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A piece of Roswell unsolved

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posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 05:57 PM
This is a story that was told to me first hand by a voluteer coordinator at the Roswell museaum who took me under his wing after my third visit. I was there four times and probably won't get back again. *sigh" You can choose to do what you wish with this story but I have waited untill I was on the board for abit before posting it.
Here goes:

The Roswell volunteer (unnamed) got a call on day from a man who allegidly claimed that is dieng father had one wish. And, that he had in his position a piece of foil typ metal from the Corona (Roswell) crash site. And that he had this piece of debre in his dads foot looker for decades and promissed that he would hold up to his fathers wishes when he died.
The voluteer, after chating with this man for sometime, had decided he sounded for real and they planned a meeting place for about a week later. In the meantime, they both kept intouch.
Volunteer flew out for thier meeting at a resturant of the man's choice. Volunteer got there early and took a seat in a booth. He waited a good hour or so. A well dressed woman and man walked and sat down on the other side of him. "You are waiting for Mr.? are you not? The volunteer replied," yes I am". The man replied, well he is not coming and if you mention our meeting you will never see your family again". Well, the volunteer left right after the man and woman did due to the fact they down right told him to get out of town now. He went back to his hotel room and still having the phone number of this man he was supposed to meet, called the number. A woman answered. The volunteer asked for the man by name. The woman then said " There is no one living here by that name". Now mind you, this was the same number that he had called for a week before he left and even on the same night he left.
I am not lieing to you members. This is a first hand story handed down to me by the man that had the event happen to hlm.
He has since left the museaum and gone on the road with this event tesimony. I often wonder if he is still alive to tell his tale.

Oh! I forgot to mention. The voice on the phone was the same voice as the woman he had met in the resturant!


[edit on 15-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

mod edit: spelling in title

[edit on 19-11-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 06:53 PM
stories like this drive me nuts. Only because I wish I was there to tell the couple to go to hell. Of course they would kill my family, but just to see the look on their face from someone standing up to them would be classic.

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by lardo5150
stories like this drive me nuts. Only because I wish I was there to tell the couple to go to hell. Of course they would kill my family, but just to see the look on their face from someone standing up to them would be classic.

That has often entered my mind too. I have been personally involved with so many different people in these past 11 years or so, that I often wonder. One day I am gonna say the wrong thing at the wrong time to the wrong person. Poof! MIB at my door and I am gone. LOL.....But, then I said to myself. Hell with it. If I know something, I'm gonna tell about it and the hell with the MIB and they can meet me at any resturant of thier choice any day as long as they pay the bill.

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 07:10 PM
I mean, they spend all this time and money to cover up everything, why? I am sure everyone can point out a thousand reasons, but with all the skepticm today, why would anyone believe that person. So why go through the trouble of threatening some dude that works at a museum of all places.

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by lardo5150
I mean, they spend all this time and money to cover up everything, why? I am sure everyone can point out a thousand reasons, but with all the skepticm today, why would anyone believe that person. So why go through the trouble of threatening some dude that works at a museum of all places.

And I believe his crediblity to the up most. This mans dad wanted the museaum to have that piece of debre. It could be that no one ever knew he even had it in his hot little hands for all I know. I just don't understand either how he ever thought that piece of history would ever make it to any destination for that matter, much less the Roswell museam getting it. Beats me. I am just sharing the story with you. It's yours to play with. But it is the whole story as it was told to me.

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 07:31 PM
Oh no, I was not doubting you, not at all, my point was why do they go through all this trouble to threaten people when the majority of the population does not believe in this stuff anyways.

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by lardo5150
Oh no, I was not doubting you, not at all, my point was why do they go through all this trouble to threaten people when the majority of the population does not believe in this stuff anyways.

Well, maybe they thought it was going to get into the wrong hands. And we all know that "the wrong hands" are anything other then the folks that are covering it up. So, this kinda tells me that this may just be a very good piece of viable evidence that could have gone astray and they wanted to stop it before it got out. This volunteer at the time was in his 60s I would say. I really miss those days when I was able to do some real hands on research and get some viable answers from some who were IMHO very credible. I really consider myself kinda lucky to have stumbled across some of these folks in my lifetime.
Here is a joke for ya. When I went to "White Sands" all I could see for miles was just that. Nothing but white sand. LMAO. I have never been to area 51. I have been to Vagas and near Purump NV a few times, but never made it around "Alien Highway". Not much to see from what I gather anyways. Another nice place to visit is "Crator Lake" in Oregon. Looks good enough to have been the place for a moon walk if you get my drift.
Here's another laugh. I never went to the crash site at "Corona". Hell, I'm not paying $15.00 to some rancher to see where the crash site was...

