone on ignore instead continuing a discussion they started simply because they have grown tired of the debate, or have run out or arguments for said debate. if you think you've reached an impasse with someone in a discussion, then simply state "i think we have to agree to disagree on this one" as i have done on several occasions. using the ignore button (except in extreme cases of profanity and other rules violations in which a person is obviously belligerent and about to be banned anyway, as several have pointed out here) to try and "trump" your opponent is just plain ignorant IMHO, and should not be allowed on a site that professes to deny ignorance. ever notice the similarities between the words "ignore" and "ignorant?"

it sounds like this might be one of those discussions in which we'll just have to agree to disagree, majic.

posted on Dec, 14 2005 @ 07:34 AM
Ever After

Originally posted by snafu7700
it sounds like this might be one of those discussions in which we'll just have to agree to disagree, majic.

Of course. I think we've both made my point admirably.

I still don't think you're catching the oh-so-clever nuances of my message, but that's okay.

After all, that's outside my control -- and I do love the irony.

And hey, it's all good, baby.

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