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Lucis Trust a branch of the Illuminati?

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posted on Apr, 8 2006 @ 01:57 AM
Wow and the battle rages on...........

Mod Note: One Line Post – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 8-4-2006 by AgentSmith]

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 12:23 PM
Ok, I apologize for the one-line post. This is such a hard subject to research for myself I can't seem to reconcile the facts. Based on programming I have recieved in this lifetime I can at first be scared off from the teachings of anything using the word Lucifer, but upon further investigation it appears that there is alot of TRUTH to be found by using this key symbology to open areas of study. It just isn't that easy for me to know if I am being scared off to protect myself from evil or to keep me from accessing information that is neccessary to spiritually evolve. Still no solid answers but I enjoy the links and discussions to enhance my personal journey.

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 01:46 PM
I have been studying wisdom teachings for 20 years and had been a member of Astara, while also studying the Bailey material along with many other teachings of this sort. It is very attractive and offers a great sense of brotherhood and home. Eventually I noticed the use of the term New World Order. I noticed the connections with the UN, which hopefully you all realise is not the just world service it pretends to be. I noticed several historical flaws as well.
After 20 years I now know that these are all Luciferian: Arcane School, Astara, Masonic Order and the Illuminati, and more. My father is a Mason and I recognized the luciferian initiation rites as being similiar to the mystery schools. It is obvious.
So, what does this really mean? It seems to me that the Illuminati likely have the more complete knowledge and "they" created the secret socities like the Masonic Order to control simple folk; and they created the mystery schools for controlling the more spiritually aware. Sorry to say.
Lucifer, Horus, Samson, Jesus, Mythos and many more are all from sun worship. Lucifer therefore is not the devil (whatever you think that is). Lucifer (the light bearer) is the sun. Some of the greatest mysteries of our past like knowledge of the sun and seasons was kept secret and hidden in stories, eventually becomming twisted like in the Masonic Order and most major religions.
Now before that overly defensive Mason gets on my case for speaking the truth, and before members of the mystery schools start sending me dark thought forms; allow me to point out that most masons are not evil and are not satanic. Most lodges are innocent and the members have very little real knowledge of the mysteries. Most new agers are seekers of truth and don't realize they are being given only partial truths and are being used.
Knowledge is used for good and evil. Luciferian knowledge it seems to me is not evil nor good, it just is. The Illuminati control satanists below them, so they use the knowledge for evil purposes.
What I would like to know is: Are there any advanced spiritual teachings, along these lines, that have no connection to the Illuminati, the UN, or any New World Order plans?

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 02:05 PM

Knowledge is used for good and evil. Luciferian knowledge it seems to me is not evil nor good, it just is. The Illuminati control satanists below them, so they use the knowledge for evil purposes.

Having been a Rosy Cross, Astara member and a student now of LT, and also a member of the Philosophocal Society for many years, I did not care for Ast nor RC, so now my energies are going to LT..
There must be some secret meetings somewhere that do not include me, but IF one thinks yours truly would ever belong to a devious organization that has anything except the being of a service to mankind, then it is obvious they have no idea of what this group of world servers does.
They totally understand their karma and the karma of the world and especially individual karma, and would never CREATE bad karma nor accept the responsibillty for it..
*Welcome*to the board

[edit on 16-4-2006 by siriuslyone]

posted on Apr, 16 2006 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Mystery9
I have been studying wisdom teachings for 20 years and had been a member of Astara, while also studying the Bailey material along with many other teachings of this sort. It is very attractive and offers a great sense of brotherhood and home. Eventually I noticed the use of the term New World Order. I noticed the connections with the UN, which hopefully you all realise is not the just world service it pretends to be. I noticed several historical flaws as well.
After 20 years I now know that these are all Luciferian: Arcane School, Astara, Masonic Order and the Illuminati, and more. My father is a Mason and I recognized the luciferian initiation rites as being similiar to the mystery schools. It is obvious.
So, what does this really mean? It seems to me that the Illuminati likely have the more complete knowledge and "they" created the secret socities like the Masonic Order to control simple folk; and they created the mystery schools for controlling the more spiritually aware. Sorry to say.
Lucifer, Horus, Samson, Jesus, Mythos and many more are all from sun worship. Lucifer therefore is not the devil (whatever you think that is). Lucifer (the light bearer) is the sun. Some of the greatest mysteries of our past like knowledge of the sun and seasons was kept secret and hidden in stories, eventually becomming twisted like in the Masonic Order and most major religions.
Now before that overly defensive Mason gets on my case for speaking the truth, and before members of the mystery schools start sending me dark thought forms; allow me to point out that most masons are not evil and are not satanic. Most lodges are innocent and the members have very little real knowledge of the mysteries. Most new agers are seekers of truth and don't realize they are being given only partial truths and are being used.
Knowledge is used for good and evil. Luciferian knowledge it seems to me is not evil nor good, it just is. The Illuminati control satanists below them, so they use the knowledge for evil purposes.
What I would like to know is: Are there any advanced spiritual teachings, along these lines, that have no connection to the Illuminati, the UN, or any New World Order plans?