[edit on 15-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 09:09 PM
I hate to busrt your bubble, but the military came out in 1995 and admitted that the "Roswell" incident was nothing more than a "spy balloon" experiment, and the "aliens" that were found were nothing more than military dummies.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 12:07 AM

Originally posted by elderban
I hate to busrt your bubble, but the military came out in 1995 and admitted that the "Roswell" incident was nothing more than a "spy balloon" experiment, and the "aliens" that were found were nothing more than military dummies.

I'm busting yours. I think you'd better go back and do a little research first. Uhhhh, me thinks you got your dates and occasions mixed up a bit here. Gen Ramey, was the first to debunk the incodent and said it was a weather balloon after the they allowed the crash of a flying disc to come out in next days newspaper. Then some years later when folks would not take that answer, they said that they were expierenmental monkies. Then when folks would not expecpt that for truth, they came up with the idea, "Hey let's tell them they were crash dummies" and close this story for good. I think you need to go back and do some homework before you make a claim that you know what your talking about here. You get an "F" in Roswell research for that piece of work. In fact, it was on the 50 year anniversary of the crash that they came out with the great idea to tell us it was crash dummies. I found that to be a very hillarious answer.

[edit on 16-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 12:38 AM
You're not bursting anyone's bubble, Elderban, that was officially the 4th and different explanation the military has given for Roswell.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 12:52 AM
This topic is about my story and not about the crash at "Corona". Please keep on Topic if you please. What to debate about the Corona crash, then find a thread that pertains to that subject matter. But, I will say this, Fema is right in what was said. They were 4 totally different rebutals on this event on 4 different occassions.
And it was at first to be a "weather balloon" not a spy balloon.


[edit on 16-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by elderban
I hate to busrt your bubble, but the military came out in 1995 and admitted that the "Roswell" incident was nothing more than a "spy balloon" experiment, and the "aliens" that were found were nothing more than military dummies.

Um sorry, a Senator of massachusetts or something in the 90's said that the Roswell thing was not a balloon. His name started with a K or something. I doubt it was balloon. Why would the Air Force rush out in vans to get it quick. How and why would a spy balloon have dumbies in it? Random. IF they were gonna test something they would have done it at area 51 or a millitary base.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 01:20 AM
How true this is. And not only that, moving in with flat beds to haul away a weather balloon is hillarious. Those who broke the 50 year oth of silence have even said that. There were military trucks and flat beds all over the place. I totally believe that some of the military stick a piece of that debre in thier pockets and went home. Just look at the story from the son. He said his father brought home a piece of metal that you could fold up and it would then unfold itself. Many stories out there by credable folks IMHO.

mod edit: removed quote from previous post

[edit on 16-11-2005 by sanctum]

posted on Nov, 17 2005 @ 06:50 PM

Then when folks would not expecpt that for truth, they came up with the idea, "Hey let's tell them they were crash dummies" and close this story for good.

Yes, that's funny. The official report says the crash dummy program ran from 1953 to 1959. Not terribly convincing in resolving an incident that occurred in 1947.

posted on Nov, 17 2005 @ 07:12 PM
You know that is a very convincing point you would expect the government SHOULD be ( notice the keyword is should) competent enough to cover something up. I mean really haven't they had enough experience?

(You can fill in the blanks as to what was covered up)

[edit on 17-11-2005 by JoJo the religious man]

posted on Nov, 17 2005 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by SkyChild_5
This is a story that was told to me first hand by a voluteer coordinator at the Roswell museaum who took me under his wing after my third visit. I was there four times and probably won't get back again. *sigh" You can choose to do what you wish with this story but I have waited untill I was on the board for abit before posting it...

[edit on 15-11-2005 by SkyChild_5]

Hi Sky Child.

When I read the story, from the Roswell UFO Museum "voluteer
coordinator", that you posted, I thought it sounded a little "too" familiar,
and finally remembered who and where that information originated.

I also remembered that at one time this person had a website, and sure
enough, after some digging it's still there, albeit, it has grown since I last

So, if anyone would like to see the complete original straight from the
horses' mouth version of this story, please go to the following link,
and click the menu provided. It is a LONG read, but worth it:


Also, please note, Sky, the person who took you "under his wing"
related the story to you, does not hide his name from it in anyway shape or
form; it's right there for all to see, and, if I'm not mistaken, he's open to
questions, etc... from folk who are "seriously" looking for information.

PLEASE NOTE: I am in NO way promoting his website! However,
I believe this will give further insight into Sky Child's post, and take some
of the Ooooooooo! out of it. I believe he would want it that way... from
one fellow Roswellian to another!


