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British security getting tighter

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posted on Nov, 15 2005 @ 01:06 PM
I'm surprised no one has started a thread about this, unless there is already one, for which I apologise if there is.

1-Anyway, recently Tony Blair has tried to pass a new law to keep suspected terroists for a maximum of 90 days without trial. It was over ruled by Labour back benchers (his own party).

2-Also, there are plans for extra security at train stations, including baggage checks or body scanners similar to those in that Arnold Schawaneggar (sp?) "Total Recall" (the bit he walks through the x-ray scan). And a lot more CCTV cameras as well.

3-There is preparations to bring back British troops from the middle east which would mean more soldiers in Britain.

The reason I mention this, is that Britain is becoming more of a police state. We already knew that, but this is a lot further. The only thing we don't have are cameras in our homes and every nook and alley. Then there's the load of soldiers that will be in Britain. Possible martial law?

But the only thing, is that people say the U.N will start the NWO (unless the British government are part of it, probably are) and Tony Blair was defeated by his own party. The only thing keeping him in power, is that the other parties don't seem to be any more inept at running the country.

I'm sure people in England will be able to give support to the numbered points, as they're in pretty much every newspaper. Some of you will say the NWO is already in power, but the deafeat of the 90 day detention time seems to show that they're weak, unless the government is going to do a Hitler and arrest all who oppose him.....

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 05:40 AM
yeah i see what u mean. the other day i was pulled over by the police in euston station under section 44/45 or whatever of the terrorism act of 2000, which as the qoute on the back of the carbon copy of my stop and search form they gave me, says that the police have the right to stop, search and detain ANYONE (esp browns and fact mainly us ethnic minorities, and the off "punk white teen" who might annoy them) without any reason given, or suspician. I was walking through the mainland bit of euston station, when they stopped me, all because i wak straight TOWARDS them, rather than acting shifty, and going around or anything. i let them know right away id been waiting for the day this happened, after been followed by police cars a few times, stopped and hassled when cycling etc, and now i finally get proper searched.

police are idiots, and most who become police are on a ego/power trip to begin with. i doubt they did it just for peace and justice, sure many like feeling the power over "civilians". never mind the fact the people they treat like crap are prob way more intelligent than them.

they were also making lewd comment about how theyd like to give richard and judy's daughter "one" while they searched my bag.

interesting how these draconian powers were put in a bill put in ONE YEAR b4 9/11 even happened,

anyways, im out this country after uni, and a lil money saved up. i'll leave ya'll to the id card and biometric data on file, and maybe you dont get hassled as much as me by police, but im sick of it.

also, anyone ever notice just how many damn cameras there are in euston mainland station? also outside, in the bit where the outdoors starbucks and other stalls are? big bro's dream come true

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 05:46 AM

Originally posted by mashup
I'm surprised no one has started a thread about this, unless there is already one, for which I apologise if there is.

1-Anyway, recently Tony Blair has tried to pass a new law to keep suspected terroists for a maximum of 90 days without trial. It was over ruled by Labour back benchers (his own party).

We all knew this would happen and the next attack on us they'll get it through.

Originally posted by mashup
2-Also, there are plans for extra security at train stations, including baggage checks or body scanners similar to those in that Arnold Schawaneggar (sp?) "Total Recall" (the bit he walks through the x-ray scan). And a lot more CCTV cameras as well.

Yeah but CCTV is going to cover every inch of everywhere soon. They already do it in my College and all the Schools in my area are slowly introducing them. In some respects it is a good thing.

Originally posted by mashup
3-There is preparations to bring back British troops from the middle east which would mean more soldiers in Britain.

I'd not worry too much about this. If they wanted a lot of our troops back to help bring about some form of Martial Law they'd bring the thousands back over from Germany.

posted on Nov, 16 2005 @ 02:15 PM
Well in Operation Telic (the latest Gulf War) there were 40,000 military personnel involved. Also, they do have a lot soldiers stationed around the world- Norway, Kosovo, Brunei, Borneo, the places are endless.

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