Mystery9, you don't come across as a conspiracy nut job, you actually do sound like someone who knows what they're talking about. I'd like to pick your brain
I find no reason why I wouldn't trust a word you just said. I'm not a mason, but you just confirmed what most non-masons have been saying, basically. I pretty much agree with you on the whole sun worship thing, in relation to Jesus and Lucifer and other mythical "divine men".

Interesting how you mention the UN. As I see it, they're out to unify all world religions, or something like that, one world governent, etc etc. to pave the way for something big, or someone who would be their leader? Everything that a conspiracy theorist would say basically. I just don't trust the UN

Couple of links (bias/religious view but their research is impressive):

United Nations Watch

The United Religions


The U.N. Deception

The Real Agenda of The U.N.

the Illuminati likely have the more complete knowledge

Do you have some idea what this knowledge is? Where/How to find it? Or do you think it's too dangerous? Would it benefit mankind?

Some of the greatest mysteries of our past like knowledge of the sun and seasons was kept secret and hidden in stories, eventually becomming twisted

What other knowledge specifically can you share that became twisted?

And is there any knowledge about the Sun that we don't know about? Something that has been hidden for a long time?

Most new agers are seekers of truth and don't realize they are being given only partial truths and are being used.

Hmm, define new ager. I'm definitely a seeker of truth, not sure if I consider myself a new ager? I guess when you say "given only partial truths" you are referring to the masonic knowledge pyramid/degrees? The top of that pyramid knows all, correct? Who is at the top? and.. What is their agenda?

Who has this much power to manipulate so many? Can we bring these people down and expose them? Is there hope?

mystery schools start sending me dark thought forms

Hmm. Like telepathically? Use of magic? Details please.

Are there any advanced spiritual teachings, along these lines, that have no connection to the Illuminati, the UN, or any New World Order plans?

Maybe the pyramids hold some advanced knowledge. Communication with Extraterrestrial Beings? Dreams? Lost & Ancient Books? Mushrooms? lol

I read on one of your posts in the thread Masonic Symbols, that you mentioned researcher Jordan Maxwell. I'm a big fan of his so it's great to find someone else who follows his work

[edit on 16-4-2006 by eudaimonia]

posted on Apr, 17 2006 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Mystery9
Lucifer, Horus, Samson, Jesus, Mythos and many more are all from sun worship. Lucifer therefore is not the devil (whatever you think that is). Lucifer (the light bearer) is the sun.

Yes, but Christus-Lucifer is not the physical Sun(although 'He' would Be the Source of it).

The Ain Soph Aur(to my knowledge, is Amen - Ra and Sophia) is the Spiritual Sun; The Sun behind the Sun.

This energy permeates everything, and is said to be potently latent within the creative sexual glands(Yesod) of the humanoid(the Gods create with The Word(Daath)), and must be wisely distributed throughout the whole organism creating a bridge between the physical humanoid, the Seven Churches(7 Chakras) and his septenary bodies(many Theosophists think we already have these bodies; yet, the intellectual-animal mistakenly called Man, only has the lunar spectre of them, which must be made Solar through Alchemy).

Samech is the cosmic womb, vulva, or volva (from Latin volvere “to turn, twist or roll”) where the continuous revolving Light of the Ain Soph is located. Christus-Lucifer originates infinite cosmic possibilities.