[EDIT: Post's line margine/spacing]

[edit on 11/17/2005 by WalksThroughTime]

posted on Nov, 17 2005 @ 09:11 PM
Why wouldn't these mystery people just go and take it from the dying man or at anytime during the 50 odd years he had it, rather than expose themselves in an identifiable way, interfear with a meeting in a public place and then take phone calls? All of which just give creedence to this 'piece of metal' existing if this actually happened.

If they knew all this, they knew where it was, who had it and why it was important to keep secret. If they could do all this, I'm sure they'd have the resources to break into the house or setup a robbery and trash the place so it looks like an old man got robbed. It would make it hard for someone without the metal to prove they once had it.

These types of stories are told so people go to the museum, there's no basis for truth to it and it lacks logic to begin with. Every amatuer museum in the world has a few tall tales to keep people stopping as they pass by.

posted on Nov, 17 2005 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by elderban
I hate to busrt your bubble, but the military came out in 1995 and admitted that the "Roswell" incident was nothing more than a "spy balloon" experiment, and the "aliens" that were found were nothing more than military dummies.

So, I take it Iraq was teeming with WMD's right?
Of course it was, the government said so.

posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by TheShroudOfMemphis

... These types of stories are told so people go to the museum, there's no basis for truth to it and it lacks logic to begin with. Every amatuer museum in the world has a few tall tales to keep people stopping as they pass by.

You are welcome to believe or not believe what you wish. I have no vested
interest in it one way or the other. I merely provided a link to the "whole"
story to offset any misinformation regarding the story itself.

As far as whether

These types of stories are told so people go to the museum

that is an "assumption" on your part, especially in view of the fact that
you weren't at the museum to determine the man's intention in telling Sky
in the first place... you only "assume" that's why he did it.

Your "assumption" may or not be true, BUT! if you weren't there, at that
moment, in the man's head, privy to his thoughts, you don't "know" if
his telling the story "to get people to the museum" was his intention or not!

In fact, if you want to get really "deep" with it, you don't even know for sure
that the conversation with Sky even took place, you can only go by what
was posted. In the end... it's up to you to decide what you will or won't
believe, but that doesn't mean just because you don't believe it, it's not

[edit on 11/18/2005 by WalksThroughTime]

posted on Nov, 18 2005 @ 04:15 AM

Originally posted by WalksThroughTime
As far as whether

These types of stories are told so people go to the museum

that is an "assumption" on your part, especially in view of the fact that
you weren't at the museum to determine the man's intention in telling Sky
in the first place... you only "assume" that's why he did it.

Your "assumption" may or not be true, BUT! if you weren't there, at that
moment, in the man's head, privy to his thoughts, you don't "know" if
his telling the story "to get people to the museum" was his intention or not!

In fact, if you want to get really "deep" with it, you don't even know for sure
that the conversation with Sky even took place, you can only go by what
was posted. In the end... it's up to you to decide what you will or won't
believe, but that doesn't mean just because you don't believe it, it's not

Of course it's an assumption but it's also a lot more logical than the story.
It has classic Roswell folk-lore all through it and it's third hand information at best. This guy sounds like he got hoaxed and instead of saying "i sat at the dinner all day and no one but some dudes outside laughing showed up" into this:

I didn't exactly feel threatened during our 3 1/2 hour meeting, but I was led to believe that they had an awful lot of authority, pertaining to UFOs. He said his boss was gunned down in Florida two weeks earlier by the CIA. He admitted the government is well aware of UFOs, they do exist, and that Roswell is real. He indicated there was a leak coming out of Roswell, perhaps out of the UFO museum, reporting back to Washington. He would not get specific as to who it was, but just said that the museum probably should be careful. He said the government was going to make the UFO information public, as soon as they can figure out a way how to do it, as there are many problems with setting that up, in order for people not to panic, and to make sure that the news media obtained and reported the information correctly.

Why the hell would the OSI agents, reveal their identities and then go on to share some of America's darkest secrets with a dude that runs a UFO museum in Roswell?

He had nothing, he knew nothing. If they had already intercepted him via the first phone call, then logic would state they would already have delt with the old guy and got the metal back. They could of left it at that and let this guy believe he was hoaxed.

Instead they show up, tell him some secrets, confirm to him for no reason that he wasn't being hoaxed and then leave him with more secrets.

Yet he has no proof. All he has is his own 'notes' and all his leads are either 'false names' or of the 'never heard of them again' type. If you can't research it, you can't debunk it! Brilliant.

The story sounds legit up to when he arrives at the meeting point, then it turns into an imaginary tale. I dare say this guy got hoaxed and had the hard part of the story already made for him so he created a tale to promote his museum.

I'm usually pretty open with this stuff but this just stinks of creative writing.

[edit on 18-11-2005 by TheShroudOfMemphis]

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