Samech is the letter that represents the Ouroboros, the eternal cyclical action of the Light-Life-Fire-Wisdom of the Ain Soph; these revolutions of the light of the Absolute manifests as innumerable cycles of death and rebirth at all levels in the universe. Samech, Ouroboros is shown as a half light half dark serpent, which illustrates the duality, Maya in the universe; these opposites are not in conflict within the Consciousness of the Paramarthasatyas.

So, the circular form of the Samech is the Ouroboros, which symbolizes that the original fiery-wisdom-force (Iod) of the Ain Soph Aur is reflected on all levels in the endless creative circle of eternity that unites heaven and earth. Samech, the Serpent biting its own tail, (this is the Ouroboros that has its tail inside of its mouth), thus unites the Iod of the beginning (the Word) and the Iod of the end (the Sperm). Samech is the Alpha and the Omega in an eternal cycle.

It is Lucifer that can drag us into the Abyss(by causing us to fornicate), and it is also Lucifer who can bring Spiritual Fire and Illumination(through Transmutation).

What I would like to know is: Are there any advanced spiritual teachings, along these lines, that have no connection to the Illuminati, the UN, or any New World Order plans?

Well, let's look at some quotes from the same Being of whom I got most of this knowledge from(especially note what is in bold and/or underlined):

The Antichrist

Unfortunately, the world today with all its tragedies and miseries is governed by the Antichrist. The state of chaos in which modern humanity finds itself is undoubtedly due to the Antichrist.

The iniquitous one, of which Paul of Tarsus spoke in his Epistles, is certainly the harsh reality of our times. The iniquitous one is already here. It manifests itself everywhere; it certainly has the gift of ubiquity.

It argues in cafes, negotiates at the United Nations, sits comfortably in Geneva, conducts experiments in laboratories, invents atomic bombs, remote-controlled missiles, asphyxiating gases, bacteriological bombs, etc., etc., etc.

The Antichrist, fascinated by its own intellectualism, which is absolutely exclusive to know-it-alls, believes that it knows all of the phenomena of Nature.

The Antichrist, believing itself to be omniscient, is trapped in the decay of its own theories. It directly rejects anything resembling God, or that which is worshipped. The self-sufficiency, pride and arrogance of the Antichrist are unbearable. The Antichrist mortally hates the Christian virtues of faith, patience and humility.

Everyone bows before the Antichrist. Obviously, it has invented ultrasonic aircraft, wonderful ships, splendid cars, amazing medicines, etc. Under such conditions, who can doubt the Antichrist?

In this day and age, anyone who dares to speak against all the miracles and wonders of the Son of Perdition condemns himself to everyone's ridicule, sarcasm and irony; he condemns himself to be classified as stupid and ignorant.


The Doomed Aryan Race/The Solar Bodies

Presently, instead of evolving, the Aryan Root Race [this entire humanity, in every country and place] has devolved, and its corruption is worse than that of the Atlantean Root Race. The Aryan Root Race's malignity is so great that it has reached unto heaven. Therefore, this Aryan Root Race will be destroyed, so that Ra-Mu's prophesy (which he uttered before the submergence of Atlantis) will be fulfilled:

"If these people forget that they should not amass material things, not only for their own progress, but also for the generosity towards mankind, the same fate will surprise them."

...It is indeed impossible to deny that we presently live in moments of global crisis; in the history of our Aryan Root Race, there have never been such terrible moments.

Woes and weeping are heard everywhere; executions are occurring the world over; unhappy people remember their beloved relatives with supreme anguish as they waste the last moments of their life in hard labor camps; widows with children who die of starvation, etc.

The entire Earth is filled with armies and wars; rumors of wars are heard everywhere.

The present chaos is awful; nonetheless, the tyrants, while seated on their blasphemous thrones, uselessly intend to establish a "New Order" based upon blood and drugs.

Paris, as a Great Harlot, continues wallowing in its filthy bed of pleasures. London has become a new Sodom; it even intends to establish the legal bond of matrimony between homosexuals. The United States of America has fallen into a collective madness, because they have not only destroyed other countries, but moreover, they are also destroying their own. China, the venerable China of Confucius and Lao-Tse, has fallen as a prostitute in the arms of Marxism-Leninism. China has imported a corrupted doctrine from the Western world; nonetheless, they have declared themselves "enemies of the West."

The Third World War is inevitable because the ones who planned and performed the First and Second World Wars are already working very actively in order to make the Third World War a reality. The Third World War will be millions of times more horrible than the two former World Wars.

Any sense of pity has disappeared. Today it is considered a luxury to have a heart of stone, a flint stone heart. Many schools and colleges teach their pupils that charity is weakness and that they must never give alms. This is how the students become perverse and cruel while sitting at their desks in school.

The moral epidemic of the so called "Rebels without a Cause" fell upon the entire humanity after the Second World War; these rebels are the children of the "New Age" who without God and without Law go around organizing gangs. Everywhere and anywhere they go about killing, hurting, raping, getting drunk, etc., and the governments cannot control them.

The gravest part of these "Rebels without a Cause" is their state of Absolute Moral Irresponsibility. When they are taken in front of the tribunals, they do not know why they have killed, why they have hurt others, and worst of all is that they don't even care to know why.

The sublime world of art has reached the maximum degree of degeneration. The Temple of Art has been converted into a whorehouse; it has become a brothel where homosexuals, drug addicts, alcoholics, harlots, assassins, thieves, etc., search for refuge.

Human corruption is so great that even homicide has become an art form. Moreover, the breaking point of madness is the fact that there presently exist organizations for assassins and an abundant amount of literature on the art of assassination.

All branches of present day art acknowledge lust, alcoholism, drugs, homosexuality, blood, horror

In this day and age, classical composers are seen with infinite despise. To play Beethoven or Mozart in any modern festivity signifies the general withdrawal of the guests.

The Four Blasphemous Clowns (the Beatles) from the degenerated music of England were endowed with the mark of distinction by the Queen of that Empire. The idiotic multitudes even kissed the ground that they walked upon.

Everywhere there abundantly exists assassinations, robberies, infanticides, matricides, parricides, uxoricides, assaults, rapes, genocides, prostitution, hatred, vengeance, sorcery, merchants of souls and merchants of bodies, greed, violence, envy, pride, arrogance, gluttony, love of luxury, slander, etc.

Indeed, the Aryan Root Race is a rotten fruit, a fruit that will fall from the Tree of Life by the weight of its own rottenness.

Doesn't exactly sound like a message of happy rainbows and "World Peace" now does it?

But the modern Gnostic Movement nonetheless, recognizes the Dalai Lama as a great Bodhisattva; and even though this race must be destroyed; we should do our best to save what can be saved.

"As long as space remains, and as long as sentient beings remain, may I too remain and dispel the miseries of the world." - Shantideva

[edit on 17-4-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 06:28 PM
You can trust me to be honest and I will try to add understanding to this forum where I can. It would seem we are all well studied here and there are two maybe three of you I would consider honest truth seekers. I consider an honest truth seeker to be one who is not stuck or overly attached to a SYSTEM of BELIEF. One who does not have to defend their beliefs. One who prefers not to believe but to know. One who is always prepared to trade in his or her truths for higher truths. Most people seem to need a manual. We are without proper guidence. We are here in this world and yet apart from it. We have a dual conflicted nature that we don't understand. So we join groups with a set program where you "can't" go wrong, and we expierence belonging, pack bonding, a sense of direction, a charge of mostly emotional energies, sometimes more (then your hooked).
A long time ago before we became earths first GM product, the primative human only knew what was readily apparent. When it was dark, it was dangerous, cold and unknown. In winter with less light the crops all died. When the sun was shining, it was safer, known, warmer, everything grew and gave birth. It is built into all of us to think in these terms. It is built into our primative selves.
Then came the "gods" from the heavens to forever change our lives and bodies. The missing link, our creation story, the adams and the eves, the beginning of religion and spiritual ideas, the beginning of civilization. We were indeed created by the gods, BUT! back then the gods were real flesh and blood beings. All of you are using the word god and think you are refering to the same thing, but even in the old testament before being twisted into its' current english form, the word translated to God, is plural...gods! The gods did create us, and we also evolve- slowly. The gods tried several times to get it right and likely created many of the differences we see in humans. It should be obvious that the so called white people have more of a disconnect to the earth than say the Native North Americans. The DNA that makes us different than all other animals varies in its strength from people to people, person to person. Now before someone shouts that I am being racest, I have some of each, and I know that we are all mixed from long long ago. We also all can trace our DNA to a common "source". How many times have I have been told I am from another planet? Well I get it now, the alien DNA is more active in me than some.
I feel quite strongly that if you step back and really honestlly look at the human race you will see also some characteristics of our creators, and some from mother earth.
I feel that our conflicted nature comes from the mix, and affects the physical and spiritual in us. We connect to the earth energies and see shamen(good and bad) doing amazing works. We connect to other energies and see even more amazing works(good and bad). We connect to both and activate ALL our DNA and we are truly aware.
The gods taught our ancesters some neet tricks like the calender, agriculiture, math, writing, new words, the solar system and stars, etc. Well I don't know if all the "gods" ever left or not....I haven't seen any as far as I know. At some point though the gods were effectively gone from our lives. Now anyone that had preserved or understood what the gods taught would be a powerfull person. One group can build a calendar and know exactlly when to plant their crops and the other group has to wing it. The starving group wants the knowledge and steals it. Without complete knowledge it is not so effective over time. If you can't create a calendar than you can't adjust it when "things" change. Well those that are in the know hide the knowledge in plain sight in the form of stories and give it to everyone and no one.
Today we have the mystery teachings, religions, doctrines, practices, secret societies, black and white lodges. Everyone having only partial knowledge and misdirection.
Add to this that there appears to be a line of DNA given the "blood rights" to rule, and that line is cold and controlling and still to this day asserting control over our lives and availiable knowledge. "They" are not going to tell you what anything really means. "They" own the money, gold, land, polititions, AND the greatest knowledge. I do not know if they understand it.
When you understand that humans are easily swayed by stories of sun worship because it is built into us, you can see why people "believe" the story and create religions that can control people. For people not so easily controlled by sun worship, we have the mystery schools and New Age movement...still sun worship but with some very intelligent pathworking that rings true to our other 233 genes. Still as far as I have seen, the knowledge is deliberately incomplete/partial.
Are any of you allowed to read the books in the Vatican? For example?
We have these symbols all around us and very few really understand them. The Statue of Liberty is a good example and I am not going to give the answer here, to avoid argument. Why is it on an island? What does the torch really mean? What does liberty really mean? Who really gave it to the US?
What is or who is the statue on the white house-not Marry. What does the Illuminati symbol on every American dollar really mean? Where does the presents under the tree come from, santa? What about the easter eggs?
FYI The Sun dies(stops moving along the horizon(Horus rising)) on the cross of the zodiac for three days(in a cave), around Dec. 22 to 24th. Then the Sun is resurrected(starts moving again northward) at aroung Dec. 25th. Easter/Passover, the sun crosses ???
Simple yes?

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 06:49 PM
Maybe it is 322 not 233 genes we have that have no earthly progenetor. If it is 322 then, LOL, I think that is one of Skull & Bones infamous numbers...I'll have to check on that.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 07:39 PM
I suppose the best example I can give right now of how great knowledge can be hidden, is the quest that brought me to abovetopsecret. A "new" understanding of our base 10 number system has me very curious. It would appear that base ten is universal. This understanding of math/geometry predicts the flow of energy. It even describes the shape of our universe. It may give us the zero point, prana, antigrav., etc.. Go to and you will see a Christian and an Islam symbol that exactly represents this sacred geometry. You may note too as I did that the Compass and Square also forms this same pattern. Given that this pattern is universal, and is of great importance, and shows up in at least three religions/brotherhoods, and is not really understood, and can give us better control and sources of energy.......well I wonder if the knowledge is kept from us to sell oil, electricity, coal, transportation?
Maybe the true knowledge was lost till now? Maybe!
If you really look into this folks you will see similiarities in the physics and energy and the religious discriptions of these symbols. Someone used to understand this on earth and it would be known throughout the universe. This is exactlly the kind of knowledge the Illuminati would want for themselves, and everyone else gets stories that ring true on some level- incomplete though.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Mystery9
You can trust me...

You've earned my trust lol. I feel pretty much the same way you do.

I was so impressed with what you wrote, I'm gonna give you a big fat:

You have voted Mystery9 for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 09:12 PM
Hi Mystery9

I feel some of what you're saying and seem to have been through a few of the same chambers you've been through.

I'm quite sure there are conspiracies going on carried out by elitist groups and what not, some having occult knowledge and powers.

However, I've finally realized that first seeing the causes of my own sufferings, is more important than trying to find out who's who in the "Illuminati" of the political world and what aliens we may have come from, that may be manipulating us, etc., etc.

How do we expect to make positive changes in the world without first changing ourselves?(are we still full of greed, anger, lust, fear, etc.?)

The Hebrew Elohim, Anunnaki, etc.(Gods and Goddesses) are our own Monads.

Be careful with these Zechariah Sitchins and David Ickes sending people on a wild goose-chase looking for aliens, instead of looking within for the Elohim.

Next thing you know they're going to say that Buddha was from outer-space.

I'm not saying that aliens don't exist.

But I'd say there's a much better chance of meeting them in the Internal Planes, than trying to with sensual mind here in the physical plane.

About the race thing; I actually used to believe that the physical white man is the devil, when I studied knowledge from the N.O.I. and N.O.G.E.

There actually is something to it, and even Western Occultists like Dion Fortune admit that those of Nordic, Teutonic, Anglo-Saxon stock, etc. are less sensitive to spiritual vibrations.

But we also have to bear in mind that alot of what Elijah Muhammad taught, was symbolic of Yoga practices and states of mind related to the Tree of Life.

Raise the "Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers"(Kundalini) and you'll be able to fully activate the Pineal Gland, regardless of race.

Physical DNA is nothing compared to objective Self Comprehension through meditation.

Also, the Masters teach that with Words of Power(Mantras), we can actually transform our DNA to be in alignment with the Will of the Inner Gods.

Just my two cents for now.


[edit on 30-4-2006 by Tamahu]

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 10:22 PM

Also, the Masters teach that with Words of Power(Mantras), we can actually transform our DNA to be in alignment with the Will of the Inner Gods.


I have most enjoyed reading you on this thread.
Bless you and keep up the good work..
Wats to you

posted on Apr, 18 2006 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu
Just my two cents for now.

Well said.

You have voted Tamahu for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have one more vote left for this month.

posted on Apr, 19 2006 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by Tamahu

How do we expect to make positive changes in the world without first changing ourselves?(are we still full of greed, anger, lust, fear, etc.?)...

Be careful with these Zechariah Sitchins and David Ickes sending people on a wild goose-chase looking for aliens, instead of looking within for the Elohim.

This is perhaps the most important point I've ever seen anyone make. Bravo, and you have my vote for Way Above.

posted on Apr, 22 2006 @ 09:30 AM
I wanted to thank everyone who added to this thread, it has been the most interesting and informative of any I have read here at ATS. There is much wisdom expressed here and if I could wrap my thinking into structured repose it would read much like the words communicated here. This kind of thread is what attracts me to, and keeps me coming back to this site.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 12:53 PM
Funny thing..........
After a renewed interest in Lucis Trust I reviewed this thread and found that two important contributors to this thread have disappeared from ATS.

Mystery9 never posted anything again, and only two prior posts exist on this site
and Siriuslyone also has disappeared. I was attempting to get to know SiriuslyOne and am saddened by her missing presence, Mystery9 seemed to be one who has insight to share, also.

Tamahu, I'm glad you are still here!

Does anyone have anything to add to my discovery?

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 02:58 PM
I think this has been one of the better threads I've read in a long while- Kudos to all.

posted on Sep, 19 2006 @ 07:26 PM
I also enjoyed this thread Corsig.
It is a bit off topic, but mentioned in this thread the significance of the number 322.
Is that the date that the Sun enters the Zodiacal sign of Aries, the Astrological beginning?

posted on Sep, 20 2006 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Tamahu

However, I've finally realized that first seeing the causes of my own sufferings, is more important than trying to find out who's who in the "Illuminati" of the political world and what aliens we may have come from, that may be manipulating us, etc., etc.
I'm not saying that aliens don't exist.

But I'd say there's a much better chance of meeting them in the Internal Planes, than trying to with sensual mind here in the physical plane.

Tamahu, I have occasionally criticised the lengh of some of you posts ( verbal spam, remember?) but I must say, when you speak from the heart instead of "external sources" you make a mean point and although Mystery9 had some compelling arguments, I agree with your resume'. Well said!

posted on Oct, 2 2006 @ 08:46 PM
I'm not good at taking compliments; but thanks to all those who gave them.

[edit on 2-10-2006 by Tamahu]